Fortunately, the Main Line is at Hogwarts

Chapter 247: guess

"Fortunately, the main line is at Hogwarts ( to find the latest chapter!



As the elevator door was silently closed, an icy breath spread to several people in an instant.

The elevator in the hospital will always give people this cold feeling, and in this empty hospital, this feeling is even more exuberant.

The mechanical gears and slings run and rotate silently above, and the slight pressure brought by the sinking of the elevator makes the ears of several people hum.

It also increased their inner pressure.

Weird, too weird!

Not only Jessica felt that way, Liam and Nancy actually felt the same way. In fact, if the one who came out just now was not a nurse, but some terrifying monster, they would definitely run away.

Fortunately, it is human.

But this still does not explain why it feels so strange here.


Liam cleared his throat and asked suddenly.

"Uh, this lady nurse..."

"You can call me Mary, I am Nurse Mary."

She didn't look back, put her hand on the cold push bed handle, looked at the elevator door in front and said.

"Okay, okay Nurse Mary."

"May I ask, why are there so few people in the hospital, it looks... so deserted."

"Should the hospital be very lively?"

Mary asked rhetorically.

Liam was choked. Fortunately, Mary didn't seem to insist on arguing her, she smiled and explained again.

"Who makes our town less populous?"

Nodding, Liam seemed to accept the explanation.

But he didn't actually have it in his heart.

"Uh, Nurse Mary."

"This hospital, is there any... haunted rumors?"

Yes, Liam also thought it was weird here, but Franny and others were in a bad state, but they had to stay, first the mutant creatures, and then Charles who claimed to be a magician.

He had to accept that the world seemed a little different from what he imagined.

Although this is difficult to accept, Liam actually learns very quickly. If he doesn't, he has already learned and used, and he associates the empty hospital here with ghosts.

If it was before, he would definitely not think so much.

And his thinking seems to be very correct. The hospital always reminds people of ghosts or something.

Don't say it was him, even Madison looked at Charles subconsciously when he heard this.

But Nurse Mary chuckled.


"of course!"

The faces of Jessica and others went stiff, but before they were waiting, Nurse Mary said again.

"There is no haunted legend in any hospital."

"But how can there be ghosts in the world."

Mary shook her head.

"I have worked in the hospital for 23 years, and I have indeed encountered many strange phenomena, but I think it's just that humans cannot explain it for the time being, it's not.."

"You know."

"So, even if there are rumors of haunting, you don't need to worry."

She finally turned her head, her mean face seemed to have a soothing smile, but her face was so bad, this smile did not sooth, but made a few people think that she was laughing at them, so big People, they still believe in such a thing.

Okay, how did she become the head nurse.

Sure enough, because there are too few staff?

Although her appearance was harsh, Nurse Mary's answer was quite satisfactory, without any strangeness, which also made Jessica and others relieved a little.

But Charles smiled.

Because Nurse Mary's thinking was so active that it was even hard for him not to use her mind to detect it, so Charles saw her inside at this moment.

She thought so.

How come there are ghosts, we are more terrible than ghosts!


Nurse Mary was already crazy, in a semi-crazy state, that's why her thinking was so active, even if Charles used the mind to stare into her eyes, she didn't feel anything.

Normal people will definitely notice the abnormality.

But she is not a normal person.

Sure enough, this is an interesting hospital, but not suitable for Shire.

Seeing the role played by Mary, he already knew the plot here. Fortunately, there was a plot, but unfortunately it was not the plot he wanted.

Then end it all quickly.



The elevator door opened, and a group of people came to the second basement floor.

Liam no longer wanted to wonder why he had to go to the second basement floor for surgery. Shouldn't the ward be on the ground? But this hospital was strange enough, and they didn't want to think about so many questions.

Nurse Mary pushed Franny's push bed ahead, while Liam and Nancy pushed the heavier Joseph.

Charles and Madison moved to the left, and Jessica was last.

And those who walk in the end tend to see some...

"what is that?"

Jessica suddenly saw a very strange patient in the wards on both sides, but they were walking too fast, so they just passed by in a flash.

She didn't see exactly what it was, but instinctively, she felt something was wrong.

Jessica hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should look back, because if she left behind at this time, she would be absolutely dead in a horror movie.

How could she make such a mistake. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

But people's curiosity is very strange, the more curious, the more they will try.

Instinctively, she slowed down, and when she wanted to stop a few people to wait for her, when she went back and took a look, Jessica realized that she had fallen behind.

"Damn it..."

Jessica suddenly got a little creepy.

But after all, she was the one who dared to kill back to the lair of mutant creatures alone, and realized that she was left behind, her first reaction was that she could go back and have a look.

Anyway, it was just left behind. They were anxious and rushed to send Franny into the operating room, so it was nothing.

So comforting herself, Jessica turned and walked back. She slowly, slowly, walked to the ward that seemed a little strange to her.

Taking a deep breath, she looked at it.

But still can't see clearly.

There was only a narrow part of the glass on the ward, which was still foggy glass. She saw many red lines in a blur, like a net.

She pressed the handle with her hand and found that the door was unlocked.

So after a little hesitation, she knocked on the door lightly and said in a low voice.

"anyone there?"

No one answered.

"anyone there?"

She asked again.

"If there is no one, I will go in..."

Still no one answered, Jessica took a deep breath again, slowly pressed the handle, and pushed the door open, a little bit, very carefully, as if this way, her arrival would not be noticed.

Slowly, the door opened.

The door was still quiet inside, which gave Jessica a little confidence and a sense of security, so she speeded up a bit, and the door was pushed halfway open immediately, allowing her to clearly see the situation in the room.

Then, she immediately took a breath.

"Oh, God!"

She exclaimed.