Fortunately, the Main Line is at Hogwarts

Chapter 261: join as a partner

Charles has a map of the New World, but there are tens of thousands of small towns in the United States. There are many places in the United States except for the locals. Others do not even know the existence of small towns. They will not be marked on the map, let alone the name of the town. .

Therefore, the names of the small towns on the map are missing a large area, often just draw a dot on the map to mark that there is a small town, a highway hotel, a gas station, etc., and it's done.

Charles also couldn't remake the map through the Pendant Basin, because the map changed randomly every time, but the major locations did not change much, so he could make markers.

For example, the key areas of Crystal Lake, Meijing Town, Prosperity Town, Fairy Tale Town, Banshee Town, Santa Mira Town, Castle Rock Town, Elm Street, Chester Mill Town, Hawkins Town, Twin Peaks Town, Silence Ridge Town, Fengkou Town, Port Bluff Town, River Valley Town, Woodsburg Town, Xiangbai Creek Town and so on.

Madison: It's really poisonous!

As for other unimportant plots, such as the chaotic hospital Horror series and the Blocking Ogre series, the location will change randomly.

Charles looked at the map, taking Pennsylvania as the center point. The nearest core plot town should be Beacon Hill near Boston Common in Massachusetts, where the plot of the young wolf is located.

And to the east is Maine, one of the three small towns at the heart of Stephen King’s plot, Castle Rock, and to the west is Hawkins, Indiana, where the plot of Weird Story lies.

These are the key plots in the sub-line and will not change randomly. Charles still remembers it clearly and can also be marked on the map.

His line is based on this.

But it's like fatal corners, goose bumps, and sub-lines among all kinds of messy sub-lines, and there is no answer on the map.

For example, if this highway continues to drive, it is indeed possible to pass a small town. Its mark on the map is actually an unnamed town. Charles does not go there personally, nor can he be sure of the plot there.

Fortunately, David's name of Eden and his and his wife's names as clues were enough for Charles to match his destination with the plot in his mind.

.. This is not a good thing.

At least for David and his wife.

"That's my hometown."

David said cheerfully.

"There is a large cornfield. When the harvest is good, you can often see children making noise in it."

"There is also a beautiful lake called Lake Eden. The name of the town is derived from the lake."

Speaking of his hometown, David seemed very happy.

"I am a writer, and I need to change my life environment frequently to inspire my inspiration. I think I haven't returned to my hometown for a long time, and I haven't brought Amy, so I plan to come back and live for a while."

There was a gentle smile on his face.

Hearing nagging narration, Madison’s face on the co-pilot became more and more weird. Fortunately, David and Amy seemed to be immersed in the fast-paced New York, the first time they came to the country. Pay attention to this.

Charles's smile was still pretty standard.

"Sounds great."

He said.

"But have you ever thought that perhaps, after so many years away from home, your hometown, your small town, some changes have taken place?"


David was stunned for a moment. It seemed he didn't expect Charles to ask such a question, but then he laughed.

"Of course it will change."

He smiled.

"It has been getting better and better. Over the years, I can only get news from my hometown through the newspaper, but the good news that it brings is enough to make me happy."

"It's developing very well."

"That's awesome."

Charles said with a smile.

"Why don't you stay for a while."

David said suddenly.

"Even if it's a road trip, you can't waste all of your time in the car, find a comfortable hotel, and rest for a week. Anyway, your vacation is more than a month."

Charles smiled without answering.

The plot of the town is very rich, Eden Lake, the children in the cornfield, the straw dog, who can kill the children, but the plot is also very boring, unless some other plots are merged, otherwise there will be no supernatural powers in the whole process.

The only terrible thing is human nature and human heart.

He is not interested.

However, Charles noticed that Madison's face next to him seemed a little moved.

David didn't say much either. When we met by the water, the words just stopped.


But at this moment, there was another whistle sound, and the two families went along the road and saw another classic Skoda car rushing in on the side of the road, and inside was a young couple sitting.

Of course, they are older than Charles and Madison, but not as good as the Davids.

Charles showed a smile, very good, and there are three couples.

Not surprisingly, David and his wife corresponded to the Straw Dog plot, and the ending was not very good. The new couple corresponded to the Eden plot. The ending is also not very good. As for him and Madison will be I'm not sure what happened.


The new couples are also very talkative. They can tell at a glance that David and Charles are chatting on the highway, so they didn't think much about it after speeding up, and joined them.

"Are you going to vacation in Edentown?"

"We are on a road trip and may stay for a while."

Charles leaned Madison on his shoulder and replied loudly.

David, who was further away, also took a hand from the steering wheel and made an ok gesture.

The man among the new couple laughed.

"That's a coincidence, and so are we."

"I heard that Lake Eden is beautiful. We lost our camping."

"This is Steve and she is Jenny."

"I am Charles and he is David."

Steve's pair of David, who came from the left, was on the right, and Shire's impala was in the middle, so he helped the two groups pass the message by the way.

The two newcomers Steve quickly merged in, and the chat room changed from two families to three families.

Americans are actually very talkative. If you meet like-minded partners, obviously, the people on road trips are almost the same. Camping, vacationing, etc. are all to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Naturally, there is not much separation when talking.

But one prerequisite is also very important, that is, you can't be a weirdo.

Of course, if Charles and Madison look weird, the two couples of David and Steve will not come up to talk.

During the chat, time flies quickly, and the road seems to be much shorter. Soon, most of the road to Eden Town is completed.

As the noon sun gradually fell, the three cars ran faster and faster on the dusty highway, toward the children full of excitement, beauty and simplicity.

Eden Town.