Fortunately, the Main Line is at Hogwarts

Chapter 267: Children (below)

The red line circling forward in a zigzag way, outlined on the surface of the cracks between the bricks on the ground, and a route emerged, just like a child's wanton graffiti on a crayon drawing.

"Fields of corn."

Charles discerned the direction of the route, and he looked up outside the dark town, which was the direction of the cornfield.


Janice had always known that the cornfield outside the town seemed to be home to a group of street children. This was what her father told her, but she didn't take it seriously.

After all, it has nothing to do with her.

And adults have a natural affection for children, in other words, natural defenselessness, they will think that children are just children after all, and they can't do anything.

That's what Janice thought.

She wasn't stupid yet. After being kidnapped, looking at the kidnapper's short stature and thinking about the surrounding environment, she realized that the group of children might have done it.

Janice thinks these guys are a little bold, which is beyond the scope of ordinary pranks.

But they still didn't care, because it was far worse than Henry and their pranks back then. They stripped out the people who were not pleasing to the eye in the school and tied them to the scarecrow boom all night.

Henry is now the straw dog, the group of people who did not leave the town after graduation and did not find a job.

So Janice just thought these children were bold, but didn't think much.

After being tied up, Janice was asked to make a phone call. She didn't know who was the phone, but just called out the words "Help me" according to the other party's request.

She guessed that this group of children still wanted to deceive someone.

At this time, Janice had already discovered something was wrong, but she still didn't want to believe how terrifying things a group of children could do.

She just wanted to finish things early and leave early.

She still wants to see Niels.

But after the phone call, the other party did not let her go, but continued to lock her here, Janice's heart became more and more disturbed.

She yelled out of her composure and moved out of her father, hoping that the other party would retreat when he saw the difficulties, but...

Something is wrong.


The wooden door was pushed open again, and this time more than one person rushed in, but several half-old children in dirty cloaks.

"What are you going to do!"

Janice panicked.

Any woman will panic when she sees such a scene.

The bear kids didn't do anything. They grabbed Janice, dragged her outside, tied her to a suspender with a rope, and then erected the suspender.


As the boom was erected, the surrounding flames rose instantly, clusters of torches burned in the cornfield, and piles of flames burned in every corner.

It's like a grand bonfire party.

Janice panicked completely.

"Let me down!"

She screamed.

"Do you know what you are doing!"

No one answered her, the following group of children were busy and seemed to be very organized.

Janice restrained her panic, looked around, and under the light of the fire, the cornfield was red, and countless bonfires outlined countless strange lines in the cornfield.

They are intertwined, like a...flaming red circle.

Janice suddenly noticed that there was another person next to her. It was a woman she hadn't seen. There were not many people in the town. Even if she didn't know each other, she still had a familiar face.

This is definitely a stranger.

But what shocked her more than the fact of a stranger was that the woman was covered with blood and there were many small wounds on her body. The injuries were not serious, but it made her look extremely embarrassed.

Janice's heart sank, and she felt that she was in big trouble.


A ritual to communicate with demons.

The young man has two tricks.

Charles stood in the cornfield, and the phantom spell made him blend in with his surroundings like a chameleon, erratic like a ghost, he silently watched the group of children busy.

This is not the story of a cornfield kid, although it takes place in a cornfield.

Because of the original plot, these children do not have the ability to relate to the devil.

If you have to say that the plot is similar to anything, it's like Megan Fox's body.

And Janice is poor Jennifer.

Why do you still need people from outsiders as part of the ceremony, and you have to be yourself, Charles is not sure, there are many conceptual things in the ceremony.

Such as the kind people, the brave people, the despicable souls, the tears of the sad people, and so on.

These are conceptual. He and Steve's girlfriend Jenny meet certain conditions.

Yes, Charles can see clearly that there are two people caught by these bear kids, one is Janice who is calling, and the other is Steve, a young couple who should be camping in Lake Eden. He Girlfriend Jenny.

Both of them are not in good condition. Although there is nothing major, they seem to be frightened a lot.

Xiaer silently crossed the bonfire and came to the children's vicinity. He stood behind the two tallest figures, who seemed to be the leaders of this group of children.

"Will he come?"

One of them asked.

"He's back."

The other person replied.


What happened to the sudden change of painting style.

"Two foreigners, this time they will definitely succeed."


Charles heard the keyword, and it seemed that this was the reason they searched for themselves and caught Jenny. Neither he nor Jenny were from the small town.

David and Amy are actually in a small town in the strict sense, because this is David's hometown, and he hasn't come back for more than ten years.

He and Madison, Steve and Jenny, are the real outsiders.

Oh yes, there are those hippies.

With this keyword, Charles began to recall all kinds of magic related to outsiders, but after thinking about it, he found that none of them seemed to correspond to the magic ritual in front of him.

So what the **** is this.

Is this really a magic ritual, can it really succeed?

Charles also secretly observed whether there was a demon attached to someone, but found that they were all ordinary children, and there was no trace of a demon.

"He hasn't come yet, will he not be able to find it, let our people pick it up."

Looking at his watch, the kid said again at first.

"No need."

The other child's answer is still brief.

Hey, Charles smiled, he likes to say that the same boy juice.

Taking out the wand, he silently aimed at the two people in front of him.

The next moment as he puts away his wand, the person in front has already shouted.

"All right!"

"Raise the pole."

The children around were a little stunned. They naturally knew that the last boom was prepared for the last outsider, but now they have not been caught, so why...

"Raise the pole!"

The older child shouted again.

Because in his eyes, Charles had been caught and successfully tied to the boom.

"Don't understand me!"

He was very angry.

And obviously, he is very powerful in the children, after a few roars, even if the children are still full of confusion, they still get busy quickly.

Lift the rod.

The ceremony begins.