Fortunately, the Main Line is at Hogwarts

Chapter 269: How to come true (2)



The earth is beating, like breathing, like a beast's throat, rough, surging, with a hideous and terrifying vitality, Janice's heart is also beating, ups and downs with the vein of breathing.

Janice saw the original in her eyes.

The earth is breathing.

This is a mysterious sight she has never seen in her life. The crisp corn stalks in the cornfield seem to have become hairs on the skin, densely packed and trembling, the earth is connected to the end of the sky, they are rolling like waves. , As if this planet is alive.

Janice's face was pale.

She was terrified.

Originally, she thought she had run into a bunch of lunatics, just like Salem back then.

But obviously this kind of situation beyond her imagination is obviously on the surface, they are not only a group of lunatics, but also a group of lunatics with mysterious supernatural powers.

There was unconcealable fear in Janice's eyes.

"Dad! Daddy!"

She was crying on the boom.

In the small town, countless people wake up from their sleep.

"what's happenin?!"

"Is it an earthquake?"

"I feel the ground trembling."

The sleeping Deputy Sheriff also woke up from his sleep. He heard all kinds of noises coming from outside the house, and there seemed to be a certain abnormal silence and a sense of death in the air. Years of experience in handling cases made him aware To.

Something unusual seems to have happened tonight.

Worthy of being a veteran for many years, Lysas was very alert, he put on a piece of clothing casually, and took the gun off the wall.

After walking around in the living room, he walked up to the attic and knocked on Janice's door.

"Are you awake?"

He asked his daughter in a low voice.

But then his face changed, because the door of the room was not locked, it was just concealed. A bad idea appeared in his mind, and sure enough, when he opened the door of the room, Lysus found that his daughter was not there at all. In the room.

She sneaked out!





Charles felt himself standing on the waves of the sea.

Surrounded by the shouts of these wild children, most of their voices are in a voice changer, reverberating in this cornfield, seeming to have a peculiar rhythm and piercing sharpness.

As the whole world seemed to be spinning around the world, Charles even felt dizziness in his ears and in front of his eyes.

His heart was also secretly surprised.

At first, he thought that this group of children was related to demons. This guess was reasonable. After all, most of the plots of demons lurking in the town could be mixed in.

And these plots all show the dark side of human nature, which is more suitable for its play.

So Charles believed that this magic circle might also be used to summon demons and communicate with hell.

But obviously, this is obviously not.

A single demon can't make such a big noise.

"Corn, flames, the earth breathes."

"Burning, mill, outlander!"




Listening to the roar coming from his ear, Charles felt a little pain in his head.

He felt that all this was a little inexplicable, but he couldn't remember that there was such a magic ritual in the game? So many game archives come across a new plot here.

This is really lucky.

Although he hadn't seen it, Charles, who had a lot of magic knowledge, knew exactly what he should do.

The first thing to do is to not let the ceremony succeed.

He has memorized the ritual, and it is in his memory. If you are curious, you can re-enact it, but you must not rush into a battle with unknown creatures without preparation.

There are two kinds of wizards, prepared wizards and unprepared wizards, both in the magic circle.

Charles tapped himself with his magic wand, and suddenly, a burst of eggshells shattered, and the cooling sensation from head to toe fell one after another, and he lifted his phantom spell.

"Children, it's no good if you don't go home at half past two in the morning."

"do you know."

These wild children were looking around with enthusiasm. At first they heard voices coming from them, their expressions were still blank, and they looked around before they saw Charles standing by the campfire.

The flame rose and burned, the fire snake spit out, the fire letter was flying in the night, and Shire seemed to be standing in a flame, and his figure appeared occasionally.

"you are.."

Child head Nat stared at Shire for a while, his expression a little confused.

"Boss, he is that foreigner!"

"Yes, boss, he is late!"

A child leaned in next to him.

Nat's head was even more dazed. He looked at Shire suspiciously, and then suddenly turned his head to look at the pole behind him. After a long pause, he shouted angrily.

"Catch him up for me!"

He didn't understand what was going on, but when he looked back, the sky above the pole was empty, and he immediately became angry.

I can’t go wrong tonight. Outsiders are very popular. It’s rare to see so many people at one time. I missed the opportunity. I don’t know how long to wait next time.

Janice above did not see Shire at first, she was crying with tears and her nose. This terrifying mystery indeed frightened the little girl.

But as the riots below began, she also recognized Shire.

She didn't have much contact with Charles, only met once at David's family gathering.

But the impression is still quite deep, is a handsome little white face.

She is not Nat. In her eyes, Shire was not on the pole from the beginning to the end. She just thought Shire had just rushed over, and although she knew that Shire was only one person, it might not be the opponent of these children. But she still shouted with a glimmer of hope.

"help me!"

"help me!"

She shouted.

Charles looked at her from below.

He seemed to say something to her, but the distance was too far, she couldn't hear it at all, and the chaos of the night made her feel dizzy.

What's amazing is that at this moment, she seemed to see Charles's mouth clearly. After such a long distance, she seemed to hear Charles whispering clearly in her ears.

"Don't worry, it will be fine."

At this moment, Janice felt her heart beating more violently.

More violent than the surging of the The children rushed towards Shire.

The children played GG.

Although they are only a group of half-year-old children, if they start their hands, they are actually not weak.

Half-year-old children are already comparable to adults, and there are more of them. The most important thing is that they have a natural advantage. Generally, unless they are extremely evil, most people will hesitate when they deal with children.

It's a pity that they ran into Charles.

The human sea tactics are incomprehensible to most people, but Charles is not only proficient in magic, but also the messy fighting skills.

If it's a group of adults, maybe Shire will be useless even if he knows fighting skills. After all, this is not the Super British Universe, nor is it the Special Agent Universe, and it can't produce the special effects of a punch and three meters.

But if it's just a group of half-old children, that's okay.