Fortunately, the Main Line is at Hogwarts

Chapter 87: Halloween Party (Part 1)

   The stairs on the fourth floor are still moving annoyingly, seeming to enjoy this way of playing with students.

When    walked here, Shire jumped down from it and cast a floating spell on himself when he was about to land.

   After landing, he knocked on the wall next to him, and a hidden door appeared. After passing through this door, Charles instantly arrived at the Ravenclaw Observatory on the other side of the castle, the curse classroom.

   No matter what happened yesterday, today, the magic lesson will continue.

  Although Hermione can single-handedly challenge a group of dwarfs in Wonderland, Charles even blows up half a small town in the New World without knowing it.

   But they still have to come back to class.

   and I learned the most basic floating spell.

   "Yugadim Leviosa!"

   Flivy floated the surrounding textbooks and fixed them in the air as a demonstration to the little wizards.

   There was a neat repetition in the classroom, of course, there was some ambiguity, jagged, and even the phonetic not correct, trying to catch fish in troubled waters.

   Charles clicked the magic wand a little boringly, and the feather in front of him suddenly floated. It was suspended at a moderate height that was neither high nor low.

   This scene was immediately seen by Professor Flivy.

   "Good job! Mr. Diemo!"

   Professor Flitwick said in his shrill voice.

   "Slytherin plus five points!"

   The previous senior Ravenclaw girl had recovered and was discharged from the hospital. She did not suffer any serious injuries, but just and precisely lost the memory of that night.

   This did not affect her continued life, nor did it cause irreversible spell damage.

   So this matter has not been studied by the school, perhaps in the eyes of the wizards, it seems that the loss of a night's memory or something is not worth the fuss at all.

   Seeing that the Shire gets extra points, Gore and Crabbe, the two idiots, gave applause without hesitation, and several other Slytherin freshmen nearby also raised their heads proudly.

  Draco was quite calm, because he knew the level of Shire's magic well.

   Charles has been re-accepted by the freshmen of Slytherin.. In addition to a part of the fist factor, another major factor is his superb magic skills and the ability to always earn points for the academy.

   Generally speaking, he and Hermione Granger divided up the extra points in the class.

   But Charles looked a little sad and listless.

   Because of what happened yesterday, the Shire is still affected somewhat.

   This makes him look a little absent-minded.

   Draco, who has already understood Shire's habits very well, is very curious, but he asks questions without any curiosity. This is all his experience summed up in blood and tears.

  The curse class is over soon.

  The absent-minded Charles was distracted, and he didn't even realize that there seemed to be something missing around him until he had been sitting in the library all afternoon.

   Where is Hermione?

   He took out the magic notebook, and then as soon as he opened the notebook, Shire saw the dense, half-page message written by Hermione to him.

   At this moment, he once again remembered the fear of being dominated by Cha Gang.

  . . .

   A long, long time ago, on the other side of the Pacific, there were two happy wizards, one named Draco and the other named Charles.

   They live happily in the Light Bar in New York. Every night, they will walk to the stage and use magic to show off the cute girls.

   The girls are very enthusiastic, and they never let these enthusiastic girls go home disappointed.

   Days just passed by day by day, happy and happy.

   They never thought that coming to New York to attend college would be such a pleasant thing.

   Until, that day comes.

   Those are 20 missed calls and 30 text messages on the phone!

   also, the beginning of all stories.

  . . .


   Charles shook his head vigorously, and tossed the fairy tale narration in his head aside.

   Bad luck, too bad luck.

   This is not to blame him, because this is a half-page magic notebook, it is too much like he turned on the phone and found twenty Hermione missed calls.

   "May the Lord bless me."

   Charles quickly drew a cross in front of him, and started reading with his head down.

   But looking at it, he frowned.

   "Charle, am I really bad? I am obviously not malicious."

   "They gave me the nickname Miss Wanshitong! I hate this nickname! From elementary school! Here!"

   "I'm really that bad? They all said that I have no friends, my only friend, or a Slytherin, that is you."

   "Sorry Charles, I just... I want to be quiet."


   Charles closed the notebook.

   was not the one who cried, made trouble, and hanged himself. In fact, seeing this, he could easily guess what happened.

   Naturally, Hermione was squeezed out, hiding in the toilet and crying, and then just in time for the troll invasion.

  In other words, before you know it, has it arrived at the Halloween dinner.

   With a wave of the magic wand, the magic books on the table returned to their Pins didn't notice this scene, otherwise she would definitely scream to take care of the books again.

   Charles took back the good things and left the library.

  Walking down the corridor, the festive atmosphere around is indeed much stronger than before. Some Christmas-colored trinkets seem to be hung on the armor, and a pumpkin head pops up out of thin air in the corridor from time to time.

   In the auditorium, the Christmas atmosphere is even more intense, with candles wrapped in pumpkin heads, like stars gleaming above the auditorium.

   The table is full of Christmas specialties, roast chicken, roast goose, all kinds of fragrant meat and small cakes, no longer pumpkin juice, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cake such sweet and greasy things.

   Several huge Christmas trees stand around the auditorium, and from time to time there are gifts falling from above. There are some first- and second-year little wizards from Hufflepuff College waiting around them. They are waiting for the gifts to fall.

   Basically every ten seconds, some gift boxes will fall down, and these little wizards will continue below. Whenever they catch a gift box, they will cheer.

   After the box fell, it quickly re-grown one in its original position, and then continued to fall... as if there would never be a rest day.

   Open the gift box, you will find that there are some unique candies inside.

   Dumbledore shouldn't have taken out all his private rooms.

   I hope no little wizard will find a box of lively cockroaches inside after opening the gift.

   Charles thought maliciously, his gaze swept across Gryffindor's long table, and sure enough, Hermione was not there, and Harry and Neville were surrounding Ron not knowing what to say.

  With a slight turn, Charles walked to the Slytherin table.