Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 35: One more!

Lin Qingyin looked at Zhang Simiao's look of fear and despair, dragged her with her left hand behind her, and swiped aura with her right hand to start the formation.

The driver relied on the deserted area and even ignored the cover. He rushed towards the three people with the knife, but he just ran two steps and suddenly felt his eyes flash, and then looked at the three people who were originally five or six meters away. Sometime around, some big men with machetes came and surrounded him.

The driver felt a little guilty, and the thief looked around, suddenly rushed toward the weakest person with a knife...

Zhang Simiao was blocked by Lin Qingyin, she watched the driver rushing over with a knife, her nervous heart was about to jump out, and it was just a few meters away before she came to the front, and the driver stopped suddenly, clenching her hand tightly The knife turned around and suddenly ran next to his car, stabbing at the door fiercely.

After stabbing a few knives in a row, the tip of the sharp knife was slightly bent, and the driver lowered his head and pulled out a baseball stick and a machete from under the seat of the cab. Because of the excessive movement, a thick hemp rope was pulled out.

Zhang Simiao looked at what the driver hid under the seat and shivered in horror, but looked at Lin Qingyin but looked good, and looked very much looking forward to it.

The driver took the baseball bat in his hand and smashed it into his car. He watched the windows shattered and the car body had more pits.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Simiao was somewhat overwhelmed by the reaction: "Is he a lunatic?" Recalling that the driver's makeup and all kinds of routines, she is not like what a mentally ill person does.

Fat Wang looked at this car and was about to be scrapped by him. He couldn't help but wonder: "Little Master, what kind of formation is this that can make him crazy like this."

"Isn't crazy, wouldn't it escape legal sanctions?" Lin Qingyin said lightly: "This is just a phantom!"

Although Wang Fatzi often sees that Lin Qingyin uses stone to form an array, but it is all about driving a mosquito and adjusting the temperature. This is the first time such an array of people has also created illusions.

Fatty Wang said excitedly: "Master, can you teach me this formation!"

Lin Qingyin glanced at him: "Yes, but first of all, you need to be able to put thirty-eight stones in the corresponding position within half a minute, each position can't be worse than one millimeter."

Wang Fatzi suddenly wilted: "It's too difficult, I still put that array to adjust the temperature. But Master Master, your eyesight and wrist strength are too accurate, I sometimes take the ruler at home every day and sometimes it is wrong."

Lin Qingyin tipped his toes and patted his shoulder: "It's okay, this is all practiced."

When Wang Fatzi thought of Lin Qingyin's age, he suddenly felt confident. Even if Lin Qingyin had only been practicing since he was six or seven years old, it would be worthwhile if he mastered this skill in ten years.

Looking at Wang Fatzi and hitting chicken blood, Lin Qingyin's mouth smiled without breaking his hope. Taking out his mobile phone and glancing at the time, Lin Qingyin motioned Wang Fatty: "Almost, let's call the police. He has to sentence him for a few years."

Fatty Wang took out his mobile phone and thought about it: "This attempt is hard to tell. I read the news that some indecent other people were detained for several days."

Lin Qingyin touched his chin: "If something is wrong, you will be sentenced again, wouldn't it be cheaper for him!"

"It's just too cheap for him." Wang Fatzi pointed to the machete in the driver's hand, the baseball bat, the sharp knife, and the rope on the ground: "This is obviously to premeditate crime. Master, can you tell that he is suffering. What excites me?"

Lin Qingyin sneered: "On the face of him, he has recently been entangled in lawsuits, marital cracks, and unstable careers."

"He co-authored this to come out to retaliate against society!" Wang Fatzi looked around the surrounding environment: "Don't say that the wilderness and the wilderness in this wilderness are raining down again. It's really hard to lock a criminal suspect in this, Yu Yi Chong may have no clue."

Zhang Simiao was a bit dazed after listening to the conversation between the two. He wanted to ask questions but didn't know what to ask. When he heard the clue, he couldn't help but say: "Is there a license plate number? You should be able to find someone along the license plate number. Yes. The roads near our school are monitored."

Wang Fatzi twitched and looked at Zhang Simiao with a smile: "Little girl, you certainly don't know about this." Looking at Zhang Simiao's blank expression, Wang Fatzi kindly explained: "The deck is fake The license plate doesn't even fall short of his personal information. In addition, the urban area has monitoring, but there are more than a dozen new roads coming out of the urban area, and the monitoring is not safe, even if the police car comes out, I don't know where to go. Which direction is looking for you." He looked at the things on the ground and shook his head twice. "I watched him prepare these things for the murderous."

Zhang Smiao's scared face was pale, and he dared not say a word. Lin Qingyin nodded his head and echoed the sentence: "His eyebrows are indeed murderous." Lin Qingyin raised his arms and murmured: "It is too cheap to let the police take him away for a few days before releasing them. Now."

Wang Fatzi nodded vigorously: "This kind of person must get some lessons, otherwise the bad luck next time may not have such good luck as the little girl."

Lin Qingyin took another stone out of the bag: "In this case, then give it to Heaven to judge."

Watching Lin Qingyin throwing out stones one by one, Wang Fatzi asked with some entanglement: "Master, please pick up the stones by the filial pie's river, you're carrying a bag every day! Not sinking! ?"

Lin Qingyin sighed heavily: "Although it is heavy but it doesn't cost money!"

These pebbles are naturally formed, and there are some natural auras in them. Although there is no way for others to practice, it is possible to put a common formation, that is, it costs a lot of stones, otherwise the aura will not work. Formation.

After throwing away all the stones, Lin Qingyin waved a reiki with his hand, and the driver's eyes flashed again. When he recovered, he found that there was nothing against him at all. Instead, he smashed his only assets. .

He originally planned to sell the car tomorrow to relieve the economic pressure of the embarrassment after a vote today, but now the car is destroyed!

"Ah!!!" The driver shouted with his head holding his head and turned his head to look at Lin Qingyin's eyes. They suddenly reddened: "You guys smashed my car!"

"Really!" Wang Fatzi raised his cell phone: "Fortunately, I recorded the video."

Lin Qingyin didn't even care about the driver. Her eyes kept staring at the dark sky outside the bridge hole. Suddenly she dragged Wang Fatzi and Zhang Simiao back a few steps at the same time: "Cover your ears, Tianlei is coming."

Fatty Wang quickly put the phone off and put it in his pocket: "Mother, it's going to thunder again."

Immediately, I saw two infants with the thickness of their arms falling from the sky, splitting them into the driver's body and the car that was nearly destroyed. Just listening to the bang, the roof was cracked by a big hole, and the whole body instantly blued with blue light, and the traces of thunder and lightning action could be seen with the naked eye. The driver who had just been split and was electrified by the car that was very close , Twitched and lay motionless on the ground.

Calm was restored under the bridge cave, and the rain was getting smaller. Wang Fatzi looked at the driver from afar, and hesitantly looked at Lin Qingyin: "Master, is he dead?"

Lin Qingyin shook his head: "He has no life on his hands and will not be hacked to death."


At this time, Zhang Simiao's father, Zhang Qiao, was looking crazy for his daughter, and the school was in a mess. The principal Wang Qingfeng, the teaching director Wang Hai, the class teacher Yu Chengze, and some teachers near the school were called. When they came out, they were all looking for Zhang Simiao.

Surveillance near the school showed that Zhang Simiao took a black car and drove all the way to the west. However, the west of the urban area was ten kilometers away from the county town. The government recently planned to transform it into a new area, but it was just halfway through construction. The road is complicated and complicated. There is no monitoring, and it is very difficult to find people under heavy rain.

Seeing the passage of time, one minute and one second, Zhang Qiao couldn't help crying, and it was an hour and a half since his daughter disappeared. An hour and a half is long and short is not short, if you want to harm a person, this time is enough.

Wang Qingfeng, who was sitting in the police car together, couldn't help but look at his hair desperately. The school recovered easily and calmly. Why did the student disappear after school!

After two hair cuts, Wang Qingfeng remembered Lin Qingyin suddenly. He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed while appeasing Zhang Qiao: "Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I'll find a master immediately, and I can calculate where Zhang Simiao is."

The policeman sitting in the co-pilot heard this sentence and couldn't help but looked back at Wang Qingfeng...

The principal is in a hurry!

The phone rang twice and was answered. When I heard Lin Qingyin, President Wang almost cried out: "Little Master..."

"Are you looking for Zhang Simiao?" Lin Qingyin guessed her purpose without waiting for the principal to speak: "Relax, I've got her out. Bring the police over, I'll send you a message on WeChat. By the way... "Li Qingyin hesitated: "By the way, call an ambulance!"

During the panic, Wang Qingfeng's mobile phone pressed the hands-free. All the people in the car heard Lin Qingyin's voice. The driving police quickly stepped on the brakes and waited for Wang Qingfeng's address.

When Zhang Qiao heard the call to call an ambulance, his brain made up his daughter's appearance in the pool of blood and burst into tears. Wang Qingfeng handed over the cell phone that had been sent to the co-pilot police, and comforted Zhang Qiao, who was sitting next to him: "Don’t think about the bad things first, maybe Simiao is scared and has a fever. And, save Simiao’s The man is a little master. She must have figured out this matter in advance. I think she will not let her accident if she rescued Simiao."

Zhang Qiao is like the person who is about to drown and caught the last straw. Only this point in his heart counts on: "What you said is true!"

"It must be true!" Wang Qingfeng wanted to give an example, but the school's affairs could not be said outside, especially in front of the police. When he was anxious, he habitually touched his hair again, and suddenly the light flashed: "Did you see my hair? I just took a look at both of them and didn’t lose them. Recently, I have grown a lot of new hair. Great?"

Looking at Zhang Qiao's dazed eyes, Wang Qingfeng proudly raised his chest: "The little master has treated me."

It turned out to be just a master of hair loss, Zhang Qiao's tears were even more fierce.