Four and a Half Years Old Prophet is Pampered by Ten Brothers

Chapter 1379: too much money

  Chapter 1379 Too much money

   "Brother Daniel, Lele will introduce someone to you today."

  Daniel, who had just come out of retreat, subconsciously refused.

   "Could it be another brother or brother?"

  Daniel is afraid of his younger sister’s group of brothers and senior brothers, even if there are too many, each of them is very powerful.

  Among so many people, he can bully Ye Yang. Mainly bullying each other in terms of height.

  Of course, he may be barely stronger than Andri, but he is really embarrassed to bully Andri's sheep-like character.

  Little cutie looked away guiltily.

  She wanted to introduce her cousin to the twelfth senior brother, but she didn't expect that they didn't meet formally, so her cousin was so repulsive.

   Sure enough, they are two people with similar attributes, so it is even more necessary to introduce them to each other.

  Little cutie pretended not to mention this matter, and looked at Daniel's works that had been closed for a long time.

  One is a jewelry design for the competition, which is a necklace. According to the layman's description of Little Cutie, this necklace is like a lake under the stars.

   "Beautiful! It's so beautiful!"

  Little cutie is short of words.

   Fortunately, Daniel doesn't mind, it would be nice to get compliments from his sister. As for those professional evaluations, of course, they must be left to professionals.

   "This year's competition just happened to be held here, and I can send the work directly to the organizing committee."

  Little cutie nodded, she doesn't understand jewelry anymore, as long as it is shiny, she likes it very much.

   What she cares about is another work of Daniel.

   "Is this dress for Lele?"

  She gestured for the size. Among the people Daniel knew, she seemed to be the only one who could wear this dress.

   But even if it wasn't given to her, she still wanted it. Who made her fall in love with this dress at the first glance.

   "Brother Daniel, your craftsmanship is awesome. There are not many designers in the world who can perfectly present inspiration like you. What's more, you only started designing clothes halfway through. You are simply a genius in this line of work."

  No one can refuse a cute rainbow fart.

   What's more, this skirt was originally designed for little cuties. Embarrassed by the praise, Daniel shoved the skirt into her hand, "Hurry up and change it."

  Little cutie is reluctant.

   "Lele is going out soon, what if it gets dirty or damaged?"

   She had a better idea in mind.

   "It's so beautiful and suitable for Lele. Of course, it should be worn at the celebration banquet after the decisive battle."

  Daniel didn't force it. Anyway, the skirt was made and given to his younger sister. When and on which occasions his younger sister would wear it was not up to him to decide.

   "What Armageddon? I have been designing at home recently, and I don't know anything. Have you encountered many dangers again?"

   Speaking of this, that handsome face like a statue reveals a trace of melancholy.

  Even if he is a famous jewelry designer and fashion designer. But in these respects, he was completely unable to provide any help to his sister.

   "Oh, it's all trivial, and Lele can solve it with a wave of his hand. What's more, Lele can be lazy. Leave the matter to the senior brother, and Xiao Zhuangzhuang, and Lele will hide behind and enjoy the blessing."

  Xiao Keai is confident and confident: "He who can't command the brothers reasonably, and who makes good use of the resources at hand is not a good leader."

  She is going to be a temple master in the future, so how can she not learn (lazy) Dafa?

  If she doesn’t know how to lead the team, she, the manager, will be the one who is exhausted in the end.

  Daniel deeply agrees.

   "Anyway, as long as you have nothing to do. Lele, you have to remember that you are still young, so you don't have to rush to take on certain responsibilities. What's more, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood if you stay in the green hills. You have to learn to accumulate strength."

  Little cutie looked at this cousin with a funny smile. He actually even learned the phrase 'If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of no firewood'.

   "Okay, okay, Lele knows. Lele has booked a seat in the restaurant. Would you like to go to dinner with Lele? Lele's treat is rare."

  Daniel: "I ask the same. I may not be able to help you in other areas, but remember to tell me if you are short of money. I don't have much else, but I still have a lot of money."

  As a well-known designer himself, he can sell a huge number of casual works. What's more, his parents run such a large company and underground forces abroad, and treat him like a child, giving him a lot of pocket money every month.

  He doesn't have any special hobbies, so the money can't be spent at all.

   "Lele, you can help me spend."

   "Okay, okay~ Leleke is good at spending money."

   But after thinking about it, it seems that there is no place to spend money recently. With enough food, clothing and shelter at home, I can still eat and drink everywhere every day.

   "Forget it, Lele still won't spend your money, but Lele can teach you how to invest."

  She led Daniel to the restaurant he was looking for, and chatted with him on the way to teach him how to manage money.

   "Brother Daniel, the money will get moldy if you don't use it, Lele will tell you..."

  Investment Direction 1: Invest in the workstations run by the fluffs themselves.

  Investment direction 2. There are several dramas that are about to start filming recently. She made a calculation and confirmed the list of actors. They don’t make trouble. The acting skills are online, and Qin Tiangao’s investment is sure to be popular. Daniel will definitely make money following the investment.

  Investment direction three, she intends to chain spirit houses, because the staff cost is almost negligible, and the net profit is very high, following the investment will definitely make money.

  Investment direction four, the scientific research association will hold an event recently and is attracting sponsors. Daniel can invest in his own name. Afterwards, the scientific research will inevitably introduce those contacts to Daniel. In the future, it will be very convenient whether the design works are sold to certain rich people or cooperated with certain companies.

   Guaranteed to complete the investment in this activity, and the financial resources will flow in the future.

  Investment direction five...

  Daniel seems to understand, but he still listens to his sister's suggestion. But a new problem came up again. If the investment made money, how would he spend the extra money?

  The two arrived at the hotel all the way, and were about to go down to the reserved box led by the waiter, when they saw a dispute in the lobby.

  The waiter stopped and smiled apologetically, "I'm really sorry, a guest came in just now, saw the appearance of another guest, and said that he was bloody... oops, maybe it was a joke."

   Could it be a colleague? Still a liar?

  Little cutie is still very interested, poking around.

   Soon, she heard a small whimper, and immediately got goosebumps.

   Immediately afterwards, she heard the sound of several guests gasping.

A middle-aged man panicked and said: "I just yelled at you. Are you a big man crying? Others saw it and thought I hit you. If you want to go to other places, you are not welcome here." .”

   Soon there was another young voice.

   "I didn't touch porcelain, and I didn't cry because you yelled at me. I was just a little excited, don't look at me, I won't cry later."

  But no one at the scene believed it. This has to be so emotional that you can cry when you are excited.

  (end of this chapter)