Four Skills for All

v2 Chapter 250: Royal Family Experience Volume

   Mo Xiu said the phrase ‘see you next time, I will definitely beat you’ on stage.

   Everyone in the room heard this sentence, and everyone in front of the TV also heard it.

   This means that Mo Xiu announced to the entire league that Yan had won this game, but I Mo Xiu did not win.

   It is very difficult to admit his failure, especially when the outcome is unknown.

   But Mo Xiu did it anyway. It was not how humble Mo Xiu was, but Mo Xiu needed a warning.

  , although it was not easy, it was smooth, and there were no obstacles to the growth of strength.

   The current situation is even more so, being watched by the people in the entire central region, it is simply a hero above the top.

   Although Mo Xiu is not overwhelmed, some slackness is unavoidable.

   Saying this sentence under the lens of the entire league is to give myself a warning, there are heaven and humans outside the sky, and you can't relax at any time.

   At the same time, I want to tell the people in the middle of the alliance that I am not invincible, but an excellent student. Mo Xiu wants to step down from the altar, so that he can truly ascend to the altar.

   The audience also dispersed in silence. This final was not as exciting as imagined, but it made people feel meaningful.

   Who won the game? How did you win?

   There are very few discussions on the Internet. Most of them are saying that Mo Xiu won the team competition, but lost his own victory.

   For a time, the entire network did not reach a climax because of the end of the school match, but instead talked about a cliff-like decline in popularity and talked about ending with the game, which is very strange.

   Mo Xiu's enthusiasm has also dropped, and there are sporadic discussions about Mo Xiu and Fan Yiqin's gossip.

   Some old drivers who have been on the Internet all year round can only lament Mo Xiu's influence.

   It was the first time that this kind of person who could freely control his own heat appeared. It suddenly rose. For a time, the heat was unmatched, and then suddenly fell silent. It was so strange.

   Yan Dazhong people are still very happy, after all, they won the championship, and the award ceremony was held directly after the competition.

   All the members came to the stage to receive the trophy and a letter. It seems that this letter is a reward.

After    everyone went to have a meal to celebrate, but Mo Xiu, who was the greatest hero, was always depressed.

   Royal family? It seems that it is really necessary to go to the royal family for some experience.

   After dinner, Mo Xiu was about to go to Mu Qingyi when he suddenly received a text message from Mu Qingyi.

   is a farewell text message. It turned out that the last game in the north had abstained and went straight back to the north.

   Mo Xiu shook his head and sighed, "Isn't there even the farewell this time?"

   Looking back at the entire match, the individual match was very exciting. Mo Xiu used his super strength and fighting spirit to defeat the seemingly unbeatable Bobo match.

   was supposed to be the highlight of the team competition, but it was calm and unremarkable.

   The three strongest players, Bobo Sai left the game, Kshatriya and Mo Xiu did not play in the first three games.

   The audience managed to get through to the last one. The duel between Mo Xiu and the Kshatriya master thought it would be a terrifying battle, but did not want to make an unclear ending.

   Not only the audience is uncomfortable, but also Faith College and Federal College.

   There are some gaps between these two schools and Yan University, but it cannot be said that there is no chance at all.

   But after being engaged by Popo Sai and Kshatriya, the competition for the championship was directly lost, and the two schools were also very aggrieved.

However, Yan University seemed to have a difficult and dangerous journey, and there were strong enemies everywhere, but due to the final surrender of Liu Ci of Wuhan University, the resignation of Bobo Sai and Fan Yiqin of the Federal College, and the attack of the Kshatriya of the Faith Academy regardless of the enemy and me, in the end, Admit defeat.

   Yan Da is basically to be sent to the championship position. Many people know it clearly and know that this is not something worth mentioning. Therefore, there is not much discussion about Yan Da's victory on the Internet.

   After dinner, Yang Qingzhuo and Mo Xiu said goodbye. After the game, there would be nothing to do in school, which is equivalent to a holiday, and she will go home to have a look.

   Mo Xiu returned to Genting Villa alone, and Zheng Yi greeted him as soon as he opened the door.

   "Mo Xiu, it's no big deal, but it's normal. You're only a freshman. If you think about it carefully, it's normal to have some gaps with the Kshatriya master."

   Mo Xiu smiled. I really care about this, but I didn't think too much about it. After all, I will become stronger in the future.

   It is Zheng Yi, this guy is not very smart, and his talent is not high, but he is the one who knows Mo Xiu best.

   As soon as he entered, he did not congratulate Mo Xiu for winning, but directly comforted him.

   Mo Xiu patted Zheng Yi on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, if you know me, you should know that I'm fine!"

   Zheng Yi asked: "You gave a herbal medicine to the individual competition. What is the reward for the team competition?"

   Mo Xiu just remembered the letter to the award.

   I opened it and read the above content. This reward is indeed very good. It seems that the alliance still has a system for cultivating outstanding personnel.

   Zheng Yi leaned in curiously, and Mo Xiu handed the letter to Zheng Yi. After reading it, he could not stop lying down.

   The content of the letter is probably that team members can study for an additional year after graduating from the senior year.

   This year, the best resources and the best teachers can be obtained.

  The simple explanation is that every time a school match is held, the three major parts of the league will allocate some resources for unified management, and these resources are unified for the use of the champions.

   During this year, no matter what herbs you need, no matter who you want to teach yourself, you can apply.

   Many resources got a lot of help, and the treatment this year is basically comparable to that of the royal family.

   But graduation is still a little far away for Mo Xiu, but for Qiao Yang and Liu Peixiong, it is a matter of immediate concern.

   Zheng Yi sighed: "This should be called the Royal Family Experience Volume."

   Mo Xiu said, "Don't say it, the metaphor is quite appropriate."

   Mo Xiu went back to the room with a few words of leisure. After a brief cleaning, he called Xiao Hong and prepared to take Xiao Fushun out to play.

   The past few days have been very busy, and there is no time to take Xiao Fushun out to play. Next step, Mo Xiu and Zheng Yi will also go home.

  Yang Qingzhuo is not there, Xiao Fushun is completely unattended, and the only person who can trust and know Xiao Fushun now is Xiao Hong. This time I will see if Xiao Hong can take care of Xiao Fushun for a period of time.

After    arrived, Xiaofu played with Sa Huan'er, and Mo Xiu and Xiao Hong were talking.

   "Xiao Hong, Yang Qingzhuo is back home, Zheng Yi and I are also going back to Shuncheng. There are some important things, Xiao Fushun has no one to take care of, you see..."

   Xiao Hong said nonchalantly: "Is it finally my turn to raise the child?"

   Mo Xiu was taken aback, these words are good, why do they sound so uncomfortable?

   is like a divorced couple who takes turns raising children?

   Mo Xiu said: "Then...Did you agree?"

   "Of course I agree!"

   "Where are you going to put Xiao Fushun? I want to see!"

   Xiao Hong turned to look at Mo Xiu and said, "You and I help, you still picked it up."