Four Skills for All

v2 Chapter 448: Tang Wanhua

It was late at night. Looking at the scenery outside the window, Mo Xiu suddenly had an idea, but he didn't know if it could be realized.

Nong Zhang said, "I'll look for it now."

Mo Xiu took out his pen and paper, wrote a paragraph and gave it to the Nong Zhang, saying: "If you see Yuan 9527, follow the instructions on the note."

Nong Zhang took the note and hurried out.

Bailey asked: "Mo Xiu, didn't you mean that the Nong Zhang is unstable? Why did you let him perform such a dangerous task?"

Mo Xiu was beside Bai Li and said, "Then what do you say? Nong Zhang is indeed unstable, but he is one of us. We live and perform tasks here. We can only rely on each other. Nong Zhang and What I said made me very touched. Even if he is warlike, he is still a member of the royal family. At least he knows what he can and can't do. Besides, things are suitable for him to do. There is no problem."

Bailey looked at Mo Xiu and nodded. Yeah, he couldn't get in touch with human beings. Even Wang Xi and Rongbang couldn't get in touch now. Only three people could rely on each other. Nong Zhang should be given more trust.

What Mo Xiu thought at first was that after the Nong Zhang had just been out for a few days, following the Nong Zhang, if there was anything he could immediately solve.

But now that I think about it, let's forget it. I have already decided to believe in the Nong Zhang, so trust it completely. There is no point in doing so.

Let's send a message.

"Pay attention to safety and contact immediately if there is any emergency."

Soon Nong Zhang replied.


Mo Xiu returned to the bedroom. At this time, the situation of the three people stabilized, and the first task was to contact Wang Xi.

As for Rongbang, Mo Xiu was not very worried, and it was difficult to get in touch.

Give it to Moxiu and Bailey during the day, and give it to Nong Zhang at night.

Mo Xiu picked up Don's diary and continued to watch.

"April 19th.

I don't know what kind of hatred humans and beasts have. Not long after the war ended, the beasts launched a third war.

Hey! We are going to be separated from Li Qing again. "

"September 20th.

The beast seemed to have found its advantage, aggressively attacking, and we retreated steadily. "

"October 30th.

Human beings use nuclear weapons for the first time. The thermal weapons previously used have limited damage to the beasts. On the contrary, some people took the opportunity to launch a coup. I wonder what the result of nuclear weapons this time was. "

"December 9th.

The result of nuclear weapons came out.

Inflicted large-scale damage to the beasts, but the defensive power of the beasts is amazing, and most of them have not died. According to the investigation, these beasts have mutated. It is not known whether the beasts will develop in a stronger direction or become weaker. "

"March 16th.

In the past few months, the human camp has relieved a lot of pressure by relying on the casualties caused by nuclear weapons.

But the news just came back that the result of nuclear weapons' mutations on beasts came out, and the combat effectiveness of beasts soared.

The human camp...may not be able to hold it anymore. "

"April 5th.

The human camp was completely defeated, and wild beasts rushed into human territory.

gone back! Everything returned to the original appearance of the mutation, only chaos. "

"April 7th.

I'm still on the front line, don't know what happened to Li Qing? I'm very entangled, should I be a deserter to rescue Li Qing? "

"April 8.

It's decided. Stay on the front line. Just talked to Li Qing on the phone. She is safe there. When I go back, she will look down on me too? "

"Li Qing is dead!"

"September 11.

I am a disciple. "

Seeing this, Mo Xiu closed the diary. The handwriting at the back was different from before. It should have been a long time since he continued to write. Mo Xiu did not look down.

Because Mo Xiu was also very sad, and felt the heartbreak of Tang Elder at the time.

That whole page, there were no other words, even the year, month and day, only four words, Li Qing was dead.

The font is a little distorted, and it seems to be trembling. What kind of mood is this written in?

Not only that, but Mo Xiu was very sad when he saw this passage. He thought of himself and Mu Qingyi. The current situation is similar to that of Tang Elder Li Qing at the time.

He was on the front line, and the beast was about to start a war. Mu Qingyi was far in the north, and the strength of the north might be breached. Mo Xiu went from worrying about Tang old to worrying about Mu Qingyi.

This section of the diary is the third time the beast has waged a war.

Not long after Tang Elder and Li Qing had been married, and they had not had a stable life for a while, Tang Elder had to go to the front again.

The war is as difficult as ever, and the real turning point is the use of nuclear weapons.

It was mentioned in the diary that the effect of human use of thermal weapons was not obvious before, and there was also the danger of a coup d’état.

It shows that at that time, the real controller of mankind was not supreme, and there were other people with real power.

After this use of nuclear weapons, there have been several turning points.

The first is that nuclear weapons are effective, causing casualties to beasts. The human side has benefited from this and relieved most of the pressure.

Then there was news that the beast had mutated, and I didn’t know in which direction it had mutated, making people panic.

Then, after the beast mutated, it became more fierce, launching a general attack on humans, and humans eventually lost or even fell.

The turning point of everything is nuclear For many considerations, humans did not use nuclear weapons at the beginning. It was the beasts who launched wars again and again, and human beings were at a disadvantage before using nuclear weapons.

As a result, everyone thought that it was human beings who suffered in the end.

Mo Xiu looked at the cover of the diary a little distracted. This is really the best history book. Otherwise, after a hundred years and turbulent times, few people will record history, and some details and key events will be forgotten by people.

Thanks to Don’s habit of keeping a diary.

There is one last question. At the end of this paragraph, Elder Tang said that the supreme would accept him as a disciple.

Does that mean Elder Tang and Wanhua are brothers?

Without thinking, continue to read the diary, Mo Xiu turned to the last page of the diary with curiosity, and the sign on it.

Surprisingly, Tang Wanhua.

It turns out that Wanhua is Elder Tang, and Elder Tang is Wanhua.

At that time, Mo Xiu asked about Wanhua, and Mr. Tang also bluntly said that Wanhua was a little handsome.

Mo Xiu shook his head. If Mr. Tang is Wanhua, doesn't it mean that Mr. Tang studied the Heaven-Eater 100 years ago and said that the master and disciple had already met?

In the illusion of Xiao Fushun's back pattern, the two met once across time and space. The Tang elder at that time was not at all like the present.

At that time, Old Tang was domineering, and he was not afraid of any wild beasts trying to kill the Heaven-Eater. Now Don’s become easy-going and his temper is gradually smoothed. He even named the Heaven-Eater Xiao Fushun and sent it to him.

and many more!

If Elder Tang and Wan Hua are the same person, then that means there is no one who hunted Xiao Fushun.

This shows that there is a great possibility that Xiao Fushun is still alive.

Mo Xiu sighed, as long as he is still alive, I hope I won't meet again in the future!