Fox in the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 132: System Bureau

Chapter 1805 System Bureau

"Woo! Hu! Hu Lai! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Twice! He equalized the score with the second goal of the game for the Pirates of Madrid! Let's see how it went..."

In the slow-motion replay of the televised goal, everyone can clearly see that when Hou Lai was about to **** the header and nod, he was slightly squeezed by Joel Jimenez.

It cannot be said that Jimenez is a foul, because there is a lot of physical contact in defense. If a foul is called for every physical contact, then dozens of penalties may be called in a game.

If Hu Lai fails to score because of this, then he can only consider himself unlucky...

It can be said that Jimenez's move was very clever. It interfered with Hou Lai and did not cause a foul.

But soon he will regret his actions...

Because the falling football was kicked towards the goal by Hu Lai's left foot!

This is not a shooting action, but the effect is comparable to shooting!

Because his goalkeeper teammate Tony Schulman didn't react at all-he didn't even make a save, and the football hit the net behind him!

Yoel Jimenez saw the football in the goal, turned his head and stared dumbfounded at Hou Lai who had turned and ran to celebrate.

He really didn't expect such an opportunity to turn Hu Lai into a goal...

"Hu Lai! Haha! Hu Lai! This goal can be scored! Hahaha!"

As Hu Lai's "maternal family", He Feng and Yan Kang slapped the table and laughed in the studio behind.

Judging from the slow motion, Hu Lai was actually overwhelmed for the first time.

For the average striker, this attack ends here.

But in Hu Lai, there are always various "miracles" happening.

What a coincidence that the falling ball was kicked right by Hu Lai's forward left foot!

So the header turned into a kick shot...

In front of Chinese TVs and on the Internet, countless Chinese fans let out gloating laughter—except for the Chinese fans who originally liked Catalan United, they had mixed feelings at this moment.

Being scored like this is really a blow to morale.

This goal can be compared with Kabanka's "World Wave" goal. They are all unreasonable goals, and you can't stop them with all your strength.

It's simply... "system bureau"!

What are you most afraid of in the game?

It's not that you are afraid that your opponent will be strong, but that no matter how much effort you put in, it will be in vain because you are destined to lose.

Renaldo Lima, who was off the court, saw the ball and was stunned:

That's okay too? ! Can you score a goal like this? !

Too nonsense, right? !

This luck is too **** nonsense, right? !


After celebrating the second goal with his teammates, Hou Lai turned and ran back slowly towards his own half.

Then he raised his wrist and kissed the red bracelet on his wrist.

Hu Lai also felt that he was very lucky with this ball.

And the reason for such good luck is of course the props given by the system father!

Thank you System Dad!

Who says the system is useless? Doesn't this bless me every game?

In addition to this bracelet, Hu Lai is now wearing a [broken giant bear leg guard] and [a worn giant bear jersey]. Although these are one-time items, Hu Lai now has a lot of points—since the system achievement system was launched, Hu Lai can get a lot of points without completing tasks, as long as he can achieve the corresponding achievements.

So now Hu Lai has enough points to ensure that he can fully stack the BUFF in every game.

The reason why he wears [Broken Bear Legguards] every game is because he doesn't want to get injured when the World Cup is approaching. In order to ensure that he can participate in the World Cup in a healthy state, he must always equip this prop that can protect him from serious injuries.

In addition to protecting himself, this is the main reason why he has had no serious injuries so far.

He never forgets the man who dug the well. Although he has achieved great success, Hu Lai has never forgotten the help his father gave him. It can be said that without the support of System Dad, he would never have achieved what he is today, because the story would never have happened from the very beginning.

This is called "not forgetting the original intention".

He Feng smiled when he saw this scene:

"Hu Lai specially kissed his bracelet. This bracelet is very particular... It was woven by Li Qingqing himself. There are only two in total. One was given to Hu Lai, and she kept one for herself. It can be said that this bracelet It is the token of love between the two of them. Obviously, Hu Lai also wants to give this goal to his girlfriend... This pair of gods and couples in world football is really enviable!"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Xie Lan echoed loudly in front of the TV to show his approval.


After Hu Lai equalized the score, the two sides returned to the same starting line.

The Catalan United were on the offensive before, but failed to score a goal. Instead, the Madrid Pirates equalized the score.

So in the next game, the Catalan United, which was playing at home, also had to withdraw their formation appropriately to avoid being taken away by the rising Madrid pirates.

Situations like that are not uncommon for the Madrid Pirates team.

Last season's blue and white Munich and the King of Madrid have experienced it first-hand.

For example, the Madrid Pirates scored a goal just after scoring a goal, and they scored another goal after the Madrid Pirates just scored a goal...

In order to avoid such a situation, the Catalan United had to shrink their defense first.

Paul Fortune and Joel Jimenez have been brought back again, with the France international continuing to follow Houlay.

Although the rest time is not enough, Fortune has to do it, because it was he who offered to change positions with Jimenez, which caused the latter to defend Hou Lai and lose the ball. At that time, the responsibility for conceding the ball will probably be counted on Jimenez.

This is unfair to Jimenez.


Seeing Paul Fortune returning to her side, Hu Lai couldn't help laughing.

"What are you doing here in exchange? Why bother?"

Hearing Hu Lai's low voice, the veins on Paul Fortune's forehead couldn't help jumping up.

He began to think seriously, next time he saw Hu Lai, should he wear earplugs to compete...

"Brother, look at what I said before? If I really want to score, even if you follow me every step of the way, I will still score. So don't waste all your energy on accompanying me. What should you do? Well, hello and me, everyone is really good. I know you think I'm annoying, so I didn't force you to stay by my side, did I? So who is pestering whom? "

Paul Fortune still couldn't help taking a deep look at Hu Lai.

Indeed, as he said, even if he and Jimenez follow him closely, he can still score goals.

So if this is the case, why do you care so much about me following you?

It's the coach's request that I follow you, and I can't decide on this matter, so why don't you just shut up? !


The Madrid Pirates, who equalized the score, had high morale and took advantage of the Catalan United's shrinking defense to launch a fierce attack on their goal.

The Catalan fans in the stands booed constantly, interfering with the attack of the Madrid Pirates.

During the booing, Kamara cut in from the wing, posing for a long shot, but pushed the football obliquely.

Hu Lai ran diagonally and ran to the football landing point with Fortune. He turned around and shot without stopping the ball!

Fortune stretched out his foot to block it.

The football hit Fortune's leg and bounced off the baseline.

Pirates of Madrid win a corner.

Tonini took the corner and Danny Drew headed past Joel Jimenez.

But his header was slightly on target... the ball was caught by Catalan goalkeeper Toni Schulman.

Boos from the stands turned into applause for Schulman.

Schulman didn't throw the ball out of his arms immediately, but signaled the team to stabilize and slow down.

The Madrid Pirates want to be fast, but Catalan United cannot let them do so.

And what Catalan is best at is indeed slow.

However, the players of the Madrid Pirates did not take it back.

After the corner kick, with the exception of the central defenders, the others stayed in the forefront, almost one-on-one marking for the Catalan players.

If Schulman were to toss the football to his teammates and push the attack forward with short passes, then the Madrid Pirates would press high up the pitch.

Schulman looked left and right, and there were Madrid Pirates players all around the reception point.

He can't hold the football and not send it out, otherwise he will be sentenced to a violation and will give the Madrid Pirates an indirect free kick in the penalty area.

So Shulman can only choose to kick the football forward with big Catalan striker Pablo Alegria and Ramirez, who started the game, competed near the middle circle Top, defeated.

The football was pushed back up front by Ramirez.

Vukovic retreats to receive the ball, and the Madrid Pirates attack again.

"The pirates' offensive is really fierce during this period... Catalan United can't even pass halftime!"

"Hu Lai shot from a long distance! Ah! It was a little short! It missed the post!"

Seeing his team at a disadvantage while the Pirates of Madrid pressed forward with plenty of space behind them, Rayleigh Vicente made a choice.

He told assistant coach Van Heuzen: "Let Lima warm up."

"Okay." Van Heuzen led the way and strode towards the bench.

Soon Renardo Lima put on the yellow vest and ran to the warm-up area.


PS, for the time being, I will be doing single shifts, I will adjust my physical condition as soon as possible, and resume double shifts!

(end of this chapter)