Fox in the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 135: The ultimate pursuit of professional pla

Louis Francis came out of the office of the club’s football director Harvey Sanchez, still considering what Sanchez said to himself.

He understands why Sanchez is looking for himself.

Sanchez made a suggestion to himself, hoping that he could visit Leeds as a famous football player, meet Hulai privately, and send an invitation to Hulai through a half-joking way to see if he is interested in joining the Madrid King. What attitude.

The reason for allowing oneself to contact Hulai in a private capacity is naturally to circumvent FIFA’s regulations that do not allow clubs to contact players privately without the permission of the club to which they belong.

As a famous football player and former legendary player, Louis Francis enjoys a high reputation and status in world football, and his contacts are naturally very wide.

So when he visits a club in his personal capacity, it is naturally reasonable. From the procedures, people can’t find any faults. It can’t be said that after Louis Francis signed with the King of Madrid as the club’s ambassador, he If you can't have a personal friendship, you can't do a private tour, right?

It is not uncommon for retired players in world football to visit other clubs, and no one has used this rule to prevent retired players from meeting with current players.

So visiting Leeds in a personal capacity, rather than as an ambassador for the Kings Club of Madrid, is more acceptable.

Since we have all visited Leeds City, wouldn't it be normal to meet with Leeds City's head star?

When we met, we had a chat, talked about Hu Lai’s past grievances with the King of Madrid, and then invited Hu Lai in a joking tone... Isn’t it normal?

In the eyes of Wuxin people, this is just a joke.

But to someone with a heart, maybe it doesn't mean anything?

So Sanchez hopes to test Hu Lai by himself.

Francis had no opinion on this, and he agreed. This is a good thing for the Madrid Kings Club, and as a member of the Madrid Kings, he is also full of affection for this club. Naturally, he hopes that the Madrid Kings can still maintain a dominant position in the future.

But Francis agreed, but he didn't plan to go right away.

After all, the media is still hyping that the King of Madrid regrets losing Hu Lai. If I go to Hu Lai now, I am a little bit eager to cover it up...

This time, no matter whether it is a person who has a heart or a heart, he knows that Francis chooses to visit Leeds at this time, it must be the weasel to give the rooster the New Year's greetings-not at ease.

Of course, the main reason is that the Leeds City Club is not at ease. To Hu's hard to say.

Maybe they want to change places too?

As far as Leeds City's performance this season, many people have already seen that this team can't always keep Hulai.

Although they were lucky to have won the Premier League championship for one season, they have a weak foundation after all.

It is impossible for them to satisfy the ambition of a player like Hu Lai.


You said Hu Lai has no ambitions?

Because he chose a Premier League relegation team instead of the giants Madrid Kings, so he has no ambitions?

Francis didn't think so. On the contrary, it is precisely because of Hu Lai's decision that Francis believes that this kid is ambitious.

Because he is clear-headed and knows what he should pursue at what stage.

When I first arrived in Europe, I pursued the wealthy. It is very likely that "it is as deep as the sea when entering the wealthy."

He gave up the giants of the Madrid Kings, and went to Leeds City, which can give him more and stable playing opportunities, as he hoped, made great progress.

Would such a clear-headed person be content to mix his entire career in a small team like Leeds?

Francis also started with a small team before, but then he moved more and more step by step, and finally came to the top giants Madrid Kings, where he achieved the most glorious time of his career.

He believed that Hu Lai was ambitious. Since there is ambition, it is easy to handle-is there a team in the world that can satisfy a player's ambition better than the Madrid Kings?

The competition here is fierce, but it also means extremely high returns. Playing here is different from playing in Leeds. You will enjoy the attention from every corner of the world, whether it is commercial value or competitive honor, you can satisfy the players to the greatest extent.

As long as you can stand firm in the Madrid Kings, you can say that you are the top group of players in the world.

If it can become the core of the Madrid Kings... it will be the few outstanding players in world football.

Such as Alexandra Cerrados, such as Louis Francis who has not retired before, and such as Meli Banega.

If it were not for the Madrid Kings, even with the same talent, Meli’s prestige would be much worse than it is now. Kabangka, because he went to Manchester Atletico, which is not a top-notch giant, makes people think he is shorter. Melly one head.

There is one more thing that can prove this point: In the past two years, there have always been news that Kabangka may switch to Catalonia, and the Premier League’s BIG6 can’t keep Kabangka’s heart.

But when did you hear that Melly wanted to switch to another team?

Obviously, Meli knows that the Madrid Kings are basically the ultimate pursuit of a player's career in the club team, the pinnacle.

The tradition of the Madrid Kings is that "the best players in the world should play for the Kings".

Hear what this said, how domineering and confident.

The best players in the world should be the Madrid Kings, and the Madrid Kings are naturally the best team.

Now that they are all the best teams, where do the Madrid Kings players want to go?

Once you leave the Madrid King, you are going downhill...

Those top players who joined the Madrid Kings all regard being able to retire at the Madrid Kings as an honor.

But despite this, there are only a handful of players who can retire at the Madrid Kings. The last one was Louis Francis himself.

And Francis's competitive state at the time was actually pretty good, but he didn't want to continue playing, so he retired early.

If he chooses to continue playing, he might also leave the Madrid Kings.

After all, his ability has gradually failed to keep up with the harsh requirements of the Madrid King, and his self-esteem and pride did not allow him to become a substitute.

So in the end he wisely chose to retire from the rapids and retire directly.

Even Alexandra Cerrados, nicknamed "Prince", cannot guarantee that he will eventually retire from the Madrid King. Once the competitive state declines and can't meet the needs of the team, he may be swept out-now Francis helps Sanchez inquire about Hulai's tone, that is, find a successor for Cerrados.

Since the Madrid Kings claim to be the top team in the world, they have the highest standards for their players.

Those who do not meet the team's requirements, no matter how much they have contributed to the team before, are likely to be swept out.

This is why everyone likes the King of Madrid so much. It’s happy to see the King of Madrid deflated, because many people don’t like the King of Madrid very much. They think they are too unsympathetic and impersonal.

But even so, countless professional players still cried and cried, preferring to stop training, and want to come to the Madrid Kings.

They just want to be on top of the world football. As for the human touch... can they be eaten?

The Madrid Kings need top players to contribute their abilities, and the top players need the Madrid Kings platform to gain both fame and fortune. Everyone gets what they need. The adult world cannot say who is sorry.


Louis Francis believed that if Hulay was ambitious, it would be impossible to turn a blind eye to the interest of the King of Madrid.

But he didn't plan to find it now, but was ready to wait for a suitable time.

For example, after Leeds City was eliminated in the UEFA Europa League, he went to visit Leeds City and visit Hulay by the way.

At that time, Leeds completely missed the qualification for the next season in Europe. How can this be tolerated by such an excellent player as Hulay?

A player who is on the rise, but can't play in Europe, can't show himself on the top stage of European football...If Hu Lai can accept such a thing, it means that he is not the kind of player with enough ambition. . In terms of ambition, he is not worthy of the King of Madrid.

And if Hu Lai can't accept the fact that he can't participate in the European war, he will try to invite Hu Lai in a joking way, maybe he will be able to really impress Hu Lai.

As for now, he and Leeds are both advancing in the Europa League. It is not a good opportunity to be a lobbyist. Let's wait...

From now on, Francis will pay special attention to Leeds.


On Monday, March 15th, in the 30th round of the Premier League, Leeds played at home against Northumbria, who was ranked last. In this game, Clark ranked the rotation lineup. Most of the main players who participated in the Europa League last Friday did not enter the starting lineup, and some have not even entered the big list.

Northumbria was the newly promoted team last season. They had the chance to advance to the Premier League as the British champion and runner-up last season.

He performed quite well in the Premier League last season. As a newly promoted horse, he finished ninth and almost qualified for the European competition this season.

But after a successful last season, Northumbria's performance this season and last season are no match for the two teams. Their performance plummeted.

Currently ranked twentieth in the league, first from the bottom.

After the 29th round of the league, only 14 points were accumulated, which is 12 points away from the fourth-to-last Highlander who left the relegation zone.

It can be said that the downgrade is basically no suspense...

In fact, this is also the fate of many downstream teams-even if there is a season of good performance, it is only a flash in the pan and cannot change their ultimate destiny.

In Leeds, there are still many people who hold this view.

Even if they won the league championship, this flower blooms more quietly, brighter and more beautiful... it's still an epiphany.

Of course, the same is the epiphany, Leeds is still better than Northumbria...

With such a team, even Leeds City in the rotation will not be a problem to win at home.

In the end, with the header of the old captain Lorenzo, Leeds defeated Northumbria 1-0.

Then it was another Friday when Leeds City challenged Royal Cateron away.

Although the head coach of Royal Carterhorn Jean Osvaldo chanted the slogan to fight Leeds at they did the same in the game.

But the total score difference between the two **** is actually not small, and it is not so easy to smooth out.

Royal Cateron arranged Masao Yonezawa to start this time. At the beginning of the game, Royal Cateron launched a fierce offensive towards Leeds City's goal, hoping to get the first goal.

But this fast pace is actually what Leeds City wants.

They are not flustered, on the contrary, they are a bit like a fish in water.

The two teams simply fought against each other.

Although Hu Lai did not score a goal, his teammates performed well.

Camara and Adams each scored a goal to help Leeds in the away game with Royal Carterhorn in a 2:2 tie.

With a total score of 4:2, Leeds eliminated Royal Carterhorn and successfully advanced to the quarterfinals of the Europa League.