Fox in the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 158: The old dog still has a few teeth

"Cerrados! Cerrados!! Ooooo! Alexandra Cerrados! Amazing 'King of the Madrid derby'! This is his fifteenth in the Madrid derby Goal! He equalized for the Kings of Madrid! Also his ninth goal at the Pirates Park! I must say... Cerados!"

Sanchez shouted excitedly.

After scoring the goal, Cerrados was also very excited. He ran to the corner flag area of ​​the stadium and put his finger to his lips, signaling the Madrid Pirates fans who kept booing and scolding in the stands to shut up!

Although his action only made the boos and curses more violent, Therados didn't care.

He turned around, opened his arms and embraced his teammates who had come to celebrate.

At the moment when Cerados shot, Merry, who turned his head to look at him, was stunned - he really thought that Cerados would pass the football back, and his movement was not to help Cerados pull away Pirates' defensive player, he really wants to cooperate with Cerrados against the wall...

So when he saw that Cerados chose to shoot by himself, Merry was astonished.

Especially after Cerrados also scored, Meli actually felt a little...not a good taste.

He wants the ball to be scored by himself...

For Meili, this game is an opportunity to compete with Hu Lai.

He held his breath and scored just two minutes into the game, giving him a head start.

As a result, Hu Lai scored two goals in a row, surpassing him in the number of goals scored.

Of course he wasn't willing to fall behind like this, so the ball was very important to him.

It’s a pity that Cerrados didn’t seem to notice the anxiety in Meli’s heart. Instead, he took advantage of Meli’s opportunity to help him take away the defensive player, and scored the equalizing goal in one fell swoop. .

In this way, Meli missed his second goal of the game and was still one goal behind Hu Lai.

However, this somewhat lost mood only lingered in Meli's heart for a short period of time, and he immediately put it behind him.

After all, the contest with Hu Lai is a long one, and even runs through his entire career.

But this game against the Pirates, he wants to win.

And as long as they can win, it doesn't matter who scores the goals.

Merry quickly adjusted his mentality, and together with other teammates, ran to the captain Cerrados, hugged and celebrated with him.


"... This ball almost all the Madrid Pirates' defenders' attention was attracted by Meli, who moved forward and entered the penalty area. The previous task of Cerrados was indeed to create opportunities for Meli... But no one thought of him. At this critical moment, I chose myself! Undoubtedly, this was the right decision! A pass fake and then quickly turned into a shot, Cerrados's action rhythm is very fast!"

"...The Madrid Pirates' defender cares too much about Meli, but forgets that Cerrados is the real 'king' in the Madrid derby! This is his fifteenth goal in the Madrid derby! Ninth goal on the pitch at the Park! He's the first man in the derby!"

"Ah, hell!" Parrotti and his assistant coach Valentin also sighed after conceding the ball.

Cerrados did not pass the ball to Merry, but chose to do it himself, which really surprised them.

This is not really a big mistake, because the state of Cerrados this season is very general, ups and downs, good and bad.

Only five goals have been scored in the league so far. It can be said that Cerrados has been declining with age this season.

The King's Club is leaning resources on Meli, and in fact, a large part of the reason is that Cerrados' current state and ability are not enough to lead the King to move forward.

It's just that Parrotti and the others still ignored the "Derby" attribute of Cerrados.

If this is an ordinary league, maybe the state of Cerrados is not much better.

But this is the Madrid derby!

It's the stage that Therados is best at!

Everyone thought that under the strong rise of Meli, Therados was going to withdraw from the powerful stage.

But Cerrados told everyone with this ball:

Old dogs also have a few teeth!


As the Madrid Kings Club this season has tilted its resources to the maturing Argentine genius Meli Banega, the star of the former "Four Kings" Alexandra Cerrados has dimmed a lot. It's like disappearing.

This is the power of the top giants to have the right to speak.

When the club decides who to support, who can be quickly established as a top player.

In terms of publicity resources, there is less media around Cerrados, and less news about him. Of course, Cerrados was originally a relatively low-key player. After Louis Francis retired, he took over as the team's captain and was also the number one star. No matter how low-key, everyone could always be on various media. See news about him.

It's full of news about his performance on the court, or how he compares to other top stars, etc...

This is exposure.

The current Cerrados naturally does not have such exposure. With the strong rise of Meli, everyone knows that although Cerrados is the captain of the team, he is no longer the number one star of the King of Madrid.

At the tactical level, Cerrados also lost his position as the team's top scorer and gave up the right to fire to Merry.

However, this is not a suppression of the captain, but a tradition of the Madrid King Club.

Cerrados did not express any objection, but accepted the club's arrangement calmly and cooperatively.

Although assisting Merry is not what players like him are good at, he still does his job conscientiously on the court, even if he is criticized for his poor state and poor performance, he does not defend himself.

From the statistics, it can be clearly seen that Cerrados has declined in the team's status this season.

The league has reached the twenty-sixth round. Including the goal in this game, Meli has scored 20 league goals.

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The former top scorer of the King of Madrid, Cerrados, only had five goals, a huge gap.

In the Champions League group stage, Meli scored five goals.

Cerrados has only one goal.

Meli's performance this season is so good, and Cerrados is in mediocre, even poor form.

So many people have forgotten that when it comes to the Madrid derby, Cerrados is the well-deserved "king".

Cerrados made his debut in the Madrid Derby at the age of 17, and is now about to turn 34. In the past 17 years, he has played 32 times in the Madrid Derby and scored 14 goals.

The best scorer in the history of the Madrid derby.

The greatest player in the history of the Madrid derby.

Now, he has scored his fifteenth goal in the Madrid derby, pushing his scoring record a little further.

Whether it is Meli, who replaced him in the club, or Hu Lai, who has a great reputation this season, in front of him, he is still a complete "brother" in the history of the Madrid derby.

Meli also started participating in the Madrid Derby at the age of seventeen, and is now twenty-four years old. Including today's game, he has played eleven Madrid Derbys in seven years and only scored five goals.

He can replace Cerrados with the support of the club and the team, but he still has a long way to go to surpass Cerrados in the history of the Madrid derby.

Not to mention Hu Lai, today is only his second Madrid derby.

However, to catch up with the number of goals scored by Cerrados in the Madrid derby to catch up with the "king of the derby" Hu Lai is obviously more promising than Meili.

Because he scored four goals in just two games, the efficiency is far higher than Cerrados and Merry.

Of course, the premise is that he needs to stay long enough in the Madrid Pirates team.

The reason why Cerrados can become the "King of the Madrid Derby" has a lot to do with the fact that he has been playing for the King of Madrid.

Thirty-two Madrid Derby appearances in seventeen years, making Cerrados also the player who participated in the Madrid Derby the most.

No matter how efficient Hu Lai is, if he stays for three or four seasons, it will be difficult to surpass Cerrados.


The King of Madrid players who had finished celebrating, surrounded their captain and ran back to their own half.

Hu Lai and his Pirates teammates are in their places and ready to tee off.

Now it's the pirates' turn to be anxious.

Instead, the Kings of Madrid players slowly returned to their own half.

Although in theory, every city derby should strive to win.

But the Kings away from home can fully accept the result of a draw.

So now the mentality of the two sides has exchanged, and the strategy to be adopted in the game has also changed accordingly.

The Madrid pirates, who used to adapt to changes before, must take the initiative to break the current situation.

And now they have only ten minutes left.

When Merry ran back to his half with his teammates, he passed the middle circle and saw Hu Lai who was already standing inside waiting for the kick-off.

It was found that Hu Lai was also looking at him.

The eyes of the two collided, and neither of them avoided it. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!