Fox in the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 176: Francis of Leeds City

"Leeds is about to replace! With the team behind, Tony Clark decided to replace Hu who was resting on the bench..."

When Matthew Cox said this, the Hulay was standing next to the fourth official on the sidelines, and the fourth official raised the substitution sign to signal that No. 9 Lorenzo Esposito will go off the field, the 14th. Hu Lai is going to play.

There was deafening cheers over the Flanders stadium, followed by applause.

Looking around, the Leeds City fans in the stands all stood up and applauded.

They should be applauding the replaced captain Lorenzo Esposito.

As a major player in the team's surpass, Captain Lorenzo has always been diligent, low-key and humble in the team, and is loved by others.

The fans also liked him very much.

Although he didn't play decently in this game, the fans still gave him applause.

After Lorenzo was on the sidelines and waiting for him, Hu Lai ran up and returned to the bench.

The cheers from the stands replaced the applause.

Francis, sitting in the box, looked at the Leeds City fans in the stands below.

Make sure that their cheers are for Hu Lai.

If you don’t watch the game and just listen to the cheers, you will definitely think that Leeds scored an equalizer...

Obviously, Hu Lai enjoys a very high status in this stadium.

He doesn't need to do anything, just show up and make 30,000 people fall for him.

This is not unusual.

With his performance, it would be strange if there was no such treatment in Leeds-of course, Francis would hope this, because this would mean that Huley would easily leave Leeds.

Now... he has to consider whether the Leeds City Club can withstand the pressure of the fans and let Houla go.

But in general, Francis is not very worried about this issue.

Because there has never been a precedent that the club really does not sell anyone when the fans protest against it.

Even if some are temporarily successful, they will still be sold in the end.

Although professional football cannot lack fans, there are many things that fans can't really have the final say.

As long as the price is right, there is no one that the King of Madrid can't get!


When Hulay played, it was a dead ball opportunity formed by Leeds City's out-of-bounds ball in the frontcourt.

After he was replaced, he ran straight to Tramed’s penalty area, and then greeted Tramed’s Brazilian central defender Luis Payson in the penalty area: "Have you eaten, brother?"

Payson:? ? ?

When Hu Lai saw this, he smiled and said, "It's okay, you go and do your job, don't worry about me."

"Why don't I care about you? I'm responsible for defending you, Hu." Payson said in a deep voice.

"Ah? Really?" Hu Lai showed a hint of surprise, and then asked: "Then eldest brother, guess what, will I pass the ball to Laski this time?"

Payson didn't expect Hu Lai to mention this, he conditioned to glance at Lasky's direction. At the same time, in the corner of his eye, Hu Lai suddenly rushed forward!

Damn it!

Payson hurried to chase, and reached out to interfere.

But he didn't catch Hu Lai, because Hu Lai suddenly stopped and retreated... just passing him!

At the same time he saw the football flying in from the side!

The continuous change of the center of gravity in a hurry made him unable to take off at all, so he could only stand on the spot and turn his head to watch the football fly over his head and fly behind... Hu Lai!

Hu Lai has lifted off!

He didn’t have a Tramed player on the front, back, left, or right-Scott Wilson was blocking, right back Joseva Iglesias was defending Laski, and they handed Houle to Payson. In the end, Payson lost Hu Lai!


Seeing Hu Lai jumping in an empty place, the cheers in the stands of the Flanders Stadium could no longer be controlled.

Hu Lai in the air greeted the flying football and shook his head to attack the goal!

The distance is too close, Tramed’s goalkeeper Tom Walker has no time to react. He can only stand on the goal line and turn his head to send the football to the goal...

"Woo!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! Oh oh oh oh oh!!!" Matthew Cox's shouting echoed with the cheers of the Leeds City fans in the stands.

"This is the first time he touched the ball after he came on the field! The first time he touched the ball! It was only twenty seconds since he was replaced... Twenty seconds! After he crashed the'iceberg' Albertazzi with a'hat trick' , Hu is in excellent form! He evened the score for Leeds City!!"


When Hulai scored, Francis was shocked and stood up directly from his seat.

He is really unprepared, this Hulai just came on the court and could score the first time he touched the ball...

Although I have been following Hulai for a long time, I have also watched some live broadcasts of his matches, such as the last Leeds away game against Ferenc.

But when Francis sat on the scene to watch the Hulai match for the first time, he noticed the things that were not reflected in the TV broadcast...

He appeared very relaxed after playing.

For him, having just participated in a Europa League life and death battle, and then returned to the league, even facing a strong opponent like Tramed, he behaved as if he was on vacation.

Relaxation may be an important reason for him to quickly enter the state after he comes on the court and give full play to his energy.

This kid...has a big heart!

For the super giant Madrid King, who is always in the spotlight and is observed with a magnifying glass, it is simply perfect!

Because the fans of the Madrid Kings are very demanding. For other teams, being able to play at home means glory and great support.

But for the players of the Madrid Kings...Playing at home often means heavy pressure.

Because your performance is slightly unsatisfactory, you will hear unceremonious boos from home fans, and the local media will criticize your performance one after another, amplifying your every move on the court and even in your life.

Without a strong psychological endurance, one cannot gain a foothold in the King of Madrid.

And now according to his observation, Hulecha has a capital that can stand in the King of Madrid!


Hulay's goal after coming off the bench helped Leeds finally drew 1:1 with Tramed at home.

This result is a completely acceptable result for Leeds, who doesn't care much about league results.

Tramed doesn't think so...

Because they are thinking about revenge.

The two leagues played against each other for the first time this season, in the fourteenth round.

Coincidentally, at that time, Leeds also just finished a European game. They defeated Catalonia 3-2 in the away game. Hulay completed a hat-trick in that game.

And now, Leeds just finished a Europa League game, also away, defeating Ferenc 3:0, Hulay once again staged a hat-trick.

In the last clash, Hu Lai had one goal and two assists in the game, helping Leeds beat Tramed in an away game 3:2, frustrating the "Red Witch"'s desire for revenge at home.

At the same time, it further intensified the hatred between Leeds City and Tramed, the two teams that have their own regional grievances.

So this time Tramed challenged Leeds away from Leeds, the goal was to beat Leeds.

As a result, who would have thought that Hu Lai would score the goal for the first time after coming off the bench, making Tramed's desire for revenge again frustrated.

"It seems that Tramed wants to get revenge and can only wait another season..." Matthew Cox joked at the end of the game.

At the end of the game, the fans of Leeds City shouted collectively to the Tramed fans in the stands of the visiting team:

"Whosyourdaddy?! Whosyourdaddy?! Whosyourdaddy?!"

"WHO?! Who?! Who?!"

"Husyourdaddy!!! Husyourdaddy!!! Husyourdaddy!!!"

"HU!!! HU!!! HU!!!"

After shouting, they laughed at Tramed's fans.

This is also because the previous video was too popular on the Internet, so all Leeds City fans have remembered this slogan.

I believe that in future games, the fans of Leeds City will inevitably greet the away team fans like this.


Francis walked into the dressing room in Leeds after the game.

The Leeds players are very enthusiastic about Francis' visit. After all, this is a legend. Louis Francis, one of the four kings, is the idol of many players! Everyone rushed to shake hands with Francis, and Francis would talk to them and praise their performance.

Although Francis has an official status as the ambassador of the King of Madrid, there is no contradiction between Leeds and the King of Madrid. If Francis is the representative of Catalonia, then maybe everyone will be embarrassed...

In this situation, if you say that it is embarrassing, I am afraid it will only be embarrassing when Francis and Hu Lai meet.

But when Francis actually met Hu Lai, the atmosphere was very harmonious.

"Your performance impressed me, Hu." Francis opened his arms as soon as they met.

Hu Lai has been playing football abroad for so long, how could he not understand what this means, so he went up to hug and greeted each other: "Thank you, Mr. Francis, thank you!"

"It's amazing to score a goal on the first touch of being put on the court." Francis gave a thumbs up and praised Hulai.

Hu Lai smiled and said, "Hey, good luck, good luck..."

"That's not good luck." Francis smiled and shook his head. "Today you are a stranger in football, Hu. But I'm very happy to have a stranger like you. You have restored the center to its true colors... a beautiful job. !congratulations!"

Hu Lai humbly accepted all the compliments from Francis.

Perhaps it was because of the knowledge gained after going abroad to play. Hulay did not show any shyness and cowardice when facing Francis. Although the one standing in front of him is Louis Francis, one of the "Four Kings", it is a living legend.

Instead, he thought about it in a wild, thinking of Brother Huan, who is known as the "Francis of China".

So he took the initiative to ask Francis for a photo: "Can I take a photo with you, Mr. Francis?"

Francis was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Hu Lai was quite calm before, and finally showed the fan side...

But he did not refuse. This was a good thing for him. He nodded repeatedly: "Of course, no problem!"

"That's great!" Hu Lai handed the phone to Junpei Morikawa next to him, and the staff next to him also raised the phone. This can be regarded as a glorious moment for Hu Lai and Leeds City...

Francis took the initiative to embrace Hu Lai's shoulders, and the two were close to each other, appearing very intimate.

In this way, in the dressing room of Leeds City, Hu Lai with his upper body naked and Francis in a suit and leather shoes completed a group photo.

And when he left, Francis did not say that half-joking sentence to Hu Lai.

(End of this chapter)