Fox in the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 185: Dream Catcher

"I have a dream! I dream that in the future I can wear the Chinese team's jersey, participate in the World Cup as an international footballer, and eventually win the championship! Let Chinese football stand on top of the world! I also want those foreigners to become the Chinese team Fans! Just like we have many Brazilian fans, Argentine fans, German fans, Spanish fans in China! I believe... I believe there will be one day! Yes, there will be one day!"

Little Hu Lai, wearing a white shirt and a red scarf around his neck, stood on the podium, with one hand behind him, and the other hand, accompanied by his last words, slammed forward. At the same time, he stepped out with a lunge, his little head raised slightly, and his eyes looked at the place of his fingers-that was a five-star red flag on the back wall of the classroom.

In the classroom in front of him, the classmates were already laughing awkwardly in their seats, leaning forward and back together.

Little Hu Lai didn't care, he just stared at the flag, as if he was watching the flag rising up with the national anthem on the World Cup podium.


Hu Lai looked at the five-star red flag being waved vigorously on the lotus stadium stand, his ears were full of crazy screams, cheers and screams from his teammates.

This made him realize that he was not on the podium in the elementary school class, but in the Lingnan Lotus Stadium on December 19, 2025.

It is the last play-off match of the 2026 U.S.-Canada World Cup qualifiers.

Just now he scored a crucial goal.

That's why he was hugged by so many ecstatic teammates.

No matter who it is, for whatever reason, brought me into this world... I have to say thank you! Thank you for making it possible for my daydream not to be laughed at...


There are no more people on the bench of the entire Chinese team. Both the substitute players and the staff of the coaching staff rushed to the corner flag area to scramble to hug Hu Lai and participate in this carnival.

Even the fans in the audience are concentrating on the stand of the corner flag area where Hu Lai is located, like a surging red tide...

No matter what you say in the live environment, you can no longer hear your own voice.

But everyone is still making sounds, they don't care if their voices can be heard, they just don't want to remain silent at this time!

He Feng and Yan Kang on the narration booth used trembling hands to press the earmuffs of the soundproof headset as much as possible to minimize the interference of environmental sounds on their work. Others can ignore the specific sounds they make, but the narrator can’t. , They also have to explain the game to the thousands of households in front of the TV.

But maybe not many people actually care what they say at this time...

"The Chinese team... The Chinese men's football team has never been so close to the World Cup like it is now! From the failure of Chinese football to the World Cup for the first time in 1961, to 2025, we have been struggling for 64 years! We finally chased the World Cup. Only a few minutes away! The people who cheered for the Chinese team in the stadium stands, I don’t know how many people can see this scene today..."

"Sixty-four years...enough to make a newly born child into old age...but the dream chaser is still young! The ball started with a corner kick from Paraguay, was shot by Lin Zhiyuan, and then headerd by Chen Xingyi. Point to Wang Guangwei, then Zhang Qinghuan, Luo Kai... Finally, return to Wang Guangwei's feet and pass it to Hu Lai... They are all young people under the age of 24! This is the future of our Chinese football! Thanks to these young dream catchers Thanks to them, so that the 64-year dream has the closest opportunity to come true! Youth is invincible, and dreams never die!"

Li Ziqiang stood in front of the sofa, staring blankly at the spectacular scene on the TV screen, only to feel that something was rampant in his chest, and he wanted to rush out.

He never expected that the **** who made him displeased at first would almost help him realize his biggest dream!

He took a few deep breaths before finally letting the suddenly roaring sea gradually calm down, and it turned into the usual calm and calm appearance.

Li Ziqiang, who calmed down, suddenly remembered something-his next door, when Hu Lai scored the first goal, there were loud cheers and screams, how did Hu Lai score the second? From the beginning of the ball to the present, there is no movement?


Xie Lan turned to look at her husband, and found that his face was already filled with tears for some time.

So she got up gently, took her husband into her arms, and gently patted his back with her hands, as if she was comforting a child who had been wronged.

Her husband must have fantasized about this day, right? In his youthful years before he lost all his longing for football...


Wang Xianke drank all the liquor in the cup, then put the cup back on the coffee table heavily.

After a bang, he leaned back on the back of the sofa, raised his hands and put them down, resting on the back of his head, just staring at the TV screen and listening to the call from the Lotus Stadium in Lingnan City thousands of miles away. Cheers.

Then his gaze moved up a little bit, from the TV screen to the white ceiling, and then to the lit ceiling lamp. Just allowing the white light to fill his vision, he didn't blink, let alone look away.

Until tears poured out from the stinged eyes, they overflowed from the corners of the two eyes and fell down the arc of the cheeks.

He also remained motionless, did not raise his hand to wipe away the tears.

Just closed his eyes.


In a luxurious apartment in a high-end residential complex in Dashun City, Jin Yong held up the child who was learning Chinese, and smiled to her: "Sweet, I will tell you. Fortunately, my dad had his feet stopped! Fortunately, fortunately! Haha !"

The wife next to him stretched out her hand nervously to answer: "Be careful! Don't drop the flower! You are happy when you are happy, what do you do with the flower so high? Oh, you turned it around!"

Although my mother was worried, the little flower raised high by her father seemed to be sitting on a merry-go-round, giggling happily, and didn't think it was a dangerous thing.

In the brightly lit living room, the huge floor-to-ceiling glass windows reflected the figure of a family of three, as if dancing.


Countless cheers came from the bars on the street near Jincheng Jiukong Bridge, overwhelming the roar of the sports car engines on the street.

Excited fans rushed out of those bars, waving their arms and shouting at the sky.

No one understood what they were yelling at, but everyone knew why they were so excited.

The Chinese team just scored the second goal, tying Paraguay with a total score of 3:3, while still having an away goal advantage. This makes the Chinese team very hopeful to enter the World Cup finals!

This is the first time in Chinese football history that it has entered the Men's World Cup finals!

All of them experienced history personally tonight and became a part of history.

In one of the bars, the players from the Jincheng branch of the Dongchuan Middle School football team raised their arms and threw the wine in the glass into the air. The whole bar was filled with the sweetness of alcohol.

"Hu Lai Niu Bi!!! Dongchuan Middle School Niu Bi!"

In another bar, Wu Yue and his companions cried out in tears: "The Chinese team cattle batch! The king team cattle batch!"

"Dongchuan Middle School will always owe us Jiaxiang High School!"


"I have a I dream that one day in the future, I can wear the Chinese team's jersey and win the World Cup!"

Li Qingqing can still remember the scene when Hu Lai said these words.

Although she didn't see it with her own eyes at the time, she only later reviewed it through news videos-Hu Lai stood upright with her hands on her back in front of the camera, trying to make herself look taller, slightly holding her head up. Said this sentence in a clear and unmistakable voice.

Many people laughed when they saw this scene, and Li Qingqing also laughed. But it's not the ridicule of others.

It's the same smile as at this moment, happy, gratified, admired, proud... all mixed in this smile.

The tablet computer and the stand were placed on the coffee table. Li Qingqing sat cross-legged on the carpet in front of the coffee table, holding her head with her hands together.

She just tilted her head slightly, smiling, staring at the familiar face on the tablet screen.

Great, Hu Lai, you are about to catch up with me!


PS, this chapter is less than three thousand words, not long, but it is very long. For nearly five hours, I have listened to Feng Feifei's "Dream Chaser" repeatedly, letting myself be completely absorbed in this scene.

Switch between different people and different scenes...

These are not my fictional images, but real happenings in another time and space.

I just described them in words.

Those people, no matter how they are now, they have all chased that supreme dream.

So I named this chapter "Dream Chaser".

PS2, two changes will be resumed tomorrow, and another one during the May Day holiday allows me to slowly save some manuscripts. Thank you for your enthusiastic support! Thank you!