Fox in the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 223: confidence

Hu Lai changed the clothes for training in the locker room, followed his teammates to the training ground, talking and laughing, ready to start a new day of training.

After defeating the Stan Park Rangers away, everyone was in a good mood. The atmosphere inside the team was unprecedentedly relaxed and cozy.

The biggest goal of this season-relegation-has been completed. Judging from the team's current points and rankings, it might be possible to qualify for the Champions League next season.

For them, the rest of the season is no different from entering the holiday early.

Think about it if you really get the Champions League qualification in the end, the bonus will definitely be indispensable.

Everyone's mood is naturally very relaxed and happy.

This kind of ease and joy is reflected in daily training, and everyone is talking and laughing.

It’s not like before, it’s hard to train.

Although the training intensity has not decreased.

After the players came to the training ground, the training had not yet started. They continued to chat while doing pre-training preparations.

Until assistant coach Sam Randyll used a whistle to signal everyone to gather.

When all the players gathered, the head coach Clark announced to them a new news:

"We defeated the Stan Park Rangers on the road and proved several things-first, Stan Park is not an'undefeated home court'; second, the Stan Park Rangers are not invincible; third, we have all Ability to compete with the defending champion of the league!"

Clark held up three fingers.

Because of the tactical manual, everyone has now formed a conditioned reflex to the boss raising his hand and extending his finger. As soon as I see the boss raise his hand, I will count which fingers the boss has put up.

But this time Clark's gesture simply means the number three, without any other special meaning.

"Since we are capable, why not try to go further? Our original goal this season was to relegation, but we didn't expect that we completed this goal ahead of schedule in half a season. So what's next? I’ve talked to you about this issue before, and that conversation was successful. Because we beat the Stan Park Rangers away on the road. It’s just a temporary conversation in my opinion. It’s impossible to have it before every game. Would you like me to emphasize the importance of'pursuing victory' with you again? I'm afraid you will definitely annoy me when the time comes..."

Clark spread his hands.

The players were a little confused and didn't understand what the coach said to them.

Some of them looked at the other coaches behind the head coach, seeming to try to guess some useful information from the expressions of those coaches.

But they only saw a group of serious coaches and couldn't guess something from them.

Clark soon revealed the answer himself.

"After defeating the Stan Park Rangers away game, I realized that we could do more than others thought. So why don't we try... to compete for the league championship?"

When Clark said this sentence, he stared at the Leeds City players present, intending to see their true thoughts from their faces.

He did see something.

Most people's first reaction is to stare wide and feel surprised.

This is human nature.

Then someone got excited, and the whole person's eyes lit up.

But some people frowned slightly, seemingly annoyed.

Others seem to have not recovered from hearing the news that the team is about to win, maintaining a shocked look.

The different expressions of each person must represent their different thoughts. Clark took all the reactions of these people in his heart as much as possible and found a result that made him somewhat gratified.

That is, the vast majority of players are still excited about this goal, rather than frowning at the first hearing, believing that he, the coach, has put too much pressure on them and that the goal of winning the championship is unrealistic...

Especially those young players, their interest in the championship is obviously greater than the older players.

After seeing excited expressions on the faces of Hulay, Williams, Porter, Camara and others, Clark exhaled in his heart, knowing that this thing could be done.

After giving time for the players to digest the news, and at the same time allowing himself to fully observe the players' reactions, Clark continued:

"I know that just beating the Stan Park Rangers in a single game is not the same as beating the Stan Park Rangers in the entire season of the championship. But I think the former makes us qualified to try to challenge each other, which is very important. We are not. Blind self-confidence, but supported by actual results-when some of you suspect that you can't do it, then think about the last round of the league, how we broke the Stan Park Rangers in the'undefeated home' Undefeated myth?

“I’m making this goal public now, hoping to make everyone unite and have no differences. Only in this way can we truly achieve the goal in the league. Simply put, it is to make'winning the championship' the consensus of all of us, and It was not me alone, or the'target' set by the club management. To be honest, at the beginning of the season, we did not consider the situation at all, so we did not set the winning bonus... Of course, the club will definitely be Will come up with a winning bonus plan. But I still have to say, even if there is no additional bonus, we can't fight for the championship?

"As I said before, professional players are born to pursue victory. Professional players are also born to pursue championships. Regardless of their strength, whether or not this championship can be won will not prevent us from wanting to win the championship. Thoughts. If you all agree to win the championship for the rest of the season, then our training content will be slightly adjusted to ensure that we can still have sufficient physical fitness in the final league sprint..."


Clark's speech is over, and the players are warming up under the leadership of assistant coaches and physical fitness coaches.

When warming up, the players got together in groups, warming up and discussing what the boss just said excitedly.

"League champion! The boss can really dare to think about it! But think about it... we can indeed fight for the championship with the Stan Park Rangers..."

"Yes, and in fact, even if we lose the championship, we have nothing to lose. Anyway, we have achieved the biggest goal of the season. I think I can really try!"

"I'm excited now when I think about how we would celebrate if we won the league championship by then! When I go to the nightclub, those beauties will definitely be eager to give in, hey!"

"Charlie, don't think about it, even if you win the Champions League, women will not take the initiative to give you a hug. You have nothing to do with the championship really..."

"Hu, what right do you have to say about me? You are a virgin who doesn't even have a girlfriend!"

Hu Lai touched Williams and Camara on the left and right: "Hey, guys, Charlie despises you! Let me talk about it first, I'm not a picker, two people. But if you change it. On my head, I can't bear it..."

"FUCK, Hu!" Charlie Potter angrily provokes Hu Lai.

Williams was unmoved and glanced at him: "Isn't this right now on your head, Hu?"

Camara smiled slightly proudly: "I'm not a virgin, Hu."

"??" Not only Hu Lai, but this time even Charlie Potter and Williams and others around them looked at Camara with wide-eyed eyes.

"My first girlfriend and I were when I was fifteen years old..." Camara has learned English for most of the season and has improved. It's just that he is still not fluent. understood.

Charlie Potter's eyes widened, and he stared at Kamara with a gaping look like a clown.

Hu Lai was also surprised and turned to look at Kamala.

This kid is the youngest in their group, but he didn't expect it to be the oldest...

"Damn! Ismael, you were fifteen years old... Then isn't your girlfriend younger? You committed a crime, and I told you Ismael, you committed a crime!" Potter pointed to Camara very seriously To say.

Camara shook his head: "My first girlfriend is five years older than me..."

"Oh-my goodness!"

"my God!"

"Camara, I really didn't know you were okay with this bite!"

Amid the roaring howls of his teammates around, Williams raised his arm: "End this topic, guys. Otherwise, we will let Ismael do it all!"

The phrase "pretend to be forced" is what they heard from Hu Lai At the same time, they also learned a new English word from Hu Lai: zhuangbility.

Now they can use the imported word "pretend to be forced" very skillfully to express their meaning.

Sure enough, when he said this, everyone else understood what he meant and burst into laughter.

The laughter of the young people echoed over the training ground.

The coaches who were placing training props elsewhere in the training ground were all attracted by the laughter. They stopped their work and turned their heads to look around.

Clark also cast his gaze in the direction where the laughter came from, and a smile appeared on his face.


The players finished warming up and returned to the court to prepare for training, and assistant coach Sam Landier also returned to head coach Tony Clark.

The latter looked at the players who were about to start training and said with emotion: "These young people are so nice! I thought they would be frightened when they heard that they were about to win the championship, and they would be so nervous that they could not know what to do... Unexpectedly, they laughed excitedly sound……"

Randy frowned and looked at him.

"What's the matter, Sam?"

"I don't want to pour cold water on you, Tony. But... well, they didn't laugh out because they won the championship." Randyer, who had just warmed up the team, said, "They are talking about losing Kamala at the age of fifteen. This matter of virginity..."

Clark was stunned when he heard the words, and then laughed again after a long time: "Ha! Isn't that better, Sam? This fully shows that the goal of winning the championship did not bring any pressure to them!"

Speaking of this, he also cast his gratified eyes on the players.

"Sam, I am now more and more confident in achieving my goals!"

Randy murmured: "Your confidence is really inexplicable..."