Fox in the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 42: Just made a small suggestion

Chapter 1715 Just a small suggestion

"Hu, first of all congratulations on winning the game against Catalan United. Secondly, can you talk about your first goal in the game? It was a pleasing and unexpected goal. How did you Thinking of getting rid of Fortune like that?"

Hu Lai in front of the camera laughed:

"I didn't think about it. It was a conditioned reflex. My body reacted naturally-when I pulled the ball and turned around and saw Fortune right in front of me, I subconsciously pushed the football out...I didn't even think about myself With such good luck, I can get past him just like this..."

"Have you ever specially practiced such an extraordinary skill before?"

Hu Lai shook his head and waved his hands: "No, no, of course not. I was lucky this time, but it may not be so next time..."


"Although Hu said in an interview after the game that the ball was just the result of his flash of inspiration. But I think this is just Hu's smoke bomb - someone still remembers how he declared to the outside world after he mastered the long shot huh? He called all his long-range goals in the game 'lucky balls'. Does anyone still think that Hu can't shoot long-range?

"And the left foot, how did he celebrate after he scored with his left foot for the first time against King Madrid? Made a very surprised look, as if the ball was an accident. But it turns out he Hu's left foot is already very proficient... Now no one cares how many goals Hu scored with his left foot, because there are simply no statistics!

"So Hu said that his goal of turning around and passing Fortune through the crotch was an accident, a 'good luck goal', do you believe it? Anyway, I don't believe it. In fact, I was on Hu's goal I saw the shadow of another person, that is Maxi Carey who has left the team. Does this goal turn and dribble have the demeanor of a Dutch superstar? And Hu and Carey partnered in the Pirates for two seasons, how could he May not be affected by Carey?

"Let's look at this ball again, it's full of amazing imagination. We have always seen goals like this in Maxi Carey before. So obviously, Hu this ball learned from Carey's kick. Ball way..."

On the TV, a guest of a football program was talking with the host about Hu Lai's goal.

In front of the TV, Maxi Carey's wife asked her husband curiously: "Is he really influenced by you? Or is he really learning from you?"

Carey wanted to say no, he didn't want to have anything to do with Hu Lai.

Especially after he has left the team, this kind of topic seems to flaunt his importance.

It seems that the Madrid Pirates can't play without him.

Honestly, Maxi Carey doesn't like the sound of that.

He knew that doing this would make him look good, but with his proud temper, he didn't need to use the pain of his old club to show how good he was, because in fact he was very good without any additional conditions.

In his mind, if he left the Madrid Pirates, that means leaving. Don't always emphasize his importance to the Pirates in front of him.

It's not complimenting him, it's humiliating him.

Maxi Carey, who was eager to get rid of himself and the current pirates, just wanted to shake his head to deny his problem, and suddenly remembered a past event between himself and Hu Lai last season.

At that time, I was seriously injured because of the national team game, underwent surgery, and was still recovering.

The Madrid Pirates don't seem to be affected by his absence.

Hu Lai scored goals one after another, and the Pirates also won consecutive victories.

Until facing Catalonia at home - what a coincidence, even the opponents are the same.

In that game, Hu Lai started the game, but failed to score. In the end, the Madrid Pirates were tied 0:0 by Catalan United at home.

Because he failed to score a goal, Hu Lai was under tremendous pressure.

After that game, Carey waited for Hou Lai in the parking lot, and then made his own suggestion to him.

He hopes that Hu Lai can improve his ball-handling ability a lot, and learn to use skills instead of running positions in the penalty area to get rid of defensive players.

Only in this way can he become stronger.

As for a person who has a bad relationship with Hu Lai, why would he suggest to Hu Lai to become stronger...

Perhaps since then, Carey has made up his mind to leave the Madrid Pirates after the contract expires.

He felt that the pirates needed someone strong enough to succeed him.

That's why he said those words to Hu Lai.

Otherwise, why would he bother with Hu Lai?

From the point of view of personal interests, wouldn't it be better for Hu Lai to perform poorly, get stuck in the quagmire, and be abandoned in the end?

After he spoke with Houlay, Houlay scored a very beautiful turn away goal in the Madrid derby.

So today's Hu Lai may really have something to do with me?

Facing his wife's inquiry, Carey finally nodded: "I did give him some small suggestions..."

Immediately afterwards, he added another sentence: "But what he can achieve in the end has nothing to do with me."


In the backyard, Hu Lai stepped on the football and asked Li Qingqing: "If your back is facing the defender and a ball is passed from directly in front of you, how can you get rid of the defender with only one movement?"

"Just one movement?" Li Qingqing frowned.

"Only one touch of the ball, exactly."

Li Qingqing frowned and continued to think for a while, then she put the triangular cone bucket behind her, and then signaled Hu Lai to pass the football over.

Hu Lai obediently sent out the football.

I saw Li Qingqing, whose back was facing the cone, turned to the left, but the toe of her right foot picked the football to the right.

The football flew over the right side of the cone, and she turned around the left side of the cone.

After completing her turn, she strode quickly, quickly caught up with the football, and kicked the ball into the small goal.

After finishing all this, she looked back at Hu Lai and spread her hands: "That's it. One touch."

Hu Lai gave her a thumbs up: "Awesome!"

Li Qingqing, who was praised, laughed.

But Hu Lai changed the subject: "However... your intention is a bit more obvious."

"Is this obvious?" Li Qingqing was unconvinced, "I just turned around early to let you see clearly. In the game, I can wait for the football to approach me before turning around, and I use my body to block the defender's sight. I have no idea what I'm going to do."

"Indeed." Hu Lai nodded. "I just wanted to say, is there any other way to do a spin and get away with just one touch?"

Li Qingqing fell into silence.

Seeing that Li Qingqing didn't speak for a long time, Hu Lai had no choice but to describe the picture in his mind:

"It's just... you pass the ball to me, and I turn my back to the defender, put my left foot up and catch it with the inside of my foot. Looks like a catch right? But what if I'm rubbing the ball directly behind my right? I myself turn again from the left..."

Li Qingqing understood: "Do you want to use the inside of your foot to complete the movement similar to what I did just now?"

"Yes, you are picking with the outside of your foot, but I want to rub it with the inside of your foot."


Li Qingqing kicked the football against the wall, and when the football bounced back, she raised her left foot, and tried to rub the football behind her with the inside of her foot just like Hu Lai said.

But she failed.

The football was indeed kicked to the right, but not behind her.

After several failed attempts, Li Qingqing shook her head: "Why do you have such an idea?"

Of course, it is impossible for Hu Lai to tell him that this is a memory from another time and space, so he can only say:

"Isn't this the inspiration for my first ball in the last game? At that time, I also stopped the ball with my left foot and turned around, and took the football over. But I followed the ball at the time. If Fortune came up faster, I'm afraid the ball will be cut off. I wonder if there is a way for me to pass the ball with my back facing like that... It seems that my idea is impossible?"

Li Qingqing shook his head and said: "I can't say it's impossible. In theory, it can be done. After all, rubbing the ball itself is to make the football fly out of the arc. It's just what you said. I don't think it's just a technical problem. Whether it can be done has little to do with technology. It has to do with the angle of the pass, the power, the rotation of the football itself...all the specific conditions at the time."

After hearing Li Qingqing's words, Hu Lai also agreed.

That ball is indeed rare, otherwise why is there only one?

Seeing Hu Lai fell silent, UU read www.uukanshu. Li Qingqing thought that his words had hurt him, and comforted him: "Although it's not just a technical problem, but if you master the technology well and meet the right conditions, maybe you can make it?"

The reason why she said that was because she didn't want Hu Lai to be obsessed with it.

Judging from her own experiment just now, her boyfriend's brain hole this time is really too big...

There's no need to waste energy on things that don't even have a one percent success rate.

Now let's delay the attack first, maybe Hu Lai will forget about it in a few days?

Her boyfriend is always having weird ideas of one kind or another, and if every one of them is realized... no amount of energy will be enough.

"Let's go back to the house."

Li Qingqing waved to Hu Lai.


Hu Lai agreed straightforwardly, and followed her into the house, as if he really didn't think about it at all.

Only the football in the backyard lay quietly on the lawn, just like before the two of them came out, nothing seemed to happen.

(end of this chapter)