Fox in the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 425: good character

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"...Please ask Mr. Parrotti. Some people say that what you have achieved with the team is based on what Bujoen Hantecek has built for you. From this point of view, Hantecek is very important to the team. The current results are also contributing. What do you think about this?"

Hearing the question posed by the reporter on TV, Blue and White Munich's assistant coach Michel Stad couldn't help it: "This is malicious digging!"

Hantecek, who was beside him, did not speak, but just folded his arms and continued to watch the news.

In the news, Ettore Parotti, the current head coach of the Madrid Pirates, said with a smile on his face, the slightly fat Italian:

"That's true. When I took over the Pirates, the team had a very strong Hantschek style, which I think was a good thing because it made it easier for me to take over. Under his leadership, the Madrid Pirates have become a very effective team. I don't need to do much work to get the team into the fast lane... It's something that countless coaches dream of, and I take it lightly It's easy to have..."

Having said this, he also spread his hands and shrugged and smiled, as if he was quite proud.

"So I won the Europa League in my first season in charge, and I hardly changed the team's tactics and personnel framework. In fact, until now, I have continued Hunter. Some of the things that Checker left on the, as we all know, we have two faces on the team..."

He stretched out **** that looked like he was making a "v".

"I have said more than once that I am very grateful for what Mr. Bjorn Hantecek has done for this team before me. Without him, my job would have been a million times harder. Without him, The Pirates of Madrid won't be back on track so soon. He was the key player in pulling the team back from the brink, not only me, but every Pirates of Madrid fan will be grateful for him. I believe in the Pirates Park the day after tomorrow The stadium, when he makes his appearance, there will definitely be applause."

After Parrotti finished speaking, there was applause at the interview site.

Apparently, many reporters were impressed by Parrotti's mind.

"As expected of a 'good guy'," Stade said with emotion, "faced with such a malicious and provocative question, he can answer with a smile. Anyway, I don't think I have the patience like him. But, Bujoen, I I don't think that the reporter is talking for you, I prefer to think that he is maliciously smearing your image. We all know that you are not the one who really cares about what your old club thinks of you, and you have never asked others to respect you. Or acknowledging your service to pirates..."

"You're right, Michelle." Hantecek, who had been silent before, interrupted Stad suddenly, "I'm not that kind of person, but I don't mind letting them think I'm that kind of person."

Stad looked at him blankly, not understanding what he was saying for a while: "What do you mean?"

"It means I want them to think I'm still the 'godfather' of this team."

Stad blinked, but still didn't respond.

Seeing him like this, Hantecek had to explain patiently, "Michelle, what kind of person do you think Parrotti is?"

"As his nickname is, a 'good guy'. He has a good temper and can get along well with both the club's management and the players. I've never heard of him having a conflict with anyone..." Stad said. "Even, sometimes he seems to be a little weak... You see, in the face of such provocations from the media, he still says so much according to the other party's words. So much so that I thought he really respected you so much..."

"Maybe that's how he respects me," Hantecek said. "To put it simply, although there are always people who say that he led the team to the Europa League and the league because of what I inherited. But we all know that he is a very capable manager, right? Only? But before he coached the Pirates, he wasn't very famous."

Stad nodded: "Indeed. Not famous, but very capable. Especially the tactical ability is stronger than many people think."

Glad that his partner was able to point this out, Hantecek nodded: "Yes. Everyone thinks that Parrotti's strength is good at interpersonal relationships, and it seems that uniting the locker room is his greatest strength. But because of this He ignored his tactical ability. After he took over the Madrid Pirates, he was able to quickly launch a tactical play that was completely opposite to what we had before, which is the best proof."

"That's right. He made Maxi work as a striker, but it's really a magic trick. I even think that the reason why Hu has scored so many goals this season is precisely because Parrotti successfully persuaded Maxi to let it go. Fire right and assist Hu."

"It's not just that. The introduction of Vukovic and Kamara is to enhance his own set of transfer and control tactics. It can be said that this season's Madrid Pirates are the 'complete body' in Parotti's mind,'" The best form'. So this season we've seen them beat Stan Park Rangers 3-1 away and Tramed 4-1 at home, big scores. What does that mean?"

"It shows that the Madrid Pirates are in the strongest period of their team cycle." Assistant coach Stad replied.

"Yeah. Every team has a cycle, from transition, to maturity, to maturity, and then to replacement... and the Pirates are in that maturity right now. It's a very strong and difficult opponents. It's very difficult for us to beat them away, we have to think of something else..."

"any solution?"

"Parotti is a manager who is always calm, so let him not be calm anymore."

Hearing Hantecek say this, Michelle Stad turned her head to look at him in surprise.


Hantecek stood on the side of the court, surrounded by many reporters, and they all aimed their cameras at the talented young coach.

From the camera, he seems to be the owner of the stadium.

But in fact, he is indeed no stranger to this stadium.

Reporters are asking him: "Does it feel familiar to you to be back at Pirates Park?"

Hantecek replied with a smile: "Yes. Everything here is still so familiar. It's like I've never left here...I'm so happy to be here again, back at Pirates Park, like It's like going home."

If this is what Hu Lai said, everyone must think that he is yin and yang.

If it were someone else, it would also feel ill-considered.

But when Hantecek said "going home", no one present felt disobedient.

Because this place was indeed his home, and it can even be counted as his home... After all, there are still many people here who like her.

Another reporter asked: "Parotti said that the reason why he can achieve what he is now has a lot to do with you. What is your comment on this?"

"I'm glad that my work with this team was helping them, it shows that I did the right job. There's nothing more fulfilling for a football coach. "

Hantecek didn't directly say "yes, Parrotti is right, he is the champion who stood on my shoulders", but that's pretty much what he meant.


"I always feel weird..."

At breakfast, Hu Lai showed Joaquin Bella his phone.

On the screen is a news report that last night Hantchek led the team to the Pirates Park for field training.

With a photo.

In the photo, Hantecek is standing on the sidelines being interviewed by a circle of reporters.

The photographer is very particular when taking pictures. He specially shot from a very low position. He took the back view of Hantecek. In front of Hantecek, there was a circle of reporters with long guns and short cannons holding microphones. them.

From this perspective, the reporters appear much shorter than Hantecek, who is very tall, almost as high as the main stand in front of him.

In particular, Hantecek in the photo is opening his arms as if embracing the stands.

Although Hu Lai does not understand photography, he has basic perception ability.

"...This photo looks to me, as if Hantecek is the owner of this stadium..."

Joaquin Bella felt the same way, and in fact the meaning in this photo is so obvious that no special reading comprehension is required at all.

However, Bella has a different understanding: "Mr. Hantecek can indeed be regarded as the owner here. This time, many fans want to welcome him back to the Pirates Park on the spot."

"That's different, Joaquin. It's okay for the fans to welcome the former coach, but he can't be like this himself, can he? Did you see what he said in the interview? It's almost like 'the team won the championship because of me. '. I think that's disrespectful to our head coach, doesn't it?"

Hu Lai has never played under Hantecek, so he has little affection for the club's illustrious coach

On the contrary, he and Parrotti get along day and night, thinking that Parrotti is a good person worthy of respect. So he naturally stood in Parotti's position.

Bella was a little embarrassed: "Uh... it's a little bit. But Mr. Hantchek has always been such a 'madman', he doesn't care what others think of him. He can do whatever he wants and say whatever he wants."

Joaquin Bella's position is not the same as Hu Lai, so it will be a little awkward. Because he was promoted from the youth team to the first team by Hantecek. It can be said that he is where he is today, all thanks to Bujoen Hantecek, who was the head coach of the Pirates at the time.

It would be ungrateful if he criticized Hantecek.

"Madman?" Hu Lai thought of his former head coach Tony Clark, nicknamed "Madman".

With this name, Clark acts almost unscrupulously in the game, and everyone will take it for granted when he makes tactical adjustments.

So Clark sometimes deliberately exaggerates his crazy side, and then does the opposite at a critical moment and catches the opponent off guard.

He nodded: "What a good character."