Fox in the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 433: tacit understanding

Chapter 1622 The tacit understanding that shouldn't have

Hantchek's tactical strategy for Blue and White Munich has a fatal flaw, that is, once a key player receives a yellow card, the entire team will take huge risks.

Now that Van der Stern received a yellow card, Maxi Carey's pressure in the midfield suddenly became much less.

He ran back and forth, receiving and passing the ball, and helped Vukovic sort out the midfield.

In the fifty-ninth minute, after the Madrid Pirates passed six consecutive kicks in the midfield, Vukovic passed the football straight to Maxi Carey in front.

When Carey got the ball, Van der Stern was right in front of him, but he didn't dare to take a step easily, but lowered his center of gravity and waited for it.

At the same time, the blue and white Munich defense line behind him also took a step forward in a tacit understanding, leaving Hu Lai behind.

Now Hu Lai fell into an offside trap, and the blue and white Munich's defense only had to deal with Kyrie with the ball. The situation became much easier.

Van der Stern stepped forward to press Carey again at this time.

At the same time, Carey looked up and turned his head to see Hu Lai who was in an offside position, and the latter was also looking at him.

The two eyes met.

Van der Stern was already approaching him. At this moment, he saw Carey turn his body slightly, open his body to the right, and then swung his right leg, as if to pass the football to the right.

In the first half, the blue-white Munich conceded the ball, which was suddenly hit to the right.

Van der Stern didn't dare to neglect, and immediately stretched out his feet to block Carey's pass.

But when Carey's foot was almost touching the football, he dunked suddenly!

Buckle the football behind Van der Stern, and also behind the blue and white Munich defense!

But it happened to be where Hu Lai was!

This dunk is equivalent to dunking the football to Hou Lai, and Hou Lai is already offside, and the attack of the Madrid Pirates is over.

Seeing this, the young blue and white Munich central defender Jean Creon couldn't wait to raise his arm, signaling Hou Lai to be offside.

But another central defender Eswein not far from him has rushed back quickly.

He realized the problem!

The football was thrown towards Hu Lai, but Hu Lai stood there motionless, like a wooden stake.

He could catch the ball just by stretching his foot a little bit, but he didn't.

Just like that, he lowered his head and watched the football pass by his feet.

Immediately afterwards, Maxi Carey also passed in front of him.

A gust of wind picked up, blowing his hair that drooped on his forehead.

At the same time of smashing the ball, Carey immediately turned around and cut in, and swept past the defense of Blue and White Munich along with the football!

It was too late for Jean Croon to defend when he saw this. Even though he's the closest guard to Kyrie...

Eswein's reaction was faster than him, but the distance was far away. At this time, it was actually impossible to catch up, unless someone could slow down Carey's pace.

Blue and white Munich goalkeeper Schlitter decisively abandoned the goal and rushed to the football when Carey smashed the ball into the penalty area.

Although Maxi Carey suffered two serious injuries, it is difficult for him to dribble the ball at high speed for long distances, but the speed at which he started with all his strength, few people can keep up.

So despite Schlitt's quick strike in time, let Carey catch the football first.

Carey, who was in the first place, opened his body to the right again, swung his right leg, and made a gesture to push the far corner.

After tricking Schlitt into falling to the ground, he swung his right foot down, stepping on the football and pulling it back, and went around Schlitt's feet.

"Nice! Carey passed Schlitter!"

Although Carey, who passed the goalkeeper, shot at a smaller angle, he faced an empty goal!

The small shooting angle is not difficult for him, a player who once won the La Liga Golden Boot!

He raised his right foot again, instead of shooting, he bounced the football towards the goal with the outside instep!

No one can stop the ball anymore.

Even Eswein could do nothing but watch the football roll into the goal!

"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Carey! Maxi Carey! 'MAX'! Super 'MAX'! A beautiful goal, he gave the Madrid Pirates a 2-1 lead over the Blue and White Munich!"

After the goal, Carey ran towards the corner flag with his arms outstretched.

But it wasn't that kind of fast running, but like a stroll, while he was running, he looked left and right, with a proud expression on his face.

What he scored just now was indeed a very beautiful goal, which is something to be proud of.

The best part is that buckle.

Fooled everyone.

In fact, we can't blame the defensive players of Blue and White Munich. It is really that Kyrie's smash is very powerful, and the football rolls a long distance, which is not like a normal smash.

That's why they thought that Carey passed the football to Hu Lai.

But Hu Lai was in an offside position, so everyone thought that Carey must have made a mistake and used too much force.

It's just that they ignored Carey's starting speed.

The former Maxi Carey had a famous nickname - "The Flying Dutchman".

Some media described Carey running on the court as if he was "flying close to the ground"!

In front of his super explosive power, the problem of distance becomes non-existent.

He caught up with the football in just two steps, and even had enough energy to fake a shot at Zhenla, which gave the blue and white Munich's German goalkeeper Schlitter.

He Feng shouted excitedly: "Now Carey rarely dribbles the ball for long distances, but he still has the ability to sprint ten meters at full speed! This ball is also handled very skillfully. Facing the ball being kicked, the average person I'm afraid he would pick it up reflexively, but he didn't move! Although the outside world said that the relationship between Carey and Hu Lai is very ordinary, but they have a very tacit understanding on the court!"

It is indeed a tacit understanding.

When Carey smashed the ball, both He Feng and Yan Kang thought that the Madrid Pirates' attack was coming to an end.

As a result, Hu Lai remained motionless. Although he was in an offside position, he did not participate in the attack, so Carey was not offside in this attack.

His steady stillness and Kaili's thunderous movement really complement each other, making people want to beat the table with praise:



The Madrid Pirates players ran to celebrate the goal with Kyrie, and Houlai was among them.

He was the first to rush forward shamelessly, and threw himself on Kaili, interrupting him from continuing to pretend.

Carey wanted to throw him off, but he clung to him like an octopus.

In the end, Carey had no choice but to celebrate behind his back.

Hantchek, who saw this scene from the sidelines, let out a long sigh.

This is his attitude towards this conceded goal, not furious, but sighing.

After sighing, he looked at the Madrid Pirates players who were celebrating and said to the assistant coach Michelle Stad next to him: "I have a question that I have never figured out. The relationship between Carey and Hu should not be regarded as Well, look at their celebration now... saying 'the relationship is average' is probably flattering the two of them. But why does Kaili and Hu still have such a tacit understanding?"

Neither Stade nor Aylmer could answer their coach's questions.

The relationship between Holly and Carey is indeed confusing.

Hou Lai scored a record-breaking 51 goals in La Liga this season, and Carey contributed a lot to it.

But the personal relationship between the two of them is quite ordinary.

No one saw them have off-court contact other than on-court interactions.

And after Carey assisted Hu Lai, he would not happily go up to celebrate with Hu Lai.

There were rumors before that Carey was very dissatisfied with the club spending a lot of money to buy Hu Lai, thinking that he had taken away his right to fire.

Later, the facts also proved that after Hu Lai transferred to the Madrid Pirates, Carey did indeed change from the original main scorer to now making Hu Lai's wedding dress.

With the temper of a Dutch superstar, how can he bear this matter?

Even if you don't fall out face to face, you will definitely feel uncomfortable.

With such a relationship, you say that Carey's assists to Hu Lai on the court may be due to his professional ethics and the requirements of the head coach, which is understandable.

But how to explain the ball just now?

Hu Lai just gave way, and Carey just made a dunk.

There was also the ball in the Spanish Super Cup final, when Kyrie kicked the football towards the goal, and Hou Lai jumped up and slipped the football through his crotch, making Kyrie's winning goal.

This kind of tacit understanding appears in two people who have a normal relationship, and can even be said to be indifferent... Is this realistic?

Hantchek didn't expect the two of them to be able to answer his He shook his head again.

In this game, he made a lot of preparations, and even performed a play in front of everyone.

Playing against an opponent who I have coached for four seasons and left a deep mark on, it stands to reason that what should be familiar should not be more familiar, and I know how to play with my eyes closed.

But he didn't take Hu Lai's influence to the extreme.

It turned out that he thought Hu Lai was just the sharpest knife, and the pirates of Parotti held this sharp blade, and their combat power increased greatly.

And I have a super shooter like Mark Becker, and I don't lose to Parotti who has Holley.

Therefore, in terms of striker power comparison, it should be a tie.

But obviously, Hu Lai's influence is not only on the balance of strikers, but also includes many aspects that Hantchek could not have imagined before...

For example, he never expected that the drama he had carefully arranged before the game would be ruined by Hu Lai in the end.

This person, you can't just look at him from the dimension of football...

(end of this chapter)