Fox in the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 444: Cheers to Hu

"Mark Becker! He has set a new Champions League record! Eighteen goals in a single season! This is a historic moment, a new record is born! Becker has written his name in the history of the Champions League forever! Really! Great! At the same time, he also helped Blue and White Munich to tie the total score, there are ten minutes left in the game, it is entirely possible for them to complete the reversal in the remaining time!"

"Kamara, Kamara...Kamara - inverted triangle pass! Hu! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaty! One minute later, Hu took advantage of the kick-off and scored! It's crazy!"

“胡——!这……精彩绝伦!完美的进球!噢噢噢噢噢噢——简直难以置信!难以置信!女士们先生们,请原谅我要收回刚才对胡第一个球太疯狂This is the craziest! This is it! Hu tied Mark Becker in the record chase in just two minutes!"

"Pirates backcourt long pass, looking for Kyrie in front. Kyrie ready to catch... Kyrie?! Kyrie! Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!! God God God! God! We saw it! What?! Sorry, I'm going to take back all my previous comments... This is the most incredible, unbelievable, craziest scene! Oh my God! Hu finished his quest for Becker in less than six minutes Go-ahead! The shortest hat-trick in the history of the Champions League! The player with the most goals in a single season in the history of the Champions League! Hu Lei!!

When the highlights of Hu Lai's three goals in a row were withdrawn, Klein smiled and said to Matthew Cox, who was sitting next to him: "Aren't you still so excited to listen to your own commentary now, Matthew Cox? ?"

Cox smiled: "Yes, of course. I still get goosebumps. But not because of my commentary, but because of Hu's three goals."

"After the game that day, you tweeted that being able to witness such a scene that will go down in history is what it means to be a football commentator..."

Cox nodded: "Yes. In my commentary career, there are many classic moments, and I can always witness it with my own eyes. I think this is my happiness and the meaning of football commentary. I am very grateful to Hu for adding another classic memory to my career.”

Klein continued: "There are always a lot of classic memories about Hu."

"Yes yes." Cox nodded and laughed, "like the hat-trick at Stan Park, and the last 22 seconds of Tramede's lore..."

Another guest on the show, retired former Manchester Athletic player Bailey Godwin, said: "I think Hu can now be compared to top players like Merry and Kabonka..."

In the "White Rose" bar, the Leeds City fans who saw this scene were furious:

"It's okay now? What do you mean? So you thought he wasn't worthy?"

"That's why Godwin's career was so mediocre! Because he was blind!"

"Ha, Godwin is so embarrassed to comment on Hu? His entire career can't be compared to Hu's achievements at Leeds!"

Everyone fought for Hu Lai one after another.

The fans of Leeds City still regard Hu Lai as their idol until this time, and no one is allowed to smear and belittle Hu Lai.

Of course, there is something wrong with what Godwin said.

What does it mean to "think that Hu can now be compared with top players like Meli and Kabonka"?

Before Hu Lai scored more than 30 consecutive rounds of league goals and scored 50 goals in a single season, wasn't it the performance of top players?

Leeds City fans are also right about the irony of Godwin, who spent his career mostly at Manchester Athletic but had an underwhelming career.

Of course, Manchester Athletic at that time was not as soft as it is now.

Godwin retired at the age of thirty-four without injury. It speaks volumes about how average his career has been...if not, how could he have retired so early?

Why can such a mediocre professional player become a guest on TV's Champions League program after retiring?

Leeds City fans maliciously speculated: on the one hand, it may be because the notice fee for mediocre players is relatively cheap, and on the other hand, it may be because Godwin is also incapable of coaching, club management, etc., so he can only be a TV show guest. , after all, as long as you have a mouth for this job, you can have a brain or not.

As Leeds City fans, they are undoubtedly happy these two days.

But the happiest and happiest are the Pirates fans.


Mantorez Alvared walked into the bar he used to go to, but was surprised to find that the bar was a little deserted today.

It was the busiest time, but there were not many people.

He walked to the bar and asked the boss, "What's the matter, where have everyone gone?"

"Where else can we go, the cemetery, the cemetery." The boss explained to him as he handed him the wine.

Alvared suddenly realized, then frowned and shook his head: "It's just to reach the final."

"Some people may be worried that they won't have a chance to go after the finals..."

"Are you so unsure?"

"So you plan to go after the finals?"

Alvared nodded: "If there is no champion, I don't want to disturb Mary."

"Can we really win this year?" the boss asked.

"I think so. Everything has been perfect this year, Hu's condition, the condition of the rest of the team, and the tactical maturity... If we can't get it this year, then I really don't know when we can get it back. The Champions League." Alvared analyzed.

"The last time I won the championship was seventeen years ago." The bar owner sighed.

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud noise outside the door, and then the door was pushed open, and a large number of fans poured in.

After seeing Alvared, they all expressed their surprise: "Mantores, you didn't go to the cemetery?"

"I'll wait until I get the championship." Alvared raised the wine glass in his hand and greeted them.

"Okay!" Some of the fans cheered loudly, "Let's go again when we win the championship!"

Then everyone returned to their seats and chatted enthusiastically about the Champions League semi-final that ended yesterday.

"To be honest, after seeing Becker's goal yesterday, my heart went cold. At that moment, the picture of us being eliminated by the Kings last season reappeared in front of my eyes..."

"Hey, I'm just like you! I was so nervous in front of the TV!"

"Can you still watch TV? I turned off the TV!"

"Ah? Then didn't you miss the 'Legend Six Minutes'?"

"Don't mention this..."

Cheerful laughter broke out in the bar.

Sure enough, the joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same, and it is always the most interesting thing to see others unlucky.

After laughing, someone raised a glass and stood up: "Hu is the club's most successful signing in the past two years. Without him, we would not have everything we have now. I propose to have a toast to Hu!"

His proposal was quickly and enthusiastically responded, and everyone in the bar stood up, raised their glasses, and drank in unison:

"To Hu Lai... Cheers!"

To show respect, they called out their full names.



Han Shuyu was woken up by the constant ringing of the phone.

In fact, she had heard it before, but she didn't want to answer it at all.

The brain knows that there is a call, but the body does not move, and the brain does not urge the body, as if saying: "It doesn't matter who is calling, if you don't answer it, you don't answer it!"

So wait until the phone rings until it hangs up automatically.

She continued to sleep groggyly.

But soon the phone rang again.

After repeatedly pulling and sawing like this for several times, Han Shuyu finally couldn't sleep anymore. She turned over to pick up the mobile phone on the bedside table and connected it with dissatisfaction: "Li Qingliang, you have something wrong! Do you know that I cut the video overnight last night? , I was still cutting on the plane from Munich back to Madrid! I finally got some sleep, and you still called me!"

Li Qingliang's aggrieved voice sounded over the phone: "But Han Shuyu, you've slept for almost ten hours, it's time for dinner..."

"I don't want to eat! I want to sleep!" After saying that, Han Shuyu hung up the phone and threw it aside.

Then the phone rang again.

Han Shuyu buried his head in the quilt and screamed before picking up the phone. This time, his mood and tone were much calmer: "Okay, treat yourself."


By the time Han Shuyu and Li Qingliang sat at the table outside the restaurant to enjoy dinner, it was already ten thirty in the evening, Madrid time.

But the streets are still very lively.

The restaurant was also full of people outside.

Everyone staggered and chatted happily.

Everyone had a smile on their face, as if they were happy.

Han Shuyu also looked much more energetic than before.

"I think Han Shuyu, you should have a good rest until the end of the season. It's really not good to stay up all night to cut videos so intensively." Li Qingliang suggested Han Shuyu seriously.

Han Shuyu also has a heart: "Yeah, I'm really afraid that one day I will die suddenly in front of the computer..."

After she finished speaking, she changed her words: "But before I die, I can see Hu Lai's amazing performance, it's worth my death!"

Li Qingliang hurriedly waved his hand: "Don't, if you're really dead, how can you see Hu Lai's more miraculous performance behind him?"

Han Shuyu was amused: "Don't I'll just talk about it casually."

"You can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense." Li Qingliang cared about her very much.

Han Shuyu also felt this concern, and she smiled.

After the meal was settled, the waiter directly gave them a 50% discount on the table.

Both were a little surprised.

The waiter explained the reason to them: "You are Chinese, and the Chinese are 50% off today's meal!"

Then he simply imitated Hu Lai's celebration:


Both Li Qingliang and Han Shuyu were amused by the lovely waiters.

Then Han Shuyu asked: "Then we come to dinner after the Champions League final, can we still have a discount?"

The waiter replied simply: "As long as we are the champions!"

Han Shuyu gave him a thumbs up: "Then we must come again."

Then she and Li Qingliang turned around and left the restaurant run by Madrid Pirates fans.

The streets were crowded, and they saw someone wearing Hulay's No. 14 jersey for the Pirates of Madrid, and more than one.

Hu Lai's influence in the city has grown bigger and deeper.

Although he has only been in the city for less than two years, he has already become part of Madrid.

There was another roar of "HUUUUU!!!" behind them, and they looked back, and the waiter in the restaurant was performing Hu Lai's celebration to several Chinese-looking diners.

And these Chinese people are obviously tourists who come to Madrid for tourism - because they are still dragging suitcases and carrying large bags on their backs.

Facing the waiter, they took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

After seeing this scene, Han Shuyu and Li Qingchang looked at each other and smiled.


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