Fox in the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 68: Rare 1 gathering

, The fastest update of the latest chapters of Fox in the restricted zone!

After a day of training, Qin Lin asked Hu Lai: "Where do you live these days?"

Hu Lai hugged Wang Guangwei next to him: "I'll go back to live in the villa, and Lao Wang and I have agreed."

Qin Lin nodded: "That's good. Come to my house for dinner at night. Xiao Qi wants to see you too."

"No problem, Brother Lin!"

After Qin Lin got the promise, he turned around and left with the other coaches.

Hu Lai went to the locker room surrounded by his teammates.

Everyone surrounded him and kept throwing various questions to him:

"What is Hu's experience playing in the Premier League?"

"What is the difference between the Premier League and us?"

"How to get along with foreigners?"

"Brother Hu, is it too late for me to start learning English?"

"Have you ever had the best Champagne in the audience? Is it good?"


Hu Lai felt that he was not returning to Shining Star, but to Zhihu.

After finally dealing with everyone's problems while changing clothes in the locker room, he came to the parking lot with Wang Guangwei, Zhang Qinghuan, Xia Xiaoyu and Morikawa Junpei.

"Your kid is lucky. If you drive my tram today, you won't fit so much luggage in the trunk." Zhang Qinghuan said, standing next to Xia Xiaoyu's Volvo.

"When the time comes, you have to run back by yourself. This is the price of Sapri's love to death!"

Hu Lai heard Zhang Qinghuan scolding himself, and smiled on his face: "That can't, I know that Brother Huan likes me. I would rather run by yourself than let me run."

"I like you to die!"

Several people next to each other looked at them and laughed.

Especially Wang Guangwei suddenly felt a little emotional. What an ordinary scene for them at the beginning, but now it is rare to get together-although Hu Lai is back today, Chen Xingyi is still in Dashun.

In the future, if they all go to Europe to play football and they are separated, it will be even more difficult to get together again...

So he used his mobile phone to take a picture of the scene before him, and then sent it to the group, and @了陈星佚.

"Damn!" Chen Xingyi quickly jumped out, "Hu Lai was swept out by Leeds? I can't mix in Europe and come back to your flashing stars?! Why don't I know such big news?!"

Seeing this sentence, Wang Guangwei couldn't help but laughed.

Zhang Qinghuan and Hu Lai asked him, "Pharaoh, what are you laughing at?"

Wang Guangwei motioned to them to watch the group.

Everyone took out their phones and looked down.

"Day!" Hu Lai cursed, and then said in the group: "Little Xingxing, can you talk a little bit?"

"I'm the first reaction of a normal person, okay? Otherwise, why do you run the flashing star?"

Zhang Qinghuan: "He came to us to pretend to be forced."

Hu Lai: "How do you say it? I'm not forgetting my original intention! Back to where the dream started!"

Wang Guangwei: "Well, don't forget the original intention of pretending to be forced, and return to the place where pretending to start."

Xia Xiaoyu: Cover your face, smile and cry

Morikawa Junpei: Laughing to tears

Like the emoticons they sent in the group, Xia Xiaoyu and Morikawa Junpei held their phones and laughed.

After the sunset had almost submerged into the mountains to the west, the golden sunlight swept across the earth, covering everything wherever it went, including the car in the parking lot of the Liucheng training base and the people beside it.

The sun shone on them, and then a long shadow was drawn behind them, extending far, far away.


The five people drove back to the single-family villa. Hu Lai saw that the football field was still there, and there was no sign of abandonment.

It seems that even without him and Chen Xingyi, the remaining four people still use the football field occasionally.

"You still sleep in your room, and there is regular cleaning to clean it, so you don't have to worry about the hygiene. There are so many bedding rooms." Wang Guangwei helped Hu Lai arrange it.

Hu Lai had no opinion on Lao Wang's arrangement.

In fact, it doesn't matter if he sleeps directly in the guest room.

Carrying the box upstairs, he opened the door and found that the furnishings in the room were the same as before, except for the empty mattress, which was almost the same as he was still living here.

He stood at the door and did not go in. Seeing him like this, Zhang Qinghuan, who lived on the same floor with him, asked, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know why..." Hu Lai murmured, "I feel like visiting my own former residence..."

Zhang Qinghuan: "...Okay, when you leave, I'll go to make a custom sign, write ‘Hu Lai’s Former Residence’, and hang it on the wall next to it."

"Brother Huan waits for you to go, you can also make a sign." Hu Lai specially bit the words "waiting for you to go" very hard.

Zhang Qinghuan waved his hand: "No, no, no, I don't engage in that formalism, it's all falsehood!"

"Ha ha."

"Brother Lin told us to go to dinner!" Xia Xiaoyu's shout sounded downstairs.

Hu Lai and Zhang Qinghuan stopped quarreling with each other.

He pushed the suitcase into the house and didn't pack it, so he turned around and went downstairs with Zhang Qinghuan.

Then he joined the other three people, locked the door, and walked to the Qin Lin's house diagonally opposite.

At the door, they saw Qin Qi who couldn't wait to come out.

"Brother Hu!" Qin Qi was very happy when he saw Hu Lai, so he almost rushed forward.

"Oh, Xiao Qi has grown so tall..." Hu Lai stretched out his hand and tried to pull others' hair, but Qin Qi avoided him in time.

Wang Guangwei vomited next to him: "Don't tell me, you are the same as if you haven't seen Xiaoqi for many years, you only left for half a year."

After entering the door, seeing Qin Lin and his sister-in-law, the five of them quickly stood up and greeted them respectfully.

"Hello, Brother Lin!"

"Hello sister-in-law!"

"Good, good, good, come and sit down!" Wang Yuan waved to them, and there were already some dishes on the long table. "There are still some being made, you guys eat first..."

"It's okay, sister-in-law, we are waiting for you to eat together." Wang Guangwei said.

"Don't wait, wait until the dishes prepared before are cold. You eat first..." Wang Yuan waved her hand, turned and walked into the kitchen again.

Qin Lin wanted to help, but was kicked out: "Hello!"

Qin Lin returned to the restaurant with a helpless wry smile, then looked at the five people, and finally his sight naturally fell on Hu Lai.

"The exercise effect in the Premier League is so good? In just six months, I thought you had been out for several years." Qin Lin said with emotion.

Hu Lai hurriedly said, "I didn't dare to relax at the beginning, so I was very serious and worked hard..."

Although it feels like he's pretending to be forceful again, it's better than just saying, "That's because I turned it on", right? No one believed it, so I really don’t blame him for pretending...

Qin Lin didn't delve into it, and nodded: "Don't relax in the future. Playing football is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you don't work hard, you will be overtaken by newcomers."

"I know, Brother Lin. Not to mention being overtaken by newcomers, I am still catching up with others. The Premier League is really strong."

"Well, you can have this idea."

Wang Yuan walked out of the kitchen with a steaming dish, and when she put it on the table, she touched her husband: "Don't just talk, hello them to eat!"

Then she looked at Hu Lai again: "Don't worry, Hu Lai. I know that Chinese food is not healthy for you athletes, but it doesn't matter if you eat one occasionally, and your sister-in-law's cooking is light..."

Hu Lai quickly said: "It's okay, sister-in-law. I can practice more after eating. When I was in Leeds, the last season was over. The head coach invited our team to eat Chinese food!"

"Really? That's good? Ha!" Wang Yuan laughed, then turned and went into the kitchen: "You eat and talk while you eat!"

Qin Lin picked up the chopsticks behind her: "Eat!"


"Brother Hu, that Xiao En really said that?" Qin Qi stared at Hu Lai, ignoring the glutinous pork ribs on his chopsticks.

"Of course. He thought I didn't understand English, so he uttered a lot of words there." Hu Lai curled his lips. "Actually, I heard clearly, so I stunned him on the spot!"

"I also know this Sean. The media said he was the hero of Leeds City. I didn't expect the hero to look like this..." Wang Guangwei is very concerned about international football trends.

"Hey, isn't it like this everywhere? There are people where there are people. Don't think that foreigners are higher than us. There are also bad things among their players..." Zhang Qinghuan pouted.

"Speaking of this season at the end of the season, the North London Wanderers only finished fifth, falling from third all the way, almost like an avalanche. Champions League qualification has also flown, I don't know what Shaun feels..."

"It is said that many fans of Rangers have called him a dog..." Hu Lai said. "Just because he didn't score a goal against us against Leeds, Rangers fans put the team on the back of losing the UEFA Champions League qualification. He has become a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."

"Hahaha! Retribution is unhappy!"

"The last dish is coming--" Wang Yuan came in with a steamed fish in her laughter.

The others stopped chatting and greeted Wang Yuan: "Sister-in-law, come eat!"

"You talked about you." Wang Yuan sat down beside Qin Lin, not eager to eat, but propped her chin with her hand and stared at the group of young people.

Hu Lai continued to tell her son the interesting stories about playing in the Premier League. The son naturally listened very seriously, his mouth slightly opened as cute as he was when he was a child, and his eyes gleamed with hope.

She raised her hand and wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, and then noticed that someone was looking at her, so she turned her head and looked up, and saw her husband sitting next to her, looking at her.

Wang Yuan smiled.

Qin Lin also laughed.


The meal was actually finished long ago, but everyone sat around the dining table and chatted for almost two hours.

It was not until half past nine that the five young people left Qin Lin's family and returned to the villa they had rented.

Zhang Qinghuan turned on the projection: "How about, Hu Lai? Come and learn?"

Unexpectedly, Hu Lai shook his head and turned to the gym on the basement floor: "No, I ate so much today, I want to quickly transform into muscle."

Behind him, the four people looked at each other.

Before going to Europe, they had never seen such a Hu Lai...

They thought of what Director Zhao said on the training ground today.

So is this the reason why Hu Lai can progress so fast in Europe?

"I'm going too." Wang Guangwei said first.

Morikawa Junpei did not speak, but the person had moved first.

Xia Xiaoyu followed closely.

"Damn!" Zhang Qinghuan exploded when he saw this, and followed.

Five people quickly filled up the small gym, some got on the treadmill, some got on the elliptical machine, and some others chose to exercise thigh muscle strength...

Heavy breathing and clanging equipment sounded in the gym. UU Reading

In the living room, I don't know who placed the mobile phone on the coffee table constantly vibrating and buzzing.

Chen Xingyi: "Take more pictures!"

Chen Xingyi: "How did you get together, I said?"

Chen Xingyi: "Reply! Hey, are all dead?!"

Chen Xingyi: "Moximosi, is anyone there?"

Chen Xingyi: "This group is blocked? Who of you has a color picture?"

Chen Xingyi: "Every day!"

Chen Xingyi: "Fuck, fuck!"


Those voices from the gym on the basement floor floated up, as if they were an answer to him.