Fox in the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 8: The gap between master and apprentice

After Hulai scored, the first half of the game ended soon.

Leeds City entered the halftime at home with a goal leading the score.

After a 15-minute intermission, the two sides changed sides to fight again.

Leeds did not make any substitution adjustments, but Waldhampton’s coach Javier Tobella replaced a striker at halftime to try to strengthen the offense.

Obviously he was very satisfied with the team's overall performance in the first half, and did not think that the loss was caused by the difference in the strength of the two teams. He prefers to think that the penalty kick was stolen by Leeds through scams-when Houlai fell to the ground and the referee Craig blew his whistle, Tobella jumped into a thunder on the sidelines and almost received a red card warning. Was directly punished into the stands.

But he did not change his opinion on this.

He thinks Hu Lai is a flop, this penalty is simply unnecessary.

Since the team is dominant on the scene and Leeds’ lead was stolen, the situation is very simple. Of course, it is to strengthen the offense and try to get the score back.

So he changed into a forward, stepped up his offense, and tried to turn his advantage on the scene into a victory.

But he may have misunderstood the difference in strength between the two teams.

Not long after the start of the second half, Leeds launched a fast break when Waldhampton had a chance to tie the score.

In the end, Camara passed by on the sidewalk into the restricted area, and then shot the far corner with his right foot.

The football bypasses the hand of Waldhampton goalkeeper Rodrigo Martins and spins into the goal from the far end.

"Ooooo!! Wonderful goal! From Ismail Camara!!" Matthew Cox cheered loudly. "This is a solo fight. Kamara has shown his outstanding personal abilities to the fullest! Camara, who has been in the Premier League for a season, is obviously more mature than when he first arrived... This ball, poor Sean. · Luohan, he fell to the ground by Camara's sudden change of direction. He looked really embarrassed and embarrassed! Leeds took a two-goal lead just at the beginning of the second half!"

Camara was very excited after the goal. He ran to the corner flag area and performed a funny-looking dance to celebrate his first Premier League goal of the season.

This scene caused Hu Lai, who was the first to rush up, to slow down. Obviously, he didn't want to be stupid with Kamala...

He just stood at the far end, first shrugged, and then applauded Kamara's "dance".

He ran up after Kamara finished dancing and said to him, "What are you doing, Ismail? I dare not come up to celebrate with you, it's stupid!"

Camara didn't care, he laughed, "I did it on purpose!"


"This is a celebration movement invented by me. Just like your celebration movement, I want this set of movements to become my iconic celebration movement. Whenever I score a goal, I will dance this dance and bring Give people happiness!"

Hearing his explanation, Hu Lai couldn't help grinning: "Good fellow, are such a cutie!"

Camara frowned. "I think you are taunting me, Hu."

Hulai shook his head quickly: "No, no. You are right, football is to bring people happiness, and celebration should be the same! If you don’t believe me, Ishmael, the Leeds fans in the stands laughed so happily. !"

He pointed to the stands, and Camara followed, indeed.

Everyone was waving their arms and fists at him, and everyone's face was filled with a bright smile.


Two goals ahead, or at his home court, the game entered the rhythm of Leeds City.

And Waldhampton's aggressive tactics didn't work anymore.

After all, although the chief referee Craig is loose in law enforcement, it does not mean that he is blind.

Some **** can be judged or not, he can choose not to judge. But if you really foul, he can't turn a blind eye.

With the passage of time, as the score has been repeatedly rewritten, the mentality of the Waldhampton players has gradually become unbalanced, and it will be difficult for them to control the boundary between fouls and nonfouls.

With the increase in the number of fouls on the field, referee Craig also started to play more cards in the flamboyant stadium boos-after all, he can't let it go, causing the two sides of the game to fight directly on the field. ...

When the referee tightened his penalties, Waldhampton's set became ineffective.

This time is simply a time to compete on paper strength of the two teams.

In this regard, there is obviously a gap between Waldhampton and the defending champion.

Coupled with the fact that Leeds City has two goals ahead, both the mentality of Leeds City players and the morale of Waldhampton players have changed.

Jay Adams used a long shot to make another city in the 77th minute and completely defeated Waldhampton.

In the end, Leeds City won 3:0 at home and scored three points.

Get a good start to the new season.

This left those who were still criticizing Leeds before the game speechless.

As I said before, football is a sport that is evaluated based on performance.

This means that when Leeds wins the game with an outstanding performance, the critics in the public opinion field will disappear a lot.

Of course, not all will disappear. On the one hand, some people will always find black spots. On the other hand, of course, the loser is not convinced...

Javier Tobella violently criticized the fall that Hu Lai won the penalty kick in the press conference after the game.

"Obviously, it was a flop! I know that Hu is a good shooter. He was the Premier League Golden Boot last season and the World Cup top scorer... He didn't need to do this at all. I believe he doesn't need these. The crooked things can also score goals. But unfortunately, he finally chose a lazy way... which makes me dislike..."

He shook his head at the end, as if he really felt sorry for Hu Lai.

Not long after the press conference, Hu Lai’s official social media account reposted a piece of news as a response to Tobella’s remarks:

"...In the just-concluded first round of the Premier League where Leeds defeated Waldhampton 3:0, Hulay’s goal opened the door to victory for the team... But in this game, Hulay But it has become a special target for Waldhampton. He suffered a total of eight violations in the game, and is the player who has been fouled the most in a single game in the first round of the league so far..."

The above is the news content.

Hu Lai’s social media account did not comment on this, but simply reposted the news.

There is no need for him to speak, naturally there will be his fans below to help him complete his unfinished words:

"I was fouled eight times in a game, changed to a clean jersey at halftime, and got dirty again... I don't think Hu who was so violated was a flop! Maybe Sparks argued that he was not strong. . But in the penalty area, it is not how much strength you use that determines whether you foul or not, but whether or not your action is a foul! Obviously it is a foul! Because he not only bumped, but also reached out and pushed!"

"Is Torbella questioning the Premier League referee's ability to enforce the law? Craig is a well-known gentle referee. He can make a firm penalty. It can be seen that Sparks' foul is uncontroversial. !"

"The Football Association of England should severely punish this kind of remarks that wantonly evaluate the work of the referee! Otherwise, individuals can come to judge the referee. How can this game be played?"

"I know Torbella is a good head coach. He was one of the best coaching candidates for the Premier League last season... He has no need to use foul tactics against Leeds. I believe he does not need these crooked ways. The same thing can win the game. But unfortunately, he finally chose such a way that is not fair...and he hasn't won! Hahahaha!"

Everyone played with Hu Lai's tweet.

Public opinion supported Hu Lai overwhelmingly, and did not think he was a diving.

After all, the treatment Hu Lai received in the game is seen in everyone's eyes, and anyone who has watched the game tends to sympathize with him. In this context, even if Hu Lai's fall is a little exaggerated, it will not be considered a fake fall.

After all, there are too many exaggerated falls in the penalty area. It has become the norm and is not worthy of blame.

On the contrary, Torbella described the obvious foul as Hu Lai's flop, which is even more annoying.

Now Hu Lai is also considered a well-known star, and his fans are countless. To deal with Tobela, it is true that Hu Lai does not have to act in person.

Then the Premier League announced that it would investigate Tobella's remarks in the post-match press conference and penalize them for possible problems.


The slow motion of Hu Lai falling down is playing on TV, and the slow motion of different angles is replayed.

"...Then for this penalty, do you think Hu flopped or Sparks really fouled?"

When all the slow motions are over, the screen cuts to the "As Season Goes" show. The host Bobby Klein turned to ask the two guests sitting opposite Hector Ingram and Peter Nee. Elson.

"There is no doubt that it is a penalty. Sparks has an overhand pushing action." The former Stan Park Rangers center back Ingram raised his hand and did the same action Sparks did just now.

Nelson said: "Actually, the hand movements are not too obvious. I think the main thing that makes Hu unstoppable is that Sparks didn't regain his strength when he smashed into it. Instead, he slammed into a solid... Hu’s body, it’s really difficult for him to stand in the penalty area well after withstanding such a collision. Of course, Hu fell too simply... But it’s always Sparks fouling first, any striker. Will fall to the ground cleanly in this situation..."

"So everyone's opinions are very consistent. There is no dispute about this penalty?" Klein asked again.

Ingram shrugged and shook his head: "I don't think it is controversial."

Nelson analyzed: "Tobella is a little gaffe... Maybe he wants to beat Leeds too much, so he overreacted. After the end of last season, I have seen a lot of media linking him to Clark. Thinking that he can lead Waldhampton to seventh, it’s amazing, it’s like the second Tony Clark... It’s probably this kind of comparison that makes him dissatisfied, that’s why he is holding back his energy. Defeating Leeds in the game to prove that he is not the second Tony Clark..."

Ingram said to him: "I totally agree with your analysis."

Nelson said half-jokingly: "That's not easy..."

Klein laughed: "Ha!"

The host and guests on the TV were gagging Outside the TV, Archie Fataki looked at this scene and said to Kamala with emotion: "Look at them, Ismail. Good. Learn why everyone didn’t think there was a problem with the ball of Hu, and everyone would call you a flop as soon as you fell on the court..."

Camara rolled his eyes at his agent: "Do you think it's so studious, Archie? Nonsense, the line between flopping and self-protection is very blurred, and there is no standard or standard. Accurate handling requires extremely high talent. Although I don't want to admit it, in this respect, I am not more talented than him..."

He paused for a while, then continued: "But I will continue to work hard to learn to protect myself and get rid of the stigma of flopping."

"Come on, Ismail, you can definitely do it!" Agent Archie Fataki cheered on him.

"Yeah!" Camara nodded vigorously.

(End of this chapter)