Fox in the Penalty Area

v2 Chapter 1: A simple seven million word testimonial

Seven million words.

In the past 20 years of writing a book, a book with the largest number of words was born.

When I first opened this book, I really didn't expect that this book could write so many words.

I didn't expect how many words I would be able to write, but I certainly didn't expect to be able to write seven million words.

Especially when I think my creative career has begun to decline, seven million words is almost unimaginable to me.

But when I started writing, gradually, I found that seven million words is not an exaggeration.

After all, I almost built a world from scratch, and many things in it need to be praised with word count.

I recently watched "The Wandering Earth 2", which is a movie with a high amount of information. A screenshot of a shot may contain a lot of information.

Such a dense amount of information caused the film to be screened for nearly three hours, and because there was no money for special effects, 80 minutes of footage were cut off.

I'm also eager to show as much of the world of Restricted Fox as possible.

As a novelist, I'm luckier than a director because I don't have to spend money on special effects for my novels.

The things that render the world in my head are my hands and keyboard.

As long as you give me enough time, I can slowly show the world.

Thank you also for your patience. When I said that I need to adjust, rewrite, and save, you all gave me support and understanding, allowing me to calmly "render" the things in my mind word by word.

Thank you for your real gold and silver subscriptions, rewards, and votes, which gave me the confidence to write this story at my own pace. Instead of changing the way of writing because of self-doubt, or simply unfinished...

So these seven million words were created by me and you together.

thank you all.


In addition, there is some controversy about the new characters in this volume, so I will explain a little bit.

At the beginning of this last volume, I really planned to use twenty or thirty chapters to briefly explain what the main characters—mainly Chinese players—have experienced in the past four years.

It is so simple that each chapter can review a person's four years with an outline.

I have also written five chapters in this way—the five chapters after the first four chapters of this volume—in these five chapters, I wrote about the past of Zhang Qinghuan, Luo Kai, Peng Weijun, and Parotti.

But the more I write, the more I feel something is wrong. This "outline" style of writing can't explain their past clearly. At least what you see is the narration instead of the specific picture. In fact, you can't feel their mood.

Moreover, regarding what happened to the Pirates team in the past four years, the amount of information that can be explained in an outline style is really limited, and many things are actually unclear.

So I decided to overturn the content of the five chapters I wrote before, and seriously consider shaping the newly added character, creating a past and a future for him, not just a name in the outline.

Here comes Nestor Farias.

He was such an important player in the turning point of the Pirates of Madrid, I really can't write him off.

I have also discussed with my wife many times about his influence on the pirates and the specific development.

Because the character was inspired by my son.

Yes, the reason why everyone sees it so annoying is also because my son is so annoying in some ways.

Obviously there is a correct way, and he was taught, but he refused to listen, insisting on insisting on his wrong way, even being scolded, punished and beaten for it.

The same mistake, just after being punished, continued to make the next day.

After the outbreak began in December last year, the child stayed at home for three months.

For our family, these three months have been three months of flying around.

Until now, my wife has not yet come out of that anxious and depressed mood. I even thought about taking her to Yunnan to relax. Anyway, I put my laptop on my back, and I can code wherever I go.

But she gets agitated whenever she sees a baby.

So when I decided to use my child as a prototype, I went to discuss with my wife for a long time how to deal with the development of this character.

Although my wife doesn't know football, she knows how to educate children...

Although the son is very annoying, he is his own after all and cannot be abandoned, so he must be educated, hoping that he can change and improve.

The same goes for this role.

Although Farias is not Parotti's son, if he wants to win the championship, he must restore unity and calm to the team.

And to restore unity and peace, Farias must be changed, and it is impossible to really abandon it.

So despite all the nasty things about this guy, he wasn't just a good-for-nothing jerk.

Education can still be saved.

This will lead to many plots that follow.

And through Farias, it can also bring out what the Pirates team has experienced in the past four years, success and failure.

Much better than me throwing out an outline, more skillful and more natural.

Farias is like a rope, and many beads are strung on this rope, and what those beads reflect is a section, a personal story.

Because this is the last volume, I didn't perfunctorily treat many places that could have been worked on.

I know some readers are anxious to see the Chinese team's World Cup journey.

If I write directly about the World Cup, there is no problem.

But I have a lot of regrets in my heart.

For me, this is a complete world, and it will not end because of the last if the book is finished, this world will continue to exist and continue to run.

Then everyone here should at least have a clear face.

There are his emotions.

So I still insisted on writing the first seven volumes, and wrote the last volume in a "water-filled" and "slow-paced" way.

In this way, I may not be able to finish the book in March, the 20th anniversary of my entry into the industry.

But so what?

Compared with an anniversary, it is obviously more important to me to write this book in its entirety.

Here is also a statement for everyone, until the last word of this book is typed, I will maintain this rhythm and writing habits to write.

"Water" and "slowness" have never been my shortcomings, but my advantages.

The reason why this book is good-looking and has a good reputation, I think it is also because of "water" and "slowness".

If I finish 700,000 words of campus football in 70,000 words, then omit the content of the two volumes of domestic football, and let Hu Lai go directly to play football in Europe... the water is not enough, and it is fast enough, but how can it be? What about the world in this book?

I’ve read all the first seven million characters, so I don’t think it’s too bad for the last few hundred thousand characters, right?

After reading some recent comments, I still want to say, have confidence in me. I am an old author who has written football novels for 20 years.

At the age of forty, I cannot say that I have lived my life clearly. But at least when it comes to writing a book, I still have some judgment of my own.

Finally, thank you again for your understanding and support.

Next time I will write a testimonial, I think it should be time to finish the book, let's make an appointment, and see you at that time.