Fox in the Penalty Area

v2 Chapter 30: reacquaintance

Chapter 2027 Recognition

"Sorry, coach. I haven't been able to find out whether the Pirates will continue to start Farias in the next game..."

Before the training started, Wang Guangwei walked onto the training field, and when he saw the team coach Tommaso Renzetti, he immediately stepped forward and apologized to him.

"No need to apologize, Wang. I just said that casually..." Renzetti shook his head and laughed, "We just have to prepare two plans. And the most important thing in this game is not how the opponent is, but our own performance .We still have to deal with them with the football we are most familiar with."

Wang Guangwei nodded.

"Okay, let's prepare for training. Thank you for your hard work. Next, let's focus on training and the game itself, and don't think about other things." Renzetti said with gestures.

Farewell to the head coach, Wang Guangwei returned to his teammates, they came out of the locker room one after another, ready to start the day's training.

Everyone was talking and laughing, with a smile on their faces.

Leading the Turin Bulls by seven points in the league, the league title is no longer in doubt.

If you can still eliminate the Madrid Pirates in the Champions League and reach the final, let alone whether you can win the championship, you have already created club history.

If you can still win...

Then the most glorious era in the 120 years since the establishment of the Vesuvius team was forged by these people themselves!

Thinking of such a future filled everyone with fighting spirit, as if they were radiating light from top to bottom.

Wang Guangwei, who returned to the team, heard his teammates chatting about the opponent Madrid Pirates:

"...I don't know if Farias will start..."

"I hope Farias can start and preferably play the whole game. But don't be replaced early like in the league..."

"You kid is really dark!"

"Oh, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. Even if he doesn't play, with his ability to cause trouble, it is estimated that the current pirates will not be safe even during training..."


Amidst the laughter, someone came to Wang Guangwei's side and said in a low voice:

"I think they're all missing the point..."

Wang Guangwei turned his head and found that the person talking to him was his partner, the young central defender Giuseppe Giordano.

Giordano continued: "Everyone is paying attention to Farias, but the most threatening person to the Madrid pirates is clearly Hu. No matter what Farias is, only by guarding against Hu can the Madrid pirates be protected. The offense. Now that the focus is on Farias, I worry that we will relax our defense against Hu..."

Wang Guangwei smiled: "Don't worry about this, Giuseppe. Our head coach also knows who is the most threatening person for the Madrid Pirates. At that time, we will definitely make defensive arrangements against Hu Lai."

"Will you let me stare at Hu?"

Wang Guangwei shook his head: "It is unlikely that someone will be specially assigned to follow him. He has a wide range of activities. There is no need to assign a special person to mark him. All of us may guard Hu."

"I want him to come to my zone!"

Seeing Giordano eager to try, Wang Guangwei was speechless: "You better not think so..."

Giordano is a talented central defender trained by the club. He has played more than 20 times for the Italian national team at a young age.

Geniuses often have some ideas that are different from ordinary people. Fortunately, Giordano is just a normal genius, and he did not stir up troubles like Farias in the team.

He was just more confident than the average person, and he was looking forward to the duel with Hu Lai.


Farias looked at his yellow vest.

Although the game has not yet started, he has been put into the starting list of the game by coach Parotti.

He raised his head again and looked at Cardoso Tonini who was standing opposite him.

Farias is used to seeing the Brazilian left-back and left-winger on the opposite side of his side, although their original positions are not opposite.

At first, Farias wondered if the Brazilian was a little unwilling to let go of the starting lineup and wanted to find his place in training.

But now he no longer thinks so.

He also guessed why Tonini performed very well in the training before the match against Valentia and caused a lot of trouble for himself, and why he was the one who started the league in the end instead of Tonini, who was in better condition in training.

In the past, he always considered issues from his own point of view. It was nothing more than personal grievances, or whoever was more capable would go up, and whoever was in better shape would go up... My speed is faster than yours, my game skills are better than yours, and my state is better than yours. I should go. If I can't get in, it must be the head coach's problem. Head coach, you are nepotism, and head coach, you see me as unhappy.

But after being praised in a fancy way by Parotti that day, he realized that he was able to start, not Tonini, because the current problems of the team really couldn't do without himself.

Farias is not complacent about this, because when the team is inseparable from him, it is reasonable to say that when he should flex his muscles, his performance is not satisfactory-he is obviously so important, but his performance is not good, What is there to be proud of?

He looked at the problem from the perspective of the entire team, and he understood why it was difficult for Tonini to get a starter.

In addition to Tonini's injury and age, which led to a decline in personal ability, it was actually a chain reaction caused by Ismail Kamara's injury...

When Kamara was not injured, Tonini was able to compete with Farias for the starting position, not because of Tonini's personal ability, but because of the offensive system at the time.

In other words, Tonini didn't need to take on too many offensive tasks at the time, because there was Kamara with super personal ability.

And there is also a left back Ion Martinez with a strong assist ability in the left attack.

Instead, Tonini needs to focus more on defense, and after Ion's assist goes up, he retreats to wipe Ion's ass.

But after Kamara was injured, the opponent could focus on containment and defense against Ion Martinez's offense on the left.

At this time, it is necessary to strengthen the side attack force to make up for it.

Tonini couldn't keep up with the requirements.

Tonini should be aware of this, so he took advantage of the situation and put forward a suggestion to let himself start...

If it was Farias in the past, after thinking about this, he would curl his lips and sneer at Tonini's approach-it is obvious that his ability is not up to it, and he insists on pretending to say something for the benefit of the team...

But now Farias has no such idea.

Because he thought about it, if he put himself in Tonini's position, he might not make the same decision. He will only continue to work hard to improve his personal performance, hoping to keep his starting position, and at least compete with his opponents...

Farias could not be complacent in front of this "competition loser", because he did what he couldn't do.

He could beat Tonini in football, but in this case, Farias felt he couldn't beat him.

Tonini noticed that Farias had been staring at him, so he snorted: "What are you looking at? Don't think that your starting position is really stable. If you can't, I won't be polite."

Farias, who already knew why he could start, could easily detect Tonini's bluff.

But instead of retorting, he looked away.


Juan Ramirez played the ball down the left flank to Farias who was pulling wide for the ball.

However, the power of the ball he passed was a little light.

Farias, who was originally waiting on the sideline, had to start quickly, rushing up two steps to catch the ball.

At the same time, Tonini, who was defending him, rushed up and mercilessly... made a tackle!

For Farias, it's a mountain of knives!

Ramirez, who was passing the ball, also realized that he had made a mistake, so he quickly shouted: "No!"

He wants Tonini to hold his feet - if he shovels Farias in training, it will probably add fuel to the already tense team atmosphere.

I saw Farias rushing forward with a stride, stepped forward with his left leg, and at the same time turned his back to Tonini, as if trying to protect the football.

Then he stepped on the football with his left foot and pulled it back, followed by his right foot, and stepped on the football that was pulled back.

At the same time, the body turned and turned 180 degrees!

From back to attack to facing the direction of attack, and then throw the ball out!

He has completed the whole process from receiving the ball to breaking through.

In the process, Tonini missed the ball at all!

Farias, who passed Tonini, did not continue to take the ball, but passed the football out.

The voice of head coach Parotti sounded in his mind:

"You can create more chances with your skill and dribbling...It wasn't actually our chance, but you turned it into one through your individual ability...This kind of ball is like Like a rebound in basketball, every time you create an opportunity like that, the team gets another chance to attack..."

In fact, in that conversation, Parotti didn't once mention what he should do when he has the ball, just praise him, and praise his performance every time he successfully breaks away from the push.

Not to mention telling him what to do and what not to do.

In fact, Farias knew what to do and what not to do.

Doesn't he know he's alone?

Of course he does.

He also knows that his independence has not brought benefits to the team.

But his solution is to work hard to improve his own strength, so that he has stronger personal abilities, and build himself into an "ultimate stadium" who can not only dribble and break through like Meli, but also be able to score goals like Hu Lai. arms".

However, after he watched the video highlights given to him by head coach Parotti countless times, in his thinking world, there were no longer only the opponents who needed to be broken in front of him, but also the teammates hidden behind the opponents.

Originally, there was only one road under his feet, but now several roads diverge from him. At first these roads led in different directions, even diametrically opposed to each other.

But when he walked, he would find that those roads converged again, leading to the same destination.

He suddenly thought of a training session not long after he was promoted to the first team, the team's assistant coach Jesús Valentine yelled at him:

"Look at the people around you! Your opponents and teammates! You must integrate into the team's system to find a way to survive here! Otherwise, your skills and abilities will only be your stumbling block!"

He scoffed at this statement in his heart at the time, thinking that if I could be tripped, it meant that my skills were not good enough and my ability was not high enough.

As long as I do well enough and achieve the ultimate, then there is no need to integrate into any system, but the system should cooperate with me!

Memories of the past are fleeting, and Farias feels as if he has been detached from the pitch and is on the top of the pitch, overlooking the penalty area.

So he had a better understanding of Parotti's offensive tactics.

He stretched out his arm and gestured to Vukovic, who was holding the ball, to pass the ball to his feet.

At the same time, he accelerated and ran towards the space diagonally ahead.

(end of this chapter)