Fox in the Penalty Area

v1 ~: Volume 6 Summary

Summary of Volume 6

The sixth volume is finished, as usual, use WORD to count the number of words.

1540747 words.

1.54 million words, which is more than the entire book of some novels...

This is the volume with the largest number of words, because it contains a lot of content.

At the same time, because Hu Laixin has changed the map, everything is new and needs to be presented to readers in words, so it takes a lot of pen and ink.

After all, this is not the kind of novel about the real football world. There are many things that don't need to be introduced, and everyone understands them naturally.

Whether it is the King of Madrid, the Catalan United, or the Madrid Pirates, even though there have been sporadic appearances before, I have not carefully shaped them.

Because it wasn't necessary at the time.

When writing novels, one still has to distinguish between priorities and priorities, and it is impossible to cover everything, so it will really be a running account.

Everyone can understand it as watching a stage play. The place under the spotlight is the place that the audience is expected to pay attention to. All the stories happen in this place.

The other characters are all hidden in the darkness beyond the lights.

What they are doing, the audience doesn't know, and they don't care.

When they need to appear on stage, the lights will naturally light up above their heads, illuminating the stage where they are.

In the past, Hu Lai was only in England, and most of the characters he came into contact with were also in England. Later, he participated in the Champions League and Europa League, which led to some other European teams.

Because Catalan United had a direct confrontation with Leeds City, they had more roles.

This can be seen from the fact that I listed the names and brief introductions of the main players of Catalan United in the role list in the fifth volume.

Whether it is the King of Madrid or the Pirates of Madrid, they only appear in occasional descriptions in the form of "names" as pure background boards.

The King played very early, and Hu Lai played when he was still playing football in China, but I only focused on Xavi Sanchez a little bit, and did not write more characters.

Because there is no need to waste pen and ink on characters who will not have any effect on the plot for the time being.

It is also because of the Olympic Games that Meli has been shaped with great ink and color.

All this changed when Hou Lai transferred to the Madrid Pirates.

Whether it is the Madrid Pirates, a giant team that had barely played before, or the Madrid King, who has always appeared in the story as a "dragon", I have begun to use more pen and ink to shape them.

Build their squad, coaching staff, club history, traditions, honors, fan culture... and more.

As Hu Lai encountered various opponents in the Champions League, there are more and more new characters and teams, so it is natural to use more pen and ink to describe them.

So the length is thus lengthened.

It's not that I haven't thought about whether to streamline and do subtraction.

After all, doing subtraction is a very advanced practice.

But I thought about it left and right, and felt that I still can’t do subtraction, because some things only exist in my mind. If I don’t write clearly, readers may feel inexplicable.

This is especially evident when Hou Lai transferred to the Madrid Pirates.

In my plan, outline, and mind, Hou Lai will definitely go to the Madrid Pirates, and it is a transfer result that no one expected. So I tried my best to write about the king's pursuit of Holly, and barely mentioned the pirates.

Just because in my mind, I wanted to keep Pirates of Madrid out of the spotlight.

It was only when the official announcement was made that everyone in the book was surprised, and then they realized that the King of Madrid was running with him...

But because of the subtraction, this transfer plot feels a bit abrupt to the readers, and the foreshadowing is not enough.

From the perspective of the world in the book, there is nothing wrong with Hu Lai's transfer to the Madrid Pirates, but because I did not completely write out what was in my mind, some readers questioned the rationality and necessity of this transfer.

The same problem appeared during the semi-finals of the Champions League this season.

Originally in my plan, after writing the quarter-finals of the Champions League between Hu Lai and Luo Kai, the story jumped directly to the semi-finals of the Champions League.

The league part is taken over in one stroke, and the game content that directly enters the Champions League semi-finals is already in the game at the beginning.

I often do this in this book, just to avoid writing the novel as a running account, and always want to use the language of the film lens to write the novel.

Sometimes it is successful and reasonable to do so.

But sometimes it shouldn't be done.

For example, this time the Champions League semi-finals.

I write the semi-finals in this way, starting directly from the game, the text is that the Madrid Pirates and the Blue and White Munich have already faced each other in the game, and then write the game, the Madrid Pirates scored, the Blue and White Munich scored again, and finally The Madrid Pirates defeated the Blue and White Munich 3:2 at home.

Then, skipping the weekend league directly, and starting from the second round of the semi-final, and it was already the last ten minutes of the game, and Becker had already scored.

This is my original plan.

The difference between the second half and what you see now is not very big, but the difference in the front is obvious.

I wrote the first round of the game according to this idea, which was very painful.

It was so painful that I didn't know how to write about the game anymore. No matter how I wrote it, it felt like chewing wax, and at the same time it seemed like a running account.

Such a game is pointless.

But it shouldn't be, because it's a Champions League semi-final and it's an important Champions League record story.

As a result, I wrote without passion at all.

At the beginning, I still wanted to be lazy, so I thought about writing it down forcefully, maybe it would work as long as I wrote it?

Or, in fact, readers are not so demanding, as long as I write that the protagonist scores a goal, they will be very happy...

I comforted myself in this way, or deceived myself, and then continued to bury my head and forcefully write.

Until one day I finished writing two chapters in great pain, it was already one o'clock in the middle of the night, and I was going to take a shower and then go to bed.

As a result, in the shower, I ruminated on this question that had plagued me for several days-I have a habit of reviewing the most recent writing in the shower-I didn't think it was right.

If even I think there is a problem with this kind of forced writing, it will be 100% impossible for the readers.

Then I made up my mind to overthrow and rewrite all the six chapters written in the previous three days.

After I made up my mind, I felt that the burden that had weighed on my heart during the past few days was suddenly relieved, my whole body became more relaxed, and my goals became clear.

Then I posted a single chapter at two o'clock in the middle of the night telling everyone to ask for leave, because almost all the manuscripts were saved.

I'll think about how to write it after I ask for leave.

I started to flip through the previous parts of this book, and gradually found the thoughts and ideas when I first wanted to write this book.

I found that I fell into the misunderstanding of wanting to "speed up the pace and squeeze water" unconsciously.

In my writing style, not only can I not squeeze out the water, I have to pour water into the novel.

Because I'm the kind of writer who first creates images in my head, and then translates those images into words and writes them out.

This means that a great deal of detail is required.

It's too dry, and all the pictures are just the initial sketches, with neither outlines nor coloring—just like the later period of Togashi Yoshihiro's hunter.

Maybe some readers can know what I wrote by relying on my strong brain power, but I am always worried that the readers will not think the same as me, so I have to take the trouble to describe the picture in my mind clearly.

And this kind of writing requires me to calm down and not be impatient, so that I can find the state.

I write 6,000 words a day, and it takes more than ten hours, most of which may be spent on how to construct the picture.

If the picture is generated in my mind, I actually write very quickly. But if there is no picture, then I may be stuck for a day.

The previous semi-finals lacked game pictures, but I had to forcefully write about the game, which made writing very painful.

After finding the crux of the problem, I realized that I should not pursue fast and dry, but slow and watery.

Let’s not talk about the feelings of the readers, at least I can find my creative state in this way, otherwise what I write is just a “detailed outline” that is slightly more detailed than the outline…

So I started to redesign the plot before and after the semi-finals of the Champions League, adding the role of Becker, the character who competed with Hou Lai for the record, such as why he competed with Hou Lai for this record-I didn’t explain it much before, it seems that he should Same with Holly competition.

But in fact, as a person with his own thoughts, he should have a motive for everything he does.

So I added the motivation that he wants to compete for the Ballon d'Or.

Then I also used the Champions League record to introduce Albertazzi and Caesar to further improve the images of these two characters.

There is also Hu Lai's record of 60 goals-I didn't intend to spend so much time writing this record at the beginning, I just wanted to mention that he set a new record.

I also didn't think about how the world should react after setting the record.

This is wrong.

So when I rewrote it, I seriously thought about what follow-up reaction his record should bring—not just simple fanfare, but something that would have a long-term impact.

So I led out the Hu Lai Museum, and then through the influence of the semi-finals, I continued to strengthen this clue.

The Hu Lai Museum can be regarded as my personal fantasy of what kind of changes Chinese football should have in this overhead world.

So there will be a plot about the museum in the future...

Finally, when I considered all aspects and wrote it out, the result presented is what everyone sees.

During that time, whether it was Zhang Shuo, Duan Ping, or follow-up subscriptions, or monthly tickets and rewards, they were very active.

What does this mean?

It shows that it is correct for me to slow down and "inject water" into the plot.

It shows that everyone really likes to see these "water".

In fact, the reason why this book still has such vitality at 5.8 million words is also related to my tireless watering and irrigation.

Without so many details, so many characters who seem to really live in this world, how can Hu Lai alone support such a big world?

There are many things that I couldn’t think of when I opened the book. I actually thought about it while writing. Many plots and characters came out after I gradually integrated into this world and gradually established this world. , clear up.

It's just that serialization is a long and very torturous job. No one can guarantee that they will be full of energy and in good condition every day during the serialization period, and there will always be slack and stuck times.

So sometimes I want to be lazy...

Fortunately, when I want to be lazy, I will look through the content I wrote before, and then see such a vivid world, and think——I can’t let this world fall into my hands in the end. A person is alive and alive, and they should continue to live in that world, even if the book ends.

I also thank you for your tolerance and support for me, allowing me not only not to explode, but sometimes to change alone.

But for the quality of the novel, I believe it's all worth it.

On the day when this book is actually finished, what everyone sees will not be an online YY novel, but a real, believable and desirable world.

In the process of writing "Fox in the Box", as long as a character has a name, even if it doesn't have a line, I will add it to my character list.

Published at the end of each volume.

So far, there are as many as nine hundred and twenty-five named characters in this book.

These nine hundred and twenty-five people have names, ages, pasts and futures.

There are also countless anonymous characters who appear in the book and become part of this world.

The same goes for the beginning of a new volume.

I tried to focus on people other than the protagonist in the new volume, not to advance the plot so quickly, but to create more characters and describe the lives of ordinary people. Then through the shaping of these characters one by one, a real and believable world is created.

For this reason, sometimes the protagonist may not appear in several chapters, and maybe not everyone likes to watch such a rhythmic narrative.

But I will still stick to this way of writing. Because from the point of view of the whole book, it is right to do so.

Besides, my ambition in this book cannot be carried by the protagonist alone.

Some of my thinking about Chinese football and life still have to be reflected by more different characters.

At this time, the more than 900 characters I created before played an important role.

Without these characters, the subsequent plot of "Fox in the Restricted Area" would be very boring, and I would write without passion and motivation.

Why is "Green Forest" so short? Because I didn’t want to write about most of them except the love story of Gao Zheng and Sister Feng after I wrote it. I didn’t write about the competition. I forced to write that it was real water, pure water.

So more than two million words is the end of the book.

Generally speaking, when a novel is just opened, it is written smoothly because of passion. But in the later stage of writing, I became more and more tired, and both the author and the readers were tired of aesthetics, and finally the book gradually died.

But "Fox in the Forbidden Zone" is the other way around. Although I was very passionate when I started the book, it was actually very painful to write. consider.

There is quite a feeling of facing an abyss and walking on thin ice.

I'm afraid that if I didn't write it well, the whole world would turn in a direction of collapse from here.

That's because I'm creating a world from scratch, and I'm not quite sure what the world should look like in my own mind—I only have a skeleton, but no flesh and blood.

If you only look at the skeleton frame, who knows how different people are?

But now, with nearly 6 million words of the preface written, I have become more and more comfortable with writing, and there are fewer and fewer cases of scratching my head at the beginning of the book.

This is also because the world is getting richer and richer, and they can operate automatically according to the rules.

There are fewer and fewer places for me as an author to forcefully intervene.

I used to write books, until the end, the more I wrote, the fewer stories I wrote, the less I had to write.

Now I am writing "Fox in the Forbidden Zone", until the end, the more stories I write, the more stories I write.

Strange to say, the last time I had this kind of creative impulse to shape the world, and the more I write, the more stories I have to write, was... sixteen years ago.

When I wrote "We Are the Champions".

At the end of "We Are Champions", I felt as if I was not writing a novel, but the characters in the novel interacted by themselves, and I just recorded their interactions.

In the end, when the familiar characters in the book exited one by one, they just walked out of the spotlight of the stage and walked into the darkness of the stage.

They just finished their drama, but their lives and lives are still going on.

And "Fox in the Forbidden Zone" has two volumes left, so the characters in the book haven't even reached the finale yet. UU Reading

Half of 2022 has passed, I estimate...or, I hope, this book can be written until March next year-because by then, it will be the 20th anniversary of my career. No matter what industry you are in, twenty years is a very commemorative event. So I hope to use such a book to mark my 20-year web writing career.

Of course, it doesn't matter if it doesn't work, I won't force you to get stuck.

If the story gets to the end I planned earlier than next March, then it's fine to end it, and my twenty-year career won't be any worse for it.

So again, I will be serious, write the stories of Hu Lai and the others according to my own pace, and end when it is time to end, and let everything take its course.

I will try to keep the whole book on the same level without falling off a cliff at the end.

This book has outperformed all my previous books so far—during the serial run.

I hope that when this book is finished, the word-of-mouth reputation of this book will surpass all previous books.

Thank you again for your support and understanding, thank you!

(end of this chapter)