Fox of France

v1 Chapter 187: , Invincible Defense (3)

If the only thing in front of you is the rope net, it will not stop everyone for a while, not to mention turning over, the rope is also very fast to cut it with a knife. But when the Ivans approached, they realized that it was not a rope net, but a barbed wire net.

What's even more hateful is that these barbed wire fences are not made of ordinary iron wire, but are made of barbed wire. There are many thorns on the wire. If you have to climb over, you will probably be caught by these thorns and cut off the wire. , It's really not easy. At least, in a short time, it is impossible.

If it is under normal circumstances, even with bare hands, slowly twisting, slowly breaking, it is not particularly difficult to break these wires, but this is on the battlefield, and the distance between the barbed wire and the French trench is about 100 meters. At this distance, it was difficult for the Russian rifle to hit Louis's head exposed from behind the trench, but it was easy for Louis to hit Ivan, who was standing naked in front of the barbed wire.

So the Ivans blocked by the barbed wire were knocked down by the French platoon guns in rows. Some brave Ivans tried to cross the barbed wire, but they were caught in their uniforms by the barbs on them. After a short pause, they were shot to death. There were also some brave Ivans with rifles and Louis in their hands behind the barbed wire. They shot at each other, and naturally they were knocked to the ground.

The French barbed wire does not completely block the direction of advancement. The barbed wire is section by section, and even has a certain angle relative to the French trenches. If the Russian-Austrian coalition forces also have reconnaissance balloons and can observe them from a higher height, they can see that these barbed wire basically form the shape of a funnel, but there is no gap at the bottom of the funnel. It was also blocked by barbed wire.

Of course, these shapes are intentional, so that the soldiers on the offensive side can naturally gather here!

The soldiers in front are blocked by the barbed wire, the soldiers behind will instinctively want to bypass the obstacle, and then they will follow the direction of the barbed wire and run diagonally forward, and then they will unconsciously gather at the bottom of the funnel stand up. Once the personnel are intensive, the upper efficiency of the defending party's firepower on them will also be greatly improved.

But even if an individual sees this trap, on the battlefield, he can't stop the instinctive actions of most people, and it is even possible that it will be passed over and blocked at the bottom of the funnel.

At this time, in the French trenches, facing the bottom of the funnels, some of the khaki camouflage nets used for camouflage were lifted, revealing that they were half buried in the ground, and only the gun barrel just protruded from the ground. The muzzle of the black hole of the cannon. Then, with the roar of the cannon, thousands of shotguns sprayed like raindrops toward the Ivans crowded at the mouth of the funnel.

Although there is no machine gun yet, such a shotgun is almost as effective as a machine gun at close range. Soon, piles of corpses piled up in these positions.

Any army has a limit to its resistance to casualties, and the brave Ivans are no exception. And in many cases, the desperate predicament can even hit the morale of soldiers more than casualties.

So the Ivans soon collapsed in front of this thin-looking barbed wire. Some of them smashed the barbed wire with rifle butts in vain and were shot to death by Louis's; others screamed and turned around and ran away, and then accidentally stepped on an "Abagon potato". ", he threw his gun, rolled on the ground with his legs in arms and howled.

The Ivans retreated quickly, faster than they came up. When they retreated, they stepped on a lot of landmines, leaving a lot of wounded soldiers.

Suvorov has been standing in his place, watching the Russian attack and retreat blankly. He remained silent until the soldiers began to retreat before he said to General Bagration: "Peter, take your cavalry and meet them. Everyone who can return now is wealth."

Bagration led a team of cavalry to greet him.

"The Russians did a good job of retreating." Napoleon put down the binoculars in his hand and said to Murat who was eager to try, "Well, Murat, you can let your soldiers rest."

"General, let us chase it out." Murat said, "isn't it just a group of Russian cavalry? We can defeat them together."

"You saw the battle on Sucher's side." Napoleon glanced at Murat and said, "What kind of exchange ratio do you think he and the enemy have made just now? If you have the confidence to fight like that now Exchange ratio, I agree with you to attack. Are you confident?"

So Murat was silent.

Bagration took the cavalry to cover the defeated Russian army and returned to his barracks, but there were still many wailing wounded soldiers on the battlefield.

Bagration frowned, and asked another officer beside him to **** the defeated soldiers back, and he led a team of cavalry toward the wounded soldiers.

Bagration dismounted beside a wounded soldier. The wounded soldier was lying there with his feet wailing.

"Brother, what's the matter, can you still stand up?" Bagration asked.

"My feet, my feet..." the wounded soldier just shouted there.

Bagration looked there, and a bullet flew past not far from him with a swish.

Bagration bent down, picked up the wounded soldier, put him in the saddle, and then led the horse to the other wounded soldier.

"General, do you want to set fire to shoot?" a soldier asked Xu Xie.

"No." Xu Xie shook his head, "Let everyone not shoot. Let our people go out, enter the minefield, contain the wounded, and send the wounded to them."

So the gunfire on the French army's position stopped. A team of French soldiers carrying a stretcher without weapons came out of the French trenches, opened the locked barbed wire, carefully entered the minefield, and then carried the wounded on the stretcher. He carried the wounded and walked out in a strange way.

As soon as Bagration helped the second wounded man on his horse, his guards reminded him: "General, a group of Frenchmen have come out."

Bagration raised his head and looked over there. He saw a group of French soldiers carrying a stretcher. The stretchers were full of wounded Russian soldiers who were crying.

The French army carried the wounded towards Bagration and the others, and a captain who took the lead shouted: "You are already in the minefield, please don't move around, otherwise it will be easy to get injured.

Bagration can understand French. In fact, few Russian nobles do not understand French. In Europe at that time, if a nobleman could not speak French, he would be regarded as a bun. In Petersburg, when the nobles talked to each other, it was also fashionable to use French instead of Russian.

"General, they..." the guard asked.

"It doesn't matter, they don't seem to be malicious." Bagration said.

Soon the French army arrived in front of them. The French put the wounded on the ground with a stretcher. The captain who took the lead saluted Bagration: "Your Excellency, this is your wounded. I am now ordered to hand over these wounded to you."

Bagration also politely said: "Thank you."

The French captain didn't seem to want to say more. After speaking, he turned his head with his own person and left quickly.

"General, shall we..." a guard said.

Bagration knew what the guard meant, and he caught the captain and went back. Maybe he could ask a lot of things. We must know that in the battle of the scout cavalry, although there are sometimes opportunities to capture the opposing cavalry, the chance of catching the captain is much smaller. And a captain must know a lot more than ordinary soldiers.

Bagration frowned and shook his head: "Don't let people think that we Russians are all barbarians."

After saying this, Bagration looked down at the wounded soldiers, sighed, and ordered: "Bring them back."

Back in the barracks, Bagration accompanied the old marshal to talk with the soldiers who had returned to learn about the French defense.

After learning about various situations, Suvonov summoned the generals to discuss how to deal with the problem.

This time, everyone has learned more about the reality of the French defense line, but this understanding did not give everyone more confidence. On the contrary, it made everyone extremely frustrated.

"I have never seen such an insidious defense." A Russian military officer said, "The French are completely different from the Turks. Those mines, and those artillery shots, are nothing more than we can overcome. But that wire fence , But really want to find a way to solve it quickly."

"Can we have any way to quickly destroy the barbed wire?" Someone said.

"How about using explosives?"

"You can try. Let's get some wire, make a model, and then try."

"Also, their landmine ~ is not good for them to explode like this."

"I heard that the British dealt with landmines in this way in Ireland, and it was very effective..." an Austrian officer said suddenly.

"How did the British do it?" Everyone immediately became interested.

"The British let some Irish people go ahead and step on landmines." The Austrian replied.

"Didn't that become a Tatar barbarian?" a Russian couldn't help but say.

"Yeah, didn't this become a barbarian?"

"The British are all barbarians."

Russians are always regarded as barbarians in Europe, and the Russians are quite dissatisfied in their hearts. Now that there are almost people who laugh at people as barbarians, almost all Russians will not let it go. But since they wanted to laugh at the British barbarians, the plan of catching some Italians to step on landmines was naturally abandoned.

However, the idea of ​​stepping on landmines to drive the flocks and other things inspired by this makes everyone feel that they can give it a try.