Fox of France

v1 Chapter 227: , Soft power and steamship

Napoleon was busy with his code, and this code now has one more task, which is to prepare for the future of the family hiding behind the scenes and controlling the situation. Lucien is busy with church affairs, and of course there are various entertainment activities that the people like. The executive government has just passed the "French Cultural Undertaking Promotion Plan." According to this plan, many land and buildings originally belonging to the royal family will be converted into various public entertainment facilities to meet the growing spiritual and cultural needs of the people.

"How to emphasize the importance of entertainment facilities will not be overestimated." In the Ministry of Truth, Lucien is emphasizing the importance of this work to his subordinates. "There are always many unsatisfactory things in the world. Even in others. It seems that people who have a good day will have all kinds of dissatisfaction, let alone those who have a difficult life?

When these emotions accumulate, they will grow more and more, just like floods accumulate more and more. Simply relying on strong suppression can only suppress it for a while, and once it fails, it will immediately be a catastrophe. So one of our responsibilities is not to let such emotions accumulate. Let them vent in a harmless way. Art and entertainment are just that way. Therefore, we must understand our work from a political perspective, from a political perspective that can ensure the long-term stability of the country, and do not just treat it as a superficial essay on whitewashing peace.

The creators of the Roman Empire understood this principle deeply, so if you have been to Roman ruins, you will find a large number of such facilities there, such as theaters and the Colosseum. They performed various tragedies and comedies in the theater, and displayed various battles in the Colosseum, so that the people's emotions could be effectively guided and vented. So the people are satisfied, the smiling faces increase, the people become more united and more efficient, so Rome becomes stronger and stronger... Therefore, we also have to build more stadiums and opera houses! This is the need of the country and the people, and it is also the requirement of the destiny that France inherited from the Roman Empire!

In addition, our propaganda is not only aimed at the domestic market, we cannot relax our propaganda abroad. This propaganda must be brainstorming. You can’t just call “France is good, France is good, that’s good, that’s good”, but must use a more exquisite way to combine the beautiful image of France and the thoughts of France. The art publicity goes out.

We want the people of Europe to admire France. They all take pride in speaking French, eating French meals, watching French dramas, and using French goods; let the people of Europe think that France is the Rome of civilization. Outside Rome, they are all barbarians. We need to make people across Europe feel that only by staying with France, learning from France, and following France can we move towards civilization. Anyone who is an enemy of France is a barbaric self-willing and degenerate. France not only depends on the hard power of an invincible army, but also depends on our culture and our soft power to influence Europe.

Everyone, our hard power is extremely powerful, and it can force our enemies to obey our will. But if there is only hard power, it is far from enough.

In the history of the world, in terms of military achievements alone, no one in this world can surpass the terrible Mongolian conqueror Genghis Khan and his descendants. But the duration of their empire is very short, why? Because their empire is a **** who has nothing but force.

We can’t follow the Mongolian path. Our hard power must make them dare not disobey us, and our soft power must make the whole of Europe obey us willingly, taking our interests as the highest interests.

Therefore, we have to be envoys of civilization, we have to cooperate with universities across Europe, and... in the final analysis, we have to cultivate a large number of spiritual French people in Europe, and a large number of revolutions willing to lead the European people on the French road. The party-of course, the so-called'following the French road' refers to the'French road' we make them think..."

In order to achieve this goal, Lucien was naturally so busy that some tabloid reporters even observed that the rate at which Lucien Bonaparte changed his girlfriend had dropped by four levels.

As for Joseph, there is nothing serious about it now. Various scientific research projects are basically on the right track, and there is no need for him to watch them personally. Joseph got himself a title of professor at the University of Paris, then deceived more than 20 doctoral students in one go, and then threw them a lot of specific operations in the project he was responsible for. Later, Mr. Ampere, a dual academician of the French Academy of Sciences and the Roman Imperial Academy of Sciences, once recalled how he was a student with Joseph:

"Professor Bonaparte is an amazing person, and his most admirable thing is his sharp eyes and that kind of strange intuition. At that time, some of our classmates stayed by the experimental instrument day and night. I recorded a lot of messy data, and I didn’t think the data could explain any problems. At this time, Mrs. Bonaparte, who was also his secretary, came in and took our data back. In a day or even less, Professor Bonaparte could discover the doubts and immediately set up a new research direction. Sometimes, in the research, we always encounter various points of disagreement, fork in the road, and don’t know where to go. Work hard in the direction. At this time, the professor will often quickly point out a certain direction in his intuition, and the correctness of his intuition is scary...

But maybe it was because Professor Bonaparte was in charge of too many things. He was rarely seen in normal times, and he was basically only seen in the monthly progress report. But even so, we have accumulated various problems for a month. Many times, Professor Bonaparte solved it in just a few minutes..."

Because these things were left to the students, Joseph only used the control node, which greatly reduced Joseph’s workload. In addition, there was nothing for him to "formally put into production" during this period, so Joseph was actually It's a rare leisure. Such free days lasted for almost half a month, until Fulton, an American engineer he hired exceptionally, informed him that the new steamship could be "formally tested."

In the original history, Fulton was considered a key figure in the maturity of the steamship. As in the original history, Fulton came to Paris in 1993, trying to find someone who could fund his development of a steamship. However, his luck was not very good. Before the steamship he built was finished, it sank in the Seine because of the strong wind. He was also fined a huge fine by the revolutionary government because the shipwreck blocked the waterway.

As a result, Fulton was desperate and was admitted to the Military Institute of Technology by Joseph at a low price. Later he was dragged down to Toulon and joined the Naval Institute.

In the Military Institute of Technology and the Naval Research Institute in Toulon, he did not perform very well because the projects he was good at did not get much investment. But when the military-industrial complex started the steamship research project, this Yankee, who was considered to have weak basic knowledge and was more suitable to be a skilled worker than an engineer, showed the advantages of strong hands-on ability, strong action, and good coordination and choice. , Became the deputy chief of the steamship project. Who is the person in charge? Of course it was hanging up the sign, but Joseph, who was basically not very concerned.

Now that the "formal sea trial" has been possible, that is to say, in fact, this ship has already completed all "informal sea trial" projects and has basically succeeded.

The location of this trial voyage was on the Seine River. Early in the morning, Joseph took the female secretary and wife, and the female secretary’s female secretary, to a shipyard in the west end of Paris, which was part of the military-industrial complex.

When they arrived at the dock of the shipyard, they could see from afar, a boat was smoking on the dock.

"Joseph, is this your imitation British ship?" asked Polina, the female secretary's secretary. The captured British steamship was finally towed by the French to Paris for further research, and then it was handed over to Lucien for a public exhibition to show off the French victory. For this reason, Lucien also arranged for Morey The story of Er and others was compiled into a play and staged in Paris.

Paulina had naturally seen the British steamship that had received some restoration. Unlike ordinary people, people generally think that the British boat is simply ugly out of the sky, but Polina feels that there is a kind of steamship with two big wheels and a tall black chimney. "Unique, clumsy beauty with a sense of evil power", even comparing it to the **** of fire standing beside the **** of beauty. Therefore, Polina really hopes that the French can simply imitate this boat.

"How is this possible? How could we build such a backward thing?" Paulina's words immediately reminded Joseph of his fifty thousand francs.

The carriage stopped directly on the dock. Several people got down from the carriage, and a long and slender boat with two masts and two chimneys was moored in front of them.

Fulton had been here waiting for Joseph and the others, and when he saw a few people getting out of the carriage, he hurried to greet them.

"Professor, everything is ready, just waiting for you to board the boat." Fulton said.

"Very good. Are all the lifeboats on this boat in place?" Joseph asked.

"It's all in place," Fulton said.

"And life jackets are also ready? You have to know that everyone on this boat is an inestimable treasure of the consortium. They must be protected. You must know that safety is no small matter."

"Professor, rest assured, we have always been very careful about safety precautions. The lifeboat on the boat that is enough for twice the crew to use can get a lifebuoy or a life jacket at a position within reach. Professor, look there. There is a row."

Joseph looked over there, there was indeed a row of lifebuoys hanging there, so he nodded, then turned to the others and said, "Well, let's get on the boat."

Fox of france

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