Fox of France

v1 Chapter 236: ,thief

After the peace agreement was reached, the good days for British businessmen seemed to have come again. The merchant ships were loaded with woolen goods, cotton cloth and other commodities. Although they could also enter the European market through smuggling before this, the smuggling was after all too troublesome and could not be carried out openly.

After France defeated Prussia, because of the loss of too many markets in Europe, the economic situation of the United Kingdom was once very problematic, and at this time it also got a certain relief. Many factories that had been closed have been reopened, and the air condition in London has become worse.

Little Oliver coughed and scanned the people hurriedly walking down the street with his eyes, searching for possible targets.

This is Oliver's first mission. He must muster the courage while choosing a suitable goal. At the same time, the voice of helper Fei Jin rang in his mind.

"Oliver, don't believe the silly things you heard in the orphanage of the church. Yes,'Don't steal' is one of the ten commandments, but bringing back what you deserve is not stealing. Look, see. Those factories, look at the workers, female workers, and child laborers in those factories. They work hard, working 16 or even 20 hours a day. If they don’t have enough food, they don’t wear warm clothes, and if they become ill and cannot go to work, they will have no Eat. Most people, whether they are men, women or children, will not live for a few years. They will die in poverty and despair.

Oliver, aren't these people hardworking, aren't they working non-stop from morning till night? Why do they have such a fate? The priest will tell you that all people have original sin, and it is God’s will for them to suffer, right? But the priest did not tell you, when Adam violated God's will and was driven out of the Garden of Eden, what was God's ruling on him?

God says: ‘you must be sweaty to make ends meet until you return to the soil. Even if it is punishment, God still kindly gave our ancestors a promise, that is, as long as a person works hard and is willing to sweat, he can make ends meet and support himself.

But my little Oliver. You told me that those workers who entered the factory and died within a few years, did they not sweat? Didn't work hard? Can they make a living? Why is this happening? Is it because God has not kept his promise? Could it be that God is deceiving us?

No, God will not deceive us. So why, a sweaty and hard-working person can't make ends meet and can only die miserably? Oliver, my child, look at it again, is it true that every man in this world is sweating to make ends meet? No, that's not the case. Look at the ‘decent people’, those ‘decent people’ who eat the delicacies of the mountains and the sea every day and drink the wine smuggled from France. Are they sweating? Can they only make ends meet?

Why is this happening? God says that people can only make ends meet by sweating. Why do some people sweat but can't make ends meet; some people can eat and wear warmth while being relaxed? Why, Oliver, why? "

"I don't know." Little Oliver stood alone on the corner, whispering to himself.

"That's because those'decent people' have stolen our things! According to God's will, everyone should work hard, but everyone should be able to eat. But those'decent people', those who really The thieves, they stole all of our money and everything!" Okin's voice rang in his mind again.

"Oliver, people say I'm a thief, and my brothers are all thieves. Look, look at Jim, do you know how his hand broke? It was pinched by a machine in the factory. Is this because he is not careful? No, it is because he is too tired. He has to work non-stop for 18 hours in the factory every day! Oliver, man is not a machine and cannot continue to rotate for such a long time. In fact, it is a machine, and there are times when you must rest.

Oliver, God created day and night, and let night occupy half of the day. Why is that? This is because God believes that a person should spend at least half of the day at rest. Oliver forces a man to work for 18 hours continuously, which is an anti-Christian crime.

Oliver, those factory owners, merchants, and decent nobles, they are all thieves, including the king of England-he is a thieves! The reason why they can live such a good life is because they have stolen everything that should have been poor people like us!

Oliver, they said I was a thief; they wanted me everywhere and gave me a fifty pound bounty for my head-let me be proud, it was even higher than the bounty the Pharisees gave Jesus. . (According to the Bible, Judas sold **** for thirty silver coins.) But look, Oliver, I did so many big cases, stole, and robbed so much money. You see I ate well. , Well dressed, rich like a decent man? Where did all my money go?

Oliver, that's not my money, it's all the poor people's money. Every penny I took back from those thieves was sent back to its original owner. That's why, they can't eliminate me.

Oliver, in the past few decades, they have hanged five fees. Maybe tomorrow, I will be the sixth to be hanged. However, as long as the real thieves who go against God’s will pay Now, Fagin will never die. Oliver, do you know what I like best about you? I like your integrity and kindness, and I believe that maybe one day in the future, your name will become Fei Jin's.

Oliver, remember, we are not thieves, we are just helping more people get back what they are. Our hands are only extended to those'decent people', never to those who are really sweaty, but People who can or cannot make ends meet. "

"I'm not a thief, I'm just carrying out God's will to help those people get back their own things." Oliver said softly to himself. Then he saw a best product of grapes, silk and protoplasms walking into a bookstore down the street.

Of course the people who came and went in the bookstore were rich and decent people, and that guy looked stupid and seemed defenseless.

Little Oliver walked over quietly. The clothes on his upper body were decent, and his pants were decent. Although they were a little pale, they were washed clean, but his shoes were really not decent, and the tops were broken. He made a hole so that his feet could stretch out to breathe fresh air, just like the grass that came out of the ground in spring.

As long as he enters the bookstore smoothly, he can quickly approach the stupid-looking "decent man". He was standing in front of the counter at this time, looking at the books on the shelf.

Perhaps because of poor eyesight, the decent man stretched his neck long, like a duck, his head was pinched by an invisible hand and lifted up. The pockets of his pants are bulging, looking like a wallet.

Oliver touched the small blade in his pocket and walked casually towards the bookstore. As long as the guy standing at the door of the bookstore didn't see Oliver's shoes that allowed his toes to breathe freely, he could walk into the bookstore and get back a sum of money for the poor and suffering.

However, the waiter standing at the door quickly fell on his shoes with big toes, and then, a big hand quietly swept him, Oliver turned like a spinning top, and then Quietly returned to the street. He knew he couldn't get in, so he could only stare at the target from a distance.

The stupid decent man seemed to have heard something, and he glanced over here, and then continued to talk to the owner of the bookstore: "Boss, do you have an English version of "Spartacus" script?"

"Only the last few copies are left, why, do you want one too?" the shop owner asked.

"Yes, a friend of mine mentioned it, but he said the French version is better. This book sells well?" said the decent man.

"Yes, you know, the French are very good at telling stories. The stories are really interesting." The bookstore owner said, "But if you want to buy, you have to hurry up and sell out later."

"If it sells well, it should be printed, right?"

"Of course, but that's what I said, but this book is still accused of blasphemy. Ah, God bless." The bookstore owner drew a cross on his chest. "So, God knows if this book can still have a title. Second edition."

" So, this book is probably out of print. This is more worth buying." The decent man said, and took out his wallet from his pants pocket.

"How much is this book?" "A decent man" asked.

The shop owner said a price. The "decent man" opened the wallet, and Oliver saw that the wallet was full of colorful notes.

The "decent man" gave the money, and inadvertently stuffed the wallet into his trouser pocket-it was not so tightly packed, and the corner of the wallet was even exposed-then picked up the book, flipped through it, and walked out of the bookstore. Oliver followed quietly.

The "decent man" didn't notice it. He lowered his head and walked along the street while reading, then turned into a narrow alley with few people coming.

"This is a good place, no one will see if you do it." Oliver thought, and followed in.

The "decent man" still walked, looking down at the book, humming something in his mouth. Oliver followed quietly, stretched out his hand, and went to dig out his wallet. But just when his hand was holding the wallet, the hand of the "decent man" suddenly reached out from nowhere and grabbed his wrist.