Fox of France

v1 Chapter 254: , Shake the pot

Surrender is actually skillful. First of all, you have to know where to surrender. This is not on the real battlefield. The enemy is there. Find a national flag of a certain country, cut off both sides, and lift it up.

But who should surrender on this battlefield can guarantee the interests of the gentlemen the most quickly and effectively? This is a big question. Don't find the wrong people. If you don't talk about anything else, it will be unbearable just to waste time.

And on the French side, not everyone is willing to accept their surrender. If one finds someone who is unwilling to accept their surrender, just like Ah Q finds a fake foreign devil who says "I want to surrender to the Revolutionary Party", most likely he will only get the sentence "Get out". If you "roll" slowly, I'm afraid you will have to hit your head a few times.

However, it is too late to list the targets and analyze them one by one. Now they can only cast the net widely. As long as they can accept their "surrender" objects, the English doctor will send a director to surrender to them. Of course, a more civilized person should "express goodwill."

In addition to "expressing goodwill" to the French, they must also reach a "goodwill reconciliation" with those forces that have maintained "goodwill" with the French.

So all the directors were mobilized, and President Edward wrote down the goals that needed to be visited immediately on paper, and then everyone claimed a goal to visit.

Dr. James looked at these targets carefully, and then he saw a name: Charles James Fox.

He happened to recognize the leader of the Whig Party, the famous Playboy. (It is said that he was the one who lured His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales into a playboy.) He had seen Mr. Fox at the beginning, and the two could talk. So he wanted to step forward, intending to follow this goal.

"Ah, James, you don't have to choose. You and I will go to the "Science Pravda" and publish an apology to Miss Bonaparte. Then join me to the editor of The Lancet in the UK unit……"

James knew that this was the most important action in this surrender, and of course the most difficult and embarrassing action. And this thing really started from him. So now this shameful thing, except for him, really no one else is suitable to go. Moreover, even if someone else is willing to replace him, he is not at ease, because people may throw all the pots to himself without him.

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized that he was really dizzy just now, and he almost took the initiative to choose another one, almost giving up this vital position to others. At the same time, his heart was also full of gratitude to President Edward.

After determining the goal, everyone quickly unified the tone. That is, acknowledging that the English Medical Association has made a mistake and making a misjudgment; acknowledging that everyone has the problem of being too proud, and promising to work hard to correct this problem. However, there are a few things that must never be admitted:

First, it cannot be admitted that the English Medical Association opposed the scientific conjectures put forward by the French because of its interests.

Second, it cannot be admitted that the English Doctors’ Union made such a mistake because of a lack of ability.

Then comes the substance of the real surrender.

First of all, the English Medical Association admits that it needs to learn from European countries, especially France, in medical technology. In the future, the English Doctors’ Union will invite French experts to give lectures in the UK every year, and at the same time arrange for British doctors to study in France. Although this is called strengthening technical exchanges in name, in essence, anyone can conclude that the Union of Doctors in England recognizes the authority of France in medicine.

In addition, the Doctors’ Union of England reorganized its organization to allow foreigners to become directors of the Doctors’ Union of England to avoid the arrogance and backwardness caused by self-proclaimed.

Finally, the English Association of Doctors strongly recommends that all hospitals undergo renovation in accordance with French standards and under the guidance of French doctors. If the hospital is unwilling to carry out similar transformations, the English Doctors’ Association will advise doctors not to go to such a hospital.

In short, with such a series of measures, the French can use the English Medical Association to quickly occupy a leading position in the British medical profession.

With a certain plan, everyone got into the carriage and rushed towards their goals.

But as the saying goes, "If you don't walk early, you have to walk early." When President Edward and Dr. James came to the "Science Pravda" together and asked to see Mr. Ma Baifu, the editor-in-chief, they were told that Mr. Ma Baifu was meeting guests, so they had to wait first.

So the two of them had to wait in the side hall next to them. The waiter led them to the side hall and poured black tea on them. Then I was ready to quit. But President Edward stopped the waiter.

"May I ask, who is the editor-in-chief receiving now?"

The waiter hesitated. So President Edward slipped a banknote into his hand quietly. Then the waiter overcame his hesitation and told them in a low voice: "It's Bishop White."

"Broken!" President Edward thought to himself.

Obviously, people from the Anglican Church came here at this time, it must have been for the report on The Lancet. Because most of the hospitals involved in this turmoil before were founded by the Anglican Church, most of the remaining ones also have an Anglican background.

In the controversy over a month before, the Anglicans were also involved. This is especially true when Charles James Fox, who has always advocated the abolition of the Anglican Church's status as the state religion, joined the dispute. Under Fox's suggestion, many more radical guys even directly said that the hospitals of the Anglican Church are for the organized elimination of poor people who are no longer worthwhile.

The "England Press Review" of the Whig Party is a serious newspaper (at least he feels that way), so naturally it cannot publish too scary and unfounded speculations. However, it can publish letters from readers. Anyway, that is the view of the "reader", not the view of the newspaper. So the "Letters from Reader" column of the "English News Review" has almost become a petri dish of various rumors. Although every horrifying "letter from the reader" is followed by the editor's painless persuasion and denial.

The "England News Review" brought a rhythm, and then other tabloids quickly followed up. They are not the kind of people who still talk about style and pretend to "respect the facts and have no preset position." Broadsheet. They are naturally media with attitudes. For them, attitudes are more important than facts. After all, reporting the facts depends on strength; and showing attitude depends only on conscience. The tabloids have limited power and cannot get much exclusive news. It is difficult to get the facts. If even the attitude and conscience are gone, is there any need for it?

So these newspapers really produced a lot of predictions about the Anglican Church. Of course, the Anglican Church did not have the tradition of not repaying the criticism, and immediately fought back in the newspapers that favored them. As a result, they will naturally involve the French "scientific conjecture", and the Anglicans will naturally attack this baseless "scientific conjecture", and even rise to the height of whether they are religious to God.

However, God slapped the Anglican heresy with facts. In today's era when it has become widespread to respect science, even the Catholic Church dare not stubbornly grill scientists anymore, and the Anglican Church dare not directly confront reproducible and verifiable science.

Generally speaking, whenever science has made some progress and has figured out an unknown field, people will always find that theologians are the first to hide in the unknown field that science has not yet figured out, and then declare: "You see we have long ago Waiting for them here.” Then, by the way, quietly revise the doctrine and change the previously declared truths into fables and analogies.

The Anglican Church is no exception, but compared to the English Doctors’ Association, the Anglican Church is more troublesome in that they cannot apologize and they cannot admit their ignorance. Magic sticks are not the same as scientists. Scientists never claim that they have the truth, so it's normal for them to make mistakes. But the **** sticks are different. They usually claim that they have received the revelation of the truth and are the spokesperson of the truth. People follow him precisely because they believe that he has the truth. So they can't admit their mistakes, and if they admit their mistakes, they are dead.

Since you can't admit the mistake and can't hold on, there is only one choice, and that is to throw the pot.

Obviously, the people of the Anglican Church must have come to "Science Truth" to get rid of the pot. But who can they throw the pot to? First of all, it is definitely not easy to throw on the French. Because they can't say "the French used magic to deceive God", it is not the 14th century after all. And to say that the French are too cunning and deceive themselves, doesn't that mean admitting that they are too stupid?

Although everyone in Britain knows, there are many fools in the church who don't know anything. But the church itself can’t admit it. This is like the king who was deceived by a liar. Even if he knew he was naked, he still had to carry on the procession to the end.

Therefore, President Edward immediately thought that he and the Doctors Association of England would be the best candidates. The reason why the Anglican Church made a mistake was because they were deceived. Well, everyone knows that the French are opponents. If the Anglicans are deceived by the French, it means that the Anglicans are stupid. But if there are traitors among your own people, you can only blame the Anglican Church for being too kind.

"Maybe, they are ready to accuse us of worshiping the devil secretly when necessary?" President Edward couldn't help thinking.

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