Fox of France

v1 Chapter 269: , Buy a gun

After all night negotiations, both Watt and Bolton were exhausted. After all, they are not young anymore. In the later generations, people like Bolton’s age are already in the category of priority not to use ventilators, and Watt, even if the ventilator is plugged in, should be quickly unplugged. Of that kind.

Of course, if they are still as rich as they are now, then there is no need to worry about such things. After all, the rich man’s priority is the rule that has been followed from ancient times to the present. Even the Emperor God said: "This is life."

Joseph came to visit them at night, according to him, because he arrived here at night. As soon as I arrived here, I came to visit immediately, which of course reflected Joseph's respect for Watt, a predecessor in science. However, Watt was faintly suspicious. Joseph came to the door no sooner or later, and he immediately negotiated business with him after he found it. Is there any intention to bully them? What about taking advantage?

Thinking of this, Watt hurriedly took hold of little Bolton, and studied the conditions that had just been decided. It was not until both people felt their heads hurt that they put down the terms in their hands.

"Mr. Watt, I don't think there is any loophole. Although we didn't get much of Bonaparte's position, we certainly did not lose. This should indeed be a win-win cooperation. Moreover, my head is already dizzy, I think Continue to study, there will be no more gains, let's stop here." Little Bolton said.

"Yes, yes. I'm dizzy too." Watt said, "Matthew, can you still sleep now?"

"How is it possible?" Little Bolton said, "Do you think I was in my thirties? At that time, no matter what time, as long as my head touched the pillow, I could fall asleep immediately. But now, it's necessary I missed the point of sleep, no matter how sleepy, even if my head sinks like granite, I can’t fall asleep anyway. Well, Mr. Watt, how about you?"

"Me? I'm a lot older than you, of course this was the case. Alas, anyway, I can't sleep. Let's have a meal together and then go for a walk together?" Watt said.

"Okay." Little Bolton said, "French breakfast, well, this is my second favorite place for France."

"What do you like first?" Watt asked.

"Good weather, always good weather." Little Bolton said.

"Your opinion is basically the same as mine, except that the order of first and second needs to be adjusted here. Well, I'm already considering whether to quit the **** cook in our house."

The two ate breakfast far better than looking up at the stars, and then they came to the "Peace Palace" together.

The sun was shining this morning, and from a distance, the Peace Palace with a layer of white marble on its outer layer was shining. Two people walked over and saw that there were more people in the Peace Palace area today than yesterday.

"It's going to open tomorrow, no wonder there are so many people." Watt said.

"Would you like to go over and take a look, maybe there are more new things." Little Bolton said.

"No," Watt said suddenly, "For us, we have already seen the most important things. And, more importantly, we already have a place to spend our money. The rest, even if we see it, we I don’t have any more money to do it. And I’ve watched it now, it’s really boring when it opens. Well, let’s go elsewhere first."

"Yes, in fact, our main mission has been completed, isn't it?" Little Bolton said, "I have fought the good fight, I have run out of the way, and I have done everything I need to do. From now on, I have spare time for me."

"Haha, Matthew, you changed the Bible randomly."

"No, Mr. Watt, I'm paying tribute to the Bible."

The two of them talked and laughed, and walked in the other direction...

But when the real opening ceremony started the next morning, both of them regretted it a little.

In fact, the opening ceremony did a good job, referring to some of the opening ceremony activities of later generations, all kinds of group gymnastics, parade of floats, it was very lively. For those who hadn't seen much entertainment back then, it was naturally even more joyful. But for an old man like Watt, it was slightly too noisy.

But it's not a big deal. Although it was a bit noisy, it was still very happy, but afterwards, Lucien's speech in person was really terrible. I don’t know how long this guy has been talking about. For a while, he compared this event to the celebration of Bacchus in ancient Greece, then it was related to Roman civilization, and then it was related to common prosperity... After talking in a mess for more than an hour, he said Watt, who had to sit in the front row, couldn't help but take a nap. Lucien finally ended his lengthy speech with this sentence: "Wish world peace!"

Then came salutes to awaken those who had fallen asleep hypnotized by Lucien, so that they could spend money quickly.

After the opening ceremony, Watt and Little Bolton wandered around the square outside the Peace Palace according to their original plan to see all kinds of exotic products they had never seen before. To say that even in the semi-outdoor exhibition hall, you can see a lot of very novel and creative little things. For example, Watt found something called "" on the booth of a small enterprise. "Typewriter" things are very good.

This thing is basically not difficult in design, but it is quite easy to use. The typist doing the presentation only took a while to type a full page of text, which is faster than handwriting. , But also to ensure that the font is clear and neat.

Watt immediately went up and inquired about the price of the item, and by the way, implicitly asked if the item had been patented. However, he quickly got a disappointing answer that this thing has been patented.

"Don't look at it simple, it will sell very well in the future." Watt said disappointedly to little Bolt, "Unfortunately we have no money, and no one has the hands to do this business."

As the two of them were talking, they saw a person who seemed familiar and never walked by.

"Hey, where does that person seem to have met?" Watt said.

"Well, it seems to be, it seems to be in Forman..." Little Bolt suddenly stopped.

The one who just walked by was Lieutenant Colonel Foreman of the British Navy. When the British Navy was developing steamships, Watt and Little Bolt had dealt with him, but at this time, he was dressed in casual clothes and dressed as a businessman. , I am afraid it is performing some secret mission.

Watt and Little Bolt knew that they had better not intervene in such a thing, and just pretended not to see it.

As for Lieutenant Colonel Foreman, he just came out of the Peace Palace and was next to an Italian businessman, chatting with him. Just now, disguised as a Mexican businessman, he talked about the artillery trade with people from the "Bonaparte Arsenal" and took the opportunity to learn about the performance of this artillery.

If the guys at the "Bonaparte Arsenal" were not bragging, this type of artillery, in terms of power, especially penetrating ability, even exceeded the 36-pounder gun used by battleships. And this gun is so light. This made the British navy officer very worried.

"It's just the orca we've encountered before. If equipped with such artillery, it can penetrate the hull of our battleship at a normal engagement distance. Considering the orca's obvious speed advantage, When it is facing our battleship, it will definitely be able to grab the t position, so in the confrontation of a single warship, it has even been able to confront even a first-class battleship like the Victory. This is terrible. It completely subverts the way of naval warfare..."

At present, the British still have not been able to produce a steam warship comparable to the "Orca". They thought of many ways, such as putting the paddle wheel to the stern, such as increasing the aspect ratio... But their new steam warship is still far from the "Orca".

"In any case, even if it is temporarily unable to obtain the'Orca' technology, at least we cannot be thrown too far by the French on the artillery."

Lieutenant Colonel Foreman proposed to the French that he hoped to buy one or two of this artillery and go back and study it, and see if it can be copied. It must be the best.

The French had been very enthusiastic about his various inquiries before, but after he made a request to buy two cannons, the French who had been very enthusiastic a second immediately changed his face.

"Sir, we don't do this kind of small business." The Frenchman said, his face was full of contempt for a small businessman without money, and he seemed to blame himself for wasting so much time.

"So how many orders do you accept at least?" Lieutenant Colonel Foreman asked.

"No less than 12 doors." The French answered simply.

Foreman calculated in his mind that the price has exceeded the authorization he So he tried to work harder and rubbed his mouth with the Frenchman, but at this time, an Italian businessman found After coming over, the Italian came from the Pope, and he was obviously very familiar with the French. So the Frenchman immediately left him and went to flatter the Italian.

Soon, the Italian was about to place an order for 48 cannons. The Papal State’s army, no matter how well equipped, has limited combat effectiveness. These purchases are to a large extent only paying protection fees, just like later generations of dogs paying protection fees to the emperor.

Seeing that the Italian easily signed the purchase contract, Foreman suddenly thought of a way for the French to only wholesale, not retail, but he could buy a cannon or two from the Italian and go back!

So he got up, walked over to the Italian, introduced himself to him, and then explained that he only had money to buy two cannons, but the French did not sell them for less than 12 people, and then offered to buy them with him Two cannons.

"Sir," the Italian looked at him suspiciously, "I can see that you are a person who often seeks life on the sea. Are you doing that kind of business in the Caribbean? But I Don’t care. I don’t think God will care. But if you want me to help, you must show me a little sincerity."