Fox of France

v1 Chapter 273: , Countermeasures

"Napoleon, are you planning to send an expeditionary force?" Joseph asked.

"I'm a little worried, those guys can still fight." Napoleon said.

The black Haitian army was able to defeat the French army in Haiti together with the British Spaniards, and then turn back together with the French Haitian army, which had only two or three kittens and puppies, to defeat the British and Spanish forces. Their combat effectiveness was still Not bad. According to the views of the veterans who served in the French army in Haiti and later returned to the country to fight, their combat effectiveness is already quite close to those of the Vendée rebels. Of course it refers to the Vendée rebels who have not left Vendée. .

The main force of the Vendée rebels was defeated by Napoleon and played very easily, but Napoleon himself knew very well that the main force of the rebels he defeated was not an authentic Vendée rebel. Really, before the nobles demanded to march to Paris, they scattered all at once. They went back to their homes, each looking for the Vendée rebels. In the Vendée region, there was enough morale to disperse the soldiers. Apart from anything else, any army with such morale is difficult to deal with.

"And our navy is still too weak to block the entire Santo Domingo. Those British and Americans will definitely take the opportunity to support them. Whatever we do in Ireland, what they will do in Santo Domingo Do it. Damn the British, the **** Yankees, they weren't us French at first, and they would all be caught and hanged by the British! Now they are ungrateful and drag us back!" Napoleon continued to complain.

"The Americans did not join the anti-French alliance. It was already a shame." Joseph smiled. "After all, we and the Americans have an antagonism. We killed one American father and exiled another American father. ."

"What are you talking about... Ah, what you are talking about seems to be true." Napoleon was startled at first, but then he came to understand, "If you say that Louis XVI is an idiot, you really can be regarded as the father of the American nation. Fayette won’t say good things about us either."

"Napoleon, remember, there is no graciousness between nations, only benefits." Joseph added.

"I know this naturally," Napoleon said. "It's just that I don't want to lose Santo Domingo. It involves too much money."

"Very good, very good!" Joseph clapped happily, "Napoleon, you are getting more and more mature! You already know that you have to be patient when necessary. Of course, if you lose Santo Domingo unconditionally, then It is indeed unbearable. After all, it involves too much money. However, I think we can send someone over and what is the black governor?" At this point, Joseph looked at Napoleon.

Napoleon rolled his eyes and said, "How do I know, who would remember the name of a black man?"

"Dusan Louvidour," Lucien added.

Napoleon gave Lucien a fierce look and said, "This is not the full name, what is the full name?"

"How do I know, who would remember the full name of a black man?" Lucien replied.

Well, their attitude is indeed a bit racially discriminatory. After all, this is the first year of the nineteenth century. At this time, there is no black life expensive, and even black people should not be considered humans. The controversy. The attitude of Napoleon and Lucien was actually not particularly reactionary.

"Well, don't worry about the useless things." Joseph said, "The important thing is how to recover the loss as much as possible, and even cause trouble for the British and Americans. First think about it, what is our bottom line? Then consider again, what are the problems between us and them. Then consider what kind of results we can accept. Well, guess what, that... well, guess what, what is their bottom line?"

Napoleon did not speak, but glanced at Lucien.

"Isn't it independent?" Lucian said.

When Joseph heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head. He was about to speak, but he saw Napoleon jump up from his chair and said, "My stupid brother! What is your head thinking every day? You want to continue like this. , The next meeting, we should kick you out and let the troublemaker take your place. If that... just wants independence, then it’s not a big problem at all. But you forgot, politically There must be economic reasons for his actions. What he wants is not nominal independence, what he wants is to change the land system of Santo Domingo, just like our French revolution! This is where our real contradiction with them lies. !"

Lucien was stunned, and after a while he suddenly slapped his hands: "That's not easy to say? This is too easy to handle! Isn't it because the black people don't have land? Well, in theory these black people are French citizens now. So theoretically they also have the right to immigrate to Louisiana. In order to encourage immigrants, the system that we designated to have land ownership after five years of continuous cultivation also applies to them, right? We let them immigrate. Louis Anna is all right! Although they are black, they are also French-speaking blacks."

"Do you think they will believe us? They won't worry. We loaded them on the ship, and then dragged them to Georgia and sold them to Yankees over there?" Napoleon said, "but your suggestion has some truth. Let me Think again……"

"Think about their weakness, Napoleon." Joseph said, "The sea... the wealth of Santo Domingo is based on trade. I believe that it can be used on the three eggs of France, England, and Spain. The dancer should also be able to understand this. We have to convince him that if the French whites are unconditionally deprived of their land, then he and his country will be excluded from the entire trade chain. Once excluded Outside of this trade chain, even if they get the land, they can only live a hard life."

"Even if they really give money, the British, Spanish, and Americans will not let them enter the trade chain. Because they are not a good role model. If they are allowed to live a good life, it is encouraging their own internal On the contrary, only we can give them the opportunity to continue to provide trade. I think we can have a good talk with Dusan Louviduer from this perspective, he should be someone who can talk about." Lucien Say.

"So, what is our bottom line?" Napoleon said again.

"Santo Domingo stays in France. The land of the white people can only be redeemed, and it is a real redemption, but we can provide them with low-interest loans. Of course, they also guarantee their French citizenship. In this way they owe us money. , And we can only use our trade channels, our economic losses can also be restored, and they can continue to be tied to our chariot." Lucien said.

"We should also demand control of the port, at least the control of the military port, so that we can arrange a fleet here. To deter the British and Americans. We need to quickly build a fort there, hoard coal, and then Then get the steamship over. At that time, the American navy, haha..." Napoleon said, "In addition, we will transfer the white people in Santo Domingo to Louisiana, which is also considered to be an increase in Louisiana. French white people. But these people..."

"I don't recommend letting them go to Louisiana." Joseph said, "Indeed, they are French, authentic French. But will they be loyal to France? We think we have won them more redemption funds, but Do they think this way?"

So several people were silent. After a while, Lucien spoke first:

"They will not be grateful to us, they will only feel that we betrayed their interests. Moreover, these people were able to occupy a large area of ​​land in Santo Domingo and made so much money. Their relationship with the nobles in the country was quite similar. They are close together. If they were in the country during the revolution, they would have been guillotined as enemies of the Republic, or hung on street light poles. Although they are French citizens, they are not ours."

"So don't count on them," Napoleon also said, "Or we can just... simply agree to their independence, no, it should be'autonomy', and secretly agree to their future independence, but require some special interests, such as'military Protection', such as letting them pay for the territory."

"So, what about those white landlords?" Joseph asked.

"They are not our fellow travelers in terms of Napoleon said, "I will leave them to death! "

"Our Ministry of Truth should also seize this opportunity to vigorously promote our concept of'freedom, equality, and fraternity'. Hehe, those British and Americans think they can make trouble for us and cheat us? Domingo’s example will have a headache!" Lucian also said.

"It would hurt Spain by mistake." Joseph added.

"Joseph, you are not the King of Spain, you care about them to die? Even if we accidentally injured them, they still can not form an alliance with us? They dare? It is their honor to be a dog for us." Xi'an disdains authentic.

"But we have other colonies in other regions." Napoleon said, "We can't lift a rock and hit ourselves in the foot. Therefore, the Ministry of Truth doesn't need to do much to propagate this matter. As for adding chaos to the British and Americans, Santo Domingo is there and can get these in peace, which in itself is adding chaos to them."

So the tone for handling this matter was set, and now the rest is to find a messenger.

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