Fox of France

v1 Chapter 305: ,Rothschild

François himself could not make a decision on such a big matter, so he could only tell Louis that he needed to go back and inform the investors behind him about the situation. Louis also expressed his understanding, and then the two parties agreed on a time for the next meeting, and François stood up and left.

François got out of "General Electric Bonaparte", got on the carriage waiting outside, and went directly to the Austrian Embassy. In the embassy, ​​François informed Metternich of the results of his conversation with Louis, and then said to Metternich, "Your Excellency, do you have any thoughts on the French proposal?"

Metternich thought for a while and replied, "François, I think in general, the Bonaparte family has shown us a certain kind of goodwill. As they said, they don't actually lack access to funds. If they need funds, I believe that banks across Europe, including those of the British, will be willing to cooperate with them. In this case, they are still willing to give us a portion of the shares, which is not easy. As for the preference shares, I have never seen such a thing. I think these terms are not bad. Anyway, I think our goal should not include competing with the Bonaparte family for'Bonaparte General Electric' Control right?"

"At least for a short time, it's impossible." Francois shook his head. "The Bonaparte family's rule in France has gradually taken root. It is not easy, but they really did it. Bonaparte Pakistan became the ruler of France as a war hero. This position is unstable. Although when he first ascended to the throne, the people were praising and praising him for his great deeds. But the great deeds will fade. It won’t take long for the people to forget the feats he made on the battlefield.

This is because the reason they supported him before, in the final analysis, was actually because he took them to grab a lot of things, robbed the French aristocracy’s savings, robbed us, robbed the Italians, robbed Prussia. He divided those robbed things into the domestic fools, and those guys would naturally be grateful to him.

But when the looted money is always used up, and the people are used to making money easily through robbery, it will be difficult for them to settle down and live a life of poverty honestly. If General Napoleon wants to maintain the support and love of the people for him, he must let them live a relatively easy and good life. This is difficult, we all thought he could not do it. We think his greatest possibility is to keep taking the army out to rob. But this is just drinking poison to quench thirst, he will only make France, let him become the enemy of the entire Europe. By that time, his failure can be expected.

But we have to admit that we underestimated General Napoleon and the Bonaparte family behind him. There is not only one military genius among them. Under their leadership, the French have taken a new path that we could not foresee. Relying on business and science, they can now easily get more money than war can get. Therefore, at least for the foreseeable time, General Napoleon's rule in France has been stabilized. It is a pity that he is not from a royal family, otherwise he could directly turn France into a kingdom.

Since they will have no problems in a short time, it is naturally impossible for us to pursue their core interests. Now that the rise of France is unstoppable, it seems that God is really on Bonaparte's side at this time. We can only temporarily put away other ideas and obey God's will. Mr. Ambassador, I know what you mean by asking me. The reason why I still have doubts is more because preference shares cannot be transferred at will. This also means that if we board a French ship, it will be difficult to disembark.

I think the reason why the French put forward the trick of preferred shares is to see to what extent we are willing to tie ourselves to them. So, I was hesitant. "

"François, you asked me about this question. It would be the wrong person. You know, I am not very proficient in these things. But I have a friend who is a Jew who is quite proficient in economic matters. Maybe you can ask his opinion."

"Thank you for your help." François said, "Is this your friend?"

"Meyer Rothschild is a banker in Frankfurt. He is very good at trading and teaching his sons. He has five sons, all of whom are good traders. Now his son Nathan Meyer Rothschild opened a bank in Paris and the business is doing very well. You can go to him and ask, he might be able to help you with some ideas."

Nathan Mayer Rothschild is the most important figure in the history of Rothschild, the most famous family in history. He is the third son of the old Rothschild and the most capable of his five sons one of. In the original history, at the end of 1798, he came to London with a start-up capital. At this time, he should have been operating his own bank in London and had become a recipient of the British capital market. Respected person.

But in this time and space, for some reason, in 1798, Nathan did not go to London as in the original history, but instead came to Paris. During the Battle of Verdun, Joseph’s false news about his injuries deceived almost everyone, but Nathan used various information he had learned before inferring that even if the news was true, the British-Prussian coalition forces Nor can it shake the Verdun line of defense, and it is impossible to escape the conclusion of the fate of ultimate failure. Therefore, when the rumors were popular and the French national debt fell crazily to only one twentieth of its original value, he decisively overwhelmed most of his wealth and began to buy French national debt on a large scale before the Bank of Beauvais. He made a fortune in one fell swoop, and also received the hatred and admiration of Bouwan.

It is said that Mr. Bowen often took Nathan Meyer Rothschild as an example when educating his son. This practice made Xiao Bowang very excited, and he worked extremely hard to learn. But on the other hand, it also brought another consequence, that is, making young Beauvain very disgusted with the Rothschilds and even the Jews.

Since then, Nathan Meyer Rothschild has been hoping to infiltrate the French military-industrial complex, but on the one hand, Mr. Beauvain was very opposed to it, and on the other hand, Joseph seemed to be somewhat unhappy with the surname "Rothschild". the opinion of.

This is actually quite normal, after all, in his last life, Joseph also watched "Currency War". Although Joseph in his previous life also knew that "Currency War" was just a novel. The Rothschilds are not so good at all. Even Joseph knew that since missing the United States, the Rothschild family suffered two major losses in World War I and World War II, and it is no longer the most powerful consortium.

But this does not mean that Joseph can relax his vigilance, especially when facing a guy named "Nathan Meyer Rothschild". Joseph remembered that in the original history, this guy had almost controlled the entire British monetary policy.

Monetary policy is one of the most important sovereignty of a country. This kind of thing must not fall into the hands of any consortium other than the Bonaparte consortium. Otherwise, the interests of the French people will not be guaranteed and the French people will become slaves.

Just like the beacon nation of later generations, the currency sovereignty is in the hands of a private institution. When a plague occurs, it has a few months of warning time, the world’s most abundant medical resources and medical technology, and a The president, who can't and understands everything, turned out to choose the former whether to protect the economy or the life of the people, making a world's largest superpower abruptly resembling a third world country. How can such a thing be allowed to be staged in the great France? How can monetary sovereignty fall into the hands of the Jews?

The French people will never agree to such a thing, except for the "Bonaparte Consortium", none of us recognize it!

Because of this vigilance, although Nathan Meyer Rothschild is very profitable in France, his attempts to join the "military-industrial complex" were not very successful.

François, holding Metternich's letter of introduction, met the banker in Nathan Meyer Rothschild's luxuriously furnished home. François told Nathan about his intentions.

Nathan crossed the fingers of both hands, put them together, sat on the sofa and thought for a while, saying, "I can understand your concerns. You think this business is worth doing. In fact, I think so; you plan to do everything. May put more cash into it. In fact, if there is a chance, I would also like to do this. But you are also worried that once this money is turned into preferred stock, it cannot be in the market like ordinary stocks. Turn it into cash. If you put in too much cash, it will cause you to get into trouble when you are in urgent need of cash; if you don’t put all the cash in, you feel that this is a waste of money Good opportunity. Did you think I was right?"

François nodded and said, "Mr. Rothschild, you are absolutely right. This is what I worry about."

"Mr. François," Nathan Meyer Rothschild said with his hands on the table, "I have the best of both worlds, which allows you to invest your money in it with confidence, but also guarantees you You see, we can first create an investment company, and then inject funds into this company, and then use this company to buy the preferred stock of “General Electric Bonaparte”. In this way First, although the preferred shares of General Electric Bonaparte cannot be traded on the market, the shares of the company that holds it can be circulated freely on the market. What do you think of this approach?"

"Mr. Rothschild, thank you so much. This is a good way. You say, how can I thank you?" Francois said.

"Ah, Mr. François, if you are really willing to thank me, then I very much hope you will allow me to invest in your new company..." Nathan Meyer Rothschild smiled and said... …