Fox of France

v1 Chapter 313: , Christian bottom gathering

After sending away visitors from the British Navy on the first day, the Free Trade was opened to French expatriates the next day. And after the opening of this day is over. The "London Kommersant" newspaper suddenly reported a big news.

"According to the news we have learned from the French Ministry of Foreign Trade, the steam frigate'Free Trade' may be a commodity on the shelves of the next session of the Pakistan Fair. This visit actually carries the meaning of sales promotion. Moreover, it is completing After the visit to the UK, the "Free Trade Number" will continue to visit other countries..."

Regarding the purpose of the Frenchman's action, the British also had a lot of speculation in advance. But most people think this is the French demonstrating to Britain. Many people wonder if the French are planning to make some moths in Ireland or elsewhere. It seems that the French do not mean that at all, the French...

"The French are really crazy about money, right?" The butcher crooked his mouth. "The French are... as long as you are willing to pay, they are even willing to sell you the noose used to hang them."

"Butcher, you are right," said Fagin on Old Avenue in Petticoat Alley just now from Ireland. "However, when you look at this question, your vision is still a little smaller. French love money, but French thoughts. It’s also very big. They don’t just want to sell a few boats. Their purpose is actually to demonstrate."

"What is the demonstration?" Buck asked. "Are France and Britain going to war again?"

"The French do not want to, so they hope that in this way, the British government can clearly see how much it will lose to the United Kingdom if the two countries have a war. In fact, just think about who is good for peace. Can you know who wants peace."

"It's a pity," Buck said.

"Buck, don't pin your hopes on such things. In the final analysis, the liberation of the British people depends on themselves. First of all, the most important thing is to make the people aware of their own strength."

"The power of the people?"

"Yes, the power of the people. This is the most important thing I learned during this trip to France and Ireland. You see, those in the French government now love money. To be honest, most people love money. By nature, there is not much to blame. But the French government never dared to drive farmers away from their land like the United Kingdom did, and let them go to factories to receive a three to four year suspension of death sentences.

The land in France is far more fertile and warmer than that in the UK, and it naturally produces more food. In France, I saw the government allocate funds specifically to build canals and install electric water pumps for farmers. Copper prices in Europe have risen by a large margin. The agricultural tax in France is the lowest in all of Europe. French farmers grow fertile land without nobles collecting land rent. The country’s tax revenue is low and may not even be enough to build water conservancy facilities for them. Why is the French government so kind, even to please the French farmers? "

"Why?" Buck said.

"Because they have shown their strength." Fagin said, "In the French Revolutionary War, most of the soldiers came from the countryside and were farmers. They formed a collective in the army, and even if they recovered, they still interacted with each other. There is a close connection between them. These demobilized soldiers organized the French peasants. So if the French government wants to do anything that is detrimental to their interests, these people have fought and rebelled. God knows What can they do. Therefore, the French government not only dare not oppress them, but even think of ways to please them.

Also, you know that I stayed in Ireland for a long time, and the situation there confirms this. "

"Boss Fagin, tell us something about Ireland," the butcher said.

"Well, yes, I will tell you. You know, since the United Kingdom and France achieved peace, the British government has also signed a ceasefire agreement with the Irish Resistance Army, but this agreement is actually..."

The British Government House in Ireland and the rebels reached a temporary ceasefire agreement. The large-scale conflict between the two sides stopped, but this does not mean that the two sides have really achieved peace. Small-scale friction occurs almost all the time.

In the "non-police zone", which is the base of the United Irish Federation, preparations for war have almost never slackened. Prior to this, part of the Irish Independence Army's weapons and equipment came from the aid of France, and the other part came from the capture of the British army. But now, the source of the Irish Independence Army's weapons is more self-made.

The United Irish Federation recognizes that the current peace is not necessarily reliable. Whenever possible, the British will make a comeback. However, after the signing of the armistice agreement, the aid from France has gradually decreased. This is normal, because aid costs a lot of money, and there is no imminent danger, so the aid will naturally gradually decrease. cut back.

"'Revolution and independence are ultimately our own business. We cannot count on the French for everything. The French are our friends. Our friendship with the French is higher than the mountain and deeper than the sea. But we can't do anything. We all count on friends. If a person counts on friends for everything, but he can't do anything. What do we call this kind of person? Are we going to call this kind of person a trash? Our comrades in the Federation cannot be like this Waste.' This is what the President Russell of the Federation said to their soldiers. So during this period of time, they insisted on self-reliance and even established their own arsenal." Fei Jin introduced.

"Their arsenal? A group of farmers have also built an arsenal?" Tieya asked in surprise, "What can they produce?"

"Some simple and effective weapons, such as landmines. However, more importantly, during this period of time they have stocked a lot of materials, and they are constantly strengthening their organization. Strengthening organization is the most fundamental The secret.

Butcher, Buck, Tiefang, do you know that the most important thing I learned in France and Ireland is that there must be an organization, and a wide organization must be established in order to unite the forces and serve our people Fight for benefits. I decided that we would reorganize our organization, expand the organization, and first of all bring in nearby workers. "

"What then?" the butcher asked.

"Then the union organized by us came forward to represent the workers and appealed to those who opened factories. Then it was naturally a struggle. We are more familiar with non-violent struggles on the bright side and on the dark side. First of all, we The goal should not be too big, we should start small, but start from where the workers can feel..."

"Well, you are the boss, you have the final say." Buck said, "Then what is the name of this new gang?"

"We do need a new name." Fagin said, "Well, we preach the true gospel of God, about salvation, about liberation. Let's call it'Christian Gathering'. These days, I am in France. , And discussed the issue of doctrine with some priests. I feel that I am one step closer to understanding God’s will."

"Tell us, boss," the butcher said.

"Well, in Toulon, I met a priest named Torres who participated in the Revolution. He talked to me and mentioned his experience in the Revolution. I asked him:'What do you think of the French Revolution?' He replied to me:'The Great Revolution is God's will, God's correction of the church that has escaped the way of salvation.' So he told me a story.

A forty-year-old woman who looked as old as seventy came to him after the Mass and said sadly: "Father, I didn't repent before receiving the Eucharist."

"How did you come, my child?" he asked her.

"Father," she replied, "I came late, when you had already begun to distribute the Eucharist. For three days, I had nothing to eat except water; I was going to starve to death. When I saw you When distributing the Eucharist, the small slices of white bread, I went to receive the Eucharist just to eat that little bread."

With tears in his eyes, he remembered the words of Jesus: ‘My meat (bread) is real food... Those who eat me must live because of me. ’

In the evening of in prayer, he received a brand new revelation. He said:

‘Man is created according to the image and appearance of God. The voice of the poor to live is the voice of God. God is not the dead God, but the Lord of life who can hear the voice of the people of God. The judgment of history is the final judgment. What is done to the poor and the humble is what is done to Jesus. The savior that Christians believe in lies in these faces distorted by poverty. Christians cannot remain indifferent in the face of such history. The theology that contemplates the mysteries of heaven in a peaceful college must die. Theology must land on both feet, carry the cross of history, and fight for the life and liberation of the poor. This is the salvation of the Messiah. Salvation is liberation. ’

In his view, the church has committed a series of mistakes, so that it deviates more and more from the way of Jesus. So God will use the Great Revolution to correct it with blood and fire.

He told me: ‘this kind of history should not be missed. To miss this kind of history means to miss the revelation of God and the opportunity to become a true Christian. ’

I think this kind of thinking, this kind of interpretation of the Bible is very good and very useful. Father Torres gave me a notebook for reading the Bible. Among them, there are a lot of his thoughts on the Bible. In the future, we will use this kind of theological thinking to motivate and organize the workers. "