Fox of France

v1 Chapter 344: , The first time to persuade and resign

When Ren got off the train, his legs were still shaking a little. Yes, it was really trembling, because the speed of the train was too fast.

In Joseph's case, for those who have even traveled on the "Fuxing" in the previous life, the speed of passenger trains of about 60 kilometers is just drizzle. But for people of this era, this is not the case. The speed of 60 kilometers per hour may be (in fact, you can be more confident and replace these two words with affirmative) the highest speed he has reached in his life.

The stimulation caused by such a high speed made Renne's legs soft. Therefore, after getting off the train, he stood with the lamp pole on the platform for a long time before he recovered his feet.

However, during this time, Renn was not idle, his head began to quickly calculate the impact of the progress of the railway on his business.

"The opening of the railway will definitely reduce the price of transportation. Wherever there are railways, the cost of logistics will drop a lot. Logistics costs are also important operating costs. In this way, the cost of the textile industry on the European continent It will drop. Once their costs drop, it will put a lot of pressure on us."

Rennes has always been a very worry-conscious person, and he almost immediately thought of the railway, something that seemed to have little to do with him, and the impact it might have on his business in the future.

Over the years, after the European market was completely opened to the United Kingdom, the British textile industry has made tremendous progress. For example, the scale of Rennes's textile factory has been expanding almost every year. But Rennes also knows that the textile industry on the European continent has been beaten by the British in these years, and a large number of European textile companies withdraw from the textile market every year. Some have gone bankrupt, and some have transformed. In short, the life of textile companies on the European continent, which are still struggling to support, has become increasingly difficult.

These people will naturally be dissatisfied, and they will also attack the British in various ways and demand that the European continent re-establish barriers to British goods. Of course, this is generally opposed by other industries, and it is almost impossible to succeed.

However, those guys still made some tricks. For example, some guys in the textile industry in France successfully lobbied to get the State Council to get these two bills. The first bill is called the "Anti-dumping Law", which prohibits foreign companies from undermining free trade through dumping. Anyway, on the European continent, the right to interpret the term free trade is entirely in the hands of the French.

According to this bill, if the price of any company selling goods in France is lower than the price of similar products sold in the UK, it will be deemed dumping, and then it will be subject to a whole set of seizures, high fines, etc. "Anti-dumping package".

Since the emergence of this bill, there have been several anti-dumping investigations in succession. Although the French did a fair job of insisting on "free trade", the final result of these anti-dumping investigations was that the British won the case. But litigation itself is a huge cost, especially time cost.

The second bill is the British people's own pot. That is the British Navigation Act. This bill is a bill passed by the Parliament of the British Republic led by Cromwell to protect the monopoly of British maritime trade. This also triggered a war with the maritime power Netherlands.

This bill stipulates. Only ships owned and manufactured by Britain or its colonies can carry goods from the British colonies. The government specifies that certain colonial products are only allowed to be trafficked to the British mainland or other British colonies, including tobacco, sugar, cotton, indigo, fur, etc. Products manufactured in other countries must pass through the British mainland and cannot be directly shipped to the colonies.

This decree is in effect until now. This kind of law, which clearly violates the principle of "free trade", has of course been the target of concentrated fire attacks by France and other European countries. But because of the insistence of the British maritime industry, this bill has not been amended.

Six months ago, some Dutch textile merchants pushed the Republic of the Netherlands to pass a retaliatory bill: restricting the right of way for British goods on the European continent. Of course, the bill does not specifically target the United Kingdom, but only requires that facilities such as ports and roads be given priority to "countries that support free trade." The list of "countries that support free trade" does not include the United Kingdom.

If only Dutch people have such a rule here, but as soon as the Dutch bill is passed, the French will immediately follow up. As soon as the French follow up, the entire European continent will follow up. . This has significantly increased the logistics cost of British goods on the European continent. Moreover, with the widespread use of railways in the future, this disadvantage in transportation costs may further expand. This will obviously affect the competitiveness of British textiles on the European continent.

To this end, businessmen engaged in the textile industry have taken two-handed measures. On the one hand, they require the government to negotiate with the French to solve the problem. Of course, they also understand that the British government may be able to exert so-called pressure on other countries, but it is difficult for France. People exert such pressure. The French don't care about the British military power at all. They even like to roll up their sleeves from time to time to let the British look at their biceps. So the so-called asking the government to negotiate to resolve the problem is actually hoping that the government can amend the navigation bill to a certain extent in exchange for concessions from the French.

Of course, this approach will definitely harm the interests of another group of people in the country, so this matter is not so easy to solve. It is estimated that it will not take a few years to discuss it in the Congress dozens of times in the past. Want to change something.

As for the other hand, it is naturally to tap the potential internally and reduce the production cost on his side.

The textile industry is a typical labor-intensive industry, and wage costs account for a considerable part of the cost. So the first solution that Rennes thought of was to reduce workers' wages and increase labor intensity. However, what he didn't expect was that the lowly workers refused to accept their newly drawn contract. I even dared to make a strike, and also chose to go on strike in the early stage of the "Brazzaville". When British businessmen were going to fight against the Netherlands and French textile businessmen for the benefit of Britain, they shot backwards and betrayed the great. The United Kingdom is really heinous.

It’s just because of various restrictions that the United Kingdom cannot use the most appropriate means to deal with them, so Rennes and the others have to think about these rascals, these ungrateful villains, and don’t want to think, if it weren’t for the Rennes Textile Factory to provide them with one. On the working platform, they had already fallen on the street and starved to death!

However, for the Pakistan Fair, Rennes had to agree to their coercion and agreed to restore the old contract. This also means that his profit at the Pakistan Fair this year will be greatly reduced. This is simply cutting his flesh.

"After I go back, I am determined to find a way to severely teach these guys who don't know good or bad, so that they will never dare to do this again in the future!"

Renn was ruthless in his heart, while walking towards the Palace of Freedom.

The second session of the Pakistan Fair, which lasted for five days, ended smoothly. In this session, the commercial contracts and intention contracts reached by all parties have greatly increased compared with the first session.

Many newspapers have carried out general reports on this success, and everyone believes that this incident reflects the strong economic growth in France. And some newspapers attributed such a good situation to Napoleon's wise leadership. For example, "Kommersant" published a report with the title "Please cherish this golden age".

"Under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte, France is in its best golden age since France. The fast-growing economy has brought more benefits and hope to everyone. Whether we go, In the streets and alleys of Paris, or walking on the country roads; people we meet, whether workers or farmers, even French with French nationality, or foreigners who come to France to work and study, from their On the face, from their eyes, we can all see hope shining.

Recall that before the revolution, under the rule of the Bourbon dynasty, did the French people ever have such a vision and such a smile? At the opening ceremony of the Champ de Mars railway station, countless people cheered like the beloved Archon of Bonaparte. They called him ‘Inbredo’, and this was not without reason. Bonaparte’s reign has proved that he is an invincible and invincible commander, whether on the battlefield or in the post of leading the country. As far as the original Roman language is concerned, Bonaparte’s reign is really Worthy of this title..."

After this report, more newspapers joined the chorus praising Napoleon. Even tabloids that specialize in reporting lace news and publishing certain colorful novels have joined in, praising Napoleon's great achievements.

In the end, not only French newspapers, but even some foreign newspapers joined in. Some of these newspapers have a French background, so it is natural for them to sing praises for Napoleon. As for the other part of the media, there are two situations. One is to use Napoleon to stimulate the rulers of their own country, just like some parents like to stimulate their own children with excellent children from other families. There are others who really believe in the revolutionary ideals of France.

Of course, it's not that they didn't jump out to sing the opposite. For example, some old nobles in exile in Austria and England still have some money in their hands, so they also run some newspapers. These newspapers naturally attacked Napoleon from his figure to his family.

For example, there is such a newspaper in London that actually used comic strips to create Napoleon’s rumors. This time they first spread rumors that Napoleon was gay, saying that he was like Caesar, "a woman of all men, and a man of all women".

That's fine, the French don't care about such attacks. Then they spread the rumors that Polina has the same attributes, the same as all women's men, all men's women, and even made up the story of Polina and his older brother and sister-in-law.

Because the circulation of this newspaper is actually very small, neither Polina nor Joseph had noticed this. However, the Knights of the Holy Women exist in Britain. This shameless practice of viciously slandering the image of their "saint" naturally angered the middle and second-hand young men of the Knights of Saints, so these "knights" met together, holding canes and whips together. What, rushed into the newspaper office, smashed the newspaper office, and then the matter went into the big newspaper and entered the eyes of the Bonaparte family.

It is said that Polina also asked Lucien to get two newspapers related to her, read them in person, and then said angrily that the paper was too shameless, the painter was too bad, and she painted too ugly. It is tolerable, which is unbearable, it really deserves to be smashed!

As for Napoleon, he only noticed that people compared him to Caesar, and was triumphant because of it, but he didn't have time to notice how they compared him to Caesar.

In this kind of flattery, the State Council also took action. In July 1802, a group of members of the State Council first proposed such a motion: to give the first ruling Napoleon the title of "Inbrado" in recognition of him. Contributions to France.

As soon as this motion was proposed, it was immediately unanimously endorsed by all members of the State Council. The lawmakers all expressed that Napoleon Bonaparte’s ruling virtues are worthy of the world, and the world is incomparable in the past and present. It is really necessary to add the honorary title of "Inbredo" to show honor.

So almost within a blink of an eye, the State Council completed the proposal and submitted it to the Baominyuan for review. How could the Baominyuan object to such a bill? Don't they want to live anymore? Therefore, Baomin Yuan also passed the bill as quickly as possible and submitted it to the Legislative Yuan for voting.

It is said that until this time, Napoleon did not know about this. He rushed to the Legislative Yuan immediately and gave a speech to the members of the Legislative Yuan, saying that "Inbredo" is not a public servant of the people and should have a reputation. As the first governor, he is the first public servant of the French people, and he serves the French people wholeheartedly. Service is his bounden duty, and this does not require such rewards. Therefore, he hopes that the members of the Legislative Yuan can respect his personal opinions and reject this motion that deviates from the spirit of democracy.

After listening to Napoleon’s speech, the Legislative Yuan quickly passed the bill in the third reading. This is the first time since Napoleon became the first ruler that the Legislative Yuan violated the will of the first ruler. It is said that Edwards, Chairman of the Legislative Yuan, said to Napoleon: "Your Excellency First, just like you must be loyal to the ideals of democracy, we must also listen to the voice of the people."

Then the bill was submitted to the Senate, and the Senate was naturally unwilling to go against the will of the people, so they also passed the bill under Napoleon's pressure.

Of course, this does not mean that this bill can take effect immediately, because for the bill to take effect, it must be handed over to the first ruling for execution. The first ruling can be implemented in the way he thinks is the most appropriate. Of course, there is an option to temporarily shelve this. So Napoleon put the bill on hold without hesitation.

But even so, people began to call Napoleon by Imperator, and their reason was: "What is the name of a servant of the people? Isn't this a natural right of the people?"

Newspapers gradually began to add the title of Inbrado to Napoleon's title.

Of course, Napoleon himself would never agree to this, and he continued to speak out against it. However, the newspapers have unified the slogan: "This embodies the humble virtue of the noble British Berate."

Immediately afterwards, the Legion of Honor also took action. They also said that over the years, they have awarded the Legion of Honor to many French and foreign friends who have made contributions to France, but the first ruling has always humbly accepted only the lowest. Class of Cavalry Medal. This obviously does not match the great contribution of the First Ruling. Many people who didn’t understand the situation accused them of treating the first ruling in a humble manner. Some emotional medal winners even sent their medals back to the Legion of Honor, saying that the Legion of Honor could not award Bonaparte’s reign according to their true contributions. Only if they deserved the medal for his contribution, they returned their medal. Because they were less qualified to receive the medal than Bonaparte was in power.

So the Legion of Honor urgently designed and manufactured a medal called "Inbrador" and awarded it to Napoleon.

This "British Medal", UU Reading uses pure gold as the base material and is inlaid with a large number of gems. At the bottom of the medal, there is a line of text: "Serving the people".

After the medal was completed, Bernie, the head of the Legion of Honor, personally held the medal and, surrounded by countless French people, came to the office of the first ruling party to persuade the first ruling party to accept the medal.

Immediately behind him were most of the members of the Legion of Honor. They all hung their medals on their chests, followed Bernie to the outside of the ruling government, and expressed their wishes to the first ruling.

Napoleon hurried to the door and explained to the enthusiastic crowd that he really could not accept an honor with the taste of monarchy. The representative of the citizens said that "Inbrador" was an honorary title that existed in the Roman Republic era, and it was not exclusively for the emperor. We can't use it because some emperors use it.

Obviously, the speech of this representative is more representative of the people's will, because when he said these words, everyone was applauding him desperately.

In the end, under everyone's persuasion, Napoleon decided to obey the will of the French people and accepted the medal of "Inbredo".

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