Fox of France

v1 Chapter 352: , Craze and play rabbits

This cooperation between France and Austria surprised many countries. From a general point of view, on the European continent, the country that threatens the hegemony of France the most is Austria. According to this view, France should strive to take advantage of the natural weaknesses of Austria as a multi-ethnic country to support Austria’s civil strife, and it is best to disintegrate Austria. In this way, France’s advantages in Europe will be unshakable.

However, the French chose to support the Austrian government in this incident. It seemed that they had given up the opportunity to dismember Austria. This disappointed many politicians on paper. Some British newspapers even expressed gratitude and contempt that Napoleon Bo Nabata was attracted by the small interests in front of him, and let go of the golden opportunity. It can be seen that although he is indeed worthy of the reputation of "British Berto" on the battlefield, he is really too naive politically.

Of course, the French media will never attack their leaders in this way, but their refutations can only be made from the perspective of virtue. French newspapers have stated that this proves that France is a great peace-loving country, a pillar force for maintaining world peace, and not an aggressive bad thing like Britain.

When it comes to this issue, in general, the "Science and Pravda" has the highest level. "Science and Pravda" does not deny that the French government should work hard to safeguard France's interests. But it pointed out that France's interests are not only in these visible things. For France, some invisible and intangible things are more precious. That is the spirit of the French Republic.

"What is the spirit of France? It is the persistence of the spirit of'democracy','freedom' and'fraternity'. It is also inspired by this spirit that the French people have united together and established the great French Republic. This kind of spirit is the foundation of France’s nationhood, and it is the banner and bond that unites the French people. For France, there is no greater interest than safeguarding this spirit. Of course, this kind of truth, some of them are just full of brains. Guys with vulgar interests are incomprehensible.

Indeed, Austria is not a progressive country that meets this standard. Compared to the Republic of Northern Italy and the Rhine Union, Austria is much more reactionary. From our perspective, it still retains too many feudal and backward things. But in this incident, what is the opposite of Austria?

We must not think that what is opposed to a reactionary and backward thing must be an advanced and progressive force. In many cases, it may be a more reactionary and backward force. What are the demands of those Hungarian nobles who launched the rebellion? It is not about democracy and freedom, but about ‘maintaining tradition’! To be more clear, it is to maintain their privileges as nobles, riding on the heads of the people and domineering; it is to maintain the privilege of being able to do whatever they want in their own territory, and even use the blood of a virgin to bathe themselves! (This is an allusion to the legendary story of Elizabeth Bathory, the predecessor of the Bartoli family. It is said that in order to maintain her beauty, she killed hundreds of virgins and bathed them with their blood. The game "Dark" The little BOSS in "God of Destruction 2", the Countess in the Forgotten Tower is based on her)

Therefore, the behavior of the Hungarian nobility is an out-and-out rebellion. It is not only a threat to the interests of the broad masses of people in Hungary, but also a threat to the interests of the broad masses of people in Austria, and it is a threat to all freedom-loving people in the world. The threat of interest is a threat to the creed on which France is based. Therefore, we support the Austrian emperor to quell this rebellion. The ultimate and most important purpose is to maintain our faith. This is the most cherished wealth in France. "

The article in "Science and Pravda" is really not entirely high-profile, because "democracy, freedom, and fraternity" are indeed one of the most cherished wealth in France. In conversations with his two younger brothers, Joseph once divided the country's strength into two parts. Part of it is the country's hard power, including economic capabilities, industrial level, and military power. The other is what he calls soft power, which is the influence of French culture, art and even ideology on other countries.

"Mr. Mensius said:'If the people in the world who are interested in politics want to be an official in your country, the people who farm the field want to farm in your country, and the businessmen who do business want to be in your market. Those who do business and travel want to walk on the road of your country. Those people who have been mutilated by their country’s king hope to come to you to complain to their king: If this is the case, who else can and Are you contending?'

When we were fighting with the Austrians in Italy, the Italian people stood on our side and provided us with all kinds of help. This is an important reason why we can win like a storm. In Belgium, the Belgian people used to welcome us with bread and beer. If it weren't for those foolish behaviors, we would have defeated them in 1993. Why are we so welcomed by these foreigners? This is our slogan, our banner, and the function of our soft power. We must cherish our soft power, and don't destroy it because of a little bit of petty profit. This will help us to continuously cultivate more and more in other countries. Once a war breaks out, we are willing to give our army Lead the way. Well, Lucien, this is the core task of your work. "

Therefore, France's actions are indeed in line with the personality of "progress." A country can also be man-made, and a successful man-made can bring many unseen long-term benefits. Of course, human design is also very fragile. Even if it’s a country’s human design, if you don’t pay attention, there is a king who knows the king, plus a nonsense such as "We lie, we deceive, we steal, this is what we keep making Such as "Glory" and honest aides, the country's personal design will also collapse. The result is often picking up sesame seeds and shaking the watermelon, so that the opponent can't wait to send them a one-ton medal.

However, maintaining the personality is not the whole reason why the French are on the side of the Austrians this time. There are more realistic and darker reasons for the French to do this this time.

First of all According to the research of the three brothers, they believe that on the European continent, in the long run, it is only the Germans that may pose a threat to France's status. In general, the German nation has a large population and a good level of education. If they are not in a divided state, if they are truly integrated into a country, and a Germany appears in the world, then Germany will definitely become France. Challenger of status.

Today Germany is divided into three parts, the Rhine Union, Prussia and Austria. Both the Rhine League and Prussia are Protestant, while Austria is Catholic. So although the Rhine Alliance is now an ally of France, whether they will come together with Prussia in the future, or even get a Germany out, is a problem that France needs to worry about. Of course, under the current circumstances, France can Rely on your own hard power to stop this. But doing so will cause the French people to collapse. Therefore, in order to maintain the division of Germany, France does not want to weaken Austria excessively.

In addition, there are many internal conflicts in Austria. In order to maintain the empire and contend with North Germany, the Habsburg family has to rely more and more on France, and then they will become the spokesperson of France’s interests, or, to put it more clearly, It can also be called a "comrador."

Together, these are the reasons for France to take such actions. As for the tricks of the Austrian national debt, fundamentally speaking, it is nothing more than rags and rabbits.