Fox of France

v1 Chapter 371: , The International Olympic Committee an

Most of the French have chosen to return to France by sea, but there is still a French who will go to Petersburg with the Russians. This Frenchman is Victor Treville. He has now left the Ministry of Truth and has become a member of the French Olympic Committee, a newly formed non-governmental organization in France. However, there are also rumors that he actually still gets a special allowance from the Ministry of Truth.

This time, Victor will follow the torch to run a lap across Europe, on the one hand to **** the torch, on the other hand to promote the "Olympic spirit". In accordance with the arrangement of the "French Olympic Committee", he will contact the media from all over the country, encourage all localities to establish their own "Olympic Committees", and finally gather together the "Civilized World Olympic Committees" to form a cross-country, cross-faith and cross-racial group An organization that pursues the great unity of all mankind-the International Olympic Committee".

Victor’s first task was to go to Russia to convince His Majesty the Tsar and other important nobles to agree to this proposal and allow everyone to establish a non-governmental "Russian Olympic Committee."

The Russian prepared a four-wheeled carriage for Victor, but Victor said that considering the road conditions in this area, he felt that he would rather ride a horse.

The Russians will naturally not object to this small request from the guests. So General Bagration asked his adjutant to cede the horse to Victor, instead of Victor getting on the carriage to "guard the fire". He held the torch and rode forward with Victor.

Victor turned on his horse. When he was young, he also received some equestrian training and had a good foundation. Since then, he has received strict training in Toulon and other places. Therefore, Victor's equestrian skills are quite good. He simply got on the horse. The action aroused the applause of the Russian cavalry officers who surrounded him.

Victor knew that these people were basically young nobles. It can be seen that these people are full of interest in such things as the "Olympic flame".

Compared with Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox churches actually accept the Greek mythology to a higher degree. Even in their religious paintings, the image of God is basically copied from the Greek depiction of Zeus. Therefore, religiously, they have no resistance to this, and even many people feel that the emergence of this incident is exactly the will of God.

Victor drove the horse and ran side by side with Bagration. Bagration turned his head to look at Victor and smiled: "Your riding skills are very good!"

"General, your riding skills are also good. I signed up for the equestrian obstacles of the Olympic Games. I don't know if you are interested in coming to Paris, general, will you compete with me?"

"Ah, I really want to, but recently those uncivilized heretics are not being honest there. I'm afraid I can't leave. Well, I have a friend who signed up for this project and his riding skills are better than me. Others are in Moscow, and the torch will also pass through Moscow. I happen to have a letter, can I ask you to take it there?"

"It's an honor for me, General," Victor replied.

But he immediately asked: "General, Your Majesty the Tsar has agreed to follow the ancient customary law and implement the Olympic truce during the Olympics..."

"Ah, yes, there is no problem. Since we Russians agree, we will never go back. We are not untrustworthy heretics." Bagration laughed, "but we have to guard against those Here are some heretics, you know, although those heretics look like human beings, they are bloodthirsty beasts inside. They don't know what keeping promises. We won't take the initiative to attack, at least not during the Olympics. But we have to guard against them."

"General." Victor smiled. "Did you know? On the way I came here, the Turks also said countless things similar to you just now. But they didn't think you would keep your promise. They said , You tore up the agreement you reached with them, not once or twice."

"This is completely slander!" General Bagration immediately retorted without hesitation. "What they say is just as false as their claim that **** was just an ordinary prophet!"

Although in terms of doctrine, there is a big difference between the French Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church. (Actually, the "Catholicism" that the French believe in today is very different from the Catholicism of any other country. If there are many Years ago-if placed many years ago, the Holy See would not dare to say that they were heretics.) But they are very consistent in acknowledging the divinity of Jesus. So this sentence of General Bagration is indeed very persuasive, at least, the French will not continue to dwell on this issue.

Sure enough, Victor immediately changed the subject and talked about the weather in the north of Russia.

"I heard that in Moscow, it will be very cold in winter. If you walk outside without a hat, you only need to wait for a while, then rub your ears with your hands, and you can rub your ears down-really. Is it so cold?"

"Who told you this?" Bagration frowned slightly. "Even though Moscow is cold, it's not that way. Well, many of our cavalrymen are Muscovites. Look at them. Which one lacks ears? But compared to warm Paris, Moscow’s winter is very cold, um, for example—did you mention the'tin epidemic'?"

"The kind that Aristotle mentioned?" Victor said.

"Ah, Commissioner Treville, you are so knowledgeable! Yes, that's it. Two years ago, someone brought me a tin jug from Europe—well, you know Russia It’s cold here, so men often love to drink two sips-one winter, I was taking this hip flask out on a sleigh, and I was walking halfway, guess what?"

"What's the matter?" Victor asked.

"The tin jug bulged up on its own, and then the silver-white jug began to turn gray, and then soon, these gray spots expanded, and finally, my entire tin jug became a pile of gray . It is said that this problem only occurs in very cold places?"

"Ah? There is such a thing?" Victor said, "The buttons on this dress of mine are made of tin. In Moscow, it won't turn into powder, right?"

"Ah, it won't, it won't. It's summer, and it's not cold in Moscow. Well, summer is almost the best time for Moscow."

"In this way, if I were to travel to Moscow in the winter, I couldn't wear clothes with tin buttons. Otherwise, without the buttons, I would definitely freeze to death." Victor smiled.

The two men rode horses and galloped while chatting like this, and when they arrived at General Bagration’s camp, they could already call each other "you".