Fox of France

v1 Chapter 404: , The receptionist

In the Palace of Bliss, Lucien is receiving his newly-grown general Victor Treville.

"Victor," said Lucien. "I heard that you have an older brother who is now with the Count of Provence."

"Yes, Minister." Victor replied calmly, "I have reported these things to the disciplinary inspection department in accordance with the discipline very early. Moreover, my political views are always different from his. of."

"I know all of this, Victor, I think your brother is only disgusted with Robespierre and they are not really opposed to the republic. Also, as far as I know, the Earl of Provence may be leaving England and going to North America. I think this is almost the end of the power of Bourbon. Do you think my statement is correct?"

"You are right, Mr. Minister." Victor replied.

"Bourbon is no longer worthwhile. When the Earl of Provence decided to leave England and go to North America, he had already admitted his failure-he and Bourbon had no future. Therefore, many people below him needed I’m thinking about my own future. On the other hand, after the republic’s status is consolidated, we can be more generous. I think you should understand what I mean?"

"I understand that only the strong are qualified for tolerance." Victor replied.

"Among the former nobles in France, there were many outstanding anti-persons. It would be too wasteful for them to follow the Bourbon dynasty and withdraw from the stage of history. In fact, many aristocratic people have also made outstanding achievements for the Republic. For contributions, the Republic does not discriminate against them, and is willing to give him the reward he deserves.

For example, your uncle, Admiral Treville, is of noble origin. Because of his victory in North Africa, he is about to be promoted to "Marshal of the Navy" and won the title of Roman nobleman and Senate; and he will also get a mine in Tripoli as a reward. The Sultan of Turkey will also reward him with an olive oil-rich estate. My friend, France is already a republic, and there are no nobles anymore; but Rome is an empire, and nobles exist. And it is a noble that can be passed on from generation to generation.

Victor, since the establishment of the ruling government, France has rectified its order internally, and initially established a republic where the people are governed by the people and the people are enjoyed by the people; it has won all battles abroad, allowing the glory of France to illuminate the entire Europe. Today France has stood on the top of the world and gained unprecedented glory. Even the best time of Bourbon, compared with France today, is not like the comparison of fireflies with the full moon in the sky.

Recently, the Republic will be amnesty again. For various reasons, the nobles who have taken the wrong path before, and the nobles who have stood on the opposite side of history, as long as they reform their hearts and return sincerely, with their talents and skills, are they still worried Can you find a place where you can use it? I think after the amnesty is issued, you can contact your brother. Talented people should not waste their talents in places that are not worthwhile. Understand? "

"I understand." Victor replied quickly.

"In addition, you have performed well before and completed a lot of important work. Therefore, as the guardian of the Roman Empire, I have proposed to the Imperial Senate to admit you as a citizen of the Roman Empire. Do you have any comments on this?"

"I am very grateful for your recommendation. It is my honor to be a citizen of the great Roman Empire." Victor hurriedly said.

"Very well, besides, your son's drawing level is very good." Lucien suddenly laughed. "The last time Jacques Louis David saw his paintings, he praised him for his talent. He even offered, hope, Can be your son's painting teacher. I think he will become a good painter in the future."

"Thank you for your concern, Minister Minister." Victor said.

"Well, in the end, we have one more thing to let you take a long trip. I know, it didn’t take long for you to come back from a long trip. I want to stay at home more and spend more time with my wife and children. But, Victor, we Why do these people run so hard outside, isn't it just for them to live a stable life at home in the future?" Lucien said.

"Minister, where am I going this time?" Victor asked.

"North Africa. Tripoli, to be precise." Lucien replied, "You go with Pastor Peter of the Holy See. You go there and determine the land allocated to the freed slaves, organize these people, and establish A militia that can fight.

In addition, the people who want to keep an eye on the Holy See, although they are temporarily with us on this matter, the organization must be controlled in our hands. Victor, do you know what to do? "

"Understood." Victor nodded.

"Tell me what you think." Lucien asked.

Victor thought for a while, and then replied: "The organizational connection based on economic integration is the most stable connection. So the first important thing is to organize the Christian farmers into a commercial production department and let them all produce olive oil. , Or other things that can make money, and then unified purchases and unified sales, just like the Veterans Association does in the countryside. Moreover, because North Africa is not necessarily suitable for growing food, once such a structure is formed, they The dependence on us is even deeper. Of course, this is only the overall idea, the specific method, and I need to learn more before it can take shape."

"Very good!" Lucien slapped his slap, "Victor, I did not misunderstand you, you are indeed a person of vision, ability, and worthy of training! You will go out to find Mr. Ferrero in a moment. He should have prepared the relevant materials. Alright. This week, you can read these things in the small reading room of the Bliss Palace every day, but you can’t take the materials away, understand? A week later, give me your complete plan. If No problem, we can arrange for you to go to North Africa."

Victor came out of Lucien's office, went to the secretariat, and found Lucien's real secretary Ferrero.

Ferrero is a skinny, small middle-aged man. He always wears a black formal suit, which is particularly inconsistent with the atmosphere of the entire Palace of Bliss. After listening to Victor's explanation of his intentions, he checked Victor's various documents in detail-even if he had just come out of the minister's office. After he confirmed that the person in front of him was not a fake, he nodded and said, "Mr. Treville, the relevant information has been prepared for you. Please follow me."

Victor followed the little man to a small reading room. Ferrero opened the door and said to Victor, "Mr. Treville, you can wait a moment here. I will send you the information right away."

Victor walked in and sat down at the desk, looking around the furnishings of the reading room. Unlike other rooms in the Bliss Palace, this reading room is extraordinarily simple. The large desk is just varnished, flat and without any decoration. Just a little button on the right. On the right side of the table, there is a newest printer. The chair is just a general style, without any carvings. Even the light above my head is a very ordinary light. However, because this reading room has large floor-to-ceiling windows, the lighting is very good, so the room is quite bright.

Victor was watching when Ferrero came in with a servant pushing a cart. The trolley is naturally full of various books and materials. The servant pushed the cart in and turned around. Ferrero said to Victor: "Mr. Treville, this is the information the Minister asked me to prepare for you. You can go over here, but you cannot record or take the information out. If you need food and tea, or if you want You can press that button when you leave, and the servant is next door."

After saying this, he nodded slightly to Victor, and then left the reading room.

Victor walked to the car and looked at the information.

Obviously, the information Ferrero found for Victor was quite complete, and the classification was very detailed. There were information on local history, geography, culture, climate, and properties, as well as the latest local intelligence. Victor picked up the latest information first, went back to the desk and sat down and looked at it carefully.

A week later, Victor gave Lucien a stack of printed documents. After reading it carefully, Lucien said to Victor: "Very good, Victor! You go home and take a good rest for two days. Get ready. Soon we will arrange for you to go to Tripoli."

Almost at the same time, in the Holy See the pope was also explaining things to a bishop named Torres. Ever since he presided over the coronation of Napoleon, the body of the old pope has been worsening day by day. He knew that the day when he was called by the Lord was not far away.

Regardless of whether the Pope really believes in God or not, at this time, when he recalls his life, he can’t help but think of his predecessor, Pope Urban VIII’s evaluation of Cardinal Richelieu: "If God If it really exists, then our brother can have an explanation there; if God does not exist, then his life is really wonderful."

Regarding the question of whether God exists or not, um, you have to ask the pope. Of course, the pope means that he exists. Especially now that this can be verified soon, he also unconsciously remembered the question of "how to explain to God". Under his leadership, the status of the Holy See is deteriorating, which is really hard to explain.

Therefore, the pope felt that he must seize this last opportunity to do a big vote. No, it is to do something that can truly please God. So he gasped and said, "Torres, my brother, you know that the lambs in North Africa have been out of the church for a long time... We must find a way to lead them to the right path to be worthy of God's trust. In North Africa, we have to Relying on the power of the French, we must also... also guard against them, and not let the things... that cannot be allowed to pollute... the lamb... you understand?"