Fox of France

v1 Chapter 421: , The funeral

"According to the rules, as a member of the Academy of Sciences and as one of the reviewers of this paper, I also have the right to make comments." Napoleon hurriedly said, as if he was afraid of speaking slowly, Joseph directly declared the meeting over.

After saying this, Napoleon breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that although Joseph this guy is very annoying, although very bad and bad, but if you use the nine square grid camp to calculate, this guy is definitely in the lawful camp. As for lawful evil, lawful kindness, or lawful neutrality, different people in the family have different opinions. But everyone agreed that Joseph was a man who followed the rules. Since according to the rules, Napoleon has the right to discover, and Napoleon pointed out this, then Joseph should not break the rules and deny him the opportunity to speak.

Sure enough, Joseph frowned, but he still said: "Well, Academician Bonaparte, please come up and speak. But it's better to be brief." Having said that, he took out his pocket watch and took a look, "Don't affect Everyone has lunch."

"No, no, I am very short, I am very short." Napoleon said as he hurried to the podium.

Napoleon knew that a major political trick was to have funerals. For example, it is clear that the domestic plague is prevalent and there are many dead, but it is said that "because we have the world's largest number of tests"; for example, a large number of young people who were relatively more resistant to the disease have also contracted the plague. Success is "it is a good thing in a sense that young people get more sick." As long as you are good at funerals, you might be able to dress yourself up as an upright image that respects science, has the courage to admit and correct mistakes.

"Academicians and gentlemen." Napoleon said, "I'm sorry for making such a mistake just after joining the Academy of Sciences. Although Mr. Evans was not present, I still have to say sorry to him. This is A great paper that deserves to receive the Prometheus Prize, but because of my old and conservative thinking and being bound by past habits, I failed to discover the significance of this paper, and even slandered it to the point of misleading. Quite a few colleagues. This is my mistake, so I have to apologize to those colleagues.

On the road of science, there must not be a little bit of pride or complacency, a little bit of self-righteousness. On the road of science, only by getting rid of all kinds of outdated prejudices and boldly abandoning those outdated ideas can our science and our cause continue to progress.

Having said that, I remembered Dandong's famous saying. During the most dangerous days of the Republic, Dandong said: We must be bold, bold, and always bold, and France will be saved. In fact, in science, we must also have a bold and enterprising spirit. Bound by dogma, we must boldly break through these constraints. To be bold, bold, and always bold, can science make progress.

But being bold is not enough. We can see how strict his argument is in this paper by Mr. Evans. To be honest, because I couldn't accept his conclusion that broke my old point of view, I spent a lot of time looking for loopholes in the argumentation of this paper. Of course, as you all know, I did not succeed.

However, my unsuccess, or the success of Mr. Evans, also shows that science requires not only the courage to make big breakthroughs, but also careful and meticulous operation. Only by combining the two, is our science, and even our France, the glory of continuous exploration and progress. "

Napoleon felt that after having such a speech, he had successfully turned the funeral into a happy event. Although Joseph’s guy made him very embarrassed, he was not the one who made the mistake. Didn’t the entire Paris Normal University be beaten with him? And his main identity is a politician, a military strategist, and a scientist. It's just a pick up. Moreover, on a scientific issue, he made the same mistake with the scientists who could be nominated for the "Prometheus Prize". That is not to say that he is not much different from those people, so he made the same mistake. Do you have the same mistake? Only if the level is high enough and similar to Laplace and others, will you make such a mistake? You are not worthy to make such a mistake, so Napoleon also won spiritually.

The next step is the matter of propaganda. This matter must be discussed carefully, and the funeral must be made solid. And it must be a real happy event. It must not be done like a certain country in later generations, and as a result, even the people of your own country can't deceive.

The journal Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences temporarily issues a special issue for this paper. In this temporary special issue that is as thick as a book, first the full text of the paper by Mr. Lucian Evans was published, and then Joseph and Gauss used different angles and different methods to analyze the paper. The proof of the thesis, then the speech of the Fourier Apprentice Academician, then the speech of Dean Bonaparte, and of course the speech of Napoleon.

Considering that science in France is now number one in the world, especially in mathematics. Therefore, the Mathematics Magazine of the French Academy of Sciences is definitely the most authoritative magazine in the field of mathematics in the world. For mathematicians in many countries, if their papers can be published in French mathematics magazines, it is almost the highest honor. Even in Oxford and Cambridge in the UK, some mathematicians are more and more willing to publish their papers in French mathematics journals. This is not only because the mathematics journals pay relatively high manuscripts, the British have already put their own papers The remuneration of some professional journals has risen, even more because publishing articles in mathematics journals can bring higher academic reputation.

But from the publicity point of view, the mathematics magazine has a big problem, that is, its circulation is too small. Because of its limited readership, it is limited to a small circle. Those things in mathematics magazines are often too advanced for most people to understand. For most people, those articles in mathematics magazines are completely incomprehensible. This is even true for many college students studying science and engineering.

But this does not mean that the influence of mathematics magazine is not big, because its b grid is high enough. B grid itself is an influence. For guys in the press, news related to math magazines is always particularly attractive. What's more, there are so many good newsworthy things in this supplement of the mathematics magazine.

First of all, a subversive, ground-breaking theory appeared, and the author did not know who it was. Then the subversive and ground-breaking theories led to the division of the French Academy of Sciences, and finally everyone used a hearing approach similar to a duel to resolve their differences. What's more interesting is that the opponents of this scientific duel are actually brothers. Of course, the most important thing is that these brothers are the most prominent brothers in France, and it can even be said that they are the two most prominent brothers in Europe.

One of them is the first governor of the French Republic, and the other is the dean of the French Academy of Sciences. One is Augustus of the Roman Empire, and the other is Caesar of the Roman Empire. In the past years, the two brothers, brothers and sisters, have become role models of brotherhood, but now they are on the duel for this paper. You said this is such a big news. For journalists from various countries who are dedicated to making a big news, what a thing worth reporting

Therefore, before the special issue of mathematics was issued, the newspaper Pravda of Science first issued relevant reports. Because of their special news channels, they were always able to get the big news first: "Euclidean geometry is challenged, and the mathematics magazine is about to publish it. Disruptive paper". The focus of this report is still on "mathematics" itself, on whether there are internal angles and triangles less than 180 degrees. However, at the end of this report, it was also mentioned that Dean Bonaparte and Academician Bonaparte did not agree on this paper.

The Sun, which had the fastest reporter in the world, immediately followed up. Of course, the Sun does not care about the sum of the inner angles of the triangle. In fact, no one of the Sun readers cares about this. Therefore, the headline of the Sun newspaper is naturally: "Who is the winner in the battle between Caesar and Augustus" and the focus of the report is naturally placed on the brotherhood.

Of course, if you give the Sun a hundred courage, it doesn't dare to really chaos the rhythm, saying that the Bonaparte brothers are against each other. In its report, both of the brothers still looked like "I love my brother, but I love the truth." Their dispute is based on the dispute between gentlemen with different opinions.

Even at the end of the report, the Sun newspaper was full of desire to survive and attributed the dispute between the two brothers to the equality, freedom and fraternity of France.

They said that in this debate, the participants included the first ruling, dean of the Academy of Sciences, academicians, and apprentices, but when discussing scientific issues, everyone did not use their status to suppress others. This reflects the fundamental spirit of France’s founding. equality.

Everyone has no scruples and speaks freely on one issue. This is also the embodiment of the spiritual freedom of the founding of France.

The enthusiasm of everyone for a paper by an unknown author is also a manifestation of the fraternity of France's founding spirit. So France is invincible in the world, it's just right

These two newspapers have taken the lead in the hype. Although the mathematics magazine has not been published yet, the heat has already risen. Not only the French, people from other countries are also full of interest in this matter. Even the British newspapers generally reprinted the news.

Of course, the British can't spit out ivory, they put more power on satirizing Napoleon's academician status. They implied that Napoleon was able to become an academician of the French Academy of Sciences entirely based on his political status.

Of course, there are some pro-French media, especially those with a trade background. The sponsors of these media are either exporting textiles or importing machinery. They all need "good Anglo-French relations". So their voices are naturally different.

“We interviewed Professor Cohen of Cambridge University about the academic level of Bonaparte’s governance. Professor Cohen said that Bonaparte’s government has a very high level of research on complex functions. Judging from his thesis, he It is only natural to obtain the title of academician of the Academy of Sciences.

The reporter mentioned that some people think that Bonaparte’s essays might be written by gunmen. In this regard, Professor Cohen said that the nonsense of those guys who are full of conspiracy theories is not worth refuting. He said: This kind of person, as long as you look at them, you will lose to him.

As for the argument that has shaken Euclidean geometry, Professor Cohen said: I am very much looking forward to seeing the new issue of mathematics as soon as possible. I personally estimate that it is probably a paper on the fifth post. Since the Greek era, countless mathematicians have tried to reduce this postulate to a theorem. This is a problem that has lasted for thousands of years. Maybe our French colleagues have made progress on this issue"

As a result, under the hype of these media or to follow suit, the special issue of mathematics has not been published yet, and the popularity has been successfully copied.

Under such great attention, a special issue of mathematics was finally published.

Then, the newspapers immediately boiled.

Pravda Scientology first interviewed some famous scholars from the University of Paris and the Normal University of Paris. They made their own comments on the meaning of this paper from their respective perspectives. Although everyone’s perspective is different, everyone recognizes the importance of this breakthrough for mathematics.

Science Pravda published a large number of letters from readers. Most of these letters express their love for science and their admiration for both parties in this scientific duel.

"President Bonaparte's scientific acumen and talent, as well as his rigorous, meticulous, truth-seeking and pragmatic spirit are admirable. He is already a role model for the vast number of young people who love science. And his younger brother Academician Bonaparte At the beginning, he dared to insist on his point of view, and after knowing that he had made a mistake on this issue, he had the courage to admit his mistakes, to find problems in his own body, and to correct mistakes, which also showed us the noble character of a scientist. "Science Pravda Reader Letters column

And led by Pravda Science, the entire French media almost unanimously sang Napoleon's hymn. Many newspapers even stated: Although Academician Bonaparte lost to his brother Dean Bonaparte in a scientific duel, it proved that your brother is still your brother. But Academician Bonaparte looked even more lovely.

In other countries, newspapers will certainly not praise Napoleon like French newspapers, because French newspapers praise Napoleon, and they must follow the Basic Law, which is a basic method. But foreign media, they don’t have to worry about this, they boast about Napoleon, and even make Napoleon blush.

This is actually not surprising. In later generations, certain media in a certain country, when they praised foreign countries, such things have also appeared, such as "dominant little passport", "conscience sewer", and "giving away a room for nothing." "The dignity of the slum, the rigor of the oil paper bag," the "conscience of free medical care", the foreign moons are boasted that they are rounder than black holes. It made the foreigners read it for themselves, but also misunderstood that you were ridiculing them around the corner.

Nowadays, in some European countries, some media also like to talk about France in order to borrow from outside and satirize inside. This kind of media exists not only in Italy, the Rhine Union, Austria, Prussia, Russia, and even the British.

And the situation on the British side is very special. In Austria and Russia, it was the reformists who spoke of France and Napoleon, while the old-fashioned criticized France and Napoleon. But in the UK, the situation is different. In the United Kingdom, there is no such old-fashioned aristocracy, like Austria and Russia, who have fallen far behind by an era.

But there are pro-law and anti-laws on the British side. It stands to reason that the pro-French factions praise France, the anti-French factions criticize France, the pro-French factions praise Napoleon, and the anti-French factions criticize Napoleon. But things in this world are particularly strange. In the United Kingdom, the pro-French and anti-French groups praise France and Napoleon together.

Naturally, it goes without saying that the anti-French factions boast that they boast that the French are patriotic. Unlike the United Kingdom, there are so many **** law-affiliated scum in the country. It is clear that the French have always been supporting secretly, not even secretly supporting but clearly supporting the domestic separatist forces, but these **** heroes still run with the French for such a small amount of . Look at the French and Napoleon. When did they do such shameless things. If Napoleon was an Englishman, he would have already guillotined all these heroes. Napoleon said, this kind of thing is still Let Robespierre do better

They also praised Napoleon's development of industry, especially heavy industry. It is by no means like the British bureaucrats who have corpse-positioned vegetarian food, sitting by and watching the British heavy industry gradually fall behind. Let these industries lose their competitiveness. Their mantra is: "If our prime minister was Napoleon, we would have raised tariffs on French goods."

In short, they praised Napoleon with ulterior motives. They praised Napoleon in order to scold those in the country who did not agree with their interests. They praised Napoleon, even like Xin Qiji praised Sun Hundred Thousand. Although Sun Shiwan was hung and beaten by different people on the battlefield, compared with the emperors I urged, it is really worthy of praise. At least people dare to expedite the Central Plains.

Of course, this time, they have the opportunity to praise Napoleon again, that is: "Napoleon is willing to admit and correct his mistakes, but those guys who have done so many wrong things on stage and harmed the whole of Britain don't know. Shame. Well, they are still better than Napoleon, that is, their cheeks are thicker than Napoleon."

So Napoleon succeeded in making the funeral a happy event.