Fox of France

v1 Chapter 428: , Expansion

The economic crisis is getting worse. In Paris, although people with small green cards (legal French residency) can get a certain amount of food, there are more and more illegal immigrants, and the social security in Paris is still deteriorating.

Just three days ago, a group of foreign mobs attacked a bread distribution station, snatched the bread that was originally going to be distributed in a certain block, and killed a staff member. After this incident was reported, it immediately aroused widespread anger among Parisians towards “foreigners”. Although Fouché worked very hard, it took only one day to wipe out this "criminal gang". The last thing some "criminals" in this criminal gang did was not even resist arrest, but hurry up. Eat the looted bread. The court also rendered a verdict with high efficiency. Two principal offenders were sentenced to hanging and twenty accomplices were sentenced to hard labor. But the people of Paris were not satisfied with this judgment, because they felt that at this time all the scraps of their bread should be beheaded (although the guillotine has been abolished because of its political significance). So on the streets of Paris, locals attacked foreigners constantly.

Of course, the various newspapers controlled by the Ministry of Truth continue to play the role of "French conscience", calling on citizens not to "see foreigners with colored glasses" and calling on them to show the "tolerance and friendliness of the people of Paris." But everyone said: "I can go to your friendliness!"

The newspapers of the Ministry of Truth were just shouting, and there was no real action. The Ministry of Public Security, which can really act, is firmly on the side of the citizens of Paris. If the Parisian beat the illegal immigrant, um, the police didn’t see it; if the Parisian injured the illegal immigrant, um, it must be the illegal immigrant who injured himself; (say, do you want to blackmail the French citizen?) If Parisians kill illegal immigrants, ah, there is such a thing, um, we will be able to catch the murderer in our lifetime!

But if illegal immigrants dared to fight back, it would be different. If an illegal immigrant wins, it is an attempt to rob and must be sentenced to hard labor; if a group of illegal immigrants win, it is an organized crime group, which must be dealt with strictly and promptly. If you lose, well, if one person loses, it is an attempted crime; if a group of people lose, it is the people of St. Antoine who stopped the group crime!

The discrimination against illegal immigrants by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice (Ministry of Justice) is almost undisguised, and there is a reason for this. Because it is the instruction from above.

It is said that the first ruling said this to Minister Fouché: “The people’s life is bad, and they cannot have grievances in their hearts. This grievance must be let them vent, and they must not be vented at foreigners. Do they vent their dissatisfaction to us?"

Therefore, the entire economic crisis was caused by foreigners, and now these foreigners have stolen us and robbed us. The French, even the "prepared French" with the right of abode, are full of anger at those illegal immigrants.

Under such circumstances, the ruling government began to announce the expansion of military conscription to protect the French borders and defend the French people.

The treatment of the French army has always been very good. One of Napoleon’s credos is: “Whoever is poor cannot be poor, and whoever is bitter cannot be bitter in the army.” The French army did make way for economic construction when changing weapons, but since Napoleon became first in power, the French army His military pay has never made way for anyone. Because Napoleon knew that without the support of the army, there would be Brustu in the Senate of the Republic.

So in France, being a soldier is a very rich thing. Although it is not like during the war, you can get land directly after you retired as a soldier, but the military pay has been further increased, and there are many other preferential benefits. So in France, being a soldier is even a matter of going through the back door.

Now that France has expanded its recruitment, it has immediately aroused the upsurge of "joining the army to serve the country." Although some people say that the large-scale recruitment at this time should not be an imbalance in the domestic economic crisis, and foreign aggression is needed. But the French people, especially those who lined up at the medical examination office of the army, expressed their indifferent.

This is probably also due to the fact that Napoleon’s army was always able to defeat the enemy with very small losses in the later stages of the war, and every victory had a very generous victory allowance. Especially some veterans, after retiring from the army, when chatting with others, they will always say: "Military pay? That is a little bit more, the victory allowance is the bulk. I tell you, as long as the war is in battle, the combat allowance will be paid. You don’t remember how much the military pay is every month; as long as you win and the victory allowance is issued, you don’t remember how much the combat allowance is, hahahaha..."

In addition, the veterans also have their own organization and a bank that organizes them to contact. Their deposits are basically aggregated to the Federation of Veterans, and then deposited into the Bank of Rome in the form of structured deposits. The interest rate is higher than ordinary deposits, and has not been affected by this storm. Therefore, when the technical workers have shown their bare bottoms as the economic tide recedes, the life of the veterans has not been greatly affected, which makes the French full of enthusiasm for joining the army.

The French enthusiastically joined the army, but they scared the surrounding countries. The Spanish ambassador Babadi found Talleyrand and asked sideways whether there was something bad in Spain that made the French unhappy. And it has been emphasized that the two countries have been friendly for generations and have allies of the same faith. The traditional friendship between the two countries is higher than the Pyrenees and deeper than the Atlantic Ocean.

Of course, after charging a certain amount of consulting fees, Talleyrand also told them that France has always valued the traditional friendship with Spain and is willing to work together with Spain in order to survive this crisis together.

It was the Austrians who came to Talleyrand right Metternich, who was about to leave for Vienna, suddenly received a notice from China: Don’t come back now, after studying the background of the recent French military expansion Say it again.

So Metternich was about to leave Paris to return home, and wanted to have a good time with friends, invited Talleyrand to spend the night at the Moulin Rouge. Among them, after successfully bribing, Metternich bluntly asked who the French were targeting, and if the target was not Austria, could Austria join in and make a fortune.

In this regard, Talleyrand stated that the friendship between France and Austria can stand the test. Austria does not need to worry unnecessarily. France’s military expansion is mainly due to domestic needs. If it needs to use troops, it will certainly not be in Europe.

Although Talleyrand's words may not be completely reliable, this is at least a comfort to Austria. Metternich continued to ask the direction of the French. Talleyrand refused to say more.

One month later, it was the New Year. During this month, the French expanded their army by 500,000, and the whole of Europe was trembling with fear. And at this time, it is time for the French government to issue the State of the Union address and announce the new year’s budget. The whole of Europe is waiting, paying attention, and trying to see from France’s new State of the Union address and budget. What to order.