Fox of France

v1 Chapter 46: , Rumors and the National Guard (2)

Just as Amon threw out a new rumor that he himself disappeared suddenly, perhaps he was caught in the Bastille, an even more shocking news came: the king’s chancellor of finance Nek Dismissed and deported.

The departure of    Neck is seen as a sign that the king is about to completely suppress the resistance of the third rank. He has twice served as the Minister of Finance of France.

   When he was the Minister of Finance for the first time, he was generally favored by the people at the bottom of the city because he opposed the free trade of grain. (If grains are traded freely, the increase in grain prices is almost inevitable in the context of continuous natural disasters, which of course will seriously damage the interests of the lowest level of the poor.)

   He pioneered a method of maintaining the operation of the country's finances by borrowing money, thus avoiding tax increases, which also made the wealthy people in the third-tier and upper-class also very satisfied with him.

   However, in 1781, in order to defend his fiscal policy, he actually publicly announced the French government's fiscal report, which revealed the budget deficit and the amount of privileged annual salary. The disclosure of these two figures caused a political turmoil. Those poor people who had never touched a Louis gold coin in their entire life saw the astronomical expenses of those great nobles, especially Queen Marie Antoinette, Just redecorating the little Trianon Palace where she lived, it cost 766,000 francs! And the queen rewarded Madame Polina, who was next to her, and in just one year, she gave her half a million francs! They looked at these numbers and then at their empty rice bags, naturally they were angry.

   So Queen Mary, who won the cheers of the entire Paris when she first became queen, has the nickname "Lady Deficit". Neck, who caused the storm, was naturally dismissed.

But later, the fiscal deficit became more and more serious, and borrowing became more and more difficult. (At that time, the interest rate on French national debt was as high as 20%, but still could not borrow money.) The pressure to repay the debt became more and more serious. The bottomless hole in fiscal expenditure. And the privileged class desperately refused to pay taxes. (Speaking of this situation, it looks a bit like the current A-mei) Louis XVI couldn't help it, so he used Neke again. However, Neck is not a **** either. He can't say that there is a golden louis like a god, so there is golden louis.

   So Nek can only propose to tax the privileged class. Then the priests and nobles naturally used tradition as a shield, claiming that to tax the privileged class, they must be authorized by the "three-level conference." The privileged class thought that Louis XVI would definitely not dare to hold a three-level meeting. But they never expected that Louis XVI, who was crazy, actually held a third-level meeting.

   In the third-level meeting, Nek helped the third level successfully increase the number of representatives, and obtained the right to vote according to the number of representatives instead of the level on financial-related issues. Therefore, in the hearts of Parisians, Neck's resignation means that the king has made up his mind to stand on the opposite side of the third level. In everyone's eyes, this is even a signal that the king is preparing to suppress the people by force.

"We cannot sit and wait for death. We cannot wait for the king’s foreign mercenaries and the robbers to slaughter and looting us. We must stand up, take up arms and prepare for battle, and wear cap badges for identification. We must defend ourselves and our wives. Children, defend your own property." In front of a cafe in Royal Palace, a man was giving a speech excitedly.

   "It's really weird. Didn't Demoulin have a stuttering problem? Why didn't he stutter today?" The person who spoke was obviously very familiar with the Demoulin who gave the speech.

   "Yes, it was difficult to talk to Demulan before. He would rather find a piece of paper to write on than speak with his mouth. Today...listen to what he said first, right?" Another person said.

"This removal is a wake-up call for the massacre of St. Bartholomew against the patriots! And just today, the playwright who created the immortal "Spartacus", our friend Amon Lavoisier has disappeared. We all know what this disappearance is about. He will not be anywhere else. He must have been caught by the spies of the kings and the evil dogs in the Bastille!" Demoulin continued to shout excitedly. He took out two pistols from the pocket of his green shirt, "Follow me, let's get armed!"

   The crowd responded with a bang.

   "Go together, go together!"

   So go together.

Where to go? Of course it is the weapon shop. Demoulin took these people to the nearest weapons store. The owner of the shop saw so many people coming over menacingly, and quickly wanted to close the door. But Demulan was faster than him. He jumped over as soon as he took a step, stretched out his hand to block the closing door, and everyone rushed in.

   "Boss, are you a member of the third rank? Are you a Parisian?" Demoulin asked loudly.

   "Of course, of course I am." The earth-faced boss replied.

   "That's good!" De Moulin said, "The tyrant is plotting to use force to suppress the third-level resistance, looting and massacring Paris! Should you do your best to defend the people of Paris?"

   Everyone looked at the shop owner.

The shop owner secretly looked at the two pistols in Demulan’s hand, then looked at the people behind him, and then replied with a shaking voice: "Of course... what you said... of course... ...I..." Compared to Demulan, he was more of a stutter.

"Good point." De Moulin patted the shop owner on the shoulder, turned his head and shouted to everyone, "You can see how well this citizen is! He is willing to support us, he is willing to join us Come on, arm everyone! We will fight for Paris and freedom!"

   So everyone picked up all the weapons in the shop. This person took a shotgun, and that person took a spear... The shop owner looked at everyone, wanted to stop, but didn't dare to just watch. At this time De Moulin put a hunting knife into his hand: "Citizen, thank you for your generosity! Let's go, let's defend Paris together!"

   The owner of the shop took the hunting knife, and under the influence of everyone, he marched towards the front block. As everyone walked, they shouted at other people, inviting them to join themselves, and the team quickly expanded. After walking about half a street, the shop owner gradually understood something.

"Citizens, citizens! Turn to the right from here, and there is a weapons shop. Many of us don't have weapons yet. Let's go there and get armed!" The shop owner shouted, while holding up high. The hunting knife in the hand. Needless to say, the owner of that weapon shop must be his enemy.

   So a group of people without weapons in their hands and a few citizens with shotguns followed the shop owner.

   Turned the corner as expected, and within a hundred steps, I saw a weapon shop. But at this time the door of the weapon shop was closed.

   "Open the door, open the door!" The owner of the shop stepped forward, tapping the door with the handle of the hunting knife, and shouting loudly.

   "We are not doing business today..." Behind the door, a trembling voice responded.

   "Open the door, open the door! Citizen, you have the duty to support the people in defending Paris!" a person shouted.

   "Yes, we need weapons to fight the tyrant! Open the door!" another person shouted.

   "No... I won't open the door... It's all my hard-earned money, I can't just give it to you!" the voice behind the door shouted.

   "Are you going to stand on the side of the tyrant and oppose the people?" a person yelled.

   "Smash the door, let's smash the door!" another person shouted.

   So someone started smashing the door.

   "Stop!" the voice inside shouted, "If you don't stop, we will shoot!"

   However, people did not stop.

   "Bang!" There was a gunshot inside the room, and a person who was smashing the door fell over his leg.

   The person who was smashing the door suddenly dispersed.

   "This **** guy must be a supporter of the tyrant!" someone shouted.

   "Kill this bad thing!" more people shouted.

   A few shotguns slammed into the door. Several holes were suddenly opened in the door. Someone touched it from the side, kicked the door, and the door was kicked open-just a few bullets broke the latch behind.

   Everyone rushed in together and saw a middle-aged man loading his shotgun with trembling hands. It's just that his hands were shaking so badly that the gunpowder was spilled out of the muzzle. Seeing everyone rushing in, he threw down his straightened up and turned to escape. But a spear pierced him from behind and nailed him to the wall.

   "Damn tyrant's running dog!" A man cursed and rushed up, grabbed the man by the hair, waved the long knife in his hand, and slashed at the man's neck. It's just that his technique is really not very good. This knife didn't cut off the cervical spine and cut off his head. Perhaps it was because he felt that the knife had made himself ashamed, so the man frantically swiped the knife, and slashed the man's neck several times before finally beheading his head.

   The man raised his blood-stained face, and with his blood-stained hand, he raised the head of that person high, just as Perseus had raised Medusa's head high.

   "Look, this is the end of being a running dog for a tyrant!" the man shouted with a drunken fanatic.

   "He damn!"

   "The tyrant's lackey should be like this!"

   Everyone responded in the same tone.

   In fact, to get drunk and crazy, you don’t necessarily need to drink alcohol or use other things. You only need a large group of people with you and a noble reason.

   "This kind of running dog should be killed by the whole family!" someone shouted again.

   "Here, there seems to be someone here!" Someone yelled again.

   Everyone went to the back room, but the shop owner stayed behind. He heard someone shouting inside: "God, save us!"

   Then someone shouted: "This kind of running dog, there are also women and children!"

   "Kill them all! They deserve it!"

   Then there were a few screams, and then a few people came out of the back room triumphantly with their blood-stained faces high, shouting: "Be armed and defend Paris!"