Fox of France

v1 Chapter 83: , War of Remap

Although Joseph did not provide any advice to Di Maurier, Di Maurier himself was a very smart man. He soon discovered that his goal is actually similar to that of the opposite Duke of Brunswick. Place. So he began a secret discussion with the Duke of Brunswick about the retreat of the P-Austrian forces.

   After that, the Duke of Brunswick began to retreat slowly, and Dumourier also pretended to follow. Almost escorted them back past Verdun and followed them to regain Verdun.

   Regaining Verdun is naturally another great achievement. For this reason, Di Mourier was also highly praised by the Parliament and the government. For a while, his prestige almost surpassed that of Lafayette.

   The Duke of Brunswick quickly evacuated to Koblenz with the Prussian army. It is said that the young Duke Karl proposed to the Duke of Brunswick that the withdrawal of the army in this direction would give the French full freedom of movement in Belgium, but the Duke of Brunswick did not adopt his proposal. Because if you follow Duke Karl’s suggestion, although you can give more help to the Austrian army in Belgium, the price is that the Prussian army will take more risks. After all, the old marshal was the marshal of Prussia, and his first consideration was the interests of Prussia.

   After the Duke of Brunswick’s army retreated, Di Mourier had the whole army trimmed for two days, and then he was ready to join the Belgian battlefield. Everyone seized the time to take a good rest.

   Napoleon is a person who can't stay idle. He spent a long time studying on the map alone, and then ran to Joseph to discuss his views. But when he entered Joseph's temporary residence, he saw Joseph's face gloomy, and he seemed to have encountered something unhappy.

   "What's wrong? What happened?" Napoleon asked. At the same time he noticed a letter on Joseph's desk, and then asked: "Could it be that Lucien's troublemaker caused something?"

   Joseph cast a sideways glance at Napoleon and thought: "Isn't it your credit for Lucien to become a troublemaker? You teach him ‘don’t persuade, just do it’ every day. Isn’t it your cause for him?"

"Let me say, Joseph, Lucien made you teach to be a troublemaker. You know that he is naughty, and he also taught him a lot of skills. It's a blame for him not to cause trouble..." Napoleon didn't care if Joseph was Whatever you think, the wicked will immediately file a complaint first, and use a beautiful preemptive defensive attack to buckle this cauldron to Joseph's head.

   "Lucien is okay." Joseph shook his head, "Since Mr. Carnot has promised me, he will have a good view of Lucien, so he must be good."

   "Also, it's not enough to play tricks with Mr. Carnot by that fool of Lucien." Napoleon also admired Carnot's ability and character.

   "Then why are you unhappy?" Napoleon asked again.

"That guy Clavière, taking advantage of the Austrian occupation of Verdun, he played his tricks again and made a lot of money. And we are not in Paris, and Mr. Carnot is too busy. Time to get in the car..."

   Napoleon knew that Joseph and Cano had free rides on Clavière’s public carriage to make a fortune. I also know how much I can earn when I get in the car. So he slumped his face and said, "This unscrupulous guy, before we get in the car... One day, I will hang his head on the street light pole!"


   After two days of rest, Di Mourier and his army began to turn to Belgium.

  Because of high morale, the French army marched very fast. In late October, the main force of the French army entered Belgium. At the beginning of November, the French army arrived in the vicinity of the Gemapu plateau, the main defense of Austria in Belgium. As long as this highland is taken, the whole of Belgium will definitely be in the bag of the French army.

   At this time, the Austrian army guarding the high ground had about 25,000 men and more than 40 artillery pieces. And Di Mourier now deducts the troops used in other directions, and can directly use the troops to attack the Przema Heights. The total number is about 45,000. The number of cannons is more than double that of the Austrian army.

   But this does not mean that they will be able to capture the Przema Heights. Because in Joseph's words, "in most cases, defense is a more powerful way of fighting than offense."

  The morale of the French army, especially the French army based on the Volunteer Army, is high, but it is indeed not well-trained. Military skills cannot even be said to be horrible. Such an army is not a big problem for defense, but it is quite troublesome for offense. Among other things, they have difficulty even keeping the queue going. If they move forward in the usual way, they need to stop the team once every time they walk 20 or 30 steps forward. This approach means that the army will go slower. If in the east where artillery and musket firepower is limited, this approach is not unacceptable, but here, it means that they have to withstand more artillery and rifle salvos. And the resulting greater casualties.

   On the way to Belgium, Joseph and Napoleon proposed a new method of warfare, that is, the column attack method.

   The so-called column offensive method means that the army approaches the enemy by means of multiple columns instead of large horizontal ones.

   Columns are running one after the other. From the perspective of the queue, it is easier to maintain the column than to maintain the horizontal. Even untrained volunteers can move forward quickly in columns. Moreover, when facing enemy fire, the area of ​​the column directly exposed to enemy fire is much smaller than the horizontal line. At least when it is fired by a gun, the loss will be much smaller. Of course, if it is hit by a solid shell head-on, the entire column will be hit by one shell. However, the accuracy of the artillery of this era can only be achieved by luck to a large extent.

   In addition, the column has a weakness, that is, using this tactic requires a very high morale. Because in the horizontal line, the soldiers who walked in the first row have a smaller chance of surviving in battle than those in the following rows, but it is not without the chance of surviving. But in the column, the soldiers rushing to the front will definitely be targeted and fired by so many guns in front of them, and there is almost no possibility of survival. The soldier in the front leads the team, and his role is very important. If he can't be brave and determined, the whole offense may become chaotic.

   But the vanguard is almost bound to die. It is not easy to be brave and resolute if he knows he is bound to die. But for the French today, this is not a big problem. First, the morale of the Volunteer Army is inherently high; secondly, those members of the Volunteer Army lack a true understanding of the dangers of being a vanguard because of their ignorance in offensive operations. And none of Joseph, Napoleon, or Di Mourier would tell them. On the contrary, they will only emphasize what the motherland expects of them and their glory as a vanguard.

   Of course, it’s impossible to just let the soldiers line up and hit the head. This kind of one-off attack must be launched at the right time.

   "We must make this decisive blow when the enemy is relatively tired." Di Mourier prepared a four-thousand-man assault team, and then said to Joseph.

   Early the next morning, the French army launched rounds of attacks against the Austrians on the high ground. However, relying on the advantages of the terrain and the reasonably arranged artillery, by around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, they had repelled five or six attacks by the French in a row.

   "Joseph, have you counted the number and frequency of firing of each gun on the enemy's gun position?" Di Mourier sat on a large rock and looked at the Austrian position in the distance, and asked Joseph.

"According to statistics, if they did not hide some of the cannons, they should have forty-five cannons. Up to now, each cannon has been fired many times, the least of which has been fired 20 times, and the most. One has been fired forty-three times. Now the firing speed of all the cannons has dropped."

"After firing so many times, their barrels should be hot. It's almost time!" Di Mourier stood up, and his guards brought the horse to Mourier jumped on his horse and ran towards the commando. Joseph also hurriedly jumped on his horse, followed behind, and gave Napoleon a wink casually, asking him to follow him quickly.

   Di Mourier rode to the front of the commando and gave a pre-war speech to the commandos:

"Children of the motherland, children of France, in front of you are the army of the most despicable feudal prince in Europe. They are afraid that the wind of freedom in France will blow into their country. They are worried that their people will also say:'Why Can’t we be as free and equal as the French?” So these despicable guys united, and they said to each other: “Come on, let us come together to destroy France, destroy their revolution, and make them slaves again, Let the slavery in this world last forever!'My children, they want to overwhelm us, destroy us, trample us under our feet, take away the fruits of our labor, and take away our wives and children from us. Can we agree?"



   "Down with feudal princes and destroy all tyrants!"

   First, the nursery among the soldiers yelled, and then the soldiers yelled.

Du Mourier waited for everyone’s shouts to calm down a bit, and shouted: "Then, children, children of France! For France, I order you, France orders you, for the freedom of all French people, for all Wives and children of the French, please follow me, follow the French veteran who is now in front of you..."

   After finishing speaking, his left hand suddenly pulled the rein, and the warhorse stood up. Di Mourier clamped the horse belly with his legs, drew a saber with his right hand, and slashed forward: "Go forward! Go forward!"