Freelance Artist

Chapter 107: Continuous lottery draws and novel relea

 Chapter 107 Continuous Lottery and Novel Release

“Considering the dark writing style of Evernight Hou, I am more inclined to this worry-relief grocery store, which is a mysterious killer organization. They cannot solve problems in the conventional sense, but they can solve some people.”


 “What a big idea.”

“Is the so-called Jiyou Grocery Store a killer organization?”

“Then the name of this killer organization is quite artistic.”

"After the killer kills the mission target, won't the employer's worries be relieved? That's why Bu Yehou deliberately named the new book "Worry-Relief Grocery Store" to create such a strong sense of contrast. Don't let everyone be fooled by this kind of tenderness. The title of the book is confusing!”

 Some people in the academy are speculating.

Bu Yehou's dark, depressive and perverted writing style has been deeply ingrained in everyone's impression, and it won't be easily changed just because this guy has written a story that doesn't seem that dark.

 In the promotion of Nathan Book House.

Apart from introducing the name of Hou Ye Hou's new work, there is no word about the specific content of the novel. Everyone can only use their imagination based on the title of the book, but no matter how they imagine, no one will really regard "Jieyou Grocery Store" as that kind of harmonious novel. The title of the book is also a warm and healing novel.



This time, readers who like No Night Hou and readers who don’t like No Night Hou have reached a rare consensus.

at the same time.

Everyone is indeed a little curious about Bu Yehou's new book. What does the title "Jieyou Grocery Store" mean?


 The discussion was quite lively.

 And Lin Zhibai’s home.

At this time, Lin Zhibai was taking a shower and changing clothes.

It was so grand during the day and looked very ceremonial. The reason was actually very simple. Lin Zhibai was about to start a new round of lottery. The works he had drawn before were almost used, so he had to replenish his ammunition store. .


Lin Zhibai has a very heroic summoning system. As he gains more and more reputation, his drawing style becomes more and more brave:

 “I want five draws in a row!”

The moment the words fell, a virtual big turntable appeared in front of Lin Zhibai's eyes. The big turntable was moving, the pointer stopped again and again, and five consecutive system prompts sounded in Lin Zhibai's ears!

 Ding dong!

  【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the novel "Malevolence"】

 Ding dong!

  【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the novel "Secret"】

 Ding dong!

  【Congratulations to the host for getting the TV script "Conquest"】

 Ding dong!

 【Congratulations to the host for winning the TV script "The Temptation of Going Home"】

 Ding dong!

 【Congratulations to the host for winning the variety show "If You Are the One"】

 The draw is over.

This is Lin Zhibai's first five-in-a-row draw. The main reason is that customization is too expensive, so the lottery function is very important, because lotteries can often draw out good things. For example, Lin Zhibai is quite happy with the results of this lottery. satisfied.

 The first is "Malice".

This is one of Keigo Higashino's most acclaimed works. The story adopts a narrative trick writing technique. It is absolutely impossible to know what the truth is until you see the ending!

 Tsk tsk…

  What a narrative trick!

Lin Zhibai now also understands the situation of Blue Star's novels. He knows that there is no narrative trick work in this world. This book will be Blue Star's first narrative trick to open up the sect. As for what narrative trick means, Just read this novel and you will know.

 Then "Secret" follows.

It is also a highly acclaimed work by Keigo Higashino. It mainly tells the story of the male protagonist's wife and daughter who suffered a car accident. Although the wife died physically, her soul resided in the daughter's body. From then on, the family began an extraordinary life. It is an unnatural narrative, mainly about The ethical choice between the male protagonist and the female protagonist. In the body of the daughter is the soul of the wife. How should our male protagonist get along with his "daughter"?

 A bit perverted…

However, I have to admit that our teacher, Mr. Night Lord, is very compatible with the two works of Keigo Higashino, "Malevolence" and "Secret", because in a sense, perversion is one of the iconic features of Night Lord. There is no sense of violation in writing such a novel!

And then.

 It is the script of "Conquest"!

The male protagonist of this drama is Liu Huaqiang, and his classic saying "Does this melon stay ripe?" has been widely spread on the Internet. The type of this TV series is actually a bit similar to "Hurry Up", both of them fight against bad guys, but many plots are based on The perspective of the bad guy unfolds, and all kinds of grievances and grievances are revealed.

more importantly…

 Liu Huaqiang is also a "strong brother".

Lin Zhibai suddenly had some expectations. If "Conquer" is filmed and broadcast, who is the real "Qiang brother" between Gao Qiqiang and Liu Huaqiang?

 The fourth draw.

It is also a TV series script called "The Temptation of Going Home." The quality of this script is definitely weaker than the previous ones, but the ratings are definitely high. Although it is cliché, it definitely meets the taste of many viewers, especially the male protagonist in the drama. Some lines are very out of the ordinary:

 For example, “You are so naughty.”

Another example is "Why are you wearing Pinru's clothes?" etc. In the previous life, netizens made a bunch of Hong Shixian ghost expressions.

 The fifth draw.

 Variety show "If You Are the One"!

Although this variety show has been involved in controversies later on, such as scripts and so on. Of course many variety shows have scripts, but I have to admit that this variety show was really popular in the first few years after it came out. It was a phenomenon-level program watched by almost everyone. The heat is definitely not low!

 “I’m lucky.”

Lin Zhibai was very satisfied with the results of the five consecutive draws. Is it easier to achieve miracles with consecutive draws than single draws? So next time, do you want to try six consecutive draws?

Can consider it.

But what needs to be considered most at the moment is how to deal with these works.

 First of all, these two novels must wait until the popularity of "Jieyou Grocery Store" is completely digested by the market before they can be released. The novels must be released one after another.

 As for the script?

Lin Zhibai wanted to hand over these two scripts to Tianguang and Nathan for filming respectively. Although his father is a TV drama director, he can't be so busy filming several dramas a year. He has to have his own life, and Kunpeng Lao Jingzhi's family attracted so much attention that it had to make people think that everything was just a coincidence.

 The last variety show.

Lin Zhibai hasn't thought about it yet. It's okay to give it to Tianguang, but it seems to be okay to give it to Gale Media. After all, he has the intention to provide some help to Gale Media.

 “Think again.”

Lin Zhibai tapped his fingers on the table, making a rhythmic thumping sound. This was his habit when thinking about problems.

 Make a decision and then act.

 Lin Zhibai was not in a hurry to release these works in the next few days, but the release date of "Jieyou Grocery Store" was getting closer and closer.


 Launch day is coming.

 This day is April 10th.

"Jieyou Grocery Store" is on the shelves of many bookstores in Qinzhou.

 Nathan Bookstore is still very powerful, which is why Lin Zhibai chose this large publishing house.

 The larger the company, the more powerful its channels are.

 Partners can distribute the goods to all major bookstores in Qinzhou.


 Morning, eight o'clock.

Tao Yanyan came to the bookstore to buy books as usual. A novel called "Jieyou Grocery Store" on the bookshelf attracted Tao Yanyan's attention.

 “The title of the book sounds so familiar…”

Tao Yanyan thought for a while and then suddenly remembered:

Isn't this the new book "Night of the Night" that many people have mentioned in the academy's suspense reasoning section recently?

Tao Yanyan is a regular reader of "Mystery and Suspense", so she is naturally no stranger to the new writer Bu Yehou. But Tao Yanyan doesn’t like the novel style of Hou Yehou.

 This writer's works are too dark and depressing, with a perverted style of painting, so she usually skips them.

Tao Yanyan was naturally not interested in the other party's new book when she encountered it in a bookstore, but she was still somewhat curious.

 Perhaps it’s because people often discuss Night Hou in the academy’s suspense reasoning section?

The most important thing is that it is really difficult for Tao Yanyan to associate a book title like "Jieyou Grocery Store" with the dark writing style of The Night Lord.

 “Let’s take a look at what’s written.”

Tao Yanyan just picked up a copy of "Jieyou Grocery Store" and read it just to satisfy her curiosity.

 The books in the bookstore are allowed for customers to browse.

 Usually the boss will deliberately take out a few unsealed copies and put them on display.

Tao Yanyan has this copy in her hand.

The beginning of the novel is very simple. It roughly tells the story of three thieves running out of a house in a hurry. When they were about to escape, they suddenly found that their car was broken down.

no way.

The three of them could only hide in an empty, seemingly abandoned house, planning to leave at dawn.

Who would have known that at this moment, a letter would be thrown into the gap of the rolling shutter door.

The three thieves were frightened and rushed out of the house trying to find the person who put the letter, but there was no one outside.

what's the situation?

 The three thieves were shocked and confused.

 The leader's name was Dunye. He wanted to see what was written in the letter, so he opened it directly and the three of them read it together.

 The writer claims to be a female athlete.

The girl wanted to compete in the Olympic Games, but her boyfriend was diagnosed with a terminal illness. She didn’t know whether she should accompany her boyfriend through the final journey of her life, or continue to compete in the Olympic Games...

 She was in pain and hoped for advice from Langya Grocery Store.

 Naniya Grocery Store?

 The three thieves were a little confused, and then they rummaged through the abandoned house.


 The three of them found an old magazine from forty years ago and found clues in it.

 It turns out that the house they are in now was the "Worry-Relief Grocery Store" that was very popular back then!

The letter writer writes his thoughts into a letter and puts it through the rolling shutter door. The next day, the shop owner, Grandpa Namiya, will put the reply to the troublesome inquiry in the milk box next to the shop.

I see…

 The three thieves figured out the reason, but then bigger questions emerged in their minds.

Why do people still write to me after decades, even though Grandpa Naniya has passed away and this grocery store has been abandoned?

never mind.

 The three thieves were too lazy to think about it.

Tao Yanyan couldn’t help laughing when she saw this.

 So this is the origin of the title of "Jieyou Grocery Store"?

I saw what someone said on the forum before, saying that Jiyou Grocery Store might be a killer organization or something like that. It was really whimsical...


Tao Yanyan became thoughtful.

Although I have only read the beginning of the novel, judging from the writing style, this novel seems to be different from the previous works of Hou Yehou?

 Not dark.

 Not scary.

 Not depressed.

Perhaps the bad guy is still behind?

 Is the front just laying the groundwork?

Tao Yanyan was a little confused, but she did not put down the book and read along the text.

 The story continues.

Just when Dun was about to sleep, the two companions next to him suddenly spoke:

 “What to do with that girl?”

“Should she choose to participate in the Olympics or accompany her boyfriend on his last journey?”

Tun is also impatient. The three of them are thieves who want money but no education. They went out to steal things in the middle of the night and the car broke down. They can only spend the night in this broken house. How can they have time to worry about others?

 My friends don’t think so.

The two of them thought: "No one will tell our troubles to people like us in our lives. Why don't we seize this opportunity and write back to that girl?"

 Just do it.

Soon the two of them found paper and pen to write a reply. The suggestion was more idealistic. It probably meant "you can train with your boyfriend"?

 Finish the letter.

The two of them dropped the letter into the milk box outside according to the method described in the old magazine. But not long after they put it in, they realized that something was wrong.

 “Forgot your fingerprints!”

 They didn’t wear gloves when they wrote the letter!

Tun was also furious, how could he leave fingerprints?

While scolding his two friends for being nosy, he rushed out and tried to take out the letter, but when he opened the milk box, he was dumbfounded:

 There is nothing inside!

The letter disappeared just after you put it in?

When Tun was puzzled, he saw two friends walking out of the room with pale faces and said:

 “Sent another letter.”

 All three of them felt a little strange.

 There was no one around at night. How did the letter come and how did the reply disappear? Is this a supernatural event?

 The three of them quickly opened the letter.

 The person who wrote the letter is still the same girl just now!

 The girl said that she cannot bring her boyfriend with her to train because he can only receive treatment in the hospital...

The girl is still feeling:

It would be great if there was a video phone like the one in the comics. I can make such video calls with him when I am training.


 The three of them were confused!

 What is the video phone in comics?

This girl doesn’t know that her mobile phone can make video calls?

The three of them felt something was wrong, so they wrote back again and asked some tentative questions. They were shocked to find that this girl actually claimed to be someone who lived in the 1970s!

 The letter traveled through time and space?

 They are corresponding with people from the 1970s! ?

 Equally confused was Tao Yanyan who was reading a book. She didn’t expect that “Jieyou Grocery Store” would have such a fantasy setting!

 “Dialogue between time and space?”

This is only the first chapter of the novel. Judging from this development, Bu Yehou's new book is really not the dark horror genre that he is best at.

  “It’s a bit interesting.”

Tao Yanyan’s interest was piqued.

 She came to the bookstore to buy books today. She actually had no specific goal. She just wanted to browse through the latest new books and buy whichever one interested her in the beginning.

 And now.

 Tao Yanyan has found her goal.

 Just buy this new book by Bu Yehou

It’s true that Tao Yanyan doesn’t like the style of Never Night Hou, but this book is not the usual style of Never Night Hou. This writer who is good at dark thrillers seems to have the intention of transformation. The fantasy development at the beginning of the new book is very interesting!

 “This book, check out!”

Tao Yanyan bought "Worry-Free Grocery Store" and went home directly. She had nothing to do today, so she could read it slowly.


 ps: Notification in advance, the next chapter will focus on the content of "Jieyou Grocery Store".

 (End of this chapter)