Freelance Artist

Chapter 113: Kuangbiao officially broadcast

 Chapter 113 Kuangbiao is officially broadcast

  Shinhwa just announced a few days ago that the company’s new drama "Crazy" will be broadcast on Shinhwa TV on the 15th of this month.

 A few days later.

Tianguang then announced that the company's new drama "The Fuse" will be broadcast on Tianguang TV on the 15th of this month.


 It’s also a prime time!

  It’s also a police drama!

It's a coincidence that two dramas like this are going to be aired on the same day?


The industry is exploding, especially those in the TV industry. People in the TV industry are extremely excited. Although there are constant frictions between the three major companies, in fact, most of the time they are minor frictions and conflicts. Scenes like this are rare. This is to be clear. Open gun sniping!

"on purpose!"

 “Tianguang definitely did it on purpose!”

“In previous years, wars between the three major powers would only start during the Spring Festival or long holidays. They would usually fight each other on a small scale. Why are they suddenly attacking Shinhwa in the first light of May?”

 “Because the opportunity has come.”

"The Shinhwa officially announced that it will be broadcast on the 15th of this month, "Kurst". Let's not say that it will definitely hit the street. Anyway, it doesn't look very competitive, right? That day, Guangguang must not seize this opportunity and release it. A big drama to seize the viewing market?"


"If I were the relevant person in charge of Tianguang, I would definitely do the same thing. I know that my opponent's drama in Yuezhong is not good, so if I show a good drama, won't I attract the audience? Besides, Tianguang TV's ratings are... They have always been suppressed by Shinhwa, and even Nathan’s ratings are slightly higher than theirs, so Tianguang dreams of finding a chance to make a comeback.”

“Will Shinhwa be replaced by another drama?”

“It’s probably unlikely. Shinhwa’s promotions have all come out, and today is already the 10th. There are only five days left before it will be broadcast. The impact of emergency withdrawal at this time is too bad, and it’s hard to save face.”

“Tianguang is the one who knows the right time.”

"The news was released at a time when Shinhwa TV has completely arranged the broadcast of "Kurst", which Shinhwa has no way to avoid. Tianguang has completely taken the initiative this time, and the ratings rankings of the three major TV stations may be affected by this. Things are changing.”

 “Hahahaha, the fun is coming.”

 “I just like to see the three major players stabbing each other.”

“After all, the average ratings of the three major TV stations are too high, higher than the ratings of our Qinzhou official station, so the only competitors in the eyes of the three TV stations are each other, and they don’t take other stations seriously.”

 The industry is full of fun people.

Most of the entertainment industry in Qinzhou is monopolized by the Big Three. Companies other than the Big Three, no matter how big or small, are often bullied, whether in terms of resources or rankings on various lists, so the harder the Big Three fight, the happier they will be. , as for who loses and who wins, they don’t care, it’s better if both lose or even lose three!


 This is how it is in the industry.

 The same is true on the Internet.

However, the focus of netizens is not Tianguang's attack on Shinhwa. Everyone is more concerned about Tianguang's TV series itself.


“I’m really looking forward to the new drama on Tianguang TV on the 15th. I’m a big fan of Huang Hao. Come on, Huang Hao!”

 “I like Zhao Bingbing!”

 “The screenwriter turned out to be Mr. Yan Chang!”

“The quality of the TV scripts created by Mr. Yan Chang is basically the same. This time, the director and actors are so good. It feels like it is about to explode!”

 “I like Teacher Yanchang!”

“What a surprise. Even if this drama is Tianguang TV’s new year’s drama, why will it be aired this month?”

 “It seems to be to snipe the myth.”

“There will also be a new drama broadcast on Shinhwa TV on the 15th, starring first-line actor Yu Ming, but there is only one Yu Ming that people are looking forward to. The overall production lineup is quite average, and it is not as attractive as Tianguang.”

 “So that’s how it is.”

 “I hope that the three major players will play together to benefit the audience.”

“Hahahahahaha, when the three major players are fighting fiercely, it is also when we, the audience, are the happiest, because the more intense they fight, the more exciting their works are.”

 Just like the environment in Qinzhou.

 There is no need to be very professional.

Anyone who pays a little attention to the entertainment industry knows how difficult it is for the three major companies to deal with each other. Everyone is used to sniping at each other.

 Ordinary netizens are just watching it for fun anyway.

On the contrary, fans of the three families will argue with each other.

It feels a bit like a celebrity feud. For example, fans of Shinhwa are quarreling with fans of Tianguang right now, but they are all meaningless trolls. For example, fans of Shinhwa said, "You Tianguang are taking advantage of others' danger." Ah, Tianguang's fans responded by saying, "You Shinhwa have tricked our Tianguang before" and so on.


 There are endless old scores among the three major companies, and it is common for them to stumble against each other. Moreover, the conflicts of interest between capitals cannot be divided simply by who is right and who is wrong.

all in all.

Tianguang's strategy has been successful. With more investment, a stronger cast, and a more awesome production team, it has attracted the attention of many netizens!


 The novel world.

Probably because "Jieyou Grocery Store" has been very popular recently, everyone is curious about what the TV series about Wu Yehou, who is the first screenwriter, will be filmed, so when I saw Tianguang, I played a middle-door sniper, the novel circle The writers started to discuss it enthusiastically.

"I go?"

 “You must be so unlucky!”

 “I said he was lucky before.”

“Originally, we were lucky. This drama was backed by Shinhwa TV. No matter how good the quality was, the ratings would not be too bad. However, it ended up being involved in a ratings war between Tianguang and Shinhwa. Who would have thought of this.”

 “This is more than just bad luck.”

“It was clearly used as a breakthrough by Tianguang.”

“Look at the drama Tianguang. We won’t talk about it because it was aired on the same day and at the same time. The main thing is the subject matter. They are all about police and gangsters. This kind of competition and fighting with the same subject matter is the most terrifying.”

 “Then it’s over.”

“Bu Yehou is a new screenwriter, but he met Yan Chang.”

“Yan Chang is probably one of the top 20 TV screenwriters in Qinzhou. At the same time, police and criminal themes are his best, so there is really no hope for him when I meet him.”


“It’s Bu Yehou’s first time as a screenwriter, and it’s also his first time writing about police and criminal themes. None of his previous novels have written about police and criminal elements.” “It’s a pity.”

"Even if the quality of "Kurst" is pretty good, if you encounter competing products of the same type that are top-notch in all aspects, you won't be able to play it at all."



 The news is out.

 Media enthusiasm is high!

    Intentionally or on purpose? Tianguang's new drama "The Lead" will be aired on the 15th, which will coincide with Shinhwa's new drama airing on the 15th! 》

  "The three major forces are at war again, Myth vs Tianguang!" 》

   Tianguang started a sniper war, Shinhwa TV was caught off guard? 》

 Industry experts predict: Tianguang will take away most of Shinhwa TV’s prime-time ratings on the 15th. 》

  Exclusive interview with the crew of The Fuse: Whoever touches someone in our drama will die! 》

  "Tianguang suddenly attacks, and the mythical TV series Kuangsheng may become cannon fodder!" 》

"Newcomer writer Bu Yehou transformed into a screenwriter for the first time and directly encountered the top TV screenwriters in the industry. 》


at the same time.

 Inside Lin Zhibai’s family group.

 The group is very lively today.

Brother: "Dad, can your drama work? Should we discuss with the company to change the broadcast schedule? Tianguang's wave is obviously aimed at Shinhwa TV, and we can't be the unlucky ones."

 Mom: “Yes.”

Sister: "It was originally a good thing to be broadcast on Shinhwa TV, but Tianguang interfered with it, and the good thing turned into a bad thing. It is better to broadcast it directly online."

“The schedule has been set and cannot be changed.”

Dad appeared in the group and replied: "It will be broadcast in a few days, so I can only bite the bullet and accept the move, but I feel that Tianguang may not be able to make his wishes come true. I have told you before that this film The show has a very powerful script!”

Lin Dong will certainly be worried.

Tianguang's drama looks very strong in every aspect.

No matter how confident Lin Dong is about the quality of "Kurst", he will inevitably feel guilty at this time, but when things develop to this point, he has no way to avoid fighting.

 Besides, this wave is really hard to predict.

Lin Dong can guarantee that "Hurry Up" is the best script he has ever encountered since filming a TV series. With such a good script, the TV series should not be as popular as before, right?

 “Come on, Dad!”

Lin Zhibai saw that the atmosphere in the group chat was a little bad, so he couldn't help but stand up. Later, his family members also encouraged his father.


 The news is constant.

 Brother: “Then we can’t change the schedule, we can only fight with them, come on!”

Sister: “Even if you lose, you must lose with great vigor!”

Mom: "There is no shame in losing. After all, Tianguang comes prepared. Besides, what if we win?"

 Xiao Hei: "We, father and son, will win if we work together!"

 The family laughed.

The soundtrack for this drama was composed by Lin Zhibai, so it is indeed a collaboration between father and son.

 It’s just that no one knows that Lin Zhibai’s phrase “father and son join forces” actually has a deeper meaning.

that's all.

 The time is getting closer and closer to the broadcast of the two dramas on the 15th.

Number eleven.

number twelve.

 No. 13.

 No. 14.


The broadcast day is finally here!

Yin Dongnuan called Lin Zhibai at noon that day. He was a little unsure and asked, "Why doesn't Uncle Lin change the schedule? Didn't I tell you in advance that Tianguang was going to attack Shinhwa TV Station?"

 “My dad has a tough head.”

Lin Zhibai said with a smile.

Yin Dongnuan felt a strange feeling in her heart when she heard Lin Zhibai's tone was so relaxed. This guy didn't seem to be afraid at all. Could it be because he didn't care much about his father's affairs?

 It shouldn’t be…

Although this guy was naughty when he was a child, he has always been very filial. So where does the confidence for his relaxed and freehand style come from?

Yin Dongnuan can’t guess, maybe you can watch Uncle Lin’s drama?

 That night.

  Near the time of broadcast.

Yin Dongnuan sat in front of the TV; Lin Zhibai's family sat in front of the TV; Su Chan from Tianguang Entertainment also sat in front of the TV; and countless viewers from the two TV stations...


 Eight o'clock comes.

 Golden strong stock.

Tianguang TV's "The Fuse" is broadcast.

  Shinhwa TV's "Crazy" is also officially broadcast!

Thank you [Yanzi 523] [a few words] for the huge reward of 10,000!

  Thanks to [The People’s Han Tangeruo_Autumn Old Wutong] 2000, and [No. 15 Machine Soldier] 1000 for the reward!

Thanks to [Fan Qingluo] 520, [Xuzhi] 500, [Bamboo Orchid Cabbage] 400, [Feimengye] 200, [Calm Alarm Clock] [Book Friends 20220925015421409] [Book Friends 20220116231131423] [Book Friends 20180628204328444] 100 dozen Reward~!


 (End of this chapter)