Freelance Artist

Chapter 155: Kunpeng Film and Television was establis

Chapter 155 Kunpeng Film and Television was established

Kunpeng's development is so smooth, but the top leaders of the three major companies are still unable to suppress Kunpeng, or they cannot suppress it openly, unless they no longer want to cooperate with Kunpeng. In this case, the situation they most want to see is Kunpeng himself made a mistake, and when Kunpeng took over the video website of Gale Media, it fell into the eyes of the three major companies and even the entire industry, which was the beginning of his mistakes.

 In other words:

Lin Zhibai’s move not only failed to arouse the vigilance of the three major corporations, but actually made them lower their guard against Kunpeng’s rapid rise.

at the same time.

Jiangcheng has already begun to take action. While establishing Kunpeng Film and Television, he is also looking for a suitable team to film "Unexpectedly".

 Mid September.

 Kunpeng Film and Television was established.

  Kunpeng already has three subsidiaries -

 Kunpeng Music!

 Kunpeng Film and Television!

Kunpeng video website!

It goes without saying that the Kunpeng video website was acquired.

The only artists under Kunpeng Music currently are Chu Ci and Han Yueshuang.

As for the recruitment of Kunpeng Film and Television, it is obviously more drastic. Jiangcheng has continuously recruited many film and television talents.



ˆPhotographer and so on.

During the recruitment process, Lin Zhibai suddenly thought of his friend Feng Shuo.

Feng Shuo is a part-time student director. Although he is just a sophomore like Lin Zhibai, his short videos have received good responses online.

 Dad also has a good opinion of Feng Shuo.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhibai simply asked Jiang Cheng to recruit Feng Shuo.

Because the elite talents in the film and television industry are basically covered by the three major monopolies, Kunpeng Film and Television can only recruit more young people who look relatively good. It is not surprising that Feng Shuo appears on the recruitment list.

 Many talents in the three major universities were cultivated by themselves.

 Kunpeng can also cultivate talents on its own, although this takes some time.

 The first thing Feng Shuo did after signing the contract with Kunpeng Film and Television was to invite Lin Zhibai and Yin Dongnuan to dinner.

 In the hotel.

Yin Dongnuan asked with a smile: "Is there any happy event? I'm inviting guests to dinner suddenly."

 “What a happy event!”

Feng Shuo is a person who is in high spirits when happy events happen. His face lights up and he says, "A company has signed me up! Guess which company it is?"

Yin Dongnuan subconsciously looked at Lin Zhibai, "Myth?"

Lin Zhibai shook his head, "I don't know."

 Feng Shuo laughed loudly, "Kunpeng! Kunpeng signed me, and I am now the contracted director of Kunpeng Film and Television!"

Yin Dongnuan opened her mouth in shock.

Lin Zhibai also showed a surprised expression at the right time.

Feng Shuo glared at the two of them: "What expressions are you looking at? Shouldn't you congratulate me?"


Lin Zhibai said nonsense: "But I originally thought that after you graduate, I would help you enter Shinhwa."

Yin Dongnuan followed: "You can also enter Nasen."

Feng Shuo shook his head and said: "Friends are friends, and I will definitely ask you for help. But if I can rely on myself, I still want to rely on my own strength as much as possible."

 “You may not know.”

Yin Dong reminded: "Although Kunpeng is a very powerful company, their current situation is not good, because Kunpeng has just acquired the video website of Gale Media, so they established Kunpeng Film and Television, probably to give blood to the website, but the outside world generally I’m not optimistic about them because the market of video websites has been monopolized by the three major companies...”

"I know what you mean."

Feng Shuo is still very concerned about industry news, and the actions of Kunpeng Investment are not secrets. You can find them with a little bit of information.

 “I just think that everything has a cause and an effect.”

Feng Shuo smiled and said: "If it weren't for this reason, do you think I would have a chance to enter Kunpeng?"

Lin Zhibai nodded and said: "You just need to think clearly. Kunpeng Film and Television is recruiting people on a large scale in the industry this time. The main purpose is to cultivate its own film and television team. If you are trained, you may have the opportunity to officially direct a film and television drama. , but also because Kunpeng Film and Television has hired a lot of people, so after you get in, it’s not easy to get ahead.”

"I know, but I won't regret it, maybe because I admire Kunpeng very much."

 Feng Shuo scratched his head. As a sophomore, he was favored by Kunpeng. He felt that this was a kind of recognition.

 And this kind of recognition is worth his efforts.

 As for whether you can come forward? A young man like Feng Shuo, who has experienced drastic changes in his family, is full of enthusiasm and wants to make a career, so he is somewhat confident.

 “Developing your own team is easier said than done.”

As a good friend, Yin Dongnuan actually hopes that Feng Shuo can enter Nathan or Shinhwa.

But seeing that Feng Shuo had already made up his mind, she didn't say anything more. After all, this was a personal choice.

 When Kunpeng Film and Television messes up, the worst possible thing is that I and Lin Zhibai can help.


The establishment of Kunpeng Film and Television and Jiangcheng's large-scale recruitment actions were not secretive at all.

 Everyone in the industry knows that Kunpeng is cultivating its own film and television team and filming some film and television dramas to support Kunpeng Video.

 Everyone felt Kunpeng’s determination.

 Just don’t know if Kunpeng’s funds can sustain it?

 The speculation in the industry is actually correct. Kunpeng’s funds are indeed limited. Lin Zhibai has been paying attention to the money on the books. Now Kunpeng has a capital flow of about 200 million on the books.

If Kunpeng directly shoots a TV series of the size of "Crazy", it will probably only be enough to shoot two movies, and he must ensure that it cannot fail.

 Because once it fails, the company's finances will be in trouble.

However, the first drama Kunpeng plans to shoot is "Unexpectedly", and Jiang Cheng has already calculated the cost with the producer, and it can be settled by 5 million including the filming, publicity and distribution.

 Don’t say this show won’t fail.

Even if it really fails, Kunpeng can still afford the loss.

Moreover, the cooperation between Kunpeng and the three major companies is still in progress.

 When "Conquer" is aired, Kunpeng can get 30% of the revenue.

 When "The Temptation of Going Home" is aired, Kunpeng will also get 30% of the proceeds.

Not to mention that when the second season of "I Am a Singer" is broadcast, part of the revenue will also enter Kunpeng's books.

ˆBased on the previous cooperation experience with the three major companies, it is conservatively estimated that Kunpeng can earn one or two billion yuan from these cooperation benefits combined.

  Business comes and goes.

Jiang Cheng finally assembled a shooting team for "Unexpectedly" that has little experience in shooting and is generally very young.

Actors have also been found one after another.

 Wang Dachui is played by a newcomer named Lu Weida.

This is the candidate that Jiang Cheng decided on after showing Lin Zhibai more than 40 auditions in a row.

This Lu Weida gives Lin Zhibai a very magical feeling, a bit like the original protagonist of "Unexpectedly", but at the same time, he seems to have a bit of Zhang Yida's shadow?

Judging from his appearance and temperament, he is definitely a comedy talent.

Lin Zhibai watched the other party’s audition and was sure that this was the person he was looking for.

Well, this is actually one of Lin Zhibai's cheating methods. People in this world, if their temperament or face look like some successful stars in previous lives, then their chances of success are definitely higher than the average person.

 It’s not just Wang Dachui.

  Other characters in the play are also determined by Lin Zhibai. They are basically newcomers, but their image or temperament are more in line with the original version.

After all, Kunpeng has made a name for himself in the industry, so the conditions are actually not bad, and Lin Zhibai’s range of choices is quite large.

 As for whether it’s okay to do this?

Lin Zhibai thinks there is no problem, because the original team of "Wan Wan Wan Fang" is also mainly composed of newcomers.

Who knew the actors in "Unexpectedly" before it became a big hit?

 They are all very strange!

If "Unexpectedly" had been performed by a group of famous actors, it is estimated that the effect may not be as good as that of a group of newcomers.

 Because although the performance of the newcomers is young, they are open-minded enough, and it is easier to accept the nonsensical performance style of "Unexpectedly".

You must know that Blue Star is a world without Stephen Chow!

 The absence of Stephen Chow means that there is no true "nonsensical comedy" in this world.

 Although some comedies have shown signs of being a little "nonsensical", which is normal, but without a figure like Mr. Xing to carry it forward, no one will pay attention to the large blue ocean of this performance style.

Perhaps when "Unexpectedly" is aired, the nonsensical concept will become popular in the film and television industry.

As for the director of this drama, Feng Shuo was finally chosen because Jiang Cheng finally selected five similar director candidates after many rounds of reviews.

 Among them is Feng Shuo.

Lin Zhibai felt that since the level of these five people was about the same, he might as well choose Feng Shuo.

The remaining four serve as co-directors, which are considered to be a higher level than assistant directors, and can shoot the film together with Feng Shuo.

Lin Zhibai can check it personally.

Every time an episode is shot, Lin Zhibai will check the effect. If it doesn’t work, he will call it back and ask them to reshoot it. At the worst, they will spend more money.

 It always costs money to train talents.

What? Nepotism? That's somewhat true.

But it’s like you are the interviewer. Those five people are of similar level and all have a chance to get hired. Would you choose the most beautiful one?

Then Lin Zhibai just choose the one he’s most familiar with. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Of course Feng Shuo didn't know that Kunpeng's boss was his good buddy. He just thought he was lucky enough to be selected, and happily shared the good news with Lin Zhibai and Yin Dongnuan.


This time Yin Dongnuan really congratulated her.

 Because this means that Feng Shuo started directing a TV series when he was only in his sophomore year.

Feng Shuo said a little embarrassedly: "It's not an official TV series, but I signed a confidentiality agreement so I can't say what category it is."

 “Then stop talking and come on.”

Lin Zhibai smiled and encouraged. Feng Shuo was right. "Unexpectedly" is not a TV series, or even a pure online drama.

 Perhaps it should be defined as "mini internet comedy"?

Anyway, Lin Zhibai felt that this thing was most suitable for attracting traffic to Kunpeng Film and Television.

He vaguely remembered that there was a drama called "Dose Man", was it also of this type?

  Looking back, you can consider system customization.


 ps: I heard everyone’s opinions. Wulin Gaiden is so popular.

 (End of this chapter)