Freelance Artist

Chapter 182: May you be happy and prosperous

Chapter 182 Congratulations on getting rich

 It is said that the opportunity to sing in the Spring Festival Gala originally belonged to Zhang Xiyang, and Lin Xi made a lot of efforts in it, and it was announced to the outside world.

As a result, Lin Liu intervened and sent the singer Zhang Yunshang to **** the opportunity to sing solo in the Spring Festival Gala.

At that time, Zhang Xiyang’s fans were furious and yelled that there was a shady story.

At that time, Zhang Yunshang’s fans responded, saying that Zhang Xiyang’s fans were persecuted and delusional.

 How can there be so many shady stories?

Don’t talk about the shady story, okay?

But now it’s Zhang Xiyang’s turn to get the solo opportunity.

guess what?

 Zhang Yunshang’s fans began to shout, “There is something shady.”

Zhang Xiyang’s fans naturally refused to give in. It was reasonable for Zhang Yunshang to get the opportunity as the co-writer, but there was some shady behind the others, right? The two sides started to fight again, and there was a lot of back and forth.

It seems that Zhang Xiyang is really popular.

 Fans' fighting ability can compete with the king of singer Zhang Yun in the ring.

However, in the entertainment industry, quarreling is the norm. It would be strange if this industry stopped quarreling one day. But this time the two quarrels caused a big enough disturbance. The headlines for several days were related to them. .

  "Is there any internal disagreement within the myth? 》

  《The battle between the two is gradually intensifying! 》

 "Is the resignation of the head of Zhang Yunshang's department related to the Spring Festival Gala? 》

 Zhang Yunshang responded to the dispute: It’s just healthy competition and we follow the arrangements of the Spring Festival Gala program team. 》

 Zhang Xiyang called on fans to calm down. 》

    Will Zhang Xiyang sing a new song in the Spring Festival Gala? 》

    Minister of Mythical Music: The two singers have shaken hands and made peace. 》

The dispute escalated and the fire became more intense. The one who was worried was Shinhwa Entertainment. After all, both Zhang Yunshang and Zhang Xiyang were the company’s treasures. It was Shinhwa that suffered the most from the quarrel between the two.

no way.

 Shinhwa Entertainment Music Department can only put out the fire.

Zhang Xiyang and Zhang Yunshang did not continue to fight each other. As for the two of them shaking hands and making peace, it was just an official statement. The two people had already become enemies and would not see each other in person. The entertainment industry had another double entanglement. resentment.


This fire is difficult to extinguish. Zhang Yunshang's fans are not willing to give up. They still insist that there is "a shady story" in this, and the public response has been huge.

 And the other side.

 The battle for the candidates to be the supervisors of the three Shinhwa Music divisions is in full swing.

Lin Xi took action, the eldest uncle and the second uncle were also wrestling with each other, and Kunpeng was secretly taking action. Everyone did not have much time to operate, and the candidate would be decided after the New Year.

 A certain teahouse.

Su Chan said: "I can help Wen Liang get the vote from the director of the fourth department of Shinhwa Entertainment."

Jiang Cheng asked: “Just one vote?”

Su Chan smiled bitterly and said: "There are nine people voting. As a member of Tianguang, it is not easy for me to influence one of them. I will still have to repay this favor in the future."

"All right."

Jiang Cheng also knew that this vote was very precious, after all, there were only nine votes in total.

 “I have a suggestion.”

Seeing that Jiang Cheng was still struggling, Su Chan suddenly said: "The director of the Sixth Department of Mythical Music is barely Lin Chun, but his son works in a department controlled by Lin Xia. Maybe you can start from this aspect."

"you mean…"

 “Lin Chun is strong, Lin Xia is a little weaker, both of them want to get the upper hand.”

 “Split the votes?”

Jiang Cheng instantly understood what Su Chan meant.

In this competition, Lin Chun, the general manager of Shinhwa Entertainment, has the greatest initiative.

 The second is Lin Xia.

Although he didn’t want to admit it, Lin Zhibai’s hope was the slimmest.

"Assuming someone can get five votes, he will be invincible, so the votes must be divided. If you let some people vote for Wen Liang, some people will definitely not agree, but if you let one or two of them change their minds and vote Where is the person for Lin Xia?"

Su Chan smiled and spoke.

Jiang Cheng thoughtfully said, "If Lin Chun and Lin Xia's votes are dispersed enough, with three votes for each person and two votes for each person, then Wen Liang can win with only four votes. This is already the most ideal situation. .”

 Wen Liang already has two tickets.

 One is for Lin Xi and the other is for Su Chan to help win over.

Although Jiang Cheng is not sure whether the ticket Su Chan mentioned can be honored in the end, assuming that the ticket can be won, he only needs to capture two more people in the future.

Two people?

It’s still very difficult, but who told this to be a task assigned by the boss? Jiang Cheng smiled and said, “Don’t worry, Minister Su, our boss has agreed. Kunpeng will spare no effort to help you, and you will get the same benefits as Lin Zhibai. treatment.”

 It’s done!

It seems that Lin Zhibai has indeed fulfilled his promise, and he has lived up to his fight with the group headed by Lin Gong a few days ago. Su Chan suppressed the excitement in her heart and said with a smile: "I wish us a happy cooperation. In addition, I I should add that there is a more ideal state.”

"you say."

“If two people are wavering between Lin Chun and Lin Xia, and ultimately choose to abstain from voting, Wen Liang only needs three votes to be elected.”

“The operation is too difficult. Most people will not choose to sit on the fence. If they want to avoid offending both sides, they may offend both sides.”

 “Just a possibility.”

“If Minister Su becomes a spy, he will be very successful. I don’t mean this in a derogatory way. This is indeed a possibility.”

Jiang Cheng felt a little emotional.

While everyone was thinking about how to get more votes from their own people, Su Chan first considered letting Kunpeng act as a spoiler.

Rather than directly playing the role of canvassing votes for Wen Liang.

 Theoretically speaking, the more chaotic this vote is, the better it is for Wen Liang.


 No matter how many things happen, nothing can stop the Spring Festival from approaching.

this day.

  Gongs and drums are noisy.

  Firecrackers blasted.

Thousands of homes in Qinzhou are ablaze with lights. The annual Qinzhou Spring Festival Gala has begun. Some people are watching the live broadcast online, but most people still choose to watch it in front of the TV. This is the case with Lin Zhibai's family. His brother, sister, father and mother are all there. , sitting on the long sofa, cracking melon seeds, watching the show and chatting.

 “The opening dance was good.”

 “It doesn’t feel as good as last year.”

"There are many elements to consider during the Spring Festival Gala, so it is difficult to do well. The reputation has been declining in the past few years. The core reason is actually that the competition among the three major companies is too fierce. You tease my people, and I tease your people. Everyone The first factor that we think about is not how we are going to do this show well but this show, whether it is for people from Shinhwa, Tianguang or Nathan to perform, especially the songs, which can create a fight within Shinhwa."

Lin Shengtian complained.

  Including myths, they were also criticized.

 Even map cannons affected Lin Xi.

Lin Xi curled her lips and said: "This matter has nothing to do with me. It was Zhang Xiyang who got the solo opportunity first. Who would have thought that Lin Liu would lead Zhang Yun to cross the line? Fortunately, Zhang Xiyang won in the end, otherwise she would have to How proud.”     “I will analyze the reasons.”

Lin Shengtian smiled and said: "If one day I become the director of the Spring Festival Gala, I will definitely not care which program is hosted by artists from which company. Whoever's program is good will be on it!"

“It’s not that easy to be selfless.”

Dad lamented: "Just like my crew, there are always some actors arranged by management or within the company. Sometimes I know that actor number one is more suitable, but the person behind number two has more face. If I If you refuse, you may encounter difficulties in the future, so sometimes you have to turn a blind eye."

Lin Shengtian did not argue.

 He also knew this to be true.

Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "The only solution is to have an iron-fisted figure who can suppress all forces and make those who are dissatisfied just obey the arrangements."

 “Such a person does not exist.”

Mom said: "If you want to do this, you have to conquer the three major powers. This is something that even the old man in our family has not been able to do."

 Discussion room.

 The show continues.

Lin Xi looked at the time, suddenly smiled and said: "Zhang Xiyang is about to go, his song was composed by Xiao Hei!"

 The family immediately looked forward to it.


At the Spring Festival Gala, some people were chatting while watching the performances.

 “It’s the song’s turn.”

“Zhang Xiyang will probably appear on the stage soon. I like him very much!”

“How did I hear that Zhang Xiyang got the stage solo because he had a relationship with the director team and took away Zhang Yunshang’s opportunity? Otherwise, how could he, a first-line singer, get such solo treatment?”

 “I heard about it too.”

“Shin Shinhwa wanted to promote Zhang Xiyang as the king of singers, so he pushed Zhang Yun down.”

“You have been led astray by Zhang Yunshang’s fans. This program originally belongs to Zhang Xiyang, but Zhang Yunshang tried to steal it but failed to do so.”

“Zhang Yunshang didn’t get it? Hey, you mean Zhang Yunshang is not as good as Zhang Xiyang?”

"That's not what I meant. Zhang Yunshang is the king of singers and is very strong, but Zhang Xiyang is not weaker than him."

 This person is a fan of Zhang Xiyang.

However, fans dare not say that Zhang Xiyang is better than Zhang Yunshang.

 As for external public opinion, it is actually somewhat unfavorable to Zhang Xiyang.

Zhang Xiyang is a first-tier singer, but Zhang Yunshang is the king of singers. Why should a first-tier singer defeat the king of singers?


 Many people will subconsciously think that Zhang Xiyang left the relationship.

at this time.

As the host announced that Zhang Xiyang was about to take the stage, the audience's anticipation was suddenly raised.

But many people are not looking forward to the performance itself.

Instead, he looked at Zhang Xiyang on the stage with various eyes, guessing what method he used to hold down the singer.



"I'm coming!"

 “Zhang Xiyang’s performance!”

“I want to see how good his performance is, and how well he can beat Zhang Yunshang!”

"of course."

 “It must have been through some means.”

 “Why did the singer lose to the first line?”

“You can’t say that. You have also heard Zhang Xiyang sing. His ability is no worse than Zhang Yunshang!”


 Zhang Yunshang’s fans said they were boycotting the Spring Festival Gala, but they still watched it.

 “Must see!”

 “Let’s see what he sings later!”

“If he doesn’t sing well enough, let’s beat him to death!”

“I was digging for dirty information about him, but I couldn’t find any information after digging for a long time. This person hides it very well, and it’s obvious at first glance that he is very scheming!”

 “I heard that he is going to sing “Fireworks”?”

"I don't know, but why did the song "Fireworks" suppress Zhang Yun?"

“That’s right, it’s not like Zhang Yunshang doesn’t have such good songs!”


 In the industry.

“Public opinion is not very good towards Zhang Xiyang.”

“After all, most people think that the king of singers is better than the first-line singer.”

“Zhang Xiyang won the opportunity to appear on the Spring Festival Gala but lost the hearts of the people.”

"Actually, we all know in the industry that it is normal for Zhang Xiyang to beat Zhang Yunshang. His singing skills are invincible, even better than Zhang Yunshang, but the public will not care about this. Even if Zhang Xiyang sings this song, he really can't sing it better than Zhang Yunshang. Even if it's bad, it won't change much of his disadvantage in public opinion."


 “This prelude…”

 “This backup dancer…”

 "This is not "Hanabi" at all!"

  Previously, the Spring Festival Gala announced to foreign officials that Zhang Xiyang would be on stage to sing "Fireworks".

That song is Zhang Xiyang’s winning number on "I Am a Singer". It is very well-known and is suitable for the Spring Festival Gala stage. But at this time, the prelude is filled with the sound of firecrackers. The music is too cheerful, like a New Year's song?


The introduction appeared on the TV. When all the viewers in Qinzhou saw it, they were slightly stunned. It turned out to be a new song!

 Song: Gong Xi Fa Cai

  Lyricist: Bai Di

 Composer: Bai Di

Arranger: Bai Di

 Singer: Zhang Xiyang

 And Lin Zhibai’s home.

 The whole family was excited.

Lin Zhibai also laughed and wanted to know why Zhang Xiyang could win, right? This song was Zhang Xiyang's magic weapon to defeat Zhang Yunshang. The gap between first-line singers and singing kings could be smoothed out in front of this song. In the previous life, So many songs have appeared in so many Spring Festival Galas over the years. How many can compare to our "Gong Xi Fa Cai" by Liu Tianwang?

 There are only a handful of them!

This is a king bomb!

Soon everyone in Qinzhou will know the value of this divine song that was a must-listen during the Spring Festival in previous lives!

 (End of this chapter)