Freelance Artist

Chapter 287: Bai Di: So angry

Chapter 287 Bai Di: So angry

The director means that "The Voice" should emphasize the theme of dreams, but Lin Zhibai knows better than the director that this show is not only to provide a stage for many people to pursue their dreams, but also to make many people who are not so good-looking Yes, you also have the opportunity to show yourself, which is rare in talent shows.

 Because other talent shows feature all kinds of handsome guys and beauties, if you are average looking, you may not be able to pass the audition.

Lin Zhibai has already deeply experienced this with Liu Hua. It seems that many people in this world think that a music talent show cannot be done without a bunch of handsome guys and beauties participating. Thinking of this, Lin Zhibai began to write:

 “I once had a dream in my heart.”

 “I want to use singing to make you forget all the pain.”

 “Who is the real hero in the brilliant starry sky?”

 “Ordinary people move me the most.”

“There is no more hatred and no more pain. I hope there is traces of love everywhere in the world. Use our songs to change your sincere smile, and wish your life will be different from now on..."

This song is called "True Hero".

The lyrics are inspirational and catchy, and few people in the past life have not heard it.

 The composer and composer is Li Zongsheng, and the singers are Jackie Chan, Zhou Huajian, and Li Zongsheng himself. They are all big bosses. There is no problem in using this kind of popular song in the previous life as the theme song of "The Voice"!


Zhang Xiyang looked at Lin Zhibai in surprise.

Li Xiao and Qin Lian widened their eyes slightly.

Zhou Hanjin was also confused and confused.

Nearly everyone in Qin Zhou knew that Chu Ci was best at writing songs on the spot, but he didn't expect that Bai Di could do the same thing.

Isn’t this too fast?

  The director just stated the general requirements for the song and then started writing?

The four instructors couldn't help but look closer. As a result, when they got closer, they discovered that Lin Zhibai was just writing lyrics.


Zhou Hanjin breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.

Sure enough, everyone is overly worried. Chu Ci’s abnormal songwriting speed should be unique in the Qinzhou music scene.

Bai Di guessed that the lyrics had been thought out, but the composition of the music had not been thoroughly thought out.


Similar thoughts just flashed through everyone's minds, and everyone saw that Lin Zhibai had already begun to write a simplified score for the lyrics—

This guy actually composed this song on the spot! ?

 “Are you writing now?”

The director couldn't help but come over and was shocked!


Everyone was just shocked by Bai Di's creation speed. It's hard to say about the quality of the songs. We have to wait until Lin Zhibai finishes writing the simplified score before we can judge.

Zhou Hanjin forced himself to suppress the shock in his heart.

 ‘Writing fast is nothing, if the quality is not enough, it will be useless no matter how fast you write! ’

 After ten minutes of fiddling with it, Lin Zhibai got it done.

But the four instructors knew very well that Lin Zhibai was mainly writing simplified musical notation, which was too time-consuming.

If you don’t count the time it took to write the simplified score, this song was written by Bai Di in just a few minutes. In terms of song writing speed, no one in the entire music world can beat it except Chu Ci!

“Let’s see how it goes.”

 After Lin Zhibai finished writing, he put the lyrics and simplified music scores on the table.

Zhou Hanjin was a little impatient. As soon as he saw the score, he couldn't help but sing along with the lyrics:

 “I once had a dream in my heart…”

The level of singing is at the king level. Compared with the simplified musical notation, Zhou Hanjin's singing is still relatively smooth, with only occasional stuttering.

 No one said a word.

Just listen to Zhou Hanjin singing like this.

Zhou Hanjin quickly sang the chorus.

"Seize every minute of life and go all out for the dreams in our hearts. How can we see a rainbow without going through wind and rain? No one can succeed casually. Seize every touch in life, embrace each other passionately with your beloved friends, and let your sincere words And tears of joy are flowing in our hearts!"

This song!

 Everyone’s expressions changed!

Zhou Hanjin stopped singing and stared at Lin Zhibai as if he had seen a ghost. Why is the quality of this song so high?—

You Yachu Ci are possessed!

With so many singing kings and queens present, it’s natural to know the level of Bai Di’s song creation at a glance.

 It’s not surprising that Bai Di can write such a song.

But Bai Di was able to come up with such a song in just a few minutes, which is really scary. He also wrote the song on the spot, and his level seems to be no worse than that of Chu Ci!

 The most excited person at this time is the director!

This lyric is so well written!

 For example, the line in the lyrics “Ordinary people move me the most.”

The director also received part of the list of contestants who participated in "The Voice". His biggest feeling was that these people are really ordinary, completely different from the proud men and women of other talent shows. What are they really like? Everyone has it!

  Another example is the line in the lyrics “Give our best to the dreams in our hearts”.

ˆThe players’ pursuit of their dreams is most vividly reflected in this lyric!

What’s even more amazing is the phrase in the chorus, “How can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain? No one can succeed casually.” This kind of inspirational phrase is so contagious!

 “Are these the twin stars of the music industry?”

Zhang Xiyang said with emotion: "It is said that Chu Ci can do everything Bai Di can do, and Bai Di can do anything Chu Ci can do. Today I saw it with my own eyes."

 “Teacher Baidi is amazing!”

Qin Lian gave a thumbs up and even gave Lin Zhibai a wink.

Li Xiao glanced at Zhou Hanjin, who was shocked, and hinted wildly: "We so-called kings and queens of songs really can't do anything without music dads like Teacher Bai Di."

Lin Zhibai understood.

This is a disguised invitation to sing.

In order to enhance the cohesion of the team, Lin Zhibai directly promised: "Since we are together, we are destined. I will give everyone a song in the future."

 “Then let’s remember it!”

Li Xiao’s eyes lit up. She really wanted to collaborate with Bai Di, and she was also very curious about what kind of song he would give her.

 Is this what I also mean?

Zhou Han was a little embarrassed when he heard what Bai Di said. He didn't expect that he would have such an intersection with Bai Di. This guy had blocked him from winning the championship for several seasons.

  “Next let’s assign the lyrics.”

Zhang Xiyang is more stable and efficient in doing things, and has a completely different personality from Zhou Hanjin.

 Zhou Hanjin asked: "Who sang the first line?"

Qin Lian said: "Everyone of us has been assigned similar lyrics, and the order is not that important. Let's see the results of the rehearsal."

 Li Xiao agreed: "Okay."

The distribution of lyrics in this kind of chorus is most likely to cause contradictions. Everyone wants to sing a more brilliant part. However, the song "Real Hero" basically does not have this problem. It is just a simple one-line line at the beginning, and the climax part is four. Just sing along.

that's all.

 The four of them discussed the distribution of lyrics based on the rehearsal results.

 Lin Zhibai, as the music director, listened for a while and gradually felt that he was a little redundant. The kings and queens of singers sang simple songs like "True Hero", and he didn't need to worry about anything at all.

 After several rehearsals.

 The four instructors began to take a break and chatted together.

While chatting, the topic of the contestants came up, so Zhou Hanjin took the lead and called the director, wanting to see the contestants participating in the show in advance.

 “You can’t look at it, it’s against the rules!”

 The director shakes his head like a flower stick. If the instructor knows the situation of the contestants in advance, the effect will be compromised when the official recording begins.

 “Can’t you even look at it?”

Zhou Hanjin glared, ready to act like a big star. He, Zhou Gewang, was the big brother wherever he went. He really didn't take a variety show director seriously.

 “Teacher Baidi will not agree…”

  The director waited carefully, not daring to offend Zhou Hanjin.

When Zhou Hanjin heard the word "Bai Di", his expression changed slightly, and he coughed unnaturally, "If you don't want to watch it, just don't watch it. How stingy..."

Li Xiao next to him was shocked and looked at Zhou Hanjin in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, the words "Bai Di" were more effective than Qu's father's name, and he restrained Zhou Hanjin in no time.

As long as the director didn't mention "White Emperor", Zhou Han would definitely be guilty of being stupid today. He still understands his boyfriend's character. At best, he is willful and at worst, he has a domineering personality.


Qin Lian smiled and said: "I don't know what kind of players have been prepared for us. They are mysterious. I even asked the staff, but no one was willing to reveal them."

"Do not worry."

Zhang Xiyang said: "Teacher Bai Di personally checks everything, and the people he selects may bring us some surprises..."

that's all.

 The following days.

 Through Kunpeng's auditions in various places in Qinzhou, almost all the students have been recruited.

Lin Zhibai personally checked and found a lot of good seeds here.

at this time.

These students who have passed the screening have already begun to report to Sioux City and start rehearsing the songs they will sing in the blind audition session.

Jiangcheng found Lin Zhibai.

“Next we need to decide on a host. Does the boss have a candidate?”

 “Just Huang Li.”

Jiang Cheng had previously shown Lin Zhibai a list of host candidates. There were ten candidates in total. Among them was a person named Huang Li, who was a fourth-tier host.

 “Huang Li?”

Jiang Cheng was a little surprised. This Huang Li had the lowest priority in the list, because he was far less famous than the other alternative hosts. He was on the list just to make up the numbers, but he didn't expect that the boss would choose this one. "Huang Li is not the kind of host who is famous for his ability to control the scene. If he has any advantages, it is probably that he is eloquent and can read advertisements well..."

 “The Voice does not require a host to control the show.”

Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "As long as you speak fast and can read the advertisements well, it is enough. You have to serve the four brands comfortably. After all, they have invested so much money."

 Choose Huang Li to be the host because of his good reputation.

Lin Zhibai’s idea is very simple, which is to directly benchmark the hosting style of “The Voice” in his previous life.


Since the boss has already decided on Huang Li, Jiang Cheng didn't put forward any more opinions, although according to the cost scale of "The Voice", a front-line host is usually hired to hold the show.

“Have you decided on the advertising slogan?”


“Then you contact Huang Li and ask him to read out these advertising slogans within fifteen seconds.”

Lin Zhibai was impressed.

 The host of "The Voice" in his previous life finished reading 215 words in only 18 seconds.

 “Pfft! Fifteen seconds!?”

Jiang Cheng lost his voice and said, "Isn't this impossible? It's just over two hundred words! How can it be finished in fifteen seconds? Are we making things too difficult for him?"

 “If we can’t do it, we’ll replace it.”

 Huang Li's signature is his fast speaking speed. It is indeed a challenge to finish reading in fifteen seconds, but the other person relies on this to make a living, so he must have some real ability, right?


 That night.

Huang Li jumped up excitedly when he received a call from Kunpeng!

“I was chosen! I was actually chosen! The host of “The Voice” is mine! My wife, my chance to become famous is here!”

 “You were actually chosen?”

 Huang Li’s wife couldn’t help but be stunned.

 When this program first recruited hosts in the industry, Huang Li was attracted and signed up immediately.

However, Huang Li soon learned:

 There are many people in the industry who are interested in hosting "The Voice", including several first-line hosts, and all of them have signed up!

 It’s normal to think about it.

After all, "The Voice" and "Master and Apprentice" are programs that are destined to be remembered by the entire variety show circle. The lineup is unprecedentedly strong, and investments have reached hundreds of millions. Even advertising sponsorships are in units of hundreds of millions. Top hosts feel Interest is also normal.

  Why should Huang Li argue with others?

However, just when Huang Li had given up hope, he never expected that "The Voice" would contact him and want him to be the host!

 Huang Li was naturally excited about such joy coming from heaven!

My wife soon became excited, "It's a lot of reward, isn't it? Not for such a big show!"

"Why are you just thinking about remuneration? Money is secondary. The main thing is that once this show becomes popular, my career will officially take off! By then, all viewers who have watched the show will remember that there is a host named Huang Li on "The Voice" !”

“Yes, yes, when will the contract be signed?”

“I have to sign the contract tomorrow, but they said they would first send me an advertisement so that I could memorize it first.”

 “Has it been sent?”

"Let me see."

 Huang Li turned on his phone and took a look.

Kunpeng has already sent the advertisement.

"Authentic chocolate, authentic good voice, enjoy the silky smoothness of Lanfu Chocolate at this moment. We solemnly invite you to watch the large-scale self-made music and singing talent show Qinzhou Good Voice hosted by Kunpeng Video. Juice Qianwei helps every dream. Shake it before drinking. Shake the Qianwei Orchard for better flavor and cheer for the good voice. The proud disciples of the four mentors of this year’s good voice will embark on the Yida chewing gum music dream of caring for your teeth and caring for you. Just send a text message to interact and support your favorite contestant. Get a 30% off coupon provided by the brand company of Scented Milk Tea that I will hold you in the palm of my hand if I love you, and also have the opportunity to get a free member of Kunpeng Video. Our good voice students can also get approval from three or more instructors. Have a chance to win the 100,000 yuan music dream fund provided by Kunpeng Video Website!"

 Good guy.

The advertisement is quite long, and all four major brand sponsors are mentioned.

 Huang Lizheng was about to reply "No problem" when the other person suddenly sent another sentence:

“You have to finish reading it within fifteen seconds, and you can’t speak clearly, otherwise we may not be able to sign this contract.”

  Huang Li: “…”

 Reciting more than 200 words in fifteen seconds?

Even Huang Li, who was very confident in his speaking speed, was breaking out in a cold sweat at this moment. Is this program crew trying to save time reading commercials?

  It’s too cruel!

  His wife noticed that Huang Li had a different look on his face, so she came over to take a look, and then said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "Isn't this deliberately trying to embarrass you?"

“It’s not to make things difficult for me, maybe that’s why they chose me!”

 Huang Li gritted his teeth and began to recite the advertisement. He continued to recite it for more than an hour and finally became proficient.

 “Look at the effect!”

 Huang Li called his wife to time him.

After a burst of advertising slogans, Huang Li asked: "How many seconds?"

 “Eighteen seconds!”

 The wife was frightened, "You are speaking too fast!"

Huang Li smiled and said: "In the past, what I was most interested in when learning rap was fast talking, which requires a lot of skills. Reciting more than two hundred words in 18 seconds should not be my limit. I may really be able to achieve the goal of 15 seconds."

 Tsk tsk!

Compared to others, Huang Li dare not say that he is better than the first-line hosts, but he must speak faster and keep his articulation clear. Huang Li dares to consider himself the best in Qinzhou, even if he is compared with those top hosts, he is not afraid at all!


 The next day.

Jiang Cheng sighed as soon as he saw Lin Zhibai, "How can someone's mouth be so fast? It clicked like a machine gun. He finished speaking more than two hundred words in fourteen seconds. The important thing is that I could clearly hear what he said!"

 “Oh? Did Huang Li sign?”

Lin Zhibai knew he had found the right person.

"You have to sign, this guy's words are so smooth." Jiang Cheng said with a smile: "I signed him directly to Kunpeng. In the future, we will try our best to provide him with as many opportunities as the host in our self-made variety shows. Good hosts are also needed. Good programs are constantly training.”

 “You decide this matter.”

Lin Zhibai said: "Advertising should not only be fast, but fast is mainly to promote topicality. But when advertising alone later, it must be slowed down appropriately so that the audience can focus on the product rather than the speed of speech." Simple. In other words, it is to use the speed of speech to hype. Once the hype effect comes out, there is no need to pursue the ultimate speed of reading advertising slogans.

"I see."

Jiang Cheng was just about to chat with Lin Zhibai about when the recording of the program would officially start when his cell phone suddenly rang. After he answered the call, he didn't know what the other person said, but his face was getting ugly anyway.

  "What's the matter?"   Lin Zhibai asked.

Jiang Cheng said a little depressed: "The Master and Apprentice are leading the online rhythm. They say that the quality of our "The Voice" contestants is very low, and all the high-quality contestants have been taken over by them."

"Is it."

Lin Zhibai checked the Internet and found that many media are taking the lead in this regard.

  《Contestant Battle! Master and apprentice seize the opportunity! 》

  "The Voice is facing a shortage of contestants?" All the good contestants were defeated by the program crew first! 》

   《The beauties of major music colleges and universities have signed up to become mentors and apprentices! 》

  《The Voice auditions, the quality of the contestants is worrying! 》

  "While the level of mentors is not much different, the quality of the contestants on The Voice was completely defeated by the mentor-apprentice program team! 》

"Make bricks without straw! Good voices can’t find good contestants! 》

 It doesn't take much to know that these media outlets were recruited by Lin Feng, with the purpose of making netizens badmouth "The Voice".

 This is part of the propaganda war.

ˆContinuously emphasize that the quality of contestants in "Master and Apprentice" is higher than that in "The Voice".

 In this way, when the show starts airing, the audience will be more interested in "Master and Apprentice".

This move is very damaging, but also very useful.

 Many netizens have been affected.

 “Why do you feel like “The Voice” suffered a big loss?”

"The main reason is that the project of "Master and Apprentice" was established earlier, so we have been in contact with outstanding students from major music universities for a long time. For talent shows, the best students are undoubtedly those who have a certain professional level in singing and are long-term. It’s a good-looking group of people. Such talents basically come from the major music conservatories in Qinzhou. No matter what kind of talent show they participate in, they are all very high-quality contestants. However, every major music conservatory is suitable for participating in the talent show. The number of high-quality students is limited, and "Master and Apprentice" has eaten them all, so "The Voice" will naturally have to worry about the contestants."

 “Do I have to find someone from the conservatory?”

"That's for sure. Aren't you watching talent shows just for the competition between handsome boys and beauties with good skills? Otherwise, do you think the reason why those talent shows are all handsome boys and beauties is because they are very capable. Are they strong? Their abilities are good, but appearance is also a very important factor, and it may even become the decisive factor."

“You can also find trainees, but the number of trainees from major companies is limited and they all have special debut plans.”

“And this is Shinhwa’s show. Trainees from other companies may not have the opportunity to participate.”

“So it’s hard to find good contestants for “The Voice,” which means the show’s watchability will be greatly reduced. After all, if the contestants’ performance is too poor, I don’t think it’s interesting no matter how awesome the instructor is.”

 "Then let's watch "Master and Apprentice" then."

“The instructors on both sides are equally good, so the only thing left is to compare with the quality of the players.”

 Watch the development of public opinion.

Lin Zhibai frowned slightly.

Jiang Cheng sighed and said: "At least one thing in "Master and Apprentice" is indeed correct. In the major music academies in Qinzhou, those students who are not bad and good-looking at the same time are basically given the first priority by Lin Feng, because we During the auditions, I also went to major colleges and universities to promote it, and I also encountered some difficulties for this."

 “But they got one thing wrong.”

Lin Zhibai feels that it is a difference in draft thinking.

 Lin Feng's "Master and Apprentice" wants to create young idols, so the priority of appearance is far greater than the strength of the players themselves!

But why can’t the talent show escape from handsome men and beautiful women?

Variety artists in this world, such as Liu Hua, Lin Feng and others, are obviously trapped by the concept of "handsome men and beautiful women", as if they are restricted in a cage.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Zhibai becomes more and more convinced that "The Voice" can become a hit.

 Because this program is contrary to the conventional talent show concept.

Of course this does not mean that there are no handsome men and beautiful women participating in "The Voice".

Lin Zhibai had information about the contestants and knew that there were handsome guys and beauties among these contestants, but the key to these handsome guys and beauties being able to join the show team to participate in the competition was not because of their appearance, but because of their good voices and singing skills. , although this group of people accounts for a small proportion.

after all…

One of Lin Zhibai's original intentions for "The Voice" was to truly select people who have outstanding business abilities but have never had the opportunity to show themselves for one reason or another.

 To put it more pretentiously, it’s:

Lin Feng snatched away those so-called high-quality players in advance and blocked all Lin Zhibai’s escape routes. This was not the path Lin Zhibai wanted to take!

 We are not all on the same track at all.

 So Lin Feng’s arrangement is doomed to be in vain.

"I even suspect that in order to let those handsome guys and beauties with the potential to become stars choose to participate in "Master and Apprentice", Lin Feng may have promised some conditions to some contestants in advance, such as being selected by a certain singer and queen to be his apprentice. . ”

 “Like her way of doing things.”

Lin Zhibai curled his lips, this is also a very common situation.

After all, many talent shows in previous lives did this, so there were so many shady scenes in the later stages of the game.

 Do you really think those judges are stupid?

The audience thought it was good, but the judges just didn’t think it was good?

 Most of the time, it’s not the judges’ ears that are wrong, nor their advanced aesthetics.

 Purely because some rankings have been decided before the game starts.

Otherwise, when Mao Buyi's "Tomorrow's Son" won the championship in his previous life, the entire Internet would not have lamented that "talent defeated capital."

 “Then what shall we do?”

 “Cold salad.”

Lin Zhibai does not think that this level of rhythm will affect "The Voice".

 “Make a statement that emphasizes what our show is about.”


Jiangcheng is making arrangements.


 That evening.

Kunpeng issued a statement:

"We at "The Voice" are not pursuing handsome men and beautiful women. On our stage, no matter your height, no matter how good-looking you are, no matter how old you are, no matter what your job is, as long as you have a You have a good voice, as long as you have a heart that loves music, our stage will give you the opportunity to realize your dream!"

 There is no impassioned statement.

 The words of this statement are as unpretentious as the name of the program "The Voice".


 The comment area is lively!

"I just like Kunpeng's attitude in doing variety shows! I have long wanted to complain about music talent shows. Isn't the competition about singing? Why are they made like a beauty contest? This is also the reason why I like "I Love Memorizing Lyrics". There are no handsome men and beautiful women. The vast majority of people in this world are very ordinary. Does it mean that if you are average, you can’t like music?”

 “You’re a layman, let me, an expert, analyze it for you.”

"There is indeed nothing wrong with the concept of Kunpeng's show, but if all the people who participate in "The Voice" look ordinary, then what's the highlight of the show, their singing skills? Then I might as well watch "I Am a Singer" to be professional. The singing skills of singers are definitely better than those who participate in the talent show. Some people may not care what the contestants look like, but there are definitely very few such people. If "The Voice" does this, it is destined to win word-of-mouth and lose ratings!"

“Wake up, this concept is probably just a gimmick.”

"Do you really believe that "The Voice" only listens to the voices and doesn't look at the appearance of the contestants? Just open any music talent show and have a look. Is there any show where the contestants look different? Even if they are not handsome guys and beautiful women, they are better than ordinary people. They must be better-looking, and if you observe again, you will find that the better-looking ones will be more popular in the draft competition. This is the market’s choice!”

 “Kunpeng Pills!”

"I feel like Kunpeng is just being stubborn right now. After discovering that the quality of the players is indeed not comparable to that of "Master and Apprentice", he emphasizes in various ways that he doesn't care about faces and only listens to voices. In fact, there is nothing he can do. After all, he has long Players who are good-looking and capable are basically taken care of by Shinhwa Video."

"Ha ha!"

“I guess “The Voice” only found some crooked contestants, so they can only claim that they don’t care about looks and only care about their voices.”

 “The classics badmouth Kunpeng.”

"It seems that the success of Kunpeng's previous variety shows has not made some people sober up. With the brand name Junlin, I don't believe that "The Voice" will be blocked because of the contestants!"

"that is!"

 These days are different from the past.

Now there will no longer be a situation where the whole network is badmouthing Kunpeng’s new variety show!

 Because of Kunpeng’s previous variety shows, the reputation he has accumulated is already high enough!

The reason why there are still many pessimistic voices on the Internet this time is mainly because Kunpeng has encountered a strong enemy like "Master and Apprentice".

 And Lin Feng is driving the rhythm like crazy.

Under various rhythms, those supporters of "Master and Apprentice" want to trample "The Voice" into the dirt.


Lin Zhibai didn’t pay too much attention. After the show is broadcast, everyone will know whether the statements and promotions of “The Voice” are a gimmick.

 As for bad-mouthing?

Those who should watch the show will still watch it. Lin Zhibai has already experienced that what many people say is not consistent with their actions.

 On the other hand, Zhou Hanjin was a little uneasy.

 At the recording site today, I couldn’t help but ask Lin Zhibai for information, “The quality of our players is really not good?”

 “Which one are you talking about that doesn’t work?”

 “Surely sing!”

 “You can rest assured about this.”

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "Why don't you worry about your appearance?"

 “Good looks?”

Zhou Han was overjoyed, "We have so many singing kings and queens in Tianguang. I have the best looks, and the others are just like passers-by."

 That is clear enough.

 Looking at their appearance, how did those people become the kings and queens of singers?

Besides, Zhou Hanjin is just an ordinary handsome guy, and any of those young idols can beat him up.

For example, standing next to Lin Zhibai at this moment.

Zhou Hanjin’s appearance seems very ordinary.

Of course, this comparison is unfair to Zhou Hanjin, because even if some idols are compared with Lin Zhibai, they will inevitably feel "common".

 “It’s good that you think so.”

Lin Zhibai felt that Zhou Hanjin was actually quite interesting, his character was more real, and he didn't play tricks.

 No wonder the director always complained to Jiang Cheng in private, saying that Zhou Han was difficult to serve.

Those who can become kings of singers have a bit of a temper. Zhang Xiyang's kind of modesty and low-key is so rare.

 “I’m fine, but you’re not.”

Zhou Hanjin took out his mobile phone and said, "You haven't read the news just now, have you?"


Lin Zhibai’s face turned dark when he saw the news.

The news title is "The suspected live audition video of Good Voice was exposed, and Bai Di, who serves as the music director, looked ugly. 》

 There is a video below the news.

Just the time Lin Zhibai went to the audition site before.

At that time, Lin Zhibai listened to a few songs and was very dissatisfied, so even a fool could see the unhappiness on his face.

 Unexpectedly, I was actually photographed.

Lin Zhibai didn’t think the ordinary staff there had the guts, so he not only filmed it, but also put the video online to set the pace.

 Liu Hua?

 There is a high probability that it is this guy.

Lin Zhibai ignored Zhou Hanjin and turned around to send a message to Jiang Cheng, scolding him. Who did he choose?

 “I’ll find evidence to sue him right away!”

Jiang Cheng has never been scolded by Lin Zhibai. He has always done a good job.

 But because of this Liu Hua, this was the second time he was scolded by Lin Zhibai, and he naturally hated this guy in his heart.

 As for the candid photos of the audition scene?

Jiang Cheng had no doubt that it was Liu Hua who did it. The guy was **** by him and he deliberately took revenge on Kunpeng.

 The evidence is...

Under this news, there is an anonymous whistleblower.

  The whistleblower claimed to be a former staff member of "The Voice" and said that Kunpeng was fired because he couldn't find high-level contestants in the auditions.

 Then there are all kinds of complaints that they are not to blame for this matter.

 It is true that the good players have been taken down by "Master and Apprentice".

Finally, this person also revealed that he knew a few of the final trainees selected for "The Voice" and their skills were very poor. They would have no chance of standing out in other talent shows.

 “Be more careful when selecting and employing people next time.”

Lin Zhibai didn’t fight too hard. Anyway, the current rhythm is like this and it can’t change the overall situation.

 The supporters of "Master and Apprentice" are happy!

 “Are you going to be tough?”

"Bai Di is obviously angry because of the player's level, so why are you only focusing on the sound?"

"That's it?"

 “The evidence is conclusive now!”

 “But Bai Di looks so handsome when he’s angry…”

 “Can you please give me some courage? Where are you from?”

 “It’s really handsome...”

“Damn it! If he were my husband, even if he was so cruel to me every day, I wouldn’t resist. He’s so handsome!”

 “How can someone look so good when they’re angry?”

"Although I support "Master and Apprentice", this does not prevent me from criticizing Bai Di's appearance!"

“Well, if Bai Di served as the mentor of "The Voice", I would have seen him rebel on the spot. Bai Di's angry look would be more charming than usual..."

 “Bai Di: So angry!”

  "I'm sorry, uncle, have you made all the emoticons?"

How to say it?

Perhaps Liu Hua had the support of Lin Feng to dare to make such revelations. Even the live video was leaked.

  Can produce results.

 Those who support "The Voice" and those who do not support "The Voice" have been silenced.

 Because public opinion doesn’t care about the players at all, everyone is discussing why the angry Bai Di is so handsome!

Even the angry emoticon of Bai Di in the candid photo quickly became popular all over the Internet!

Jiangcheng Youyou Road:

“Sure enough... there is a reason why Lin Feng insists on choosing handsome men and beautiful women to participate in "Master and Apprentice"..."

The enemy strikes hard.

 In the end, Bai Di's "angry face" became popular all over the Internet. How the **** can this be justified?

 “I’m angry with you!”

Lin Zhibai glared at Jiang Cheng angrily, but he didn't know that Zhang Xiyang and four other instructors were quietly looking at him.

 “He’s angry, he’s angry again!”

Zhou Hanjin peeked and felt a little jealous, "You are really handsome when you are angry..."

 Qin Lian and Li Xiao nodded with deep understanding.

These two female singers have seen a lot of handsome guys in the entertainment industry, but there are almost very few handsome guys like Lin Zhibai!

 “I almost want to make him angry.” Li Xiao muttered.

Qin Lian followed: "Me too..."

"I advise you not to." Zhang Xiyang rolled his eyes.

 “It’s not too much to take a picture, right?”

Li Xiao took out his cell phone and started snapping pictures at Lin Zhibai, who was angry with Jiang Cheng.

 Then Zhou Hanjin started to get angry.

 (End of this chapter)