Freelance Artist

Chapter 32: small goals

 Chapter 32 Small Goals

 September 20th.

The freshman military training at Qinzhou Art College has begun.

 The school requires every freshman to participate in military training, unless there are special circumstances.

 Lin Zhibai was in a special situation before, but now that his body is completely healed, he will naturally not resist military training. He is even looking forward to it, so it is good to take the opportunity to exercise.

 It’s almost the same as the Earth.

Blue Star's military training content is nothing more than running and standing in military postures.

Although Blue Star is a globally unified and self-governing continent, no one can guarantee that there will be no turmoil in the future, so each continent has its own army.

 The wars hundreds of years ago made all continents wary of danger in times of peace.

 There are still many works of art that are created against the background of the wars of those eras.


 At present, all continents are very stable, and Central Continent’s rule over the world is still very stable.

 It’s just that the eight continents are still somewhat at odds with each other. Even though there is no threat of war, they are still competing secretly, especially in the area of ​​art and culture. The competition is extremely fierce...

There are forty-five people in Lin Zhibai’s class.

After a few days of school, everyone has become familiar with each other, especially those who are assigned to the same dormitory. They have begun to call each other brothers, and they can also magically distinguish who is the eldest brother and who is the second and third brothers. However, Lin Zhibai, a day student, and I have less contact with my classmates, so I am not that familiar with them.

Some people often take the initiative to talk to Lin Zhibai.

Lin Zhibai had a withdrawn and gloomy personality due to physical reasons when he was in high school, exuding the aura of keeping away from strangers.

Now that his health has improved and his mentality has changed, Lin Zhibai no longer rejects others from thousands of miles away, but his classmates can still feel a subtle sense of distance from him.

It seems that Lin Zhibai and other classmates are people at different levels or even two worlds.

After several days of military training, everyone gradually got used to Lin Zhibai's cold and indifferent temperament.

Perhaps everyone feels that although Lin Zhibai is aloof, he has a special kind of personal charm. He is very well-mannered in dealing with others. He is polite and elegant at the same time, making it difficult for people to feel disgusted.

Every afternoon after military training, the instructor will arrange for the more talented students to sing, while other students will sit in a circle to enjoy the performance.

 Art colleges have no shortage of versatile talents.

So everyone looks forward to the talent show before military training every day.

 It is worth mentioning that Lin Zhibai heard someone singing "Xiaochou" several times during the daily performance session. It can be seen that this song is very popular among college students.

 The night before the military training ends.

Lin Zhibai even heard a boy singing "Song to Myself".

This song is relatively unknown to college students. Some students didn’t even know the name of the song after listening to it. Only after asking others did they find out that it was the new song that topped the season charts this month.

 “The song was written by Bai Di!”

 “The singer is Zhang Xiyang!”

 “The name Bai Di sounds familiar.”

 “He is the creator of "Xiaochou"."

The classmates were chatting, unaware that the "White Emperor" they called was sitting next to them.

Then the students went further and further, starting from which department so-and-so was good-looking, and was a school beauty, and discussed topics such as which department a certain student had already debuted as a star and rarely came to class.

 At this time.

Suddenly a girl looked at Lin Zhibai with a smile.

“Lin Zhibai, you are also very famous. Some people have posted your photo in the campus forum, saying that you are a strong contender for Qin Yi’s class, and you have brought glory to our class!”

The crowd cheered "Oh".

Another classmate joked: "We should send Lin Zhibai to take down Yin Dongnuan from the next class, so that we don't have to struggle in this life."

 “Yin Dongnuan?”

Lin Zhibai suddenly raised his eyes.

Seeing Lin Zhibai's rare response, the students booed even more fiercely. The boy who mentioned Yin Dongnuan even smiled and joked: "You don't know Yin Dongnuan, do you? She is very good-looking. Of course this That's not the point. The point is that her grandfather is the chairman of Nathan, one of the three major entertainment companies in Qinzhou!"    "Really?"

Lin Zhibai smiled and said something perfunctory, but raised his beautiful eyebrows slightly, "How is Yin Dongnuan so beautiful?"

The three major families in Qinzhou are fiercely fighting each other, but the juniors from each family are quite familiar with each other. Naturally, he knows Yin Dongnuan.


 The military training lasts for one week.

  It was already September 27th when it ended.

Lin Zhibai came home at noon. Seeing that it was almost time, he sent the demo of "Moonlight" to his sister.

 As a result, Lin Xi called me that afternoon.

 The first sentence he said was: "Are you really my brother? You must have been transported through time by some music dad, right? How many surprises are you waiting for me?"

 Your brother is reincarnated.

 There is no soul penetration setting.

Lin Zhibai smiled secretly in his heart and asked knowingly: "Isn't the song pretty good?"


Lin Xi suppressed the turbulent emotions in her heart, but her voice could not conceal her excitement: "It's more than good. With this song, our thirteen films will definitely break into the top ten!"

 “Is there anything to say about top ten performance?”

"I haven't told you before that the company will be reorganized at the end of the year. Before December, the bottom ten of the twenty music departments will be abolished, and the relevant supervisors will be demoted. I have been worried about this, but going forward It doesn’t matter if it’s ten…”

 “Tell me about this kind of thing earlier in the future.”

Lin Zhibai frowned slightly. No matter from any aspect, he could not accept his sister's demotion.

"Know it."

Lin Xi smiled and said: "I didn't expect my brother to be so brave. If I had known you were so brave, it would be strange if my sister didn't squeeze you dry!"

 Are you a juicer?

Lin Zhibai’s mouth twitched slightly.

Lin Xi was very excited now: "Actually, this crisis is also a rare opportunity. If ten departments are eliminated in December, the ten supervisors who can survive will be promoted in disguise. Now it seems that your sister and I can Survived.”

 “Not insured.”

Lin Zhibai reminded Lin Xi.

Lin Xi said: "Of course I know it's not safe, so our department will be mobilized next, and everyone has to find a way to improve my performance. In addition, I have already sent the song to the drama company, and I will wait for their news!"


Lin Zhibai has no choice for the time being. He has no songs left, so he can only rely on his sister's own efforts.

hang up the phone.

Lin Zhibai looked at his savings.

 At present, there are more than two million on the card, which are all from the download share of "Xiaochou".

This month "Song to Myself" won the first place on the season list. In addition to the download share, the company will also receive additional bonuses.

With the download share of "Xiaochou" this month, Lin Zhibai estimates that he will get more than 3 million yuan next month, and adding the current deposit, it will be more than 5 million yuan.

 “More than five million is not enough.”

Lin Zhibai tapped his fingers on the table: "Let's set a small goal of 10 million first."

 When "Moonlight" is also released, maybe he will be able to save around 10 million, because the more songs Lin Zhibai releases, the more download shares he will receive every month.

With 10 million working capital, even if the initial capital accumulation is barely completed, the second step plan can be promoted.


 The prerequisite for reaching this amount is that "Moonlight" can be favored by the drama studio.

Lin Zhibai's eyes were looking into the distance. The show crew should have received "Moonlight" by now, right?

The protagonist of this book is indeed not as pure as Lin Yuan. He has his own ambitions and goals, so the main line is very clear. I feel that it will become more and more interesting in the future. Well, I said so much mainly because of the sentence "please" Monthly ticket”~!


 (End of this chapter)