Freelance Artist

Chapter 325: It doesn't matter, I'll do it!

  Chapter 325 It doesn't matter, I will do it!

  The first auction item is a painting of flowers and birds, the work of a certain painting master in Yanzhou. After the host introduced this painting, the auction officially started. The main rich people bid in various ways, and the starting price was 100,000.

   Two hundred thousand.

   Three hundred thousand.

   Four hundred thousand.

As the rich kept bidding, the picture of flowers and birds was finally sold at a price of 2 million. The person who bought the painting was a rich man in Yanzhou. Then the master of painting came to the stage to give a speech, expressing his gratitude to the rich and expressing his gratitude to the rich. In order to support charity, after all, the auction items are provided by the master of painting, so strictly speaking, the money can be regarded as a donation from the master of painting. If his works are worthless, no rich man will be willing to pay for them. It cost two million to take.

   "Too high."

Lin Zhibai heard a Qin Zhou painting master whispering softly: "The market price of Jiang Yan's paintings is only about one million, and her masterpiece with the highest achievement can only be sold for three million. This painting just now is far from the masterpiece. s level…"

  The auction will continue.

  Second Lot.

  The third lot.

  The fourth lot.

  Prices vary from high to low.

The highest one sold for more than 4 million yuan. It was a coffee table designed by a designer. Both the material and shape are remarkable. It can be regarded as a top master in the field of design. Of course, the price must be inflated, that is, at the charity dinner That's why it fetched such a high price.

   Immediately after.

Zhou Hanjin's auction item came out, and it is the sixth item in today's auction. This guy is really ingenious. The auction turned out to be a medium-sized singing performance. Whoever can take the auction will let this super star sing five songs for it. Considering the appearance fee of the song king running notice, the value is definitely not low.

at last.

  A rich man paid seven million yuan to take this special lot.

  The rich man sat next to a little girl with an excited expression on her face. She should be the rich man's daughter, and probably Zhou Hanjin's fan.


  Lin Zhibai's antiques were also photographed.

  The final transaction price was more than seven million yuan.

Dad said that he spent about 3 million to get it, and the price was doubled in the charity auction. Considering that there is no commercial commission in this kind of charity auction, it seems that the rich are also paying for charity. Lin Zhibai also observed secretly, the old man didn't make a move, probably because he didn't think it was worth it.

   But this official is very scheming.

  If you hold an auction, you hold an auction.

  Why is there a charity ranking list on the big screen?

  The ranking list is too eye-catching, it clearly shows the amount of money that celebrities from all continents have raised for this charity auction.

  First place: Qi Zhou.

  Funds raised: 24.53 million

  Second place: Zhongzhou

  Funds raised: 22 million

  Third place: Chuzhou

  Funds raised: 19.83 million

  Fourth place: Wei Zhou

  Funds raised: 18.21 million

  Fifth place: Qin Zhou

  Funds raised: 15.97 million


  The scene was a little stimulated by this leaderboard.

  For example, on Qinzhou's side, everyone's face is not very good-looking.

   "Why is it fifth!"

   "We are the host!"

   "Eight continents participated, and we didn't make it to the top four?"

   "It's okay."

   "There are still heavyweight auction items behind us in Qinzhou."

   "We have to go first!"


   Qizhou delegation.

   "Hahahaha, we are number one!"

   "The charity has to be our Qizhou!"


   "Zhongzhou is about to catch up!"

   "This lot is more than nine million!"

   "Don't slack off!"


  Yanzhou delegation.

"Depend on!"


   "What a shame!"

   "Why is it second to last!"

   "It's like our Yanzhou auction items are worthless!"

   "The rich are generally interested in our Yanzhou auction items!"


   Central Continent delegation.

   "I almost got the first place!"

   "I'm going to add an auction item!"

   "Haha, are you preparing this in advance?"


   "This number one wins!"

   "We, the Central Continent audience, are watching."


  The various delegations are not fools, they all know that the official is using the leaderboard to make a fuss, and they want to raise as many charitable funds as possible.

   But everyone will eat this set!

  Because this ranking is not only the honor of each continent, but also the details of the donation amount of each continent, that is, the specific amount of auction items provided by each celebrity on each continent!

  Global live broadcast!

   Such an opportunity to show your face is too rare!

   In this way, everyone naturally wants to perform well!

  For example, on Qinzhou’s side, Lin Zhibai has the highest contribution value at present. His antique raised more than 7 million yuan, followed by Zhou Hanjin.

  It's a pity that Qinzhou will soon have more valuable auction items.

  Lin Zhibai's contribution to Qinzhou's total donation ranking began to drop a little bit.

  But Lin Zhibai didn't particularly care about this, anyway, he had already made his own contribution.

   Qin Zhou's audience was a little anxious.

"Can not be done!"

   "Why did the ranking drop to sixth!"

   "Which continent was the charity gala held in previous years, the amount of donations raised in that continent is among the top three!"

   "The host must show some performance."

   "Why is it Qinzhou's turn to do it, as the host, the total amount of donations has dropped to sixth place?"

   "Isn't there a big boss standing up?"

   "Chen Ling hasn't made a move yet. His calligraphy must be worth his money. After all, he is one of Qin Zhou's top calligraphers!"

   "Liu An's calligraphy is more valuable!"

   "Liu An is regarded as the number one calligrapher in Qinzhou, and his representative works were sold at a price of 19 million!"

  Thinking so.

  The audience in Qinzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

  If the two top bosses, Chen Ling and Liu An, make a move, the situation should be reversed.

   As expected, after another auction, it was finally Chen Ling's turn to make his calligraphy debut, and the rich people's response was obviously much more enthusiastic!

"three million!"

"five million!"

"Six million!"

   "Six and a half million!"

   "Seven and a half million!"

  After several rounds of competition, Chen Ling's calligraphy fetched a high price of 15 million, which directly created the highest record for his personal calligraphy works!

   "Nice job!"

   "Old Chen is not bad!"

   "It's glory for Zhou!"

   Zhou Tai couldn't help but be overjoyed.

  Old lady Zhao also smiled.

Chen Ling himself was even more excited. He didn't expect to be able to fetch this price. After today, his value will inevitably rise, and he will officially enter the top three calligraphers in Qinzhou. Before that, he had always been self-effacing. The top ten in the continent.

   "Old Liu will be under pressure!"

  Everyone teased Liu An, another calligrapher.

  In terms of the auction price of his works alone, Liu An is the number one calligrapher in Qinzhou, and his works have sold for a maximum of 19 million. Chen Ling's works today are already somewhat close to this figure.

   "Congratulations, Lao Chen."

  Liu An smiled softly.

  He is very confident in his lot.

It was also because of Chen Ling's outstanding performance this time that Qin Zhou's ranking directly rushed to the fourth place, which was regarded as a wave of ruthlessness. The next step is to see if Liu An can go to the next level and let Qin Zhou's donation amount enter It's the top three, if the host's fundraising amount can't make it to the top three, it will be a bit embarrassing on the scene after all, it seems that Qin Zhou has no capable people.


on site.

  Competition is fierce.

  It varies with the value of the lot.

  Continental rankings are constantly changing.

  Qi Zhou will soon lose the number one spot.

   Zhongzhou became the new number one.

  Qin Zhou is still fourth.

  Qinzhou netizens are nervous.

   "Is the auction almost over?"

   "Is fourth our end result?"

"of course not!"

   "Look at Liu An's performance!"

   "At least to be in the top three is decent!"

   "The price of Liu An's works may be higher than that of Chen Ling!"

   "Many wealthy people are fans of Liu An."


   "Liu An's work is out!"

   "This word!"

   "It's absolutely amazing!"

   In the midst of countless discussions, Liu An's work entered the auction stage, which directly triggered a climax!

"Ten million!"

  A rich man from Qinzhou directly bid 10 million!

   But this did not deter other rich people, many people directly increased the price on this basis!

   "Eleven million!"

   "Twelve million!"

"Fifteen million!"

   "Eighteen million!"

   "Nineteen million!"

  The price has reached the same level as Chen Ling's calligraphy, but the price increase of the rich is not over yet!

   Even rich people from other continents participated in the bidding!

   It is important to know that the richest people in each continent try their best to support the auctions of their own continents, and rarely participate in the bidding of auctions from other continents.

   It can be seen that they really like Liu An's writing.

  Lin Zhibai also read Liu An's words.

   is running script!

  The writing is really awesome!

   Even better than my own calligraphy!

  I clearly have 70% of Wang Xizhi's strength!

   Sure enough, we should not underestimate the heroes of the world, the number one calligrapher in Qinzhou lives up to his reputation!

   "Twenty-six million!"

  Suddenly, someone called again, and this time it was Lin Zhaomu who raised the price!

   "Director Lin is domineering!"

   Zhou Han flattered so much that Lin Zhaomu couldn't hear him.

  Lin Zhibai was speechless, this old man is really, he did not praise his grandson, but went to praise Liu An.

All right.

  Lin Zhibai admitted that he was a little sour.

  When I get Wang Xizhi's complete calligraphy inheritance, I must write a piece of calligraphy and ask the old man to buy it for 100 million!

   Otherwise, I won’t give it!

  Finally, Liu An's calligraphy was sold at a price of 26 million. Lin Zhibai just watched the old man take the calligraphy.

   "It has to be Teacher Liu."

  Chen Ling was a little envious, and felt a little more sour than Lin Zhibai, but he had to admit that the other party's calligraphy was a bit better than his own, and there was a gap between calligraphy masters!

  Zhou Tai and others stood up to celebrate!

  Because with the sale of Liu An's calligraphy, Qin Zhou's ranking instantly surpassed Zhongzhou's and rushed to the top of the charity fundraising list!

   Such a host is decent!

  Qin Zhou's Internet is also boiling!

   "Mr. Lin is domineering!"

   "Hahaha, look at the close-up, it's actually given to Baidi!"

   "Tsk tsk tsk, those little eyes are resentful!"

   "I laughed so hard, the old man didn't raise his placard for Baidi's lot."

   "Bai Di: Grandpa, Grandpa, I can also do calligraphy, I am a calligraphy thief 6!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

   "Baidi's calligraphy is really good, but it's still not as interesting as Liu An."

   "That's for sure, Liu An is the number one calligrapher in Qinzhou!"

   "I remember Chen Ling said before that Baidi's calligraphy is probably at the top ten level in Qinzhou."

   "No matter what, we are number one in Qinzhou!"

   "The auction is coming to an end, and Qin Zhou has secured the number one donation amount!"

  Qin Zhou was originally ranked very low, but he turned his back on Chen Ling and Liu An's calligraphy works!


   Just when the Qinzhou delegation had already started celebrating.

   On the side of the Central Continent delegation, the faces of a group of people are already not very good-looking.

  Until an old man from Central Continent suddenly said: "It doesn't matter, I will make a move."

  (end of this chapter)