Freelance Artist

Chapter 326: Crimson, add points! Show me your limits

  Chapter 326 Crimson, add points! Show me your limits!

  The auction is coming to an end.

  The Qinzhou delegation burst into laughter.


   "There is no suspense!"

   "It's all thanks to Lao Chen and Lao Liu to come back!"

   "Old Liu, your calligraphy is so good!"

   "Old Chen, your level is not much worse than mine."

   "Old Liu, don't be modest."

   "Ni Lao Liu is the first person in Qinzhou calligraphy."

   "My old Chen is a bit reluctant to be the second person."

   "You are both amazing."

  Chen Ling and Liu An even started blowing business with each other.

   It made everyone laugh out loud.


  Chen Ling regretted: "If Teacher Baidi also auctions calligraphy works today, we can probably raise even more charity money!"


  Liu An nodded and said: "Mr. Baidi's calligraphy is unique, forming a very unique style. I really admire it!"

   It was Lin Zhaomu who photographed Liu An's calligraphy works.

   I don't know if it's because of the old man's face, Liu An didn't forget to praise Lin Zhibai, with an attitude of admiration.

  Qin Zhou has secured the first place.

  Everyone is relaxed now.

  Lin Zhibai also showed a smile.

  However, just when the last auction item was traded, everyone thought that the overall situation of the auction was settled.


   Someone from the Zhongzhou delegation got up and said something to the staff.

next moment.

  The auction host smiled and said: "Next, there is a good news to announce. Friends from the Zhongzhou delegation have decided to temporarily add an auction item. Let us applaud and welcome the top calligrapher in Zhongzhou, Mr. Zhuge Qiuliang!"

  The moment the voice fell.

  On the side of the Zhongzhou delegation, an old man with white hair and childlike face suddenly got up!


   The camera turns.

  A close-up of the image of the old man appeared on the big screen!

   Audiences from all continents chattered instantly!


   "It turned out to be him!"

   "I didn't expect him to come too!"

   "This one?"

   "Does anyone not know, he is Zhuge Qiuliang!"

   "Zhuge Qiuliang!? I don't know."

   "Let me put it this way, if Liu An is the number one calligrapher in Qinzhou, then Zhuge Qiuliang may be the number one calligrapher in Blue Star!"

   "This old man is better than Liu An!?"

   "Anyone who pays attention to calligraphy should know Zhuge Qiuliang, Mr. Zhuge's calligraphy has reached its peak and reached its peak!"


   "Zhuge Qiuliang's calligraphy works will definitely trigger crazy bidding from rich people!"

  The scene is already commotion!

   Obviously the rich are no strangers to Zhuge Qiuliang!

   This is the strongest calligrapher of the contemporary era, the number one person in Blue Star calligraphy!

   On the side of the Qinzhou delegation, Chen Ling's expression had changed, and Liu An was even a little restless. They were all from the calligraphy circle, so they naturally knew what level Zhuge Qiuliang was!

"he is great?"

  Lin Zhibai doesn't know much about the calligraphy circle.

  Chen Ling smiled wryly, "I'm far behind him in calligraphy."

  Liu An also said bitterly: "Zhuge's level is much higher than mine."

   As soon as the words came out.

   Zhou Tai, Mrs. Zhao and others all changed their expressions.

  Qin Zhou's audience sighed helplessly.

"Depend on!"

   "The flag was set up early just now."

   "Zhuge Qiuliang joined temporarily, right?"

   "I never heard that there will be Zhuge Qiuliang's calligraphy at the auction!"

   "This is the end of the calf."

   "It doesn't matter, it's the second most important thing."

   "That's what I said, but I feel a little uncomfortable."

   "No way, who will make Zhuge Qiuliang's calligraphy Lanxing invincible?"

   "There is no calligrapher in Qinzhou who can fight against him."


Zhuge Qiuliang came to the stage amid countless discussions, and said with a smile: "Because it was a temporary decision, I didn't prepare the work in advance, but since I am also from Zhongzhou, I naturally want to make a contribution to charity on behalf of Zhongzhou. I have my pen, ink, paper and inkstone ready."

"Please wait!"

  The host said quickly.

  The organizer is very solemn.

   After a while, the pen, ink, paper and inkstone were ready, and the photographers gathered around. The eyes of the audience from all continents were focused on Zhuge Qiuliang!


  Pick up the pen.

   After Zhuge Qiuliang concentrated slightly, he started his calligraphy creation!

   Every time he wrote a word, it was displayed on the big screen at the scene, which immediately aroused countless reactions!

   "That's a great word!"

   "That's the charm of Mr. Zhuge's words!"

  “I don’t know much about calligraphy, but I can also feel a kind of beauty from it!”

   "Just now I feel that Chen Ling and Liu An's calligraphy is already considered unique in the world, but only after seeing Zhuge Qiuliang's calligraphy can I realize what a mountain is higher than a mountain!"

   "There are people beyond human beings, and there is heaven beyond heaven!"

   "This is running script. Look at his hand gestures. He naturally brings out the hook, connecting the front and back strokes, and the connections between strokes and characters are smooth and smooth!"

   "Zhuge is best at running script."

   "Huh? Wait!"

   "This content seems to be!"

  The eyes of the audience suddenly froze, and the atmosphere suddenly became weird!

  Because the content of the calligraphy written by Zhuge Qiuliang is exactly the same as the content of Liu An's previous calligraphy!

This is a work similar to the ancient records. Its content is nothing more than telling what happened to a certain person when he went to a certain place in a certain month in a certain year. Write in Traditional Chinese…


  In the live broadcast room.

  Qin Zhou's audience could see that something was wrong!

"what does it mean!"

   "Zhuge Qiuliang did this on purpose!"

   "What kind of content did he write? Why did he write the same content as Mr. Liu An? Isn't this a slap in the face!"


   "I don't even believe you said he didn't do it on purpose!"

   "Isn't it a bit too much? In front of a global audience, writing a calligraphy with the same content as Liu An will not save Liu An any face!"

   "This old man is too arrogant!"

   "Writing the same content, the comparison is too obvious. Looking at the handling of these words, Zhuge is better than Liu An..."

   "Is this the gap between the number one person in Qinzhou and the number one person in Blue Star?"


   "It's a culture war between continents!"

  The audience in Qinzhou was very dissatisfied!

   But there is nothing you can do if you are dissatisfied!

  Because Zhuge Qiuliang's handwriting is indeed better!

  It's like two singers singing the same song, even people who don't understand can see the gap between the two under the premise of comparison!


  The Qinzhou delegation is here.

  Chen Ling frowned.

   Zhou Tai said angrily: "He is provoking!"

  Liu An's face was gloomy, and he clenched his fists tightly, feeling a little humiliated at the moment.

   In front of the global audience, Zhuge Qiuliang came to the teaching bureau. Whoever changed it would lose face at the moment. After all, he is also the number one person in Qinzhou's calligraphy field, not that Zhuge Qiuliang's student!

   What could be done?

  The level gap is indeed there!

  Liu An gritted his teeth, but could only do it himself.

  Old lady Zhao said helplessly: "He didn't want to slap Teacher Liu An in the face, but he wanted to slap our entire Qinzhou calligraphy community in the face."


  Zhuge Qiuliang wanted to beat up the number one calligrapher in Qinzhou, so that the entire calligraphy circle in Qinzhou couldn't hold their heads up!

   "High level?"

   Zhou Han's sense of honor as a native of Qinzhou has come to the fore.

   Zhang Xiyang, who was familiar with calligraphy next to him, sighed and said, "This is not at a very high level anymore. If you ask any calligraphy master from Blue Star to come, you will have to admit that you are not as good as Zhuge. His artistic level of running script has reached its peak."

  Lin Zhibai raised his eyebrows slightly.

   As the saying goes, you don't hit someone in the face when you hit someone.

  If Qin Zhou provoked Zhuge Qiuliang, it would be no problem for the other party to teach like this, and Lin Zhibai would not think there was anything wrong with it.

   Just like the poetry meeting before.

  Ji Quantai, Jiang He and others provoked me, so I used the same running script to stage a teaching situation for those people, and no one could tell what was wrong.

  But right now everyone has no grievances or enmities.

  There is really no need for Zhuge Qiuliang to use such a method to slap the entire Qinzhou calligraphy circle in the face!

   As long as he didn't write the same calligraphy content as Liu An, people in the Qinzhou calligraphy circle would not be so outraged.

  Skills are not as good as human beings, you should recognize them.

  But to humiliate Liu An and even the entire calligraphy circle of Qinzhou like this in front of the global audience is really a bit ruthless.

the most important is:

   This wave of Zhuge Qiuliang even slapped the old man in the face.

   After all, Liu An's calligraphy was photographed by the old man.

   And now Zhuge Qiuliang wrote exactly the same content, but with better calligraphy. Wouldn't this embarrass the old man?

   There was a movement in my heart.

  Lin Zhibai looked at the old man.

  He has good eyesight, but he can't see the emotion on the old man's face.

   But judging from what he knew about the old man, Lin Zhibai reckoned that his grandfather should be angry.

  Because in this way, it seems that the calligraphy he regards as a treasure is directly dismissed by Zhuge Qiuliang as worthless.


   Central Continent delegation.

   Seeing that Zhuge Qiuliang's calligraphy was completed, he was immediately excited!

   "It has to be Teacher Zhuge!"

   "The old gentleman's handwriting has become more and more exquisite!"

   "This is the highest contemporary level of Blue Star calligraphy!"

   "The key is the content of the calligraphy, which makes the entire Qinzhou calligraphy world be suppressed!"

   "The old man is showing off a wave of muscle on behalf of our entire Central Continent calligraphy community!"


   "In the future, people in the Qinzhou calligraphy world will be naturally short when they see our Zhongzhou calligraphy!"

In conversation.

  Zhuge Qiuliang's book has been signed!

  The complete copybook is displayed in a close-up form, which instantly arouses the admiration of delegations from all continents!

   This picture is so good!

   Both the appreciation value and the collection value are extremely high, because the size of the ruler is perfect, and it is pleasing to the eye at a glance!

   Zhuge Qiuliang is also in excellent condition!

  The quality of this painting has reached the level of his masterpiece!

  The host stepped forward excitedly, and after exchanging a few words softly with Zhuge Qiuliang, he suddenly said loudly: "The following auction will officially start, and the starting price set by Mr. Zhuge is 26 million!"


  The audience changes color!

  Liu An was so angry that he almost vomited blood!

  What a hatred, you Zhuge Pifu want to step on me like this!

You must know that Liu An's work sold for the highest price in the auction today, which is 26 million. Everyone thought that this was already the highest price among all auction items today, but they didn't expect Zhuge Qiuliang to sell it halfway. , and the starting price of the work is 26 million!

   This is pretty much telling everyone:

  My Zhuge Qiuliang's work is worth far more than Liu An's calligraphy. Qinzhou's most valuable calligraphy is only the starting price for me!

  Everyone present understood the meaning!

   Audiences from all continents also understood the meaning!


   Various controversies!

   "I have never seen such an arrogant one when I grow up!"

   "See you today!"

   "Mr. Zhuge has too much character!"

   "I like this kind of arrogant top powerhouse!"

   "I think it's a bit too much, this is completely trampling Liu An under his feet!"

   "Normal, this is a continent-to-continent war!"

   "It's about the competition between continents, it's normal for Mr. Zhuge to be ruthless!"

   "After this wave, everyone must admit that Zhongzhou's calligraphy is the number one in Blue Star!"

   "This is Zhuge's purpose!"

   "Isn't he afraid that the price is so high that no one will buy it?"

   Someone said so.

   However, the next moment proved that!

  The starting price, rich people still buy it!

   "Twenty-seven million!"

   "Twenty-eight million!"

   "I will pay 30 million!"

   "Then I will pay 32 million!"

   "Thirty-three million!"

   "Thirty-four million!"

   "Anyone else wants to increase the price?"

   "Thirty-eight million!"

   "Thirty-nine million!"

   These rich people are very crazy, one by one scrambling for quotations, and in the blink of an eye someone has already called forty million!

   Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao Wei, grandma, and rich people in Zhongzhou rushed to speak first!

  Especially the wealthy people in Central Continent are even more jealous at this moment!

   Only the wealthy people in Qinzhou kept silent, and no one raised their placards to make an offer.

  Because the wealthy people in Qinzhou understand it.

  The nature of this matter has changed.

   It's not just as simple as taking a picture of a pair of calligraphy.

This is a calligraphy dispute between Qinzhou and Zhongzhou. Zhuge Qiuliang clearly wants to step on the entire Qinzhou calligraphy world with invincible calligraphy. Today, any rich man in Qinzhou who dares to buy Zhuge's calligraphy will definitely become the favorite of all Qinzhou people. public enemy!

  Lin Zhaomu just watched indifferently.

  Even if he is good at raising Qi, everyone can guess that he must be in a bad mood at the moment.

  Liu An's calligraphy was photographed by Lin Zhaomu.

  Now Zhuge Qiuliang stepped on Liu An's calligraphy.

  Lin Zhaomu's situation naturally became embarrassing.

   Guessing that he would be embarrassed to show Liu An's calligraphy in the future, because Zhuge Qiuliang wrote a calligraphy with the same content.

   To make an inappropriate metaphor is:

  The calligraphy in Lin Zhaomu's hands seems to be pirated.

  Now the calligraphy of Zhuge Qiuliang, the more fierce the contention in the auction, the more cheap the calligraphy of Liu An in Lin Zhaomu's hand...

"Fifty million!"

   "Fifty-three million!"

   "Fifty-five million!"

   "Sixty million!"

  The competition is fierce, and the rich people in Central Continent are as if they have been beaten with chicken blood. It seems that this calligraphy is not just as simple as a calligraphy!

   Combined with the event that Zhuge stepped on the calligraphy circle of Qinzhou.

   This calligraphy already has a special meaning!

   This added value is what the wealthy people in Central Continent desire most!


  The richest man in Central Continent makes a move!

  It won Zhuge Qiuliang's calligraphy at a price of 65 million!


   Zhongzhou Network!

   It's boiling right now!

   "Ahhh! I have witnessed history!"

   "This is the highest auction price for a work by a contemporary calligrapher!"

   "Teacher Zhuge, accept my worship!"

   "Standing on Qinzhou's calligraphy world, Mr. Zhuge is so handsome!"

   "Teacher Zhuge is a hero of Central Continent!"

   "Qin Zhou's Liu'an calligraphy is really strong, but Master Zhuge is the **** of calligraphy!"


   "The amount of donations raised by us in Zhongzhou is the first in an instant!"

"Who else!"


  Qinzhou Network.

   is full of curses!

   "So annoying!"

   "How could you humiliate us like this!"

   "Is there no one in the Qinzhou calligraphy circle who bullies us!"

   "This Zhuge, looks handsome, so careless about how he does things!"

   "Lungs are exploding!"

   "He clearly wants to take this opportunity to step on our Qinzhou calligraphy world!"

"no solution anymore."


   "This old guy's calligraphy is indeed invincible."

have no choice!

  The audience in Qinzhou couldn't see any hope of a comeback!

  Because of the transaction price of 65 million, it is really outrageous!


  On stage.

  The deal is done!

  The host invited Zhuge Qiuliang to speak on stage.

Zhuge Qiuliang smiled and said: "I am very honored to be able to do some small things for charity. The thousands of years of inheritance of Zhongzhou calligraphy can be described as profound and profound. Calligraphers can work harder and make greater contributions to charity."

  Listen to the words.

  The audience in Qinzhou was really going to explode!

  The rich people in Qinzhou are also collectively black-faced, and they don't say a word!

  What does Zhuge Qiuliang mean?

   We don’t contribute as much to charity as you do?

  Qinzhou calligraphers still need to work harder?

  These words sound high-sounding, but in fact every sentence is extremely harsh!

  Liu An even felt that this person was poking his lungs with every word, and his whole body was shaking with anger!

   "Old Liu, forget it."

  Chen Ling sighed, and patted Liu An's arm.

  Old lady Zhao and others did not speak, but Zhou Hanju cursed in a low voice: "Damn it."


   At this moment, Lin Zhibai suddenly said: "Old Zhou, do me a favor."

"What's wrong?"

   This is Zhou Tai's response.

"What's up?"

   This is Zhou Hanjin's voice.

  Lin Zhibai was dumbfounded, and then remembered that these two were "Old Zhou".

  Obviously he wanted to greet Zhou Tailai.

  The two were also a little embarrassed, but this embarrassment did not last long.

  Because Lin Zhibai went on to say: "Please tell the organizers one of you, we, Qinzhou, will also add an auction item."

  Everyone was taken aback, "What auction items are we adding?"

  Lin Zhibai said: "I also write a calligraphy work."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned for a moment, and Chen Ling and Liu An even looked at each other with wry smiles.

   "Teacher Baidi, forget it."

  Chen Ling shook his head and said, "Zhuge Qiuliang's calligraphy is truly incomparable to us."

   "Already lost."

  Liu An's voice was also trembling, "Mr. Baidi's calligraphy is of course excellent, but today's scene cannot be fulfilled."

  The two of them spoke euphemistically.

  In fact, what I really want to say is:

  Zhuge Qiuliang's calligraphy is too strong, he is the number one person in Blue Star calligraphy!

  Although your level of Baidi is good, there is still a gap compared with him, so don't go up to seek humiliation.

"Believe me."

  Lin Zhibai insisted on opening the mouth and said that he had a reason to make a move today.

  Zhuge Qiuliang stomped on the entire calligraphy world of Qinzhou, but Lin Zhibai could actually ignore it, although he was somewhat upset.

   But who asked the old man to take pictures of Liu An's work?

  Zhuge Qiuliang's behavior instantly put his old man in a very awkward position.

  Lin Zhibai felt that, as the grandson of Lin Zhaomu, he had to turn the situation around for the old man in this wave!

  Especially when the old man has already signaled to the outside world that he wants to take over.

  Lin Zhibai couldn't let a Central Continent calligrapher face the old man in front of the global audience.

   As the old saying goes.

  The king humiliated his ministers to death.

   This is still the case between the monarch and his ministers.

   Not to mention between grandparents and grandchildren.

Zhou Tai seemed to have guessed Lin Zhibai's thoughts, and said in a difficult voice: "I know that Teacher Baidi wants to find a place for your grandfather. fight..."

All right.

   What they want is a battle of spirits.

   But the main reason is that I can't compete with others!

  However, when Zhou Tai and others were trying to persuade, Zhou Hanjin suddenly got up and went straight to the direction of the host!


   "King of Songs of Zhou!"

  By the time everyone came back to their senses, Zhou Hanjin had already negotiated with the host, and he couldn't hold back that kind of thing!

  This product is a bit cynical.

  The collective sense of honor of the old Qin people is too strong.

   Didn't even think about whether Lin Zhibai had the ability to turn things around, and when he saw some hope, he couldn't wait to rush forward!

   I don't know what Zhou Hanjin said.

   Anyway, the expression of the host is very exciting.

  After the complexion changed several times, the host nodded to Zhou Hanjin with a solemn expression, and then glanced at the direction of the Qinzhou delegation.

   Immediately after.

The host stepped up and re-entered the stage and said, "Everyone, I have another announcement to make, that is, after Zhongzhou temporarily added an auction item, our teacher Baidi from the Qinzhou delegation also decided to create a calligraphy painting temporarily." , as an auction item added by Qinzhou!"

   As soon as the words came out.

  The whole audience was stunned!

  Lin Zhaomu's eyelids trembled slightly!

   On the Qinzhou delegation's side, Liu An and Chen Ling were even more at a loss.


   The wood is done!

  The host has let go, then Baidi is really going to go!

  In all fairness, both of them admit that Baidi's calligraphy is really good, but Baidi's calligraphy is not as good as Zhuge Qiuliang's. This is also the result of their unanimous opinion! Now that Baidi went up, his calligraphy skills were not as good as Zhuge Qiuliang's. Was that helping Qin Zhou regain face?


  That will only make the scene more embarrassing!

  However, Lin Zhibai didn't say anything, he just stepped onto the stage under the camera and called out the system at the same time.

   "Crimson, add points!"

   "Show me your limits!"

  Lin Zhibai now has a total of thirty skill points!

  In a sense, these thirty skill points are related to the old man, and now they can be regarded as "taking from the old man and using it from the old man".

  Lin Zhibai's calligraphy is 80 points.

  And Zhuge Qiuliang's calligraphy is 90 points!

   This is the conclusion that Lin Zhibai came to after letting the system scan.

  If he wants to turn the game over steadily, Lin Zhibai has to play big!


  Lin Zhibai directly added 20 points to calligraphy!

   In this way, Lin Zhibai's calligraphy reached 100 points!

this moment.

  While Lin Zhibai was walking, the system’s notification sound kept ringing in his ears:

  【Ding Dong! 】

  【Add points successfully! 】

  【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the complete book sage inheritance! 】

  【Congratulations to the host for reaching the perfect state of harmony between man and nature! 】

  (end of this chapter)