Freelance Artist

Chapter 365: Pirates became popular, and Nightmare br

Chapter 365: Pirates become famous, and Nightlord breaks the circle of influence!

The comics drawn by Bu Yehou aroused the curiosity of many fans. Even if the online group ridiculed the exaggerated style, it still couldn't stop some readers' curiosity. But when some people went to several bookstores, they all found " "One Piece" is out of stock.

 More and more people are discovering something is wrong!

 “How come I went to three bookstores and couldn’t buy “One Piece” by Evernight?”

“It doesn’t look like it’s a hit on the street. If “One Piece” is really a hit on the street, how come the major comic book stores are out of stock?”

"what's the situation?"

 “Same here, we can’t buy it at all!”

“I did buy it, but the inventory in comic book stores seems to be very tight, and from what I saw today, the public is very enthusiastic about buying “One Piece”!”


 “Is this comic a hit?”

“No, that’s not the case. It’s obvious that all the cartoons on the Internet that ridicule Night Hou are too exaggerated. Doesn’t it mean that everyone can’t accept the style of painting?”

 “This situation is so weird!”

“It’s not too popular, right? Comic book stores are out of stock, purely because the purchase volume of major comic book stores is low, and many people like you are buying it with a novelty mentality. After all, there are so many fans of Bu Yehou.”

“It’s nothing more than an illusion created by fans.”

is that so?

 Many people are doubtful.

Only the owners of major comic book stores know:

 The fact is that "One Piece" is really out of stock on the market!

Even if the bosses of the major comic book stores are not very optimistic about "One Piece", for the sake of Miyahou's fame, they still purchase enough goods to cope with it for a period of time. This is a basic guarantee operation.

 But they didn’t expect:

 This comic has only been on sale for three days and it’s basically sold out!

  This has made the owners of all the major comic book stores regret it, because they only regretted that they had too little stock!


 “It’s so good to sell this!”

“It was easy to sell on the first day, I can understand that, just think of it as a fan paying for your idol!”

 “It’s understandable that it sells better the next day!”

“Perhaps the fans of Evernight are more passionate than we thought.”

"But on the third day, we sold more than the first two days. This can't be explained by the enthusiasm of the fans or the psychology of novelty. It can only mean that this comic has a very high market acceptance. We are in this business." Everyone knows that fan support alone does not have such exaggerated purchasing power!"

 “Public opinion hurts people!”

“When I saw all kinds of people ridiculing “One Piece” on the Internet, I really thought that this comic was sold out. If I didn’t find out that this comic was selling well on the first day, I immediately took the time to buy it!”

 “A lot of people in the store now ask me if I have “One Piece”!”

“But it turned out that Shinhwa Publishing House had to wait a day to replenish the goods for me!”

"no doubt."

 “This comic is going to be a hit!”

 The owners of major comic book stores regret it endlessly!

 As for the market situation, the publishing department of Shinhwa Publishing House has the most profound feelings!

 Because major comic book stores have already flooded the publishing department’s phone lines today, with everyone asking for restocks!

 Have done it now.

  The printing houses that Shinhwa Publishing Co., Ltd. cooperates with are all working overtime, and the market is clearly in short supply!

This unexpected situation gradually feeds back into real life.


 A certain school.

“Yesterday I finished reading the first thirty episodes of “One Piece” in one go. The more I read, the more exciting it became. I feel a little bit addicted!”

“Hahaha, you feel the same way, right? It’s getting better!”

“Yes, I was confused by the style of painting at first, but after I got used to it, I found the characters so cute!”

 “Luffy’s fight is so fun!”

 “I always thought he was ugly before.”

“He is obviously very handsome with a straw hat, and the anticipation for the plot is so strong. I wonder when Luffy will become the Pirate King!”

 “That great sea route seems to have a huge pattern!”

“I didn’t expect that this kind of pirate story could be so exciting!”

 “Is it really so good? Then lend me the comics to read tonight!”


 A certain subway.

 “You actually bought “One Piece”!?”

“Yeah, I bought it a few days ago, but I haven’t read it. It wasn’t until a classmate told me that it looked really good that I started to read it.”

 “Is it really beautiful?”

“Really, the painting style issues that netizens criticized before have gotten used to it after watching it too many times. I’ve only watched episode 18 and I already feel it’s wonderful!”

 “Hey, I wanted to buy it but I couldn’t get it.”

 “Now bookstores are out of stock.”

“Then let me show you the first single volume. I finished reading it yesterday.”

 “Thank you.”

"You're welcome."


some company.

 “Luffy is so handsome!”

"So lovely!"

 “It’s getting more and more exciting!”

 “Are you watching “One Piece”?

 “Yes, it’s so good-looking!”

 “It can be said online…”

“Those people on the Internet should not have seen the back.”

 “What can you tell from the previous content?”

“Anyway, even an adult likes me to read this comic with gusto!”


 Reality has gradually affected online public opinion!

  When the fourth day of the release of "One Piece" arrives!

 Finally, everyone no longer laughs at the style of this comic!

 Instead, countless people praised it, and more and more people fell in love with this comic!

“You have wronged the Lord Marquis!”

 “This “One Piece” is obviously a very awesome comic work!”

“Both the plot and the characters are very exciting!”

“The most criticized issue of painting style, now it seems that it is the characteristic of Mr. Hou!”

“It turns out it’s really good-looking. No wonder my friends keep praising it, but I can’t buy it. The bookstore is out of stock!”

“No, no, no, you can buy it today!” “Every major bookstore has stocked it, I just bought it!”

 “Then I’ll buy it now!”

“Can you believe that the bookstore near our home has a queue for "One Piece"!?"


 There’s really a queue at the bookstore!

 Lin Bao can testify!

 The queue to buy "One Piece" in the bookstore has been tens of meters long, and there is an endless stream of people!

 “Give me One Piece!”

"Me too!"

 “I want One Piece!”

 Similar sounds are heard all the time.

 The driving assistant next to Lin Bao passed by the bookstore, stopped for a moment, and said in shock: "This comic is too popular!"

 Is it already popular?

Lin Bao felt mixed for a while. In fact, after reading the first thirty chapters of "One Piece", he had a vague premonition.

"gone back."

 After looking at it enviously for a while, Lin Bao said to his assistant, "I'll go home and wash my hair."

 Wash your hair upside down!

 A real man does what he says!

It would be great if Bu Yehou could be one of my own cartoonists, I would be willing to support him as my father!


 That night.

 Major printing houses that cooperate with Shinhwa Publishing House.

"I go!"

 “I’m so exhausted!”

 “There are three shifts every day these days!”

“I work overtime and my back hurts, so I don’t get enough sleep!”

"There is no way, the market demand for "One Piece" is too great. We have printed so many copies in the past few days and finally filled the market."

 “It’s okay, I get a lot of bonuses for working overtime recently!”

“We’ve made it through, let’s enjoy it when the salary comes back.”

 “I need to catch up on some sleep!”

 “Me too, I’m considering taking a day off tomorrow!”

While the workers were chatting, the manager suddenly appeared. He clapped his hands vigorously, attracting everyone's attention and then said:

“Everyone, you have worked hard recently! But I’m sorry, we have to work a few more days!”


The workers' faces paled, "Didn't they just finish adding it? What works are out of stock?"

The manager smiled and said: "It's still "One Piece"."

The workers’ eyes widened: “We have printed so much more…”

 “Almost sold out.”

The manager had no choice but to say, "In just one day today, major bookstores have started to add orders again. I know everyone is very tired, so our overtime pay will be tripled for the next overtime!"

Depend on!

 The workers were collectively dizzy!

Three times the overtime pay is certainly nice, but can your body bear it? Where did this "One Piece" comic come from?

 This is too popular!

These are all old workers in the printing factory. Many of them have worked for so many years, and they have never seen a few comics with such exaggerated market demand as "One Piece"!


 In the next few days, "One Piece" became completely popular, the printing factory continued to work overtime, and the comic book store had an endless stream of customers!

 Add printing!

 Add printing!

 Still print it!

 The market is never saturated!

 No one on the Internet complains about the style of "One Piece" anymore!

The Internet is all discussing the plot of this comic and the author Bu Yehou!

There are even more topics discussed about the author Bu Yehou, because his performance this time is legendary!

 “Master Hou is awesome!”

“This “One Piece” is a hit. I heard that Kunpeng has bought the animation rights and is planning to cooperate with an animation company to develop an animated film!”

 “I’m looking forward to it so much!”

"The comics are so popular, the animation will definitely become a big hit. I suddenly remembered that when I heard that Midnight Hou was going to publish a comic some time ago, my first reaction was that he wanted to play, but I didn't expect that "One Piece" could be so successful. Top writers and screenwriters can actually achieve such exaggerated success in the comics industry. Obviously these two fields are incompatible!"

 “Master Hou is really a god!”

"I can't help but think of Bai Di. His musical talent is unparalleled, his calligraphy is so great, and even his poetry writing is so perverted. Our Lord Marquis is awesome at writing novels, and even better at writing scripts. His performance in comics is also so terrible. It turns out that the real Are all geniuses omnipotent?"

  “What’s the old saying?”

 “A great person can do well no matter what he does. I truly believe this now.”

“Bi Yehou and Bai Di are probably the two most evil geniuses in Qinzhou. Although they are in different fields, what they have in common is that they can achieve brilliant achievements across borders!”


 Bi Yehou’s achievements are indeed amazing!

With the popularity of "One Piece", Lin Zhibai can clearly see that the number of fans paying attention to Midnight Hou on the Jiguang platform continues to skyrocket!

 Comment area.

 A large number of "One Piece" fans arrived!

"I don't usually read novels and TV series. I have heard of Lord Hou for a long time, but I have never been a fan. After all, my main hobbies are reading comics and catching up on them. Until "One Piece" came out, I I have completely become a fan of Mr. Hou!"

 “I really like Mr. Hou’s comics!”

 “A fan of Mr. Hou’s comics is here to report!”

“Fans of Hou Ye have always been divided into two groups, one is novel fans, the other is TV series fans, and now there is a third group, comic fans!”

 “Then I’m special.”

“I like both Mr. Hou’s novels and TV series, and I’m particularly interested in the comics.”

"Me too!"

 “I beg you to publish the fourth single volume of “One Piece”!”

“I like Hou Ye because of “One Piece”, but now I plan to read his previous novels and TV series!”

 At the same time at the same time.

 System's personal data display.

Lin Zhibai’s reputation is also increasing rapidly.

Even if Bu Yehou writes a hit novel or a hit script, it will not achieve such an effect!

But Lin Zhibai knew:

 It’s not because comics are more influential than novels or TV series.

  Simply because comics are an unfamiliar and blank market field for Bu Yehou.

Even if Lin Zhibai used his identity as Evernight Hou to publish more novels and write more scripts, it would be difficult for his fans to increase so much, because the people who should like him have already become his fans.

 And now.

Most of the fans that Evernight has grown are those who like comics.

 There is not much overlap between comics fans, novel fans and even drama fans. This is the advantage of crossing fields!

 Eighty million!

 This is the number of fans following Bu Yehou now.

Nearly three years after his debut, he has more than 80 million fans on social platforms, and his influence has once again broken through the circle!

 (End of this chapter)