Freelance Artist

Chapter 376: It's time to stay on the front line!

Chapter 376 It’s time to stay on the front line!

“The next competition is scheduled to fall on Parents’ Day, so Teacher Baibianxingjun should try to sing some songs about father and mother. Of course, we are not forcing you to do so. You are free to choose the song in the end.”

 Have something to eat.

Back in his bedroom, Lin Zhibai received a call from Jin Xiaofeng, who also reminded him that the next competition happened to be on Parents' Day. This was to prevent the Masked Singers from not realizing this and making it easy to choose. Suffering from music.


Lin Zhibai has decided to sing a song about his parents. As for how many singers will make the same choice, he doesn't care. He doesn't have to worry about serious homogenization. After all, he likes it best on the stage of "The King of Masked Singer" These are songs that can illustrate self-expression, and he is not the kind of person who is so vulgar that he insists on showing off how different he is.

 After hanging up the phone.

Lin Zhibai thought for a while and called Zhou Hanjin.

 “Teacher Baidi?”

 Zhou Hanjin spoke somewhat unexpectedly.

Lin Zhibai was even more surprised. He frowned and said, "What's wrong with your voice?"

 On the phone.

The other party's voice was a little hoarse.

Zhou Hanjin smiled bitterly and said: "I caught a cold, so I didn't perform well on the stage today. You should know that I am the Frog Prince."


Lin Zhibai asked with concern: "What about your next game?"

Zhou Hanjin said helplessly: "I can only pray that my cold will be cured before the start of the next game. If it is really impossible, I will take a blocking injection by then."

 “You should be cautious.”

Lin Zhibai read an analysis in his previous life.

It is said that the reason why Jay Chou's voice is not as good as when he was young is because he worked too hard at concerts in the early days and took injections to force the performance.

 Finally damaged the throat.

Lin Zhibai doesn’t know whether this is true, but what is certain is that the blockade injection is definitely a no-brainer.

 “But I don’t want to lose…”

Zhou Hanjin has always been a very competitive person.

Lin Zhibai said: "Listen to me, don't take any injections. When the time comes, you should be conservative in choosing songs and lower the difficulty. For singers, the voice is really important. Don't affect your future just for the sake of temporary victory or defeat."


"listen to me."

 Lin Zhibai emphasized.

Zhou Hanjin sighed and said, "Well, next time it's Parents' Day, and I will choose songs about my parents. These songs require more emotional expression than singing skills, which is barely good news for me. Bar."


Lin Zhibai is considering that if Zhou Hanjin loses, he will help him resurrect.

Even if it doesn’t recover next week, the other person’s voice will definitely recover next week.

 Just right.

 It is your own prerogative to resurrect a certain player.

But Lin Zhibai didn’t plan to tell Zhou Hanjin about this now.

As for whether the resurrected Zhou Hanjin will eliminate him in the finals, Lin Zhibai doesn't care.

  In a more expanded sense:

Lin Zhibai has so many halo honors, is he still missing a "King of Masked Singer" champion?


  And on the Internet.

Many people also realized that the next episode of "The King of Masked Singer" happened to be on Parents' Day, so netizens laughed and said:


 “The next issue is a Parents’ Day special!”

 “I’ve got the tissues ready!”

 “I just want to know, will the ever-changing Star King be still skinny on Parents’ Day?”

 “Hahahaha, no way, Variety Star Lord also has serious moments.”

"You have to know that the serious Variety Star King is the most terrifying!"

“Yeah, this guy usually has no inhibitions, but every time he sings seriously, the stage is always particularly impressive!”

“I will definitely take my parents to listen to the music live that day!”

 “I envy you guys, I also want to take my parents there, but live tickets for “The Masked Singer” are too difficult to get!”

 Live broadcast on Parents’ Day.

No matter how the singers use music to praise their fathers and mothers on stage, no one will think that they are deliberately using sensationalism, because that kind of day should be like that. Who doesn’t have parents, and who doesn’t love their parents? Woolen cloth?


 The next day.


While eating, Lin Zhibai said: "I have already arranged the tickets."

Mom smiled and said, "Is this your Parents' Day gift?"

Dad smiled and said: "As a gift for Parents' Day, live tickets for "The King of Masked Singer" are not enough."

“Can I ask Teacher Bai Di to write a song?”

Lin Xi teased: "Xiao Hei, do you think Teacher Baidi will agree?"

Lin Zhibai hummed and said, "Teacher Bai Di not only wants to write songs for his parents, but also sings them himself."


Mom laughed and said, "With your tone-deaf voice, don't sing it yourself. Write it to those kings and queens of singers."

“Listen to your mother.” Dad echoed from the side.

The brother and sister laughed. Of course they were all joking, but everyone in the family knew that Lin Zhibai was tone-deaf, and it was not like the family had never been to KTV before.

Lin Zhibai rolled his eyes.

How dare you underestimate me, the Variety Star Lord!

Let’s see what you say when we reveal our faces!

that's all.

 The next few days.

Lin Zhibai went to the recording site to rehearse the song twice. The rest of the time, he spent the rest of the time at home with his family and...

drawing comic!

Lin Zhibai draws "One Piece" whenever he has free time every day.

 At this time, because the update speed is fast enough, "One Piece" has been released to its fiftieth episode.

 With high-intensity updates and high-quality performance, the popularity of "One Piece" has naturally become more and more popular. People discuss the plot online every day.

 “It’s getting more and more exciting!”

 “I’m completely used to this exaggerated painting style!”

“Yes, once you accept the style of this comic, Night Hou, you will become very popular!”

 “Zoron is so handsome!”

“Nami is also very beautiful. Mr. Hou understands her very well. Nami’s figure is so impressive!”

 “The Marquis definitely likes big ones in real life!”

“Luffy already has several friends, including Zoro, Nami, Usopp and Sanji who just joined!”

"Now everyone around me is reading "One Piece", which is already the hottest comic at the moment. Hou Ye's comic has completely exploded. In the future, he will not only be a top screenwriter and top writer, but also a top cartoonist. This identity!”

“Speaking of which, Mr. Hou’s update speed is so fast. It should be the manuscripts saved by Mr. Hou. He has obviously released fewer dramas this year. He probably went to draw comics. Drawing comics is very energy-consuming!"


 The update of Buyehou is too fast!

 No one thinks that Hou Ye is updating and publishing at the same time, because that is too evil, so everyone assumes that Hou Ye has saved the manuscript.

 After all, novels and comics are different.

 The novel is updated very quickly every night, which is within everyone's understanding. In reality, there are tentacle monsters.

 The complete success of the cross-domain battle will have a huge bonus for Night Hou!

  When the fifth single volume was released, that is, when the serialization of "One Piece" reached its fiftieth chapter, it was also the day before Parents' Day.

 The Blue Star star rating ranking list has been updated!


Everyone noticed:

  With the success of "One Piece" in cross-field combat, Fuyehou's influence has reached a higher level, and he has suddenly entered the ranks of first-line celebrities!

 In an instant!

 There were countless voices of joy under Bu Yehou’s Jiguang platform account, and it was also accompanied by countless people’s exclamations!

 “Oh my God, there’s a glimmer of hope!”

“Master Hou is awesome, this upgrade speed is like riding a rocket!”

"I remember that Mr. Hou has only made his debut for about three years since his first short story "The Human Chair". He has already become a first-line celebrity, and he is also the kind of person who wears multiple hats, including a writer, screenwriter, and cartoonist. With three identities, he is worthy of being Kunpeng 3c!"

 “This time it turned out to be faster than Chu Ci!”

“Speaking of which, Chu Ci has been in the second tier for a long time, but has never been able to win the first tier. It was clearly Chu Ci who was one step faster before. Now you know who Kunpeng is in c, right?”

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Chu Ci and Hou Ci are good friends. Fans shouldn't get into a fight. It's not Bai Di who's on the front line. In addition, Hou Ye and Bai Di have a pretty good relationship, but now I'm more curious about who is on the front line between Bai Emperor and Chu Ci. .”

 “Twin stars in the music industry?”

"Bai Emperor and Chu Ci, no matter who is on the front line, there will definitely be a topic. Anyway, it is impossible to be on the front line at the same time. Judging from the current situation, Bai Emperor should be a little ahead. After all, Bai Emperor has also crossed fields, and his calligraphy is really too strong! "


Lin Zhibai also didn’t expect that a movie called “One Piece” would help Evernight to rush into the front line!

 Obviously, Bai Di advanced first before, and Chu Ci also took the lead once. This is the first time that the vest of Buye Hou has taken the lead.

But it’s understandable if you think about it carefully.

 Because it’s not just “One Piece”, Evernight has been releasing works since he entered the second line.

For example, the martial arts drama "Chu Liuxiang" has a great influence. Although it is slightly inferior to the previous "Shooting the Condor" and "The Divine Condor", it can definitely be regarded as a hit.

not to mention.

This "One Piece" opened up the boundaries of Yehou Hou's career. As a result, he gained countless fans in the field of comics, so he will completely complete his accumulation and advance to the first-line celebrity list!

fair enough.

 When the vests of Bai Emperor and Chu Ci merge and return to their original form at the same time, the vest of Bu Yehou will seem a little lonely, and he must maintain a new round of balance.

 The new equilibrium is:

 When I have achieved certain achievements, I must have matching results to ensure that I will not fall behind.

 It used to be three waistcoats—

 The identity of Junlin does not participate in the celebrity rating, so it can be ignored.

However, even with three vests, it is difficult to control the balance, and it is easy to focus on one thing and lose another.

Maintaining the two vests of Lin Zhibai is simple. As soon as the main body makes some noise, he can immediately let Hou Ye follow him to increase his presence.

 “If I had known, I would have drawn comics earlier.”

Lin Zhibai thought this way, "Combatting across fields is the best way to expand influence. Unfortunately, the fields I can cross are almost the same."





TV drama.

Lin Zhibai all achieved certain achievements.

 Even for movies, Lin Zhibai has recently begun to make plans, and his future career puzzle is gradually being completed.

Without thinking about so much for now, Lin Zhibai stretched himself. He had to have a good sleep and prepare for tomorrow's game with the best spirit!

The plot for the finals has been conceived~


 (End of this chapter)